Broken, But Brave

By Malec123

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Annabelle Eaton wasn't always afraid of her father. Not with her brother and his best friend always there to... More

Chapter 1: The Night We Met
Chapter 2: Beginning to Break
Chapter 3: Free at Last
Chapter 4: Welcome to Dauntless
Chapter 5: Conflicting Feelings
Chapter 6: Fear and Love
Chapter 7: Keeping Secrets
Chapter 8: The Final Exam
Chapter 9: A Fresh Start
Chapter 10: Making Change
Chapter 12: Making Choices
Chapter 13: Anger and Disappointment
Chapter 14: Making Amends
Chapter 15: A Mother's Love
Chapter 16: Deathbed Confessions
Chapter 17: Divergent
Chapter 18: Setting the Standard
Chapter 19: High Expectations
Author's Note
Chapter 20: Strength and Weakness
Chapter 21: War Games
Chapter 22: Emotions vs Logic

Chapter 11: Love and Pride

857 22 1
By Malec123

"You need more water, babe?" 

"No, I'm okay. Thanks though." 

Following her discussion with Max, Annabelle had decided to let everything settle for a moment as she went into her sparring session with Eric. She found that it was a good way to blow off steam from the unsettling news she had learned from Max. No longer able to take her stress out on Eric though, she found herself growing anxious once again at the impending conversation that needed to be had with her boyfriend. Ever the observant partner, Eric noticed Annabelle's growing distress too as he took a seat next to her at his kitchen counter. 

"Okay, talk to me. You were sparring more erratically today, and your leg is shaking like it's on a train. What's going on?" 

Annabelle scoffed lightly, annoyed at how well Eric could read her despite how hard she tried to hide her emotions from him the way that he so easily could. Knowing he wouldn't let the issue rest though, she reached into her gym bag and pulled out the picture she was given by Max. 

"Do you know who this woman is?" 

Eric lifted the picture slightly to get a better look, his brow furrowing in confusion as he realized where this discussion was going, or so he thought. 

"Yeah. She's the leader of the Factionless rebels that have started making moves. That's still a highly classified situation though. Max let you in on this?" 

"Eric, that's my mother." 

"What? That's impossible. You told me your mother died." 

"I know. I thought she did. But I was young and never actually saw a body. It was just what Marcus told us. And apparently the rest of Abnegation so he wouldn't look bad. Apparently, she just left. Max says she's been with the Factionless for years."

Eric seemed to ponder this for a moment, unsure of what to say mainly because he couldn't exactly tell how Annabelle was taking the news. But then again, maybe she hadn't had time to process it herself yet. 

"Okay. So, how are you taking that?" 

"I don't know yet. I think I'm still in shock, but the more I think about it, the more I start to feel angry more than anything else. She left. Without me. Without Tobias. She left us with Marcus."

"Maybe she didn't think he'd hurt you guys. Just her." 

"Why risk it? We were her children. We should have been her first priority. Her only priority. I can't imagine being so selfish." 

Understanding that this wasn't an easy subject, Eric stood from his seat to place himself directly in front of Annabelle, lifting her chin so she would look him in the eyes from where he stood above her. 

"You're right. It was wrong of her to leave you. But you still came out of Abnegation the strongest person I've ever met. And hey, maybe if she had stayed or if she had taken you and Four with her, you wouldn't have met me." 

Annabelle smiled at the sentiment as her arms wrapped around Eric's neck, her fingers playing with the soft, buzzed hairs at the nape of his neck. Eric smiled back lovingly as his arms wrapped around Annabelle's waist, bringing himself even closer to stand between her legs. 

"We would have met. Because I have no doubt that we both still would have ended up here, in Dauntless. And I'm sure I still would have been the only person to not be afraid of you." 

Eric laughed at the thought, his smile matching Annabelle's own as they fell into another moment of peaceful silence. It only took about a minute of staring into Annabelle's beautiful eyes before Eric couldn't help himself any longer and leaned forward to press his lips to Annabelle's. He felt Annabelle's tension immediately relax into the kiss which encouraged him pull her in closer, allowing Eric better access to move his lips over to her jaw and then down to her neck. Annabelle gasped at the feeling of Eric's lips trailing her upper body and she found her hold on him tightening, signaling that she did not want him to stop. Without even thinking, Annabelle's hands found the hem of Eric's tank top and the article of clothing was suddenly flung across the room, allowing Annabelle her first real look at Eric's body since before he left her in Abnegation. Eric smirked as he noticed her staring and Annabelle blushed once realizing she had been caught. Eric pulled her back into another searing kiss while lifting her from the kitchen stool and walking the pair of them over to the couch where he laid Annabelle on her back, his body now hovering dangerously close over hers. 

