Better Together

By anamika_writes

1.7M 145K 56.4K

Aadarsh Sehgal plays many roles in his life. A businessman running the Sehgal & Sons construction company. Th... More

~ prelude ~
1 | lost
2 | meet
3 | ride
4 | introduction
5 | bro time
6 | proposal
7 | family
8 | conversation
9 | beginning
10 | intricacies
11 | a date
12 | fitting
13 | engagement
14 | unexpected
15 | a long night
16 | communication
17 | daughter
18 | feelings
19 | married
20 | walk & talk
21 | new home
22 | the father
23 | changes
24 | unforseen
25 | apology
26 | outsider
27 | spark
28 | bicker
29 | pillow talks
30 | responsibility
31 | tease
32 | hem and haw
33 | hankering
34 | aftermath
35 | moment
36 | new hope
37 | in love
38 | storm
39 | warmth
40 | affection
41 | longing
42 | knowing
43 | perfect
44 | inevitable
45 | walk & talk 2.0
46 | retrospect
47 | helpless
48 | lightning
50 | thunderstorm
51 | convenience
52 | long day
53 | fervid feelings
54 | guilt
55 | burning bridges
Creative Corner (50K votes!)
56 | change of heart
57 | reverie
58 | turmoil
59 | overpowered
60 | Unchained
61 | essence
62 | romance
63 | ardour
64 | coquetry
65 | insatiable
66 | yearning
67 | union
68 | dilemma
69 | mutual
70 | awakening
71 | past & present
72 | peace
73 | kidnapped
74 | disappointment
75 | crisis
76 | revelation
77 | bitter or better

49 | brontide

25.9K 1.9K 1.4K
By anamika_writes

Chapter 49 : Brontide

brontide— a low muffled sound like distant thunder heard in certain seismic regions

• • •

Ruhaani held the pen tightly in her hand and stared at the blank page of the book. Writing out her feelings always helped her feel lighter. She didn't have anyone to turn to share what she felt. She had friends in school but they slipped away as they all moved to different colleges.

She had two friends in college, however they had drifted away too. Ginni had moved to Canada after college and eventually their communication had reduce to zero. Then there was Yashita, who was one of the most ambitious person she had ever known in her life. She had gone for a Masters to Europe, returned to India, worked for a while and eventually bagged a great job in Mumbai. With time, Ruhaani had lost touch with her as well. It was so hard to nurture friendships as an adult.

On rare days, such as this, Ruhaani longed for a friend. If only she had put some efforts to keep the friendships alive. Then again, after Harsh's death she was at her worst, she couldn't maintain herself forget maintaining relationships.

She stared at the paper. There was so much inside her. Somehow she couldn't write it out because she couldn't make sense of it all.

She mindlessly doodled on the paper. Aadarsh was the main character in all her thoughts. She had avoided him since that kiss. Their relationship was only becoming confusing, more unhealthy by the day. She couldn't complain now, her mind had warned her when she was getting into the marriage.

They talked but never about their feelings. They spoke but never communicated their needs. She didn't know what to understand from the last kiss they had shared. Perhaps it was just. . . lust.

She was being driven to insanity. In one minute, he made her feel that she was everything he needed. Kissed her with so much gentleness that she almost assumed he felt something deeper for her. Then he acted like he still had someone else in his heart and had kissed her out of obligation. She was still unclear on what he actually felt.

Any other day, Ruhaani would have confronted him and asked him directly. However she no longer had the guts do to that. After years, she felt so alive. It was maddening no doubt, but it was the most beautiful feeling ever. She was not ready to listen to his rejection for her feelings. She feared he'd make their moments tiny nothings. She didn't want that. Those moments were grand for her and she'd like it to stay that way.

Her marriage, her relationship with him made no sense. Honestly, it never had. She had ignored the fact for so long. She had no clue how Aadarsh had managed to get to her heart. That man was everything that she never wanted anything to do with.

