Incubus [malexmale]

By rotXinXpieces

1.9M 92.9K 18K

"A dog could only be kicked so many times before it became vicious." And Alexius has become just what he was... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Eight

28.8K 1.5K 448
By rotXinXpieces

Chapter Thirty-Eight (Killian)

I expected to see hate.

I expected to see Alexius sneer at me, glare at me, spit at me, wish the most painful and agonizing of deaths upon me. If he wasn't so drugged up, I would expect him to reach out and slap me across the face before he ripped my throat out with his teeth.

What I didn't expect to see were tears.

It felt like a harsh blow to my chest. His soft fingers wrapped weakly around mine, holding me back from my mission, from my job. His beautiful emerald green eyes staring right into my very soul, filled to the brim with crystal tears. One bubbled over his dark lashes and fell down the side of his face to the pillow beneath his head as he stared up at me. His lower lip very slightly quivered, mouth parted just a bit to release sharp, quiet gasps as if he were experiencing the worst imaginable pain in the universe.

He was crying. Alexius was crying. I suddenly felt dizzy as I stared at him, watching the emotion I had never expected to see on his face. I was expecting rage, hate, murderous intent from someone like Alexius, but I found myself watching him cry silently. The tears slowly began to dribble over his eyelashes, trailing slowly down the sides of his face, breathes sharp as if he couldn't handle what was happening to him.

I had never seen Alexius cry. There had been the time when we first had sex, when his eyes watered, but never had I seen him cry. If he wasn't so drugged and weak, I felt positive that he would be sobbing.

And I couldn't move. I just stood there, frozen in place as I stared at him. His fingers tried to tighten around mine, but the drug was taking full effect and his hand dropped from mine to the cot. I finally managed to take a step back and I should've stayed. I should've said something, anything, but I couldn't. I couldn't form words.

I could barely form coherent thoughts.

Alexius wasn't angry, or maybe he was, but it simply wasn't as powerful as the pain I had caused him. I did this, I thought in pain. I had caused him this pain, the pain that no one deserved to feel. I was the one who broke years upon years of barriers, only to slap him across the face once I'd gotten through. This wasn't my intention, no. I didn't want to do this. I just wanted to help him. I wanted to save him. I wanted to save everyone. This was my job. This was my duty. It was the job that had been handed down through my people for generations. My father, his father before him, and his father before him. I was made to do this... and yet, here I stood, wishing I could turn back time.

Stop, a voice in the back of my head shouted. There was no time for this. I could stand here and kick myself and watch Alexius cry until he died, but it would get nothing done. I had to take the information Lothos had given to Alexius back to Kalziar and Ryouta and ask them to analyze it. I had to make sure Alexius' father wasn't alive. If he was... Well, it wouldn't matter. Either way, Alexius was going to Erini where he rightfully belonged.

I finally managed to shut my eyes, but even that didn't block out the sight of Alexius laying there, practically paralyzed, crying because I had shattered the final pieces of a heart that was already broken. I had become more than just a murderer, more than a liar. I had become a monster. I had crushed the last light of hope that Alexius had kept lit just for me. And now it was gone.

I fought to concentrate, disappearing from the tent in Xolun to the main room of the demon council hall, several realms away, high in the sky, surrounded by clouds trimmed in gold from a sun that sat heavy in the sky on one side, a crescent moon dangling on the other amongst stars.

The room was large and silent, despite Ryouta and Kalziar being present amongst files and files of information as well as a laptop that sat showing a Google map of Earth. Ryouta looked up from the files he had been holding and paled as he got to his feet. Kalziar did the same, frowning.

"What's wrong? You look like someone killed your puppy." He commented, then hesitated when I stared at at him, then looked at Ryouta, who studied my expression in search of an explanation.

"Killian, what's happening? Did something happen to Alexius?" He asked, concerned.

Yes, I wanted to say. Yes. I just destroyed him. I crushed the last piece of hope he'd held onto it. I turned it into dust, joining the shattered pieces of his heart. I had done something terrible to him. I had hurt him beyond repair.