Part of Annabelle's brain told her they should stop before this went any further. It was barely four months ago that Annabelle was asking Eric for them to go slow, and it wouldn't show much resolve on her end if she gave into that so soon. But it wasn't until she felt his hands playing with the hem of her shirt that she really decided to put a stop to it and suddenly broke apart their lips as she pushed Eric's chest away somewhat roughly. Eric immediately stopped his ministrations but didn't lift himself from her entirely yet. The couple was out of breath, their lips swollen and bright pink as they each worked to gather themselves. 

"What's wrong? Did I push too far?" 

"No. No, nothing like that. I'm sorry. I thought I was ready, but I'm not." 

"Hey, that's okay. Thank you for stopping me." 

"I'm sorry, Eric. I know you want to. It's not fair of me to tease you like that." 

"Hey. You're not teasing me. It's okay, Belle. I promise. I'm not upset. I told you, I'll wait as long as I have to."

Annabelle smiled sadly up at the man above her, her hand moving to caress his face lovingly before pulling him down gently into a soft kiss. When he pulled away, Eric kept himself just close enough for a moment longer to brush his nose against Annabelle's, his words coming out as a soft, vulnerable whisper just above her own. 

"I love you, Belle." 

"I love you too, Eric." 

Hearing Annabelle say those words never failed to make Eric smile, and this instance was no different. He placed another quick kiss to Annabelle's lips before finally pulling away fully and lifting himself from the couch, searching for the shirt previously discarded somewhere in the living space of his apartment. Annabelle sat up as well, still working to compose herself from the intimacy the couple had just shared. His shirt now once again covering his upper body, Eric returned to the couch and sat next to Annabelle, allowing the girl to curl up into his side comfortably. Before long, Annabelle felt her eyelids lowering and he head bobbing gently against Eric's chest as she fought to stay awake. She faintly recognized the feeling of Eric's body suddenly leaving her side and being gently lowered onto the couch's surface once more along with a warm blanket covering her body, thus solidifying her falling into a deep, peaceful sleep. 


Annabelle wasn't sure how long she had been asleep when she finally woke again, but she knew it must have been a while, as the sun was already beginning to set, and the smell of dinner was wafting through Eric's apartment. She rose slowly, allowing herself to stretch out her sore muscles before standing and making her way over to Eric in the kitchen, whose back was turned to her as he worked at the stove. 

The feeling of Annabelle's hands wrapping around his midsection brought a smile to Eric's face as he looked over his shoulder slightly to look down at her tiny figure. 

"Have a good nap, baby girl?" 

"You could have woken me earlier. I didn't mean to sleep the day away." 

"It's okay. I figured you could use the rest after the morning you had learning about your mom and everything." 

"What'd you do?" 

"Not much either. Straightened up the apartment a bit, caught up on some reading. Lauren even came over at one point to talk about leader assignments coming up. She's going to take one for the team and handle wall patrols, thank God." 

Annabelle mustered up a slight laugh at Eric's last comment but couldn't help the tension that returned to her body at the mention of the job choosing that would take place among the leaders in just a week. Of course, Eric felt this and placed a comforting hand to Anna's arm that was still wrapped around him, his attention still not turning from the meal he was working to prepare for them. 

"You'll be alright, Belle. Choosing your job isn't as scary as it seems. You choose last anyways, so really you'll be stuck with whatever is left over, but trust me, there is nothing worse than wall patrol, so Lauren is saving your butt already." 

Annabelle couldn't think of any easy way to break the news to Eric, so she decided to just get it over with as quickly as possible. 

"Max wants me to head security." 

Annabelle knew that she had struck a chord as Eric ceased all movement and she felt his core tense beneath her hands. Slowly, she removed herself from him and took a few steps back, anticipating the argument that was about to ensue. Eric turned around to face Annabelle directly, his face a mask of confusion and slight hurt as he ran her words through his head. 


"That's why he told me about the Factionless rebels. Whoever takes over as head of security this year will also head up the team that handles the riots. He wants it to be me. Partially because of my mother, but also my skill and my intelligence. He needs you to agree to this, Eric." 

