
Oleh 129cdmuller

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"Like the fire in a dragon's belly, Selena's irresistible bond with Thor powers this book and series, bringin... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: The Awakening
Chapter 2: The Library
Chapter 3: Ebony
Chapter 4: Kissed by an Angel
Chapter 5: Revelation
Chapter 6: The Dragon and the Rose
Chapter 7: Unbent and Unbroken
Chapter 8: Whispers in the Dark
Chapter 9: Mortemholdt
Chapter 10: The Prince of Shadows
Chapter 11: Born of Blood and Fire
Chapter 12: A Brother's Tale
Chapter 13: His Solemn Hour
Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard the Blood Diamond
Chapter 15: Promises to a Loved One
Chapter 17: Thor Alone
Chapter 18: The Castle by the Sea
Chapter 19: If You Should Die
Chapter 20: How to Become a Shapeshifter
Chapter 21: The Bells
Chapter 22: The Broken Man
Chapter 23: The Eclipse
Chapter 24: Into the Inferno
Chapter 25: Baptism of Fire
Chapter 26: Dance of Dragons
Chapter 27: The Golden Crown
Chapter 28: The Old Council and the New
Chapter 29: Dawn of a New World

Chapter 16: Noctis

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Oleh 129cdmuller

Battleraven's grim defeat dyed the vault of heaven crimson. Selena kept her dragon form, and during their flight, Silver could not contain himself at how she was able to do so. You learned how to manipulate your energy to transform at will.

When you first taught me about Aether and how to manipulate others' energy, I realized I could control mine.

Ulrich said the only way you could purify yourself and use Aether was to detach yourself and be free.

I found a different resolution.

Selena sailed forward while Silver eyed her in wonder and admiration. I love you.

She soared in a heightened state of awareness, enjoying the new senses that beguiled her; sight, sound, taste, and so on. She could hear the patter from all creatures across the ground, from the crawling ant to the pirouetting deer; Selena enjoyed listening to the earth's sweet ballad of life. She carried the strength of a hundred dragons—Selena wondered if Thor always felt that way—but immediately, her attitude spiraled downward, unsure of how she could enjoy her awakening when her companion remained lost.

The sunlight shimmered across her Aether scales, reflecting glimmering turquoise specs. Selena even caught Rahim admiring her beauty as a dragon on several occasions, which gave her the gleaming pleasure of knowing that no other dragon could compare except for Thor. She allowed a small stream of Aether flames to slither and twirl through her serrated fangs as she thought to herself, One day, Thor, our Divine fire will reign.

Although he couldn't hear Silver's and Selena's previous conversation, Rahim still spoke to the two dragons. "As much as I may regret saying this, I remember when you first brought up the idea of getting an army of Nidhoggr, Selena. They must have gone rogue, or they would have attacked us back there. We should figure out where they went and form an alliance with them."

Silver swung his head and moaned. I'm not sure Lord Godfrey will appreciate a flight of undead dragons knocking on his castle door, but if we can convince those creatures to join us, why not?

Rahim's eyes widened, and he clenched his teeth. "I... did you just talk to me, or am I losing my mind?"

Silver chose not to reply, allowing Rahim to believe the latter. However, after Selena arched her neck around and growled with a snap of her fangs, Silver finally explained how the mental bond worked. Meanwhile, Selena considered herself pleased when Rahim, although hesitant because it had to be Silver, accepted this new form of communication.

Before Silver could explain how she could do the same by opening her thoughts to others, Selena already began speaking with Rahim in the same manner before addressing Silver directly. Thank you, but I've done this before with the She-Wolf, Kiba of the Aynu.

Silver groaned, and Rahim kept shaking his head in disbelief. "Err, you two are too much for me." After staring at the two snickering dragons, he clicked his tongue against his teeth. "Anyway, how will we find that group of ferals?"

They looked to be heading towards Blackheart Village. We could always stop and ask if they've seen them.

"That will take us a little longer to get to the keep."

But wouldn't it be worth it if we came with reinforcements? It wouldn't hurt to try.