"Killian?" Ryouta asked again when I hadn't answered. I cleared my throat, reaching into my pocket and taking out the paper Lothos had given to Alexius. I held it out to him.

"I need you to analyze this," I spoke, trying to keep my voice from wavering, watching Ryouta glance at me uneasily before taking the paper, "Lothos tried to bribe Alexius. He told Alexius his father was still alive and living at this address. I need you to check and make sure he's right." Ryouta nodded slowly and stepped back, studying the paper as he went to the laptop. Kalziar watched him leave, then looked at me, frowning.

"What if he is alive? Are you going to let the cambion kill him?" He asked, folding his arms over his chest. I blinked, then looked at him before slowly shaking my head, looking away.

"No. By tomorrow morning, Alexius will be in Erini." I answered, surprised at how calm I could keep my voice. It seemed that only around Alexius did I finally lose my cool. And I could still see him crying, the tears rolling down the sides of his face. Another sharp pain pierced my chest and I shut my eyes tightly, trying to push it out of my mind, but it didn't work. In fact, closing my eyes only made it worse, so I opened them again to see Kalziar studying me in concern now.

"What happened, Killian? Talk to me." He said, placing a hand on my shoulder and giving me a squeeze. I hesitated. I didn't want anyone else to know that Alexius had cried. I didn't want them to see him vulnerable and I knew he wouldn't want anyone to see him in that state.

"I hurt him," I said at last, trying to avoid specifics, "I hurt him, Kalziar. He hates me. I saw it on his face just before I left. I... have never seen anyone look like that before." Kalziar blinked, dropping his hand from my shoulder to look at me, mildly confused.

"Hurt... Wait," He paused, then grimaced, "Oh god, Killian, you were telling the truth? You guys had a relationship?" I twitched, giving him a short glare before I looked away, running a hand through my hair in frustration.

"It's not my fault, all right? I just... The moment I saw him I knew there was something about him and before I knew it, it was happening. But it doesn't matter anymore because he can't stand me anymore. The way he looked at me... I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted me dead." I confessed at last. Kalziar grimaced and glanced over at Ryouta, who cleared his throat and pretended to look completely engrossed in his assignment. I frowned, starting to speak when I saw a flash of green when I went to tie my hair back. I pulled my hand away and I felt my heart sink even deeper into the pits of my stomach at the sight of the bracelet Alexius had gotten for me.

The gold band that was spotted with clear quartz and sparkling emeralds that looked so much like Alexius' eyes. Eyes that were so close to smiling at me. He was so close, so desperately close to a perfect life and in one foul swoop, I destroyed it. I crushed his hope.

I would never be able to earn his trust. It took this long to get him to trust me and he finally made progress when I took it and threw it in his face.

I was a terrible person. I may have saved trillions, but I lost the one I was trying to save the most.

I lost Alexius.

"All right," Ryouta said, making me blink and look up to see him typing a few things, bringing what looked like several government files; Kalziar and I shared looks before walking over to stand behind Ryouta's chair as he dragged the cursor across the screen, "Alexander of Flynn. He changed his name to just Alexander Flynn. He did live over the average life span of humans, but not long enough. Alexander Flynn was hung in a town near Salem during the witch trials. The rope didn't break his neck and he suffocated to death."

"So he's dead." I concluded, standing up straight and staring at the most recent picture of Alexius' father. It was hard to see how they could be related. While his hair was dark, just as Alexius', the shade was too dark. His face was more square, powerful, rugged and a scar that looked like it was done by a vicious set of claws ran down the right side of his face. His eyes were cold and tired, flaky.

"Lothos was lying to him," Ryouta agreed bitterly, bringing up another file that showed three men and four women lined up to be hanged, one of which being Alexander Flynn, who seemed to stand there quite calmly compared to the others who trembled, "Alexander Flynn died August 18th 1692 in Winstonburg, Massachusetts. After suffocating, the villagers took his body down and burned it. His then wife, Marie Watson, took his charred remains and buried them in Old Burying Point Cemetery in Salem, Massachusetts."

