Naruto Uchiha: the dragon emp...

By SithTrooperO9

78.1K 1.3K 252

A rewrite of my first fanfic. Decided for a rewrite as there were too many grammer mistakes, power scaling is... More

A visit from the west
Night of the Uchiha Massacre
Summons and discoveries
A plague
Graduation and team 7
Team 7 and the mission to Wave
Mission to Wave
Mission to Wave part 2
Missions for team 7
The chunin exams
The forest of death
Chunin finals
Dragon vs racoon
Konoha crush
Promotions and development
Search for Tsunade
Land of Snow
Sasuke retrival mission
Blood Prison
Blood Prison part 2
The War in Mist
Consolidating power
Journey to the west
Battle against the Sathar'i
War of Unification part 1: declaration
War of Unification part 2: seven days to the river Kresh
War of Unification part 3: Carathian campaign
War of Unification part 4: fall of Decapolis
War of Unification part 5: state of the world
War of Unification part 6: northern campaign
War of Unification part 8: war's end
The new emperor
Return home
Vs Deidara and Sasori
Battle in a desolate forest
Fated battle between clansmen
The truth of Itachi Uchiha
8 tails capture
5 kage summit
Danzo's death and student vs teacher
The relics of the king
Demons of the ancient world
March of the Daevites
Operation: Sea Lion
The Battle of Stone
Blackfyre victories
Uchiha vs Uchiha
Death of a snake
The alternate world
The alternate world part 2
Clash of gods
10 tails jinchuriki
Kaguya Otsutsuki strikes
Showdown: Naruto vs Menma

War of Unification part 7: assassination attempt

404 10 1
By SithTrooperO9

-Heshbon, continental far north-

''Base delta zero?'' Naruto asked. His cousin Daemon had casually said it but he was curious as to what it meant. It was regarded as the last resort kind of military protocol.

''I forgot you weren't told of all the military protocols. To put it simply, the base delta zero protocol is the complete and utter devastation of entire landscapes and cities. With a constant orbital bombardment from warships, tungsten rods and then nuclear weapons. It's a military protocol only to be used as a last resort and to kill the entire population of countries.'' Daemon explained the protocol.

''And Grand General Rukossovsky said that it will not be required. After hearing that explanation, it's probably better if we don't have to resort to it.'' Naruto said and drank his warm soup. ''And what of the capital city of Jahaz? Will the assault begin soon?''

''In about... thirty five minutes.'' Daemon answered. ''On the general's orders, we are to lead from the flanks. I'll take the left and you take the right. We have to finish the Heshbonites and a second force near the Jabbok river.''

''I'll see you on the river then.'' Naruto said and his pet Yugito brought him to his tent. After that, they got ready, all the troops and vehicles and artillery and waited. Once the signal was given, they attacked Jahaz, capital of Heshbon.

A wing of Magogite starfighters flew and attacked the defenses of Jahaz. The imperial 12th armored brigade led the charge and the 145th and 146th attack battalions followed. The walls were broken down and they stormed the city. Intense fighting broke out as the Heshbonite defenders fought ferociously. Even regular civilians, women and children, fought to defend their home. Naruto and Daemon led the charge but they were held back by the knights who fought with all their might. The imperial army of Magog lost a legion in the first day. They retreated to make a defensive position and all through the night, missiles and artillery echoed and bombers dropped their payload. The city was in flames, fire blazing the unforgiving cold. All through the night, sounds of explosions was heard and the civilians tried evacuating but no hope. Mass graves were digged and the Magogite troopers executed the surrendered Heshbonites as payback for their comrades.

The next day, army Major Halder led his troops to charge at the enemy where they successfully broke through despite heavy casualties. Taking advantage of this, the imperial army then used this to encircle the Heshbonites. The city was now in their hands. The Heshbonites were forced to retreat and both Naruto and Daemon pursued them. They killed many and the Heshbonites fled to the frozen Jabbok river where Naruto ordered the artillery to open fire. Then, they prepared to face the Bashanian forces. Imperial troopers got their ski on and waited as the first wave of tanks rolled. After that, the second wave came and the soldiers were skiing down to attack. An artillery barrage and the rest of the soldiers ran to attack. The enemy was defeated and the northern theatre was cleared.