After a few painful groans, Rahim eventually conceded to Selena's line of thinking and fell deep in thought for a while before his eyes widened and sparkled at a sudden revelation. "By having those goop dragons fighting alongside the vampires and us, and with the added firepower from the eclipse, we should be able to launch an invasion to reclaim Alfheim. We can stop the Lich's army from making their apocalyptic journey." He leaned over Silver's horns. "I have an idea of how to do that. When we get to Dark Blood Hold, I want to help Lord Godfrey work on the battle plans."

Selena dipped her head in agreement. I trust that you will come up with a great strategy. Rahim's face beamed from her expressing full faith in his ideas.

The three made their way back to Heaven's Tear, but only briefly to grab their provisions, weapons, and armor. Selena braced herself and prepared for the worst at seeing so great of a library destroyed, but she was pleasantly surprised that Silver's tower was back in one piece as if the pirates were never there. It took me a few minutes to rebuild my sanctuary before we chased down the fleet, but it's still difficult to remember how I had everything.

You never cease to amaze me.

I'm just an old shapeshifter. What can I say? The group shared a hearty laugh, but Selena couldn't help but gaze upwards at the swirling, violent clouds protecting Ulrich's peak. She wondered if Ulrich knew she would ultimately figure out how to conquer her powers, but the Emerald Dragon remained in solitude within his crystallized fortress.

The trio landed in front of Silver's freshly rebuilt tower. Selena placed Thor's bracelets and gold and ruby chain beside his pavilion before resuming her human guise; Silver and Rahim were astounded by her sudden appearance change. Not understanding what the two were gabbing about, Silver eventually redirected her inside to find a full-body mirror in the same apartment with the grand piano. To say she was stunned was an understatement; her face was now as smooth and angled as her mother's—an elven maiden most fair whose beauty could never be matched—emitting a faint glow as if kissed by sunlight.

Selena's right hand reached for her soft and shiny turquoise blue blending to a snow-white hair that had suddenly grown to her waist; the tableau of gradient colors matched those of her brilliant, gem-like scales. She ran her trembling fingers across the new pointy tips of her ears. Although her parents were elves, unfortunately, due to the effects of the Well of Souls, her race changed to human. The only resemblance that connected her was the tan skin tone she and her mother shared, but now, from Silver's theory, by controlling her Aether, she was able to revert the Well's mistakes. Her emerald eye color, magnified by the sheen from her new hair, was the only feature that hadn't changed. According to Silver, she was as beautiful, if not more so, than any elven maiden he had seen, though Selena assumed his opinion might be biased.

When Silver looked down at her left arm, her eyes immediately followed, and the two saw how she no longer had a bandaged stump. Instead, Selena had fashioned herself a new left hand made entirely of Aether—a spectral limb with Divine energy wafting from her fingers. Silver rushed to her side so he could examine her beaming appendage. "This is amazing—you're brilliant."

She wasn't sure how she accomplished this new creation, as her mind had subconsciously crafted the new limb. Maintaining her Aether in this manner was the same as breathing or her heart beating; she didn't have to think about it. Silver asked if making one of flesh and blood was feasible, but Selena expressed satisfaction in sporting the new, ethereal look. After seeing Silver's defeated expression, she only added the future possibility, but his eyes wandered to the floor as he fell deep in thought. "I wonder. My dear, how is your back feeling?"

After permitting him to examine, Selena immediately undid the back of her blue dress and allowed Silver to see. While he was busy assessing, his jaw almost dropped to the floor. Her back no longer bothered her, and she hadn't felt ill since before she and Ebony shared their duel. Yet, per Silver, her skin was as soft and unscathed as a newborn babe's, and Selena saw the results on her chest; the scars and marks from Medusa were gone.

"Curiouser and curiouser. Neither Ulrich nor I could do that, but you somehow cleansed Medusa's corrupted magic. You astound me." Silver couldn't stop his grin from spreading across his face, his happiness contagious as Selena couldn't help but smile herself. Her fingers of flesh and Aether wisps fumbled as she redid her dress, still at a loss at her accomplishment that a Divine said would be impossible. Silver's excitement knew no bounds. "You're remarkable. Not only did you fashion yourself a new, fully functional Aether hand and purify your wounds, but you managed to reverse the effects of the Well of Souls. Absolutely brilliant, my dear."