It was a complete radio silence from both ends this time. It was becoming a vicious cycle now. She would melt and give in and then regret it. She somehow wasn't able to help herself out of it.

She did what she thought was best for her sanity. She left to stay a week at her uncle's house, on the Monday morning, after Sunday's dinner outing to celebrate Abhi's promotion. She had the excuse of spending some time with Arti before she left for studies abroad. She needed a break. Having him around only messed with her mind and feelings.

It gave her enough time to reflect.

Her life after marriage was so smooth on the outside but a freaking rollercoaster on the inside.

The only good part was she didn't feel dead on the inside. She had a purpose, she had a family, she had people to love and call her own. After years, she belonged somewhere.

Coming back to the house she had grown up in, she realized that it had never really been a home for her. And just in a matter of few months, the Sehgal house had become her home.

She missed Dai Jaan's cheerful voice and kindness with which she supervised her cooking. She missed Abhi's dramatic talk and girly conversations with Ashvi. She was almost glad that she had brought along the twins not just Pari, with her. For them it was new experience too, staying without their elder siblings.

The twins had been too pampered, too over protected. They had grown up in the most comfortable environment. She wanted to show them the humble middle class life. She had started with taking them on public transport with herself to office. Now, it was living in a decent apartment. Surprisingly they both took it in good spirit. Just like Pari, they addressed her uncle and aunt as Nana-Nani. She could tell they were happy to have a Nanihaal. They would now have stories to tell about their grandparents' home to their friends. Ah, the simple joys of childhood.

Most of all, she missed the man who tormented her thoughts, miserably. She missed his silent brooding company. She missed their squabbles. She missed arguing with him. She missed his sneaky ways that made her weak and also put a goofy smile one her face. She was desperate to see him, hear his voice. It had only been four days and she was already missing him so bad.

She sighed, focusing her attention back on the paper. A smile gracefully blossomed on her lips. She had written his name and drawn a heart around it.

Her stupid, stupid heart!

"Why are you like this Aadarsh?" She muttered softly, caressing his name on rhe sheet. "Why can't it be easy? Why can't we be normal?"

At times, she felt pathetic for pinning after him. But on most times, she placated herself, telling herself that he deserved all the love in the world and more.

Maybe he just wanted something else.

The buzz of her phone broke her out of her tangling thoughts. Her eyes widened reading his name on her smartphone screen. She turned to look at the kids on the bed, they were all fast asleep. She usually slept on the mattress on the floor.

She hadn't spoken to him. Every time he called, she would give her phone to one of the kids and they would talk to him. It was beyond half past eleven at night. Maybe she could ignore the call. He would assume she had slept.

She stared at her phone. What if he needed something? What if it was something important? He knew she'd be home the following evening, she had informed him via a text message yet he called. Maybe the call was important.

She hurried to pick up the call before it ended.


Aadarsh closed his eyes as he heard her voice. He needed to hear her voice. He sat in his dimly lit room, missing her presence terribly. A strange loneliness had caged him since she had left, to stay a few days at her uncle's house.

"Ruhaani," he spoke, his voice low.

Ruhaani gripped the pen in her right hand tighter. She didn't know why her heart throbbed hard and a warmth engulfed her.

"Aadarsh," she said, her voice coming out raspy. She cleared her throat before saying, "are you okay?"

"Yes." I am now. He thought to himself.

She nodded, forgetting that he couldn't see her. Why had he called her? Why at this hour? "You aren't asleep already?" She stated the obvious, unable to take the silence. It was giving her goosebumps.


"How was your night out with Abhi?" She asked, recollecting her conversation with Abhi yesterday evening.

"You knew?"

"Yeah, Abhi had informed me."

"Of course. You are just not talking to me." He muttered, with a pang in his heart.

"I am talking to you, right now." She countered not liking the sound of the accusation.

"Hmm, you are. Why? What changed?"

"Aadarsh, are you drunk or something? Your voice sounds different and you're.... talking differently." She said, her cheeks coloring.