"Damn." I muttered, pushing away from the table and placing a hand on my hip, using the other to rub at the headache that was starting to form in my forehead. Not only did I just break Alexius' heart, I was about to inform him that his father was already dead. While he paid for his crimes, I think Alexius wanted to be the one to do it.

"How is this a bad thing," Kalziar asked, baffled, "This means your cambion won't try running around and causing problems for us." Ryouta shot Kalziar a dirty look, making him hold his hands up in defense, then the kitsune turned his head to face me.

"Alexius won't believe you if you just tell him. Let me print the information off so you can give it to him as proof." He told me. I hesitated, then thought better of it and nodded, allowing Ryouta to return to his work. I knew Alexius would be upset to know that Alexander had already died, but this was a good thing in a way. The man attoned for his sins. He would rot in the darkest parts of the underworld, reserved for monsters like him.

"I'll get you something to drink while you wait." Kalziar suggested after a while. I nodded to him in silence, watching him walk out of the room, leaving Ryouta and I alone. I watched Ryouta click a few links before the sound of a printer started to spit paper out of nowhere. Ryouta rose to his feet, plucking a couple pages that were floating in the air before he handed them to me.

"These should be enough," Ryouta said as I flipped through them, nodding slowly as I scanned the information, then looked up to see Ryouta studying me grimly, "But be quick, Killian. Get Alexius to Erini as soon as you get back. Don't wait for sunrise. You must get him to safety. I feel certain that Lothos will be monitoring him and his whereabouts closely, so don't hesitate. Get him to Erini. And once you're finished, return here so we can file the report and call another meeting with the other representatives." I nodded again, feeling glum now. I would have no choice, but to come back.

Alexius wouldn't want me around. He didn't need me around. He could probably find someone else in Erini to have sex with and feed him...

Shit, I realized with a grimace. And what about me? I was only allowed to feed on Alexius. I still loved him, deeply and unconditionally. How could I convince Alexius to let me feed from him at least once a month without being spat at? My head was starting to hurt even more. Fancy that, a vampyre with a migraine.

"Stop thinking," Ryouta ordered, making me wince and look up to see him glaring at me, "You are stressing yourself out. I may not understand your relationship or your feelings, but, Killian, if you truly care for this cambion, you have to put his needs ahead of yours. Get him to safety. And as much as I hate to say this, maybe it's best you two don't see each other after."

"But, Ryouta, I fed from him." I groaned, making Ryouta blanch. He clenched his fists and his cheeks reddened for a moment and I waited for him to explode on me, shouting and cursing in the hundreds of languages he knew, but he gave up and just threw his hands in the air in exasperation before dropping them to his sides stiffly.

"We'll talk about that later. Right now, take these papers and go. I'll tell Kalziar it was an emergency. Now, go, Killian. Finish your mission and report back here." Ryouta ordered firmly, pointing off to the side. I sighed, giving him a short nod before I shut my eyes and activated the teleportation magic, reappearing back at the camp in Xolun. I appeared just outside the tent, relieved to see that nobody had done anything. Nico had laid down to sleep on some blankets and was using Remi's leg as a pillow. Remi leaned up against a tree, asleep with his sword resting near his thigh. Ana sat silently by the fire, staring into it so the fires cast eerie shadows across her blank face. Soterios also sat beside her, looking weary and annoyed, but calmer than he was earlier. Xav sat on Ana's other side, looking down at his feet. Zenliu, Keltzu, and Zen were guarding the entrance to the tent where Alexius' was resting.

"Is he awake?" I asked, approaching Zenliu, who was silent for a moment before he glanced at me with narrowed eyes, grip tightening on his spear.

"No. He is asleep now. And consider yourself lucky," He added bitterly, making me frown, "I told you that I would kill you if you made him cry. I told Alexius I was going to kill you once you returned, but he told me no. He said he doesn't want anyone to kill you." I didn't know what to say to that. First of all, I was grateful that Alexius once again saved my life. But now, the guilt on my shoulders weighed a good few pounds more and I could actually feel the tension of the situation knotting my muscles in my back. I just nodded, then apologized under my breath before stepping inside the tent, Zenliu behind me with his sons.