Selena ignored Rahim as he dashed into the room moments later but couldn't push away the badgering about the sudden racial change that ensued. The moment felt more like a dream; Selena eventually explained what she achieved following Silver's brief report of the Well's mistakes. Rahim couldn't help but stare in wonder when Selena clarified that, through manipulating her energy, she corrected the errors and restored her appearance.

While Rahim babbled about her new form after blushing twice, Silver playfully argued against Rahim falling in love. Rahim and Selena exchanged disgusted expressions; Selena wondered at her capabilities when an idea sparked. Expressing her desire to test her theory to Silver, she then strutted back outside with her enthusiastic and cheering audience. She waved her fresh hand, and the magic erupted like a spike of ice taking a sword's shape. The ethereal blade glossed over like a frozen lake; the air kissed it with a cold mist.

Rahim jumped and bounced in his spot like a child anticipating a gift, while Silver's face glimmered in the absolute delight of this discovery; Selena couldn't tell who was more excited. "That's like when you first learned magic, and you made that fire scythe," Rahim said.

She swung her Aether blade at a nearby tree, grinning wide, leaving a notch with every lash she made. Being able to manipulate her energy made her feel like she had the power of a thousand suns coursing through her veins.

Selena unsheathed Dragonheart with her other hand and began practicing dual-wielding her weapons as she followed Azrael's former instruction. Silver and Rahim saw a flurry of metal and light emerging from Selena's swings that struck down the ancient pine tree with lightning-speed attacks. The thick tree couldn't withstand her onslaught, and it fell before her, the mountain yielding to its great weight. Breathing deep, she released her Aether sword and sheathed Dragonheart when satisfied.

Remembering that she still had Silver's and Rahim's trinkets with her, Selena distributed them to their rightful owners. Rahim hadn't smiled so big since Selena first bought him the Aynu necklace and revolver, cradling them before draping his leather charm and tying the holster to his belt.

"Thank you, my dear." Silver bowed and smiled before accepting his watch back. He slipped it into his pocket, and, once he confirmed Revelation remained safe in her possession, the three made haste to grab their newly repaired belongings for their trip.

Yet, Rahim asked her to show him Revelation. Sighing, she pulled out the golden watch, and his face glimmered. "Whoa. How does it work?"

"I have to say a certain phrase to unlock its true form."

"Can you show me?"

She glared at him and stuffed the timepiece away after affirming it should only be saved for her fight against Venexus. Rahim crinkled his nose at the sound of the necromancer's name, but he neither argued nor protested against hearing it. Instead, he grudgingly agreed and went to join Silver.

When he finished, Silver marched outside with his packs thrown over his shoulder and took on his dragon form with his possessions tied down to a small, makeshift harness already strapped over his back for Rahim's benefit. Rahim carried their last pack of provisions he needed and, after thanking Silver for the new accommodation in wearing a saddle, ensured all their belongings were safe and secure. Selena was still hesitant to leave as everywhere she looked reminded her of Thor, and she didn't want to abandon her memories.

Her mind was so clouded and hazy that she didn't hear Rahim calling her name. "Where are you? It's time to go." She grabbed her shield and strapped it over Dragonheart as her friends impatiently waited; she marched outside but paused when peering at Thor's jewelry, unsure if she should leave or bring the treasures.

Will you ever return to Heaven's Tear? Her heart broke every time she received no response.

Silver interrupted her growing grief by walking over and nudging her shoulder. Why don't you bring them and just wear them when you're a dragon?

Selena thought about it for a moment but shook her head, as the bracelets and necklace weren't for her. If she continued to wear the jewelry, it would be disrespectful to Thor. Instead, she rummaged through her property until finding his gift from the Aynu. As her eyes became like glass, Selena brought Thor's obsidian dragon totem over and laid it beside the golden jewelry before kneeling and muttering a small prayer for his safe return; if he ever did, his treasures were waiting for him.

After taking one last look at Thor's pavilion, and when she was ready, Silver stood back as she transformed into a dragon in a burst of swirling light, he and Rahim watching in awe. Launching herself towards the heavens, she unfurled her iridescent, ethereal wings midair, dust billowing from every flap she made. Silver followed her, slithering off the plateau's edge, and made the steep climb skyward.

