Loved by Fate ? - Adventures...

By Neferly

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This is a prequel to the main story Fate is cruel - Magi [Sinbad x OC], that I'll start after finishing this... More

1 - A nameless girl
2 - Stories and name
3 - Welcome home
4 - A new life
5 - The wandering traveler
6 - Military Service
7 - The King's Power
8 - Farewell
9 - Departure
10 - Encounter on the Ocean
11 - The Rampaging Unicorn
12 - Mahrajan
13 - Assassin
14 - A Place to Risk One's Life
16 - Sham Lash
17 - The Djinn from the 6th Dungeon
18 - Dark Beast
19 - First Harpoon
20 - Last night in Imuchakk
21 - First Time Trading
22 - Trial
23 - Theatre & Household
24 - The Pure Land
25 - Artemyra
26 - Mariadel Trading Company

15 - Dungeon Bares Its Fangs

187 11 0
By Neferly

"Somebody... Help..." a familiar voice echoed through the dungeon, barely audible amidst the eerie silence that enveloped them. 

Sinbad and Reana rushed forward in unison, following the sound to its source. As they turned a corner, they were met with a harrowing sight – a mass covered in colorful butterflies, fluttering and swarming around a figure lying on the ground.

The butterflies were not the harmless, beautiful creatures they appeared to be. They had encountered some of them before and knew they were dangerous and capable of inflicting harm. Without hesitation, Sinbad drew his sword and unleashed a powerful thunderbolt at the swarm.

The butterflies disintegrated into ash, and the figure beneath them was revealed. It was Hinahoho, unconscious and slightly scorched from the lightning attack. Sinbad's heart raced as he quickly rushed to Hinahoho's side, his expression a mix of relief and worry.

"Hinahoho... Hinahoho," Sinbad called out, gently shaking the giant's shoulder.

The giant stirred, slowly opening his eyes, his gaze slightly dazed.

 "Sinbad? Reana? Where are we?" Hinahoho asked, trying to sit up.

"You got attacked by some dangerous creatures. Thank goodness you're alright... kind of..." Reana replied softly with a sidelong glance at Sinbad.

"Oh yeah!! I got surrounded by man-eating butterflies..." Hinahoho recalled, looking around him cautiously.

"You mean those man-eating butterflies?" Sinbad asked, pointing to the smoldering forms on the ground.

Hinahoho's eyes widened as he took in the aftermath of the thunderbolt. He seemed taken aback but then visibly calmed down, realizing the threat was gone. "I see. You got rid of them. Th-thank you. But... My joints feel numb somehow," he said, holding his trembling arms before him.

Sinbad displayed a somewhat tense smile. "Isn't that the pain from the butterflies' bites?" he asked, shaking his head.

Reana gave him a sideway glance, smirking at his reaction.

"Hinahoho," Sinbad started, suddenly recovering a serious expression. "Didn't I tell you that the dungeon is a dangerous place where you risk your life? Once you step into a dungeon, there's no way of getting out except for conquering it. If you give up, you die. But since you're already in, there's no turning back. The reason I'm here is... so you can leave this place alive."

Hinahoho seemed shaken by Sinbad's words, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "Sorry. I dragged you two into my own issues," he admitted, feeling guilty for involving them in his quest.

"I don't think of it that way," Sinbad replied firmly. "Didn't I tell you? I'm just doing things that my heart tells me to. That's what I'm doing now."

Hinahoho stared at them, touched by her unwavering support and resolve. He lifted one hand to wipe his face of some dust, the realization sinking in. "Yeah... Let's go together!" he said, determination in his eyes.


After walking for some time and fighting off more butterflies, they arrived in a wider space within the cavern-like dungeon. Before them lay a breathtaking sight – a big lake supplied by two majestic waterfalls cascading from the cavern walls. The water shimmered under the dim light, creating an ethereal ambiance.

"There's a giant lake inside the dungeon!" Pipirika beamed, her eyes sparkling with wonder as she admired the view.

Sinbad turned around to look at the tunnel they had come from, furrowing his brows. "There was no split in the road we came from," he observed, trying to figure out the way forward.

"Looks like there's no road ahead either..." Reana added, studying their surroundings.

"So we walked into a dead end? Should we start over from the entrance?" Hinahoho asked, feeling a little disappointed.