"A little bit." He said wearing a smile, a little surprised she was able to tell. Somehow Ruhaani was getting to know parts of him, no one ever bothered to know. Perhaps he was letting her.

"Go to sleep, Aadarsh."

I can't.

Aadarsh held those words back. He glanced at her side of the bed. He had never thought he'd miss her so terribly. He just wanted to see her, feel her presence, hear her voice, touch her. Anything to resolved the strange restlessness that had gripped him since the past three days.


"You'll be home tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, by the evening. I haven't forgotten about that function. Don't worry, I will be home in time."

A smile of satisfaction drew on his lips. "Perfect." You are so freaking perfect, Ruhaani. "I will see you then." I can't wait. The words that should have been spoken remained with him unspoken.

"Hmm, go to bed. Good night!" Ruhaani said softly. A smile loitering around her lips.

"Good night, Ruhaani." He smiled widely. A very good night indeed. She had finally spoken to him. She would be back home the next day. It would all go back to normal. He couldn't wait to see her.

Ruhaani closed her eyes ending the call. She lay her head on the desk. He sounded different. Maybe it was just the drink getting to his head , she thought to herself. However something bothered her. He was unhappy, she could sense that in his voice. She didn't know why, but she had that hunch. He sounded low. In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to be on his side to hold his hand.

He hadn't even said anything to give her a hint he was sad but she felt it. It was in his voice. It was in his manner. She was inexplicably convinced.

Aadarsh shifted to her side of the bed and laid back on her pillow. He lay awake staring at the ceiling fan. He felt terribly low. He was drowning so bad. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Somehow life seemed better when she was with him.

"I miss you, Ruhaani." He whispered. "I miss you so much."


"Dai Jaan, is my tea ready?" Aadarsh asked entering the kitchen next morning. "Please make sure it's strong." He looked up, only to be surprised.

Ruhaani stood their dressed in a gorgeously striking royal blue kurti and white leggings. Her hair neatly braided. A cordial smile was on her lips. Doubting his sanity, he looked around the kitchen and then back at her. The line between reality and imagination had been blurring off late.

He watched her unbelievingly as she poured the tea into the cup through a sieve. "Good morning! Tea is ready and it's definitely strong, I had it just minutes ago."

Baffled, he stepped closer and touched her arm. She looked up at him taken aback at his gesture, "What?" She quizzed.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, turning around to look again. Her presence delighted him. Was his mind playing some dirty trick again? She had been all over his dreams in the past few days. Was this a dream? Was he still sleeping?

"Actually Chaachu and Chaachi had to visit Chaachi's Maasi, she has taken ill suddenly. So I thought I would drop the kids home and then go to office."

He nodded understandingly. His gaze remained on her face. She was here for real, the thought brought so much relief. His fingers absent-mindedly brushed hers as he reached for the cup. At the unexpected contact, Ruhaani looked up, her gaze meeting his.

"I will come home for lunch. Ask Dai Jaan to not pack my tiffin." He spoke, picking up the cup and raising it to his lips. The morning suddenly felt hundred times better.

She nodded.

"How is everyone there?" He asked standing against the counter watching her. She looked better with her hair open, but probably that was nuisance when she worked in the kitchen.

"Good." She said, aware of his gaze on her.

A brief awkward silence fell. Ruhaani turned to look at him and he was still looking at her as he sipped his tea.

"Slept well?" She asked remembering last night's call. It had left her unusually restless. She had been so worried. It was another reason she preferred to come home earlier. To make sure he was okay,  by herself.

"Hmm, I did." He answered remembering calling her after reaching his room. He wasn't exactly drunk. He was to some extent in his control. However, he had given in to the urge of listening to her voice. It was definitely the drink getting to his head. The good part was he hadn't driven to her uncle's place to see her. That would be doom, because he was sure he would have done something stupid again.

"I could keep the room as cold as I like, take the whole bed." He spoke, to drift the topic away from the call.