Selena's flight was soft and steady and as graceful as a bird's; she rode upon the breath of the Divines themselves as she and her friends moved onwards between the heavens and the earth. The only time she ever felt this free was when she flew with Thor, and her heart ached.

Rahim pointed outward towards a massive score of people marching like they were in a parade, behaving oddly similar to the patrons from the Grand Exchange. "Those are the Dreygur, aren't they?"

Silver opened his mouth and let out a long groan to confirm Rahim's suspicion, as he was too lazy to speak directly through the new mental link. As the trio approached, they could see rotting flesh falling off their exposed bones. The clothes on their backs were tattered and blotted with old blood, while a blue film covered their eyes, and stringy and greasy strands of hair plastered upon their faces. The three watched the Dreygur march in the opposite direction with a dark purpose.

Selena heard the whispers again when they first encountered Rahim's father, and moments later, they could see the Nidhoggr and its rider flying with the herd of Dreygur. However, the undead dragon was too far away to see Selena's group, and the rider was busy guiding the deceased forces to their destination.

"Should we do something about them? About...?" Rahim couldn't bring himself to finish what he was going to say.

Selena arched her neck back and growled. Leave it be for now. Rahim sighed, but he couldn't tear his gaze away from the monster his father had become.

When Blackheart Village was in sight, Silver and Selena made haste. However, as the three flew closer, they noticed a wall built around it, but the front gate looked like it had been clawed open. Silver and Selena circled its perimeter a couple of times but stopped and hovered when two armed citizens standing on the wall called them from below.

While Selena remained aloft, Silver landed where the guards pointed and allowed Rahim to dismount. He shapeshifted back to his human form and greeted the hostile village. The two residents standing guard marched forth; to Selena's surprise, they didn't react to Silver's transformation or care that a massive Aether dragon was watching them closely.

None of this seems right, Silver. Please be on your guard. Silver still heard her; he peered over his shoulder and grinned.

"State your business." The first guard ordered.

"Our business," Silver began, "has nothing to do with yours. We're weary travelers. Nothing more."

"Why do travelers such as yourselves need to carry weapons?"

"To defend ourselves against anyone who swore an oath to the Dark Master."

The two men aimed their pistols at Silver's head with fingers on the trigger. "You're not welcomed here. Leave now before we shoot."

Silver squinted at them, put his hands to his hips, and leaned over to whisper in Rahim's ear. "Us turning into dragons doesn't faze them, but they noted our weapons. How odd."

Rahim cleared his throat and stepped forward. "If you shoot us, you'll have to deal with our powerful dragon. She destroyed an entire fleet of sky pirates, you know. What do you think she'll do to your little village?" The guards made as much effort as they could to ignore Selena. However, she roared to catch their attention, pleased to see them shaking in their boots when they finally noticed her power.

Silver smirked. "Mind I ask, what's with this atrocious abomination that you call a wall?" He meandered close enough to flick the deteriorated wood. "It looks like someone or something already destroyed it for you."

The second guard's hands tightened around his firearm after getting Silver well within his sights. The watchman growled when Silver didn't pay him any mind. "Since those things rose from their graves, nothing has been right. We had to build this wall to protect what remained of Blackheart."

Silver raised a brow as he remained undaunted by their idle threats. "This wall won't keep the undead out." Despite Selena's warning snarl, the guards didn't let up on their promises to shoot. Instead of arguing with them anymore, Silver sighed and turned to his party and gave them a firm nod. "All right. Have it your way. I hope the Lich doesn't come by and take you tossers." The guards didn't respond to his sarcasm, and Silver spun on his heels, beckoning for Rahim to follow.

One guard finally followed Silver's remark, "I hope those weird dragons drag you off."

Rahim paused in his tracks. "Weird dragons?" He turned around and walked back to the destroyed gate. The guards yelped and pointed their weapons at him instead. "What do you mean by weird dragons? Are they around here?"

"A-aye. They've been camping by the mountains, waiting to torment our village and pillage our supplies like they do every night. Now, off with ya."