Sinbad, ever the strategist, took some time to think, analyzing the situation carefully. Then, he walked to the edge of the lake and knelt down to get a closer look. "No," he said with a hint of excitement in his voice. "It seems like there's a junction here. See?" he pointed to the lake. "The water is flowing."

"So this lake is connected to another lake?" Reana asked, curious about the possibility.

"Yeah," Sinbad grinned, feeling a sense of triumph. "Don't you think this lake will lead to the right path?"

"The problem is, we don't know how long the underwater path is," Hinahoho pointed out, concern crossing his features.

Sinbad scratched his neck, knowing that they would have to find a way to navigate the underwater path without drowning. Then, he noticed Hinahoho's confident expression and got an idea.

Without a word, the giant gently pushed Reana behind Sinbad, surprising both of them. Before they could react, Hinahoho reached down and grabbed them both under his left arm, lifting them off their feet. They found themselves unexpectedly huddled together, with Reana facing Sinbad's back. They exchanged surprised glances, unsure of what to make of the situation.

"Fear not!" Hinahoho smiled confidently. "Imuchakk is a race that lives by the water. I'll carry you two while you're still breathing!"

"Alright. Got it!" Sinbad nodded, his trust in his friend evident in his gaze. 

He turned his head toward Reana, who was still rendered uneasy by the sudden closeness to Sinbad. "Reana, hold tight!" he advised with a bright smile.

Reana nodded, her heart pounding in her chest as she complied. Her arms wrapped around Sinbad, and she found herself getting self-conscious about their close proximity. She was grateful that Sinbad couldn't see her blush. She couldn't help but steal a shy glance at him, noting with a twinge in her heart that he seemed entirely unfazed by their closeness, his focus solely on their current predicament.


The icy waters of the lake closed over Hinahoho as he plunged beneath the surface. He swiftly scanned his surroundings, his eyes adjusting to the dim light underwater. Just as Sinbad had predicted, he spotted the entrance to a tunnel not far from where he had submerged.

With his Rampaging Unicorn spear held securely in his right hand and Sinbad and Reana under his left arm, Hinahoho swam effortlessly toward the tunnel's entrance. The water around him grew darker as he ventured deeper into the underwater passage, his powerful strokes propelling him forward.

Suddenly, he felt a shift in his grip – Sinbad and Reana were slipping from his hold. Panic surged through Hinahoho as he whirled around, his gaze fixed on the horrifying sight before him. A massive tentacle, thick and sinuous, extended from what appeared to be a colossal sea anemone. Its slimy appendage wrapped tightly around Sinbad and Reana, drawing them closer to its gaping maw.

"No!" Hinahoho's roar reverberated through the water, his heart pounding with fear for his friends. He wasted no time, swiftly maneuvering to evade another tentacle that lunged toward him. Crouching low, he summoned his strength and propelled himself forward with explosive force, his legs kicking through the water like twin torpedoes.

The scene before Sinbad and Reana was a blur of motion. Hinahoho's figure moved with an otherworldly speed, his spear slashing through the water, severing the creature's tentacles. Sinbad watched with a mix of awe and relief as their friend fought valiantly to reach them.

As Hinahoho neared them, his eyes locked onto the tentacle that bound his friends. He swiftly analyzed the best angle of attack to sever the monstrous appendage. But just as he was about to strike, a sensation of danger tingled at the edge of his awareness. He saw their widened eyes and, before he could react, felt a sharp impact against his back.

Pain lanced through Hinahoho as he was struck by one of the sea anemone's regenerated tentacles. The creature's defenses were more resilient than he had anticipated. Gritting his teeth against the pain, he fought to maintain his focus and determination.

While the giant came to his senses, his heart clenched in a vice of terror as he witnessed the sea anemone's monstrous maw engulfing his friends. Sinbad and Reana were drawn into the creature's gaping mouth, disappearing within its nightmarish embrace. Hinahoho's vision seemed to blur at the edges as panic threatened to consume his very being.

Fuelled by a surge of rage and desperation, Hinahoho unleashed a primal roar that reverberated through the water. The sound waves seemed to create a shockwave, momentarily pushing back the surrounding water and creating a clear path forward.