''My lords, orders from Angband. Queen Rhaella wants you and the Grand General to return to Konstantia.'' a lieutenant informed the two princes. Wasting no time, an escort team was made ready to transport all three back to the capital of Magog.

-island of K'thera, emerald sea-

The very remote and small island of K'thera in the emerald sea, west of the continent, was where the mages of the sect of Ba'al Hadad, Ashtoreth and Chemosh were banished. Magic users, some even dark arts, was allowed to some degree in the constant warring nations of Araad man Enoch but they were deemed too dangerous and immoral. Over five hundred were banished here because their practices in the dark arts of the antediluvian world was considered too far. Practices that crossed a certain limit even the most power hungry and brutal of leaders were disgusted by it. But it was to these banished mages that one very desperate Jorus Sabulo turned to for help.

The iron sand using mercenary leader walked through the red mist forest and ignored the mages hiding in the trees. He stopped as he felt the presence of someone. He saw a weak looking, hunchback figure cloaked in red come out to meet him. ''Great mother priestess of the sect of Ba'al Hadad, Ashtoreth, Chemosh and more. I am in need of your help.'' Jorus said to her.

''And do tell what that may be, Jorus of the black dunes? What causes you to seek our help of all places?'' the great mother of the cult asked the iron sand user.

''I want you to kill the two princes of the Blackfyres: Daemon and Konstantine.''

''High demands, Sabulo, very high demands and such types ask for great prices. You know what I want, Sabulo. To sate my dark gods. Children! Healthy, innocent children of preferably noble birth! Yes. Sacrifices to the dark gods of the pre flood world. That is what I want.'' the great mother priestess said.

''And you shall have them. Bring them!'' Jorus called and his men brought over fifty children and the old, crooked witch leaned in to inspect them.

''Good, good. Perfect health and body, pure souls, good. Very good! The gods will be pleased with these sacrifice. You have your deal, sand user.'' the witch called out her underlings and they prepared the fires for ritual sacrifice.

''Jorus.'' the second in command of the mercenary faction, Raxus, called out to his leader. ''I hate the Blackfyres just as much but... sacrificing children? And to these crackpots? They were banished for a reason.''

''I know, Raxus, and I honestly do not give a fuck!'' Jorus half shouted. ''As long as thosr Blackfyre scum are dead I don't care if even a billion people die. It's one less problem for all of us.'' the iron sand user said and walked away. The second in command of the Golden Eagles covered his ears to drown out the terrified screams and pleas of the children and walked away.

-castle of Angband, Konstantia-

Naruto, Daemon and Grand General Rukossovsky were called back to Konstantia to discuss the southern theatre. It was going a lot more poorly then it was initially thought. The battle of Somarang and Klussh and the siege of Vidstok was taking it's toll. In particular, the siege of Vidstok had lasted more than sixty days and the battle of Somarang for over seventy days now. No progress was made. The Grand General was called to organize the tactics and Naruto and Daemon to lead the charges once ready. The southern theatre remained and once it fell, the continent was under Blackfyre rule and he can turn his eyes back to the east.

It was late at night and Naruto was walking down the hallway to his bed chambers. The planning and discussions which was under much debate was finally over and he could sleep. As Naruto walked, he sensed something. He quickly moved to the right to avoid an incoming poison dart. It was clear to Naruto that it was an assassination attempt. He took out his sword and prepared to fight. He activated his sharingan but the enemy was invisible. ''I don't need my eyes to know your movements, assassins.'' Naruto said as his dragon sage powers allowed him to sense his enemies. There were six of them and they all attacked at once.

The assassins attacked and Naruto blocked their strikes. Naruto shot a small fireball and jumped away to get some breathing room. The assassins came again and they dueled. They attacked all at once, not taking turns and he was forced on the defensive. He took the advantage of an opening and managed to cut one assassin in half. The others dueled him but Naruto was attacked by a powerful wind jutsu and then electrocuted. He shot his own lightning and they continued. Naruto was thrown hard into to the wall and his sword pushed aside. The assassins prepared to kill him but he smirked. Behind them, Tsunade had ripped one to shreds, Kurotsuchi melted another and Haku froze a third. Naruto shot lightning to subdue a fourth but the last one got a piece of his hair and fled.