As Rahim and Silver strutted away, Rahim grumbled, "Piss off." Silver only chuckled.

Selena swiveled her head around and fixated her attention on the possible location of the rogue Nidhoggr while Silver, now back as a dragon, and Rahim rejoined her. "We need to find those undead goop dragons. If what those twats say is true, the creatures can't be too far away." Rahim looked back at the village and shuddered. "Still, something didn't seem right about this place."

Selena snarled and hissed in agreement as the three leapt to the sky. Blackheart reminds me of Snowhaven. She could have sworn Rahim immediately reached down to grab his revolver but snapped his hand back after having second thoughts; instead, he ushered Silver and Selena forward.

It didn't take the two dragons long to reach the south mountain peaks. They made sure to land before the silver and black clouds caught up. The gentle storm spun and weaved the land a brilliant white fleece, with arctic's embrace protecting the pine trees. Heaven's porcelain glitter dressed the landscape in a crystal-white gown.

The three made camp at the highest point of the canyon that overlooked the sea of green and white. Silver made a fire while Rahim pulled out some cheese and bread to share, and Selena leaned against a boulder to observe heaven swirling overhead, watching the glowing snowflakes perform their playful dance before gracing the ground.

Selena's ears twitched to an air-breaking screech as a shadow zoomed through the charcoal grey sky at lightning speed. Before she could see what it was, the silhouette disappeared as quickly as it came. "What was that?" she asked. Rahim and Silver looked at each other and shrugged. Selena squinted at where the object vanished but turned away when she knew it wasn't coming back.

Rahim cleared his throat as he handed Selena pieces of food. "So, uh, do you know how we'll find these weird dragons?" When Selena began eyeing one of Rahim's packs, he ran over to his stash and shoved it behind some nearby bushes. "No, you're not going to use my jerky."

"I don't think bread and cheese will entice them."

"Then find a different way to train them."

Silver, both amused and intrigued, clapped his hands. "Rahim, will you try to be a bit more supportive? She just lost Thor and—" Rahim quickly pressed his fingers to his lips, interrupting Silver before he could finish his sentence.

The two glanced up at Selena in fear of how she would react, but to their surprise, she didn't lash out. Instead, she wrapped her right arm around her drawn-up legs while holding her Aether arm to her chest. "I'll be okay. I'm sorry for being upset about losing Thor before and getting angry with you two. Right now, I just want to focus on finding the Nidhoggr and getting to Dark Blood Hold."

Rahim's eyes widened. "Very good." However, the three jolted from their spots when the trees behind them moved. Before they could prepare to attack, a small black dragon emerged from the verdant lush. Selena's eyes drew to its facial mask, giving away its true nature. The moonlight shards pierced through its oily onyx hide, and Selena was in awe to see its scales radiating rainbow colors across the ground. She wasn't sure if it was the same hatchling from the Blood Diamond, but regardless, that meant the rest of the horde were nearby.

With a furrow creasing his brow, Rahim bit his bottom lip to keep himself from giving in to past anger. Not taking notice of the three, the baby sniffed around their campfire and clawed at the ground. The undead dragonet waddled over to Selena, and, as it smelled her feet, its head bobbed up and down, and a chirp erupted from its throat. It shivered as the snowflakes kissed its slimy hide.

Silver's eyes darted between Selena and the whelp, and he inched his way forward with much-needed care. He bent down and allowed the Nidhoggr to smell him in turn. "I will admit, it is adorable. It behaves just like a freshly hatched dragon." Silver scooped it up in his arms and ran his hand across its back. The hatchling twisted itself within Silver's embrace before positioning its front paws over his shoulder, tail twitching from side to side like a cat ready to pounce. "But where are its parents?"

Silver didn't need to wonder long; a myriad of large shadows zipped across the ground. It was a flight of feral Nidhoggr, big and small; about fifty landed among Selena's group. Their deafening screeches pierced the air, and the rhythmic flap of their colossal wings made the earth and sky quake.

The whelpling responded to its brethren by jumping out of Silver's arms and soaring upwards with its razor-like wings to join the others. While Silver stood quizzically to examine and study their new guests, Rahim rushed over to hide behind Selena as if she were his shield.