With a burst of power, Hinahoho shot forward, his spear leading the way. He aimed for the heart of the monstrous sea anemone, his determination burning brighter than ever. The creature's tentacles recoiled as it seemed to sense the impending strike.

But just as Hinahoho's spear was about to make contact, a blinding glow emanated from within the sea anemone's pulsating mass. The glow intensified, creating an otherworldly radiance that pierced the darkness of the water.

In a cataclysmic burst of energy, the sea anemone seemed to explode from the inside out. The force of the explosion sent shockwaves rippling through the water, creating a whirlwind of motion and sound. Dark tendrils of smoke and debris filled the water as the creature disintegrated, its malevolent presence dissipating.

Hinahoho was thrown back by the force of the explosion, his body tumbling through the water. He quickly regained his bearings, his heart pounding with a mix of relief and urgency. He frantically scanned the waters for any sign of Sinbad and Reana.

And then, through the haze and debris, he spotted them. Sinbad and Reana were floating in the water, disoriented but alive. Without a moment's hesitation, Hinahoho surged forward, his powerful strokes carrying him to their side.

With a gentle yet urgent touch, he cradled them against his chest, careful not to jostle them too roughly. Relief flooded his senses as he held them close, his grip unwavering.

Determined to ensure their safety, Hinahoho summoned his remaining strength and continued to swim. He swam with powerful strokes, propelling himself and his precious cargo through the rest of the tunnel. The water around them seemed to stretch on endlessly, but Hinahoho pushed forward, his resolve unshakeable.


The trio rested against the cool stone wall, their breaths slowly evening out as they recovered from the recent ordeal. Provisions were spread out before them, and a mesmerizing fire, fueled by Reana's magic, danced before their eyes, casting an ethereal glow on their faces.

Sinbad, taking a deep draught from a leather gourd filled with water, let out a satisfied sigh. "So well prepared. Hinahoho, you're a lifesaver. Thanks for your water and food."

Hinahoho offered a humble smile in response. "What about your bag?" he inquired.

"We packed, but not much since we were in a hurry," Reana answered, reaching for the gourd Sinbad was extending toward her.

As they exchanged words, Sinbad's thoughts seemed to take a turn. "Hinahoho, do you dislike Imuchakk?" he suddenly asked, the question cutting through the tranquility of the moment.

"Eh?" Hinahoho blinked in surprise, not expecting such a question.

Sinbad leaned back, his gaze fixed on the ceiling of the tunnel. "I think it's a fine country, though. It's abundant in food and water. And everyone lives merrily."

"That's something we don't see in our country," Reana chimed in, her voice soft and contemplative.

Hinahoho's brows furrowed as he processed their words. "Is it that different?" he questioned, his curiosity piqued.

"It's like night and day," Sinbad replied with a smile. "The people, the country, the land, the air—everything is starkly different. Oh yeah, the king too!"

"King?" Hinahoho's eyes widened, his interest clearly captured.

"Hinahoho's pops, right?" Sinbad explained.

Hinahoho couldn't help but laugh heartily at that. "Haha, actually, no. My father is the patriarch, but not the king... or the national chief, in our terms. Imuchakk never claimed to be a kingdom or empire. It's actually a federation."

"A federation?" Reana repeated, her brow furrowing in thought.

Hinahoho nodded, his expression serious. "Yeah, Imuchakk is composed of five clans, each with its own governmental autonomy. We all belong to the Imuchakk tribe, but every clan operates under its own laws. It's like having five countries united under a single banner. We formed this federation to avoid internal conflict, maintain self-governance, and ensure nonaggression among the clans. And then, a national chief oversees and coordinates all five clans. That's the essence of our federation."

"So it's not governed by a single individual at the top?" Reana inquired, her curiosity genuine.

"Exactly," Hinahoho affirmed. "But even with this system, conflicts persisted until not too long ago. Throughout history, the Imuchakk earned a living as pirates along the neighboring coasts. It was a life of threats, killings, and robberies. For a tribe with such a history to settle down in a limited area, inter-clan conflicts were inevitable and often severe. In times of conflict, people naturally seek strength. It's believed that only the strong can survive. The title of 'warrior' has persisted through the ages, and this structure was maintained to keep peace. At least, that's what I was told. Nowadays, we strive to avoid conflict, and our opportunities for combat are rare. But the spirit of the Imuchakk as a warrior nation endures. To prove one's worth, strength must be demonstrated. That's why I feel the need to become stronger in this dungeon," he concluded, a determined spark igniting in his eyes.