''Master, are you alright?'' Tsunade asked.

''I'm fine. Take the corpses for study. I want to know from which nation they came from.'' Naruto ordered.

The assassin who got a piece of Naruto's hair had met up with two more of her sisters. They were tasked to kill Daemon Blackfyre and it seemed they failed. ''The Blackfyre was tough. Far more than I had anticipated.'' the female assassin said. ''He killed the others as if we were nothing, Kale.''

''I told you not to underestimate them.'' Kale, the daughter of the great mother priestess, said in a harsh tone. ''They are knights with years of combat experience and they recieved the best available training. They are no ordinary men. However, it wasn't entirely a loss.'' she said and revealed the strand of Naruto's hair she got.

''Hair? From the other Blackfyre? The mages can use it in a blood ritual to kill him.''

''Exactly and we have to go now. Before soldiers and knights catch wind of us.'' Kale said and they left to return home.

-island of K'thera, emerald sea-

The seventh imperial fleet had arrived over the island. For attacking a Blackfyre prince and subjecting him to a curse, queen regent Rhaella ordered the immediate exterimantion of those responsible. Admiral Kolster was to lead the fleet, major general Heinz the army and Daemon to personally kill the mages. ''The fleet is in position, admiral.'' an ensign told the admiral.

''Order the bombers to leave at once. Inform the major general that he can deploy his troops.'' the admiral ordered and within a minute, the bombers flew off.

Explosion were seen on the island and helicopters flew in to deploy troops. The transport craft came in and dropped armored personnal carriers and tanks to reinforce the platoons. The imperial troopers and knights faced off against the banished mages who threw their magic spells and explosive stones. Knowing that a battle like this would not be won, the elders of the cult had raised their fallen to make a zombie army. Numbering slightly more than a thousand, the zombies turned the tide of battle and forced the imperial troopers on the defensive. Kale led her brothers and sisters in the battle and not even the advanced war vehicles were enough to help them.

''Zombies! We're facing zombies!'' a sargent shouted over on the radio, informing the others and his superiors.

''Two circles formation. We're moving in to your position.'' a major told the sargent. Recieving the new orders, the soldiers and knights formed themselves into a circle and shot at their enemies. Then, reinforcements came to surround the surrounding zombies and annihlate them.

Kale led the majority of her forces to the beach where Daemon was preparing the bulk of the Magogite attack group. ''Prince Daemon Blackfyre, the 'Black Dread of Magog'. Surprised to see the undead walking?'' she taunted and drew her dual blades.

''When you go into as many battles as I have, few things can be called a surprise. Not the first time I've faced zombies.'' Daemon said and drew his sword, the Mortifer.

''Face me in combat, dragon born. Prove to everyone who is the greater warrior between us. You win, we shall surrender. I win, your brother dies and you leave.''

''There are no negotiations between dragons and ordinary folk, little girl. Your fate here, today, is nothing but extinction.'' Daemon replied back and they fought in a duel. It was an easy duel for the Blackfyre prince. Kale was talented sure but Daemon had the better skills, experience and strength. He forced the witch to move on the defensive very quickly, proving to all he was the superior warrior. ''Think you can defeat me? It is nothing but a terrible joke. I fought armies and monters that make men shake in fear. The blood of those I have killed soak the fields of all lands. The mere utter of my name is synonomous with fear to the enemies of Magog.'' Daemon kicked her down and prepared to finish her.

The zombies moved in instantly and Daemon cut down the first zombie. The imperial troopers began to shoot and the knights and Pakura came to help their prince. Kale was taken back but many of the cult were either shot or cut down. ''Forget the witch. Our target is in the center of the island. Tanks! Charge straight ahead!'' Daemon ordered and tanks moved ahead, blasting at enemies and the troops also fired at the defending zombies and mages. Daemon reached the temple and the soldiers stormed in. The great mother priestess turned herself into a green mist to escape while the other elders were killed.

Naruto's life was safe and the war could continue now.

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