Silver was more amused. He crossed his arms over his chest and observed them with a tilt of his head. "If they wanted to kill us, they would have done so already." He turned to face Selena. "Isn't this fascinating, my dear?"

She only nodded and looked up as the largest in the group descended upon her, the same creature that shared in their silent farewell after battling the pirates. The undead dragon was almost the size of Ulrich, and Rahim wobbled behind her back. The creature tucked in its razor-blade wings as its paws touched the ground—although their wings were as sharp as a two-edged sword, Selena noticed they were light and limber as feathers, allowing them flight. Her gaze met the red glow burning through the Nidhoggr's eye sockets as a deep rumble escaped from its throat; to everyone's surprise, it was purring.

The rest of the undead flight joined their alpha and encircled Selena, to which Silver clarified, with no intent to harm. Rahim scrambled to his feet and shoved his way through the blitz of curious creatures, regardless of Silver's reassurance. Silver reached out and helped him stand after Rahim clawed at the ground as a means to escape.

Meanwhile, Selena raised her hand and backed away as she suddenly felt claustrophobic from the crowd. The undead dragons paused and turned their attention to her raised arm. "Rahim, I need your pack now."

"No, it's mine."

Selena gnashed her teeth and repeated her demand in a slow, deep tone. "Give it to me, now."

Before Rahim could object further, Silver elbowed him in the ribs and gave him a shove forward. While muttering profanities under his breath, Rahim eventually gave up his particular jerky; he pulled out his luggage from the bushes and brought it to Selena's side, sticking his tongue out when she was busy unpacking the meat.

The Nidhoggr remained entranced between their exchange. Yet their eyes snapped open when Selena waved the food around; the creatures huddled together and nipped their fangs but recoiled when Selena scolded them for their behavior. "Enough. I can share a little with each of you. Er...." Her words trailed off when she wasn't sure how to provide enough to keep them interested.

The largest weighted feral stood up on its haunches and spread out its sharp-looking wings. "We... understand."

Selena's heart stopped, and her jaw dropped to her feet as she whipped her head around and met Rahim's and Silver's gazes. It spoke like Fafnir, and she began wondering if they all possessed the ability of speech.

Silver shared in her surprise, but Selena expected Rahim to be more composed. Indeed, he wasn't jumping in his spot like Silver was, but Rahim's face burned. He locked eyes on the feral leader like a wolf stalking its prey, and Selena stood directly in between him and the alpha with the hope of redirecting his unchecked rage. She felt Rahim's heated glare burning the back of her neck, but he kept his tongue in control. Selena opened her mouth to speak, but her dry throat made her voice crack. "C-can all of you...?"

The Nidhoggr bowed its head and dug its talons into the ground. Its mouth twisted and curved open, where its speech sounded like a series of intelligible shrieks. "M... me I-I s-speak... for others."

Before she could restrain him, Rahim sidestepped and pointed at the Nidhoggr leader in accusation for the raiding of Blackheart. Thumping its tail against its side and whipping up a dust cloud of dirt and powered snow from each flick, the alpha snarled as it wholly extended its wings to their full length. The rest of the ferals copied their leader, and Selena feared they would attack at any moment. Recognizing their warning, Rahim backed and hid again, ignoring the growing intensity of the ferals' fury and the fire burning in Selena's eyes for unnecessarily provoking them.

However, instead of directing its anger at Rahim, the leader began clawing deep gashes into the ground while growling, "Black... heart," in-between breaths. The larger weighted ferals hissed and roared while the hatchlings unleashed a small torrent of black fire mixed with a poisonous cloud that threatened the trio; through gentle waves of motion, Silver and Selena summoned gusts of wind to carry the lethal haze away from their camp.

Selena and Rahim took a step back as the alpha swung its head to and fro before arching his neck to face the flight, hissing at each other like cats. The leader remained indignant, but through Selena's efforts, he and his flight eventually relaxed their wings, and their roars lowered to tiny grumbles vibrating throughout their bodies. The feral hatchlings snapped shut their dainty maws, cutting off their breath streams, and continued sniffing her in great interest.