"You hurt him." Zen accused me when we came inside.

"Zen!" Keltzu scolded, then said something else in their language to which Zen responded by blowing him a raspberry before Zen gave me a dirty look, folding his arms over his chest. I looked away to see Alexius sleeping peacefully on the bed. Or at least, he looked peaceful. Even from here, I could see the tear stains on his cheeks. I swallowed hard, making my way over to the bed. I paused a couple feet from it when Zenliu threw his spear up to block me.

"Do not wake him." Zenliu ordered. I frowned, then gave a slow nod as I looked down at the papers in my hands. Zenliu's eyes followed my stare before he looked back up, eyes darkening.

"That is the information on the man who killed my sister." He stated. I nodded grimly, watching Keltzu and Zen share curious looks. I took a wild stab in the dark that Zenliu hadn't told them they were Alexius' cousins, but Zenliu didn't seem to care now. I handed Zenliu the papers, watching him hand his spear off to Keltzu before taking the papers to scan them over, his eyes widening.

"He was hanged." He said, looking up in disbelief. I nodded.

"Alexander of Flynn died during the period of the Salem Witch Trials in the United States. He and a handful of others were hanged. His body was burnt before his then wife buried him in Salem. There is no need for Alexius, or you for that matter, to go after this man. He is already dead and I'm positive he's in the darkest parts of whatever underworld he worshipped." I explained calmly, watching Zenliu's eyes fly across the page over and over again to read the articles. He flipped a page in the packet to see a picture and instantly he curled his lip in repungence before handing the papers back to me.

"Good," He responded coldly, "He deserved what he got in more. But Alexius will not be as pleased as I am."

"I know," I muttered, turning my head to look at Alexius, who now laid on his side with an arm resting under his head and the other on his hip, "Which is why we can't wait until morning. Once he wakes up, the capsule's effects will be finished. I need to take him right now. Once he's in Erini, he cannot leave because is a cambion."

"Go too," Zen protested, making Keltzu scowl at him, but he ignored it and glared at me, "Take me with also."

"You're a cambion too, idiot," Keltzu snapped at him, "If you go, you can't leave."

"Keltzu's right, Zen," Zenliu told his son firmly, "Neither of you are going there." Zenliu rolled his eyes when Zen responded with something in their language and Keltzu grabbed his brother harshly around the waist, hauling him toward the exit of the tent. I gave Zenliu a look to which he glared at me.

"My sons are not going to Erini," Zenliu answered my look firmly, "I do not trust anyone to go near them and since you've come here, they've been in danger. I want you and your people to leave. Take Alexius to Erini, where he can be safe, and hopefully, one day, happy."

"Your sons would be safer in Erini, though," I insisted calmly, "Erini is made just for the protection of cambions. They're allowed to leave whenever their are no wars going on. Once a war takes place, the realm is sealed off from teleportation and all other entrances. Even gods cannot enter Erini. It's a sanctuary." Zenliu gave me a droll stare, folding his arms over his chest.

"While I admire how the council could come up with this kind of realm, I cannot let you take my sons to that kind of place. They do not belong there. They belong home, with their mother, their people. My children are not military weapons, they are not monsters, and they are not alone." He told me, making me frown.

"Alexius isn't a monster either." I reminded him, to which he nodded firmly at that.

"Agreed, but he is alone," He answered curtly, making me grimace, "He is vulnerable. And though you cannot see it, he is scared. And, well, I would say no offense, but you've pissed me off, so take all the offense you want, but the fact that you just slapped Alexius across the face after he let his guard down around you? I think he's become even more terrified of trusting people. From here on out, he will become wearier and honestly? Maybe colder towards the world. Do not expect him to thank you for what you've done in protecting him."

"I don't expect any kind of thanks or forgiveness," I replied quietly, glancing at Alexius out the corner of my eye before looking back at Zenliu to meet his icy blue eyes, "But I just saved his life and billions of others."

"At what cost?" Zenliu challenged. I fell silent. Zenliu studied my face, then shook his head as he made his way out the tent, only to pause and look back at me.