"No. Annabelle, I'm sorry but you haven't even been Dauntless for six months yet. Security is the biggest responsibility of leadership. No way it can go to a first-year leader."

"Look, Eric, I know you've had your eye on this position, and I know you'd be good at it--" 

"Then let me have it! To hell with what Max says." 

"Eric, I want the position! I need this position. She's my mother. That means I can get close to her and the Factionless. I can figure out where their supplies are coming from, their numbers. I can figure out what it is they hope to gain from all of this. She'll trust me. She won't trust anyone else. Eric, I can do this. I need to do this."

"No. I'm sorry, Belle. But at the end of the day, I choose first, and I'm choosing security. There's nothing you can do to stop me." 

"Eric, please--" 

"I said no, Belle! No. This is my chance to prove myself. To prove that I belong in leadership. And I can't let anyone mess that up for me. Not even you." 

Annabelle fell silent at Eric's outburst. The pair had spoken firmly with one another when they weren't on the best of terms, but never had they raised their voices at one another. Eric could see the slight fear in Annabelle's eyes and the sight was almost enough for him to walk towards her and wrap her in his arms, but his pride wouldn't let him, and so he turned back to the stove to continue cooking their dinner for the evening. Just when he thought Annabelle would have hopefully dropped it, he heard a slight whisper of something from under her breath that sent his whole being on edge. 


"Then I'll challenge you for it. Leaders can challenge each other to a fight of hand-to-hand combat in the ring should two leaders have a desire for the same position. We'll fight for it, physically." 

"Annabelle. You know I won't fight you. I didn't for your final exam, and I won't do it now." 

"Then you'll either agree to it now and choose something else, or I'll fight you in the ring and win. Either way the position is mine." 

"Belle, please don't do this." 

"You just said that not even I would mess this up for you. If you really mean that, you'll fight me in the ring no matter what. But if you do that, not only will you have broken your promise to never hurt me physically, but you'll also be saying that the job is more important than me." 

"Annabelle, stop. This isn't fair and you know it."

"No, you just don't like that what I'm saying is true. If you want to keep me, then you'll have to ditch your pride in front of all of leadership, and that's not an easy thing to ask of you. I get that. But I need you to understand how serious I am about this too." 

Annabelle wasn't aware that she had been moving, but she suddenly found herself right in front of Eric's person as she craned her head upwards slightly to be able to meet his glare. Annabelle did her best to maintain her strong demeanor as well but wanted nothing more than to burst into tears. She didn't want it to come to this with Eric, but she knew he wouldn't give up the position any other way. He was too stubborn. So was she. For a moment, Annabelle thought Eric might be the one to break first, but then he released a condescending scoff to her, and his arrogant smirk returned to his face. 

"That's a shame. I never took you for a manipulative bitch." 

Annabelle closed her eyes at Eric's words, willing herself not to result to tears. She was afraid he might take the closed off, defensive route. The one route that wouldn't end well for either of them. 

"Eric, please don't do this." 

Inside his own mind, Eric had a war of his own raging on. He watched as Annabelle's eyes filled with unshed tears; tears that he knew would fall the moment she left his sight. The thought made Eric sick to his stomach. The logical part of his brain was telling him to shut up. To apologize and discuss this issue like rational adults, without risking their relationship. But his logical side hardly ever won out since joining Dauntless. That side of himself told him to stay strong and not cave. Dauntless does not yield. Not to anyone. 

"Get out. I'm not going to ask twice." 

Annabelle closed her eyes again at Eric's words and this time, two soft tears found their way down her cheeks and onto the kitchen floor. Eric's jaw tensed at the sight, but he remained fixed in his position. Annabelle nodded her head lightly before walking back towards the couch where her training back sat at the edge, and she silently retrieved the picture of her mother from his countertop. She stopped short at the door and looked back at Eric, hoping that he might come to his senses before she walked out of the door for the night. But he didn't. Instead, he turned his back to her and continued to play at the now partially burnt meal that would be just for one instead of two. 

Eric knew Annabelle had left as he heard the door shut softly behind her and he immediately let himself crumble in the solitude of his apartment. Already he wanted to run out to her and tell her he was sorry. That she could take the job and he wouldn't care so long as the two of them would be together. But his Dauntless pride continued to get the better of him. That was twice now that he had promised Annabelle that she was more important than anything else and twice now that he had broken that promise. He screamed in agony before removing himself from the kitchen and slamming his bedroom door shut behind him for the night. 

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