Not wishing to invoke their unexplained anger, Selena divided up the jerky she had and shared it with each of their new allies in hopes of easing their growing aggression. Her plan briefly worked; however, they fought to reach her as they snatched a piece. Selena feared for the safety of her fingers—even with her Aether hand, she could still feel pain—but much to her surprise, the Nidhoggr left her unharmed.

Still keeping an eye on Rahim so he wouldn't act rashly again, Selena dusted off her hands before reaching out to the alpha. She could feel Rahim quivering as he kept his body pressed against her back when the leader stared at her before snaking its head closer to meet her palm. When the two made contact, they shared a brief, silent communion. Silver and Rahim watched with mouths agape, but they observed the profound interaction in fascination. Selena asked, "Do you have a name?"

The alpha hung his head, and his slimy lips curved into a snarl. "N-Noctis...."

Selena drifted her fingers across his hide with a feathery touch, and she heard the same rumbling purr from before. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Noctis."

After Noctis cleared away from her touch, Silver stepped forward and cleared his throat after asserting his succinct visual analysis. "Noctis, you say? May I ask you a question?" The alpha swiveled his head and grunted. Though Selena reassured Noctis was harmless, Silver's lips twisted as he searched for the right words. "How did you and your kin come about nesting here?"

The creatures snarled and roared at Silver's question, and Rahim tripped over his feet, but he regained his stance. Silver backed away, but the leader approached him with heavy steps. "C-cast... away. Weaker than... the s-strong... ones." If Silver had any further questions for the ferals, he remained tight-lipped.

On the other hand, Selena scanned the desperate creatures, and her heart almost burst from her chest as their faces reminded her of Thor. She inched closer to Noctis' muzzle with her hand out, and the feral leader welcomed her affections. "Why did you help me fight the sky pirates, Noctis?"

He hissed in between his fangs and lowered his head. "S-saved one... of... our own. You are... one... of... us. In... d-danger. We... s-sensed... your p-presence."

Silver lifted his hand to the air for a chance to speak. "My dear, do you remember my journal? I faintly recall that other creatures of magic can sense other essences. You're both creatures of magic, and they are no different. The Nidhoggr share the same lifeblood as Thor, and so they recognize your magic, too."

His explanation was interrupted; without warning, Noctis' head whirled around, and he roared as his head struck forward in Selena's direction like a snake. She twisted around to avoid his sudden attacks, and Rahim and Silver rushed over to move her. Yet, Noctis ignored them completely, and he sprinted before taking to the skies with his flight of ferals following.

As the three were left to wonder, Noctis swooped down and belched out a black blast of Aether that incinerated the ground near them. Although the attack wasn't directly aimed at them, the group still got into position to attack, but they saw that their flames consumed secret stalkers hidden in the trees. Selena's heart sank when she saw the dreaded zealot robes and wondered how the Obsidian Order found them. Yet, despite Noctis' flames devouring the initial wave, to the trio's dismay, their enemies were large in number; Selena guessed as many as fifty, perhaps more.

Silver and Rahim spun around to meet the surrounding masks reflecting with the moonlight, and without sharing additional unpleasantries, the cultists rushed in with weapons and magic. Silver cast streaks of chain-lightning that struck one, then another. Rahim got his revolver ready and took out a few more while staying to Silver's back, avoiding the ropes of Silver's summoned lightning.

While her friends were preoccupied and noting how the Order purposefully singled her out, Selena stomped on the ground. Her magic sent a shockwave erupting like an earthquake while the cultists mustered swords made of black fire and slashed waves of dark Aether blasting in her direction. A few zealots rolled away from the attack on the ground, but an unfortunate group got caught in Selena's magic and fell through the pit.

With accurate and quick precision of his revolver, Rahim mowed down another line of zealots before they could prepare themselves; Silver tore through each of his foes by channeling and untwisting their Aether strands, causing their bodies to shred like grated cheese.