Ruhaani gaped at him, waiting for her mind to come up with a witty reply when Abhi announced his presence. It felt so good to see him. He could act like a jerk but still her heart jumped about like a possessed monkey for him.

"Bhabhs!" Abhi dashed into the kitchen, past Aadarsh and engulfed Ruhaani in a hug. Aadarsh quietly swallowed the tea down his throat. Bitterly realizing that he had never hugged Ruhaani. Her eyes met his, for a moment he thought she was think the same thing, as Abhi pulled away.

"I missed you so much. I have so much to tell you." Abhi looked at his brother and then at her. "I am sorry, did I interrupt something?"

"No," They both said in unison turning to look at him and then looked at each other.

"Where are the kids?" Aadarsh asked, diverting his thoughts. Off late he was getting annoyed at little things. Like right now at Abhi for barging into their conversation, for hugging her, for being able to openly tell her he missed her.

"Mukti was with Ashvi." Abhi answered.

"Nirvaan went to bathe." She added.

"And Pari?" He quizzed.

Ruhaani frowned, realizing she hadn't heard her daughter's voice. "She wasn't in the living hall?" she asked surprised. He shook his head in a negative.

"She wasn't upstairs." Abhi answered.

"I will go find her," Aadarsh said quickly gulping all of his tea and placing the cup on the counter. He had barely taken two steps towards the exit of the kitchen when his daughter promenaded in.

"Mumma I couldn't find Paa.." Her eyes lit up and she sprinted towards Aadarsh. Her father immediately took her into his arms and twirled her around. Her giggles filled the kitchen.

"I missed you sooooooo much!" She cooed, with a bright smile on her face. Ruhaani looked on wistfully, hoping she could also tell him how much she missed him.

"And I missed you soooooooooo much more!" Aadarsh replied beaming, kissing her cheek.

"No, I missed you more." The little girl giggled as he tickled her neck.

"Nope. Papa missed his Pari more." Saying that he walked out with her leaving behind the two spectators smiling widely.

Abhi looked on happily, at least his stubborn elder brother loved Pari. He turned to Ruhaani, to see tears pooling in her eyes. "Bhabhs," he said softly, alarmed.

She turned slightly towards wearing a smile, uneasily blinking her tears. It was such a pure scene. Pari and Aadarsh were a perfect fit into each other's lives. It felt so good to see Pari receive love from a father. It somehow, in little way, made up for all the live she had missed out on from her own father. She got her fill of father's love seeing Aadarsh with Pari.

"It's moving isn't it?" Abhi spoke aloud his thoughts. "To see Bhai with Pari. He's the best version of himself with her."

"Fathers are like that Abhi." Ruhaani said fondly, falling a little more in love with her husband. Aadarsh had a heart of gold and no one could convince her otherwise.

Abhi felt his own wound scrape at that statement. "They are." He muttered stiffly.

Ruhaani missed the subtle change in his tone and went on to share her thoughts. "I know very little of my father. My memories of my parents are just tiny fragments. They are like tiny snippets from a beautiful movie—that got lost foreve. All I know is from glimpses of memories, reinforced by seeing very few pictures and hearing about them from my Daadi. My father used to give me kisses here," she fondly pointed to her forehead, "when I see Aadarsh with Pari, I feel a little bit...jealous of Pari. But so much more happy for her."

Abhi's lips curled into a heartfelt smile. He circled his arm around her shoulders, and tilted his head to rest it against hers, "You deserve all the happiness in the world Bhabhs."

Ruhaani placed her hand on his back. "So do you, my dear Devar. So now tell me, are you going to that date with the girl you right swiped?"

"About that, I am reconsidering." Abhi spoke, withdrawing his arm and turning to her with a bright smile. "Oh and I got twelve requests for dates last night, can you believe that? I think something is fishy with that app."

Ruhaani smiled as he went on to tell her in detail about the requests. She didn't know how to tell the man that he was really good looking. It was no surprise he had got that many requests in a day. She hoped he found someone who would be the calm to his chaos, and protect & cherish his golden heart, who would shower him with all the love he deserved.