"Really, Killian, I want you to stay away from Alexius after you leave him in Erini. A man can only take so much pain before he surrenders himself to it." He spoke in a chilling tone that gave me goosebumps. I watched him leave, then turned back to Alexius, approaching the bed carefully. I touched his arm, just to make sure he was completely out. Much to my relief, he was. I took my chance and curled my arms underneath of him, lifting him into my arms. He suddenly felt lighter, more fragile. It squeezed at my heart, but I refused to cave into it.

I made my way out of the tent where Nico and Remi had woken up, standing near a tree, but Nico kept a good distance from Remi, looking incredibly uncomfortable. Soterios, Ana, and Xav got up as soon as I came outside. I frowned, glancing at each of their faces. I could see their opinions of me changing right before my very eyes. What had once been respect and admiration turned to hostility and disgust. But none of it came close to piercing my heart as much as the tears that Alexius shed because of what I'd done to him.

I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, blocking the image from my mind. I didn't have time for this. I was so close to saving Alexius. I couldn't waste it a pity party.

"Xav," I spoke aloud, making him snap his head to frown at me, "Please return to Ivacha with Soterios. Inform them that Alexius and I were killed or kidnapped, whatever you want. Just tell them something believable, that we won't return, because we won't." Soterios looked about ready to argue with the orders, but Xav surprised me by bowing low in respect, then straightening to look me dead in the eyes.

"Yes, General Killian." He responded without emotion, then grabbed Soterios' hand and the two of them vanished on the spot. I turned to Zenliu and his sons, who were glaring at me as if I had just committed a great crime-- which is what this felt like.

"You may return to your village. Once Lothos realizes that we're not here, they'll leave. They won't bother your people. If they do, I recommend you contact the council and speak with your representative. He can solve your problem." I told them, but Zenliu snorted.

"I don't need my brother's sodding help," He answered sharply, making me sigh before he straightened and nodded to me, "Then goodbye, Killian Kirosis. I would wish you the best of luck, but... Well, I don't like you, so keep my nephew safe and do not let him return to Ren. If I know my brother, I know he will continue to torment him and we both know that's the last thing Alexius needs right now." I nodded, then watched Zenliu usher his sons into the woods where the shadows of the night swallowed them whole, voice, body, and all. I turned to Ana, Nico, and Remi, who grimaced at the attention.

"You three will need to come with me. Alexius will need help settling in once we get to Erini and it's much better to have friendly faces assisting than strangers." I informed, watching them share looks before nodding slowly. Even Nico didn't protest, something that surprised me. I came forward and closed my eyes at the same time they did, all of us vanishing from Xolun and appearing in the cambion realm of Erini.

Erini was yet another island realm, but much bigger than Ivacha. The waters were as brilliant and colorful as the Caribbean seas in the human realm. Forests stretched upon miles of mountains with various plant life and a nymph community on the other side of the mountains. Fields of flowers and bright green grass stretched on and on. Cliffs dropped into the sea where foamy waves crashed into the rocky sides and white silky sands.

Not more than a few steps away was the cambion village. Homey beach cottages wrapped in vines with purple flowers lined a single main street with cobblestone walkways. Smoke puffed from the chimneys, signalling that most everyone was home today. An odd occurance considering how sunny and warm it was out today. I knew for a fact that Mikhail enjoyed surfing and this was just the right weather for it.

I nudged with my head for the others to follow, and despite their obvious displeasure with me, they obeyed. We had just come into the village when the first cottage opened to reveal the ahnz cambion, Mallurak. He was a rather tall cambion with long black hair that was parted down the side, his eyes a piercing shade of silver. He was wearing a pair of blue jeans that were torn at the knees and a black tank top. He instantly frowned at the sight of us until he saw Alexius and his eyes widened.

"Is he all right?" He asked immediately, coming forward down the walk way from his door. I nodded, taking a step towards him as he slowed down, looking relieved.

"He just needs a place to stay while we get to work on furnishing one of the cottages for him to stay in." I informed him. Mallurak hesitated at that, looking down at Alexius before he caught sight of Nico, Remi, and Ana. His friendly expression hardened and his eyes grew cold. I could see his fangs elongating at what he assumed was a threat.

