Elena's Secret

By bloodybailz

10.7K 204 14


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Upadate.. ish?
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 13

215 4 2
By bloodybailz

"Nik! Look what I've found!!"

What? Where was I?

I walked around the unknown place.. woods.

I saw him, again.

This time he was running to Rebekah.

"What is it?" He asked her.

I sat down on a rock near them, watching them.

"It's a snail! Look at how cute it is!!" The younger one giggled.

His smile..

Such a pretty smile.

Why did I always have to make it disappear..?

I watched as they pet the snail.

He was smiling..

Why can't I make him smile like that..?

I woke up.

I was alone.. duh.

No Katerina to talk to me..


I looked around my room, and I was still in the mysterious shirt.

"The hell..?" I shrugged it off as the memories of last night appeared in my head.

I sighed, walking to my bathroom to take a quick shower.

The feeling was wonderful..

Once I was out, I got into a fresh pair of clothing and I headed downstairs. "Emma? Are you here?" I asked.

No response.

I shrugged it off before vamping to the Salvatore's house and I heard talking from inside..










I tried to hear what they were talking about..


I walked in through the doors, eyes peering over towards me.

"Elena.." Bonnie mumbled, staring in my direction.

I scoffed quietly, looking around.

"First. Katerina I haven't heard from you in days! What the hell?! Second. Klaus what the hell? You just leave me hanging last night? Third. Why is everyone here.. talking about me?" I asked, pointing towards myself, walking inside more.

I walked closer to the crowd, giving them all confused looks. "Love.. you were out of control yesterday. We can all agree."

I shook my head, laughing it off. "You haven't seen shit. Plus I was just having a little fun! I bet Kol would agree with me." I crossed my arms, glaring at Klaus.

"Honestly I think it's hot, so continue on. Invite me next time." Stefan said, grinning at me as he looked me up and down.

I rolled my eyes, looking at Bonnie and Caroline. "Okay, maybe I'm a littttttle sorry to you two especially.. but you made me mad!" I growled at them.

"Whatever. Elli.. we've all known you've been going out of control. We've decided to try and take control of that." Katerina.. my own sister..

I shook my head, looking between them all. "You're going to lock me up again? That fucked with my head! Everything is fucked because of that! And you!" I ended, pointing at Klaus as he stared at me.

"Inviting me to a ball.. just to invite a girl who's much prettier than I am.." I felt myself getting emotional, and I looked at the ground.

"Aww thank you." I heard Caroline say and I glared daggers at her before turning back to Klaus.

He looked at me, not saying anything at first. "I know.. and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that to you.." he mumbled, ruffling his hair.

Where's the smile..?

No smile..


I can't make him smile.

I bet Caroline can..

I looked at his lips, noticing the slight frown.

I looked at the ground. "No, don't.. don't apologize. I'm sorry. I.. I'm so sorry.." I turned to walk out, but I was stopped..

By Damon.

"What do you want?" I questioned, giving him a strange look.

"Now." He whispered, but I heard it and I turned around just to see that Bonnie tried daggering me.

I scoffed, trying to reach for the dagger as Klaus vamped over and pulled it out.

"What the hell? Were you all planning on daggering me? Stuffing me away somewhere? Low.." I scoffed, looking at the others, before looking at Klaus.

He still wasn't smiling.

I want to see that smile..

I'd do anything to see the smile..

Suddenly a thought came to mind and I sat down on the floor, not saying anything at first.

"Do whatever you need. I'll comply.. just.. do it. Maybe I'll see a smile." I mumbled, looking down at my hands.

Someone sat down next to me, pulling me close into their arms.

I looked up and it was Klaus.

A tiny smile worked itself onto my face as I let him hug me.

"I'm sorry, love." He mumbled, his lips grazing my ear.

I looked down at the ground before pulling myself away and looking around.

He still wasn't smiling.

I shook my head.


Was I laughing?

I was.

I put my hand over my mouth, trying to mute the laughter.

Was I finally losing it?


I looked around the room.

"I've.. I've got to go. I apologize for taking up your time." I turned and headed for the door.

"Woah woah woah, you're not leaving yet." It was Katerina. She stopped me.

I gave her a confused look, turning and looking around at the others. "What?" I turned and looked back towards her.

"Love, can I talk to you for a minute?" It was Klaus.

I scrunched my eyebrows together as I looked at him.

"Uh.. sure..?"

He grabbed my hand, taking me upstairs with him. To a guest room.

"Can you put a spell on the room, to make sure nobody can hear us?" Klaus asked and I shrugged before mumbling a spell and I looked around.