Aadarsh entered his room wondering what was taking so much time. Ashvi as usual had assumed the role of Ruhaani's assistant to help her get ready for the evening. The dress code was an explicit western formals.

He had worn his black tuxedo. He was ready on time as usual but Ruhaani wasn't. He had low-key been waiting for the evening. He wanted to sort issues out between Ruhaani and himself. It would do them good to spend some time together, just them both. The function was a perfect excuse. He was positive that they would go back to their normal.

"Ashvi, I need help choosing a necklace." He heard Ruhaani's voice.

Impatiently, he walked towards the walk-in-wardrobe to find her seated on the ottoman with a few accessories spread out before her.

His lips parted at the gorgeous sight before his eyes. Ruhaani had adorned a beautiful black evening gown. The top portion of it was made of intricate lace applique that hugged her body appearing as second skin. The lower half was a cascade of jet black satin.

The sweetheart neckline, plunged sharply into the valley between her breasts sinfully accentuating her fullness at the bust and giving a teasing glimpse at décolletage. The neck was wider than the usual dresses she wore. It exposed the entire column of her neck, her collarbones, the skin between the end of her neck and the beginning of her bosom. It also gave a peek of her shoulders as the sleeves started at the edge of her shoulder and gracefully covered her arms stopping halfway down her forearms.

He gulped, his gaze lowering down her cleavage to the narrow waist where the lace ended and the satin flared like a skirt. She looked seductively splendid.

She looked up, her eyes widening a little in soft surprise. Her gaze took in his groomed face. The beard trimmed to a neat stubble. The hair set so smoothly. Her gaze gently lowered down to his broad shoulders covered with rich black tux. The ink black of his coat matched the color of his midnight dark eyes. He was a sight to behold.

"Need some help?" He finally gathered the wits to speak. His mind celebrating a victory on seeing her check him out, unabashedly. His words made her fluster and downcast her gaze to the neck piece in her hand.

"Yeah, I thought it was Ashvi. I don't know what to ...wear... on the neck." She spoke with much effort, unable to look up. The heat from her cheeks had flowed all the way to the end of her ears.

Gosh, he had no right to look that hot and desirable with clothes on! How was she ever going to stop falling for him?

In a split second, his eyes darted to that neck. The smooth skin alluring his tongue to run against it and invoting his mouth to take a taste. She was better off without a neck piece. The black bedazzled lace beautifully brought out her strikingly gorgeous features. It was a shame she hid that exquisite appearing skim usually. 

On second thoughts, it was good. He didn't want any other man to see that enticing skin, and those tiny contours of her skin near the collar bone that tempted his tongue. If she wore a neck piece it would take the attention away from that beautiful skin. That's exactly what he wanted, to hide her in plain sight.

His gaze drifted to the neck pieces she had laid out before her. He picked up the one which was one of the many wedding gifts she had been given. It was a silver V-shaped choker piece with intricate leaf like design. It looked the most expensive. People would see the necklace not her skin. He walked over to stand beside her. She looked up at him surprised.

"May I?" He asked softly.

Ruhaani had her breath caught in her throat , she mutely nodded her consent. A burst of desire, sprouted a wet slick need in her.

In a charmingly attentive gesture, he swiped away the silk of her chocolate brown tresses to one shoulder. She momentarily closed her eyes. He placed one knee onto the ottoman, just behind her for support and leaned towards her back. His hands gently brought the necklace around her.

Ruhaani sucked in a long breath. Those wet dreams, the sinful imaginations came rushing back to her mind. She wondered how his warm hand would feel around her neck. The cold metal steadily grazed her skin, closing around her neck. A shiver ran down her spine and she opened her eyes crashing back into reality.

Ruhaani's gaze steadily raised to the full length mirror. He was attentively working on the clasp of the necklace. Her heartbeat was louder than normal. She wondered if he could hear it.