Reana rose from her seated position, her movements measured as she paced back and forth in front of them. "But... what does strength truly mean? It's different for everyone. For instance, in hunting, you need to be stronger than your prey. Sailors like Sinbad," she said, casting a gentle smile at him, "require strength to steer the ship and cast nets. The head of a family must have the strength to protect his loved ones. The application of strength varies from person to person. What's crucial isn't just its intensity, but how and why you use it. Don't you think?"

Her steps ceased, and her gaze fixed on Hinahoho. Her voice grew softer. "You saved us in that battle earlier, didn't you? Your determination to protect someone, your unwavering will—it reached our hearts. Isn't that good enough?"

Sinbad, compelled by her words, stood and joined her, his eyes locking onto Hinahoho's. "Hinahoho, you already are strong enough" His smile was a beacon of reassurance. "Try to use your strength on what you really want to do. If you, yourself, think about it, and decide, then your decision can't go wrong!"

A mixture of emotions swirled within Hinahoho's chest—surprise, gratitude, self-reflection. For a moment, he seemed overwhelmed, rendered momentarily speechless by the depth of their words. "Reana... Sinbad... You..."

Before he could further express his sentiments, Sinbad's head snapped in a particular direction, his entire being tensing with alertness. "Shh..." he hushed them. "I heard someone"

"Are you sure?" asked Hinahoho, looking around.

"Yeah... Let's hide for now" Sinbad's voice carried a sense of urgency as he gestured for them to follow him. With determined strides, he led the way in the direction he had been staring moments ago. Hinahoho and Reana exchanged a quick glance before hastening after him, their senses heightened.

The path brought them to the edge of a rugged cliff, the vista stretching out before them in a breathtaking display of this dungeon's beauty. Cautiously, they crouched at the border of the precipice, their eyes scanning the landscape below for any signs of movement that might explain the mysterious noises Sinbad had detected.

"How could anyone other than us come here?" Hinahoho whispered, his confusion evident in his tone. "Isn't that unbelievable?"

"Yeah. That's why it's bizarre," Sinbad concurred, his focus unyielding.

With a shared sense of vigilance, they settled into their positions, eyes trained on the terrain beneath them. The minutes stretched on, the weight of anticipation hanging heavy in the air.

"He's here!" Sinbad's whisper cut through the silence, his tone low and focused. His narrowed eyes locked onto a specific point, his gaze unwavering.

Reacting quickly, Hinahoho and Reana followed Sinbad's line of sight, their hearts racing as they searched for the source of his concern. They strained their eyes, scanning the landscape for any hint of movement, any telltale sign that someone or something was approaching.

"There's nobody..." Reana's voice carried a hint of confusion, her brows knitting together as she failed to spot any intruders.

The seconds ticked on, and a profound stillness hung in the air, broken only by the distant echoes of their own breaths.

"Well, well. Looking for someone?"

The voice sliced through the tension like a blade, and the trio's hearts collectively skipped a beat. They spun around, their bodies tensing as they peered up towards the higher ledge of the cliff from which the words had originated.

Standing atop the elevated part of the cliff were five individuals. Sinbad's gaze sharpened as he identified two of them, his memory recalling their faces from previous encounters. Dragul, the commander Sinbad fought against in the dungeon of Baal, and the young assassin, a formidable opponent despite his age, were unmistakable.

The remaining three figures were unfamiliar to them. A woman draped in a veil that concealed the lower half of her face stood regally, a staff clutched in her hand, exuding an air of mystique and power. Next to her, a hulking man with dark hair cascading down his shoulders, his own face also obscured by a cloth falling down to his legs, radiated an aura of strength. Finally, a young man with a distinctive scar slashed across his nose and very pale purple hair completed the group.

The commander, his voice carrying a mixture of familiarity and amusement, spoke first. "It's been a while, Sinbad."

A/N: Hello! Here's the new chapter, and I'm already working on the next one :) Don't forget to leave a comment, it's always a pleasure to read them :D Enjoy!

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