"We should be fine.. uh.. what is it?" I asked.

A smile appeared on his lips..

He was smiling..?


I noticed the smile and I walked closer to him, attaching my lips to his.

He didn't pull away this time.

I did.

Once I pulled away I looked at him.

"Uh.. what's going on?" I asked as he sat down and I sat down next to him.

He let out a laugh, looking at me. "You really think I wanted to control you? You think I was mad about last night? Love.. that was hot. So hot." He grinned at me, pulling my hand towards his.

"You think so? I.. I thought you were upset?" I asked, thinking he was kinda joking.

All he did was laugh, again. "What? Are you kidding? I only played on their side as a joke. A funny one. I legit do not care about any of the people down there. I just wanted to know what their plan was.. for you." He said, nodding in my direction.

I tilted my head, trying to understand what he meant. "What? They were planning on doing something? What?" I asked, sulking closer towards him.

"They want to.. I think.. well.. they want to lock you up. I told them, that a dagger would work on you. Gullible. Katerina only agreed to it because maybe it would help with your control." He said as my jaw dropped slightly.

I scoffed, looking around the room before getting up. "I can't stay at Emma's house anymore. I need to leave. I can't trust them- any of them!" I groaned, putting my hands in my hair.

"You can come stay with me, love." He said, smiling.

Seeing him smile..

Made me smile.

I vamped over to him, pinning him to the chair, kissing him.

"Sorry.. but thank you!! Your siblings won't mind.. would they? What about your mom-?" I asked, looking around the room.

He shrugged. "My mother and Finn aren't a problem.. uh.. I kinda killed her.. again.. and your friends killed Finn. He was a bore anyways. So I think you can stay! Plus my siblings seem to adore you." He smiled and I kissed him again before getting up.

"I love that. I'll meet you at your house in.. an hour!" I smiled before pecking his lips one more and then running out of the room and vamping downstairs.

I gasped, feeling an intense pain in my chest. I turned around to see that Caroline had stabbed me with a stake.

"What the hell!" I shouted, ripping it out and throwing it at her, hitting her in the stomach.

I scoffed, looking around at the little crowd. "Is that your plan? To try and kill me? Low."

I vamped off, running before anyone could make another kill attempt.

I went back to Emma's house and I grabbed my things from my room- everything I needed.

I looked at my grimores and chests and I used magic to bring them with me.

Once I was done packing, I got into my car..

The car I barley liked to use.

I put everything into the trunk before driving to the Mikaelson mansion.

"Klaus?" I asked as I opened the door, and I saw Rebekah coming down the stairs.

"Hm.. lemme guess... Eliana? Right? Was I right?" She smiled at me and I nodded before dragging a chest into the house. "What's all this?" She asked once more.

"I'm going to be staying for a little while.. Klaus said it was okay. Want to show me to my room?" I asked while smiling.

She nodded before grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs to the rooms.

On one side, across from the stairs was an empty room.

"Is this mine?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Was going to be Finn's, but.. he died. Oh well. Anyways!!" She smiled, leading me down the hall to my room. "This is it!" She smiled, pointing around the semi empty room.

All it had was a king sized bed, a big tv, and a dresser. Otherwise it was very empty.

I looked around the room, seeing there was two doors.

One that led to a bathroom that Rebekah and I shared, the other leading to a HUGE walk in closet.

"Oh my.. wow.. I can't even start to say how thankful I am!" I smiled, hugging her.

She hugged me back before giving me a full blow tour.

The rooms on the back side went:

Bathroom//Niks room// My room// bathroom// Rebekah's room// empty room

Then on the other side:

Elijah's room//empty room// stairs// Kols room// bathroom

I looked around while smiling as she showed me the living rooms, the dinning room, and then the kitchen.

It was huge!

"Hey Bekah.. wanna help me bring my things to my room?" I asked as we walked down the stairs.

"Yeah of course!" She smiled before heading out to my car as I lifted the chests out and I handed one fo her. "What's in here?" She asked as I got another one out.

"Just witchy woo stuff." I shrugged before carrying the chests to my room, putting them in my closets.

She tried to open one of them. "Oh, well they can only be opened with a spell." I mumbled before going to get the rest of my things as Rebekah helped.

"Hello lovely. Nice to see you getting situated." I heard from beside me as I brought the rest of my things to my room.

I smiled at him. "Hello Nik. Nice to see you again." I nodded at him before going into my room and putting my things away.

"You like the house?" He asked, looking around my room. "We can go shopping if you'd like.."

I nodded, loving the idea. "I'd love to!"

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