"Done," he said softly, his hand gently moving to her hair gathered on one shoulder and gently dropped them to her back. He pulled back and stood on both his feet. "Do you need any more help or can we leave?"

Ruhaani blinked and picked up the matching earrings. "Almost done. I need to just keep these inside."

Aadarsh quietly closed the other jewelry cases and piled them up. She wore the earrings while watching him stack the boxes in the locker. He walked back to the ottoman and picked up the matching bracelet. Without having to be told she forwarded her hand. He laid the bracelet around her wrist and quickly fastened it's lock.

"Thank you," she whispered, getting on her feet. She walked over to the mirror to check her appearance. Ashvi had recommended tying her hair up. But Ruhaani felt more comfortable having them open, it felt like being less exposed.

His gaze slowly ran down her full frame. She looked like a diva. The kind that wanted a gentleman to forget his gentleness for the night.

Her gaze met his darkened one through the mirror.

"I will be waiting downstairs," he said, fighting the urge to walk over to her and do things—wicked things, things that would make her beg, scream, moan.

"I will be down in a minute." She muttered breathlessly. She was finally able to take in a deep breath when he was out. The man would be the reason she died of an irregular heart function!

Five minutes later, they were in the car as ot pulled out through the gates.

"You look nice!" She finally spoke breaking the odd silence that engulfed them in the car. Giving a compliment wasn't a big deal, right?

Aadarsh's grip on the steering wheel tightened. He had made up his mind to not do anything stupid, especially including teasing or doing anything that might lead to a kiss or more. Even if, that was all that had been in his mind, since he had laid his eyes on her.

"Same to you!" He muttered.

Ruhaani turned to look at him with disbelief. "You should learn how to compliment someone."

"You look the best you've ever looked tonight," he said earnestly and then glanced at her wearing a mocking smile, "is that what you wanted me to say?"

She made a face at him, choosing not to answer that and put on some music.

Kya khoob lagti ho, badi sundar dikhti ho...

Aadarsh ended up laughing eventually as the music began to play. The song was about a man complimenting his lover's looks.

Ruhaani blinked, finding it hard to contain her laughter. She shook her head slightly, trying hard to not find it funny. She glanced at him to reprimand him but words disappeared. She couldn't stop herself. His face had a pink hue and he was laughing so hard. It was heart stirring sight. She chuckled too.

He glanced at her and then laughed some more. "The music system sure knows how to compliment you, no?" He remarked with a grin.

Ruhaani blushed and looked away. Everything about him seemed so different now. She didn't get irked by his behavior. Instead, she was totally charmed by it.

"Should have wished for something better Ruhaani, you might have had it." He commented lightly, suddenly in a really good mood. He felt so much lighter. The last few days had been tiresome especially after he had started receiving those anonymous threats.

Ruhaani couldn't tell him, that she wished for him. Her every wish, her every prayer was to get his love.

"By the way, what is this event about?" She asked bringing them to a regular conversation.

"So, the Rastogi family has a chain of office spaces that we have developed for them. They are venturing into business hotels. This is the inauguration of their first hotel."

"How rich are you exactly?"

Aadarsh turned to her with a growing grin. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you hang pit with such rich people. Is there something you can't afford?"

"A lot of things!"


"Look. This world is a very superficial place. People judge you based on the shoes you wear, the car you travel in, your clothes, the people in your social circle. You just have to make sure you look rich to keep getting rich. You don't have to be rich."

"But you are already rich!"

"Not really. I can't afford the best premium sea-view apartment in Mumbai. I can't afford lavish foreign trips for my family for every vacation. I will be bankrupt, if I try. I am not rich. But I definitely make it a point to attend the best functions organized by rich people. Always only attending the best not all."

"Hmm, but you own such a beautiful house. You have a company that's minting money for you. What else do you need?"

"FyI, that same company is currently under threat by a relative who is suing me." He said referring to his uncle.