However, their group of attackers dwindled and added to another wave rushing with their barrage of magic to help their comrades subdue Selena. She sidestepped their attacks and waved her hands, summoning stones from the ground, and with the flick of her wrists, parts of the rock broke into tiny pieces and shot through the air like bullets from a pistol. The Order dove for cover, but one of the Lich's followers pulled a large boulder hiding behind the trees and hurled it at Selena. Yet she was faster; she waved her Aether hand and shot a blast of azure spirit energy shattering the rock into pieces.

Although Selena didn't need much assistance, Silver created fire rings that expanded outward until the flames reached their foes. Three from the Order broke formation and focused their energy against Silver, breaking through the smoldering concentric circles with a slash from their black Aether swords.

The others changed their tactics by punching the air and shooting black fireballs aimed directly at Selena's friends. Selena slammed her foot against the ground, causing it to ripple like water, and pillars erupted underneath where the Order stood, but they dashed away to avoid her attack.

"My dear, over here." Silver reached out to pull her close while warding off another Order wave.

Growling through her teeth, she prepared to take her dragon form, but the group suddenly heard Noctis' roar above the trees, catching the zealots off guard when they saw the feral leader circling overhead. As the trio took cover to the ground, Noctis reared his head back and breathed his torrent of dark Aether consuming all in its path.

With no chance at taking down one of their own 'failed' creations, the Order fled as Noctis landed beside Selena's friends and raised his wings, sheltering the three from the black fire. The other ferals emerged from the darkness and exhaled their shadow flame streams, creating a protective wall separating the Order from the group.

Noctis roared, and the Obsidian Order attempted to strike him down with magic and firearms, but their attacks bounced off his hide as he swung his body around and addressed Selena directly, "C-come...."

She didn't question the leader and climbed on his back. Before Silver and Rahim could join her, Noctis launched himself through his brethren's flames—both he and Selena unharmed—as he flapped his wings and took off from their campsite.

The remaining Nidhoggr chased off the Order after Selena was whisked away, but Silver, already morphing into a dragon in mid-leap and snatching Rahim in his talons, pursued Noctis, but the feral leader was too fast. My dear, pray tell Noctis to wait for us.

Selena reiterated Silver's plea, but Noctis ignored her and roared, her hands trembling as she gripped his crowned horns. His massive wings swept them through heaven's divine sea, with each beat putting more distance between them and the others, and before she knew it, Silver and Rahim disappeared into the shadows. "Why did you save us?" Noctis didn't respond. "Do you know where the Order came from?"

Noctis snorted and finally grumbled. "Black... heart."

Selena's face turned pale when she realized why the village seemed odd; the Obsidian Order had taken Blackheart Village. They planned on attacking us after we approached them for food and shelter. "What about the innocents within the village? What became of them?" When Noctis only hissed and grunted, the air pierced her lungs from each agonizing breath she took, and her heart drowned in a sea of sorrows.

Silver's voice beckoned her once more. Where are you two?

I don't know. If Noctis' flight is following us, fly with them.

Are you hurt?

Not at all. Silver remained unconvinced and demanded a better reply. You know how capable I am. I will not let Noctis harm me. Selena didn't mean to sound harsh, but she was not helpless, as Silver had first-hand seen the power she possessed. Eventually, he reluctantly withdrew and ruefully agreed to follow the ferals after they finished tracking down the rest of the Order.

Suddenly, her previous plan to acquire a Nidhoggr army was within reach. She and Noctis savored in the silence as she worked out a way to convince the leader to ally against the Lich. "Join us, and we can strike down the Dark Master and his Order."

"Your efforts... will be... f-futile."

"But we must fight back." Selena's eyes glossed over like their winter tundra, but Noctis remained silent, not surrendering to her request. Although Selena could have left him, she stayed by his side, hopeful that she could persuade the feral leader. Together, they flew for about an hour, and when Noctis was sure they were far enough away from Selena's ambushed campsite, he made his descent and landed near a small waterfall and a pond enclosed by snow-dressed pine trees.

She dismounted and looked around to see if she could see Silver and Rahim or any of the others from the alpha's flight, but she and Noctis were alone. "Where did you take me?"


Selena reached out to pat his nose, and Noctis touched his snout to her outstretched palm. "Can you take me back to Silver and Rahim?" He grunted and snorted before turning away, whipping his tail across dirt and rock.


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