"Not them," I told him firmly, making him glare at me, "They're here to help Alexius move in."

"I don't want them anywhere near Gracie." Mallurak deadpanned. I shook my head, glancing back at the others, who were giving me confused stares.

"Two of them are gay and the woman would probably crunch your nuts, so she should probably stay away from you." I told him, making him scowl at that. Ana didn't deny the claim and just cocked her head in an attempt to appear innocent. Remi sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration and Nico snorted.

"I'm not gay!" He protested. I didn't answer to that and looked at Mallurak, who sighed in frustration. He looked like he was ready to start a full on battle about having these people invade his home when his wife, Gracie, came to the door. Gracie was a rather plain woman in my opinion with voluptuous curves and thick brown curls that framed a freckled face and a pair of big blue eyes. She wore a white and blue flower pattern sundress and leather bracelets and anklets.

"Guests?" Gracie asked. Mallurak grimaced, then glanced back at her, looking nervous to have her exposed to strangers.

"Gracie, go back inside--"

"Oh no you don't," Gracie protested, surprising everyone with how firm she sounded, and even more shocking to see lil' ol' her stand next to her towering Godzilla of a husband, "Not this time, buster. I caught you red handed doing your weirdo demon crap. I want in on the fun, otherwise, you're not gonna get any." Mallurak blushed right to the tips of his ears at that, having to tilt his head down to look at Gracie, who was poking him in the chest, her other hand firmly on her hip.

"I like her." Nico deadpanned. Mallurak shot him a dirty look.

"You better not." He told him. Nico smirked cockily at him, but Ana whacked him in the gut for it so he doubled over in pain and Remi just sighed again, glancing up at the sky and probably wondering why the Fates would ever let him fall in love with a guy like Nico.

"Hello, Gracie," I said after clearing my throat to get the attention again, "Do you mind if we intrude for a while? You have a new resident." Gracie frowned, then looked down at Alexius before her eyes widened and she snapped her head to look up at Mallurak.

"That's the guy from before. The one who showed up here randomly."

"Yeah, his name is Alexius. He's the incubus cambion." Mallurak responded, making Gracie cock her head and approach me to look down at Alexius curiously. She studied his face before stepping back, shrugging and folding her arms over his chest.

"He's kinda cute. He can bunk at our place until you get him a home." She told me with a nod, making Mallurak twitch and snap his head to stare at her.

"Gracie, the baby--"

"Still has a few more months," Gracie interrupted him sternly, patting her belly that seemed to look a bit puffed now that I got a better look at her, "And you told me this place was safe, the perfect place to raise a baby. This guy won't hurt Chrysanthemum." At that, Mallurak scowled.

"Regulus." He corrected her, making Gracie laugh out loud before turning to look at us, thrusting a thumb in her husband's direction.

"This guy insists I'm going to have a baby boy and he wants to name it Regulus. Are you kidding me? I'm the mama and I say it's a baby girl. Named Chrysanthemum." She added, then playfully elbowed Mallurak, who huffed indigenously. Gracie smirked, then gestured for us to follow her into their cottage. Mallurak hung back to watch each of us carefully like a lion trying to size us up.

We walked into a cozy living room with a fireplace where a large German Shepherd lazily sprawled on the wooden floor. It lifted its head to stare for a moment, then flopped back down with a grunt. Two short hallways on either side of the wall the fireplace was on led into a dining room and a kitchen. To the left was a closet under a staircase that led upstairs to the bedrooms. It was all decorated with a very comfortable earthy theme. The walls were painted a cool pastel blue color with a neat pattern of a white swiggly and two dots in each dip of the line. The floors were a dark wood and a large brown leather sofa matched the arm chair and love seat nearby.

"You can lay him on the sofa," Gracie told me, leading me to the sofa and patting it before she turned to Mallurak, who closed the door behind us, "Mally, could you grab some blankets and a pillow for Mr. Alexius?"

"Mally?" Nico echoed, raising an eyebrow. Mallurak narrowed his eyes.