"Is it bad?" She asked. She usually never talked to him about his work or other responsibilities out of the family.


"The case. I thought it was an open and shut." She explained.

"They have all the documents from before the company had split. My father did a very lousy paperwork. It's definitely not an open and shut case. We don't have all the evidences but they seem to have every paper and they are only disclosing those that are in their favor."

"So what are we doing about it?"

Aadarsh glanced at her. She said 'we' not 'you'.  It seemed an insignificant detail. But knowing her he knew how significant it was. "Buying time. I have a team going over the books. Another making a new company. So even if there's a chance we lose, we don't lose everything."

"He can prove that you made this new company to save yourself from this case."

"He can try. It will take him more than two lifetimes for him to prove it in court."

"You don't like him, do you ...your uncle?"

"Not everyone has a talent of liking their undeserving uncles."

"Ouch. It's a jibe at my uncle." She remarked.

"I never said that. Those are your words. Looks like the shoe fits." He muttered. "And for the record, since we are talking about it, I don't like your uncle."

"That's rude, Mister Sehgal. He has raised me as his own."

"Let's not go there, Ruhaani." He muttered. "Anyways, our destination is here."


Ruhaani had chosen to hold his hand instead of wrapping her arm around his. It was best to keep a respectable distance. Having his presence so close to her, was torture enough.

She was happy to find that she fit perfectly into the crowd. She wasn't underdressed like last time. However women around her still looked better than her. She discreetly looked at Aadarsh through the corner of her eyes. His gaze was running around the room. 

"Mr. And Mrs. Sehgal." Someone said, making Ruhaani turn to her right. It was Devashish, the one who worked with Aadarsh. She felt Aadarsh's hand leave hers, as he turned to face Devashish. In the next few seconds his arm had curled around her waist.

"Nice to run into you again. You look gorgeous, Ruhaani!" He complimented with amusement in his eyes and a cordial smile on his lips.

Ruhaani's cheeks turned pink and she smiled at him, muttering a thank you. It wasn't usual for her to get compliments. Even unusual for people to remember her name correctly. Nevertheless, it made her feel nice and confident. She didn't want people to look at her and Aadarsh and say that she got lucky while he was unfortunate.

"You don't look bad, yourself DV. Your black eye seems to be gone too soon." Aadarsh commented.

Ruhaani turned to her husband with wide eyes. "Aadarsh," she muttered glaring at him for the inappropriate comment.

"Oh," he turned to her, "He actually got beaten up by a lady's boyfriend the other day."

"In my defense, the lady was flirting with me." Devashish said with a smile. "I have been told, I have a certain charm that ladies find irresistible. Now, not every man is blessed in that department."

Ruhaani glanced, "I have to agree to the last part." She playfully glanced at Aadarsh who stared at her.

"See! I guess you and I have a lot in common. I can also give you a lot of office gossip about your husband, been with him for about four years now."

"Oh, I guess I would like to hear that. He doesn't talk much about his work." Ruhaani played along.

"Guys I am right here," Aadarsh said glaring at Devashish and then at Ruhaani, both of whom didn't seem deterred at all.

"How about I escort you around, filling you in while your husband can do the boring business talk with people." Devashish offered.

Ruhaani was tempted. She wanted to hear about Aadarsh, how he was at work. And she got the hint that the idea of her being around Devashish annoyed him. There was nothing sweeter than annoying the man. "That would be lovely, no Aadarsh?" She turned to him with a confident, challenging smile.

He gave her a hardened gaze. "Sweetheart, I need to introduce you to a few people, his hand tightened around her waist.

Ruhaani stared at him. He was mocking her. But hearing her call him 'sweetheart' fluttered her heart.

"Oh come on, Aadarsh. I can introduce her to people as well. As it is, I know more people here than you do."

"She's my wife, DV. Don't be dumb."

"Of course, Boss. I will introduce her as your wife, Mrs. Aadarsh Sehgal. Now may I..." he said offering his arm.

Ruhaani turned to Aadarsh a little confused by their banter. He pulled back his arm. "Fine."

He walled away fuming. He was definitely going to give that man a black eye. Or a demotion. Even better both.

Ruhaani smiled, holding her gown so that she didn't have to hold Devashish's arm.

"Why did you chose him?"

Devashish's question surprised her. "He's ha good family man. Women might like charming men, but they always chose a family man."

"Truer words haven't been spoken." Devashish spoke with a chuckle, making sure to slow his steps to match her speed.

"He's a nice man, your husband. I love annoying the hell out of him, but at the end of they day I respect him, a lot."

"I think annoying him is a universal favorite habit," she laughed. "I and his brother, Abhi we both love it."

Somewhere far away, across the room a pair of dark eyes watched them. She was laughing and smiling at almost everything the man was saying. It only multiplied Aadarsh's annoyance.

He no longer was sure of what he wanted in life. Did he want to accept her feelings and requite them? Or did he want to just stand on the side and see her heart break a little every time he distanced himself from her, to see another person bring that smile to her face, to never be the reason she was truly happy?


Ruhaani had had an unexpectedly pleasant time with Devashish. He was nothing if not respectful towards her. He was definitely not lying about the irresistible charming side of him. She had excused herself from his company to go find Aadarsh.

After ten minutes of walking around the vast lobby of the hotel she spotted him across the room talking to someone. As she made herself towards him, she saw him separate from his company and move ahead, typing something on his phone.

A smile touched her lips as her phone beeped in the next few seconds. She quickly retrieved it from her sling bag, slowly ambling towards him. "Where are you?" his message read.

She looked up at him with her smile broadening. She watched him, he was typing something more. A frown spread out on her face as he bumped into a woman in red dress. The woman momentarily lost her balance but he saved her from a nasty fall, just like he did for her every time. She took a breath of relief, proceeding towards him.

Then slowly, just like a sky darkens after sunset, her smile faded as she saw them stare at each other. As she got closer, she finally recognized the face of the other person. Her heart plummeted into the depths of a dark despair.

Siddhi. His ex-girlfriend.

That woman in the gorgeous velvet red gown was Siddhi. She had seen enough photos to recognize her. But more than anything, the way Aadarsh looked at her—shocked out of his wits, with more emotions than waves in the ocean— was enough to confirm her assumptions.

Her steps faltered. His hands were still holding her arms and hers were on the lapels of his tux. They were both staring at each other. She slowly looked around. Everyone was busy in their own tiny groups. People were laughing, drinking and conversing. Her gaze darted back to them. A twinge twisting her heart ruthlessly.

"If she ever comes back, you don't have to worry about our relationship getting threatened. I am over her."

She remembered his words. There was nothing to worry about. His previous relationship was a closed chapter. She was his wife. All she had to do was go and introduce herself as his wife. She was Mrs. Aadarsh Sehgal. She was the mother of his little daughter he loved so much. She was his wife. Period.

She slowly began to move towards him again. Her gaze fixated on them. They seemed to have frozen in time.

Those items in that box flashed before ever eyes. The letters, the notes, the promises they made to each other. Aadarsh's indifference to her feelings flashed before her eyes. His withdrawal from her tugged at her heart.

She paused, looking at them. She needed just one sign. One sign from God to tell her what she should be doing. She watched on with a twisting pain as Aadarsh slowly moved his gaze to take her in. His eyes looking at the woman before her as though he had seen the unbelievable. A little more discomfort came along as the woman reflected his vulnerability. Tears sparkled in the woman's does shaped eyes. The said woman's hands moved over his chest to his shoulders, as though making sure he was real.

She turned around and walked away from them. Cupid had struck her with the arrow of love but now the same arrow seemed to be twisting in her heart, bleeding her out.

Tears that so far had been stinging Ruhaani's eyes finally rolled down her cheeks like hot flood. It felt like a distant thunder had shaken the earth below her feet. It felt like her world was going to crash, again.

• — • — •

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