"I can think of a few clever nicknames for you, asshat." He responded flatly, making Nico scowl. Mallurak went upstairs to fetch the blankets and pillow as I laid Alexius carefully down on the sofa, stepping back and looking to see Gracie leaning over the back of the sofa to look down at Alexius in wonder.

"He actually looks kinda small for a demon. Most of the demon baddies I've seen are, like, seven feet tall." She commented, making me smile lightly.

"Most of the demon baddies you've seen weren't cambions. Cambions are part human and sometimes, the height thing is switch around." I explained to her calmly. Most demons, with the acception of goblins and the likes, were rather tall, much like the original humans. The shortest a demon could get, again, setting aside goblins, was about five eleven. Alexius was probably five ten or somewhere around there.

"Demon baddies?" Ana asked at last, coming over to kneel beside the sofa so she was near Alexius. Gracie blinked as if noticing Ana for the first time, then smiled, looking relieved.

"So glad there's another girl around these parts. Most of them don't like me very much because I'm human." She admitted, making Nico blink and stare at her in surprise.

"You're human?" He asked. Gracie nodded, thumping her fist against her chest.

"Born and raised in Dayton, Ohio, United States." She responded, making Nico raise an eyebrow as he folded his arms over his chest, cocking his head.

"And yet, you have no attractive to either Alexius or myself?" He asked for confirmation. Gracie grinned, leaning her elbows on the back of the sofa.

"Don't get me wrong, you two are adorable--"

"Adorable?" Nico didn't seem to like the sound of that. Gracie ignored him and continued.

"But I love Mallurak. He's my hubby and the only man for me, sweetheart. Besides, I think the guy touching my graduation photo is the one who's got his eye on you." She said, pointing to Remi, who instantly set the picture down, whipping around and looking embarrassed. Nico glanced at him, then snorted and looked back at Gracie.

"How did you know that?" He asked. Gracie tapped her temple with a finger.

"Women's intution. That and I have a built in gaydar and right now, you're making it explode." She added, making Nico blush. I smirked at that, watching Remi shift uncomfortably while Nico grumbled under his breath about nosy women. Gracie turned to Ana now, smiling.

"And before, you asking me about the demons," She said, making Ana nod, "Well, I used to live in Dayton, Ohio, like I said. I was an artist struggling to make a name for myself and pay off the student loans I owed when I met Mallurak. I was getting mixed up with some bad guys at the bar who were offering me money. Well, they were getting way too friendly and just when I thought I was about to be torn to pieces, this big guy swooped in and saved me. He was like those scary biker guys you see in movies that hide in the shadows. This guy didn't ask for a thank you or accept any of my money. He just took me home and left me. Thought I'd never see him again until I came across that same bar. This time, the big scary biker dude was getting his ass handed to him by a couple of jerks. So what'd I do? Go in there waving my cell phone and telling them I called the cops. At the time, I had no idea those two were demons that couldn't care less who I called. They came at me and biker dude saved my life, again. And from there, it was like a supernatural romance novel where guy meets girl and they live happily ever after in a realm where I'm free of debt."

"That's romantic." Ana commented, looking dreamy, which surprised me and seemed to catch Nico off guard too before he laughed.

"Ana, maybe if you stopped kicking everyone's ass, you'd find someone." He told her. Ana shot him a warning glare that made him shrug and step back innocently. Gracie smirked, then looked at Ana reassuringly.

"Don't give up, hun. I used to think there were 7 billion guys I could choose from in the earth realm... Then I found out there were other realms so that makes like what? 7 trillion? Gazillion? Lots of men, or women, whichever floats your banana boat. I happened to be one of the women who was looking in the wrong realm." She recounted with a grin. Ana smiled at that. She seemed comforted by Gracie's words. We didn't wait too much longer as Mallurak came downstairs with a couple blankets and a pillow. I slipped the pillow under Alexius' head and draped the blankets around him.

"All righty," Gracie said, looking up with a smile, "Now, let's all go have lemonade and you guys can tell me just who the heck is sleeping on my sofa."

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