The Ghost and The Phantom | S...

By Beethehl

17.8K 412 37

(Earth-122110) Y/N L/N is a student attending Midtown High. He was just like everyone else, until one day he... More

A1C1: Prologue
A1C2: Bit by a Spider
A1C3: Sticky Hands
A1C4: Spider-Woman
A1C5: Spider-Man
A1C6: Best Friend
A1C7: On top of the Bridge
A1C8: After-School Science class
A1C9: Scientist Gone Rogue
A1C11: New Tech
A1C12: Change of heart
A1C13: The Sewers
A1C14: Late Night Schoolwork
A1C15: A date?
A1C16: Infiltration
A1C17: Revenge
A1CExtra: Quality Time
A2C1: New Threat
A2C2: On The Way

A1C10: Building Chemistry

697 16 6
By Beethehl

I explained everything that's happened in Alchemax up to when I got back home, while she continued dabbing on my wounds with peroxide. "We can't stop now. The Lizard, Connors, He's still out there somewhere." I said, slightly twitching from the pain from my wounds. Gwen replied, "But there's nothing we can do right now. You're hurt, Y/N we need to rest, and regroup to figure out how to defeat him. You said your punches were ineffective right? When I fought Peter, he wasn't anywhere close this strong."

"Maybe the longer they've stayed in the tank, the more Lizard DNA gets into the system, hence making them stronger? Peter was only in the tank for a few hours. Who knows how long Connors was if he's been in there since before Peter's Death." I suggested. Gwen's right, I'm hurt, and there hasn't been any police reports about the lizard, so he might be keeping a low profile right now, "You're right Gwen, let's rest and regroup. I'll fix up my suit tomorrow." I told Gwen, and she nodded in agreement.

I let her take the bed and I grabbed some futons to lay on the floor for myself. We took turns going to my bathroom to change out of our suits and I lent Gwen an oversized shirt of mine along with some shorts. "Thanks for letting me crash here for the night, Y/N, and saving my life." She told me. "No problem at all, I can't lose another friend. Especially not you Gwen." I replied, looking away from the bed trying to go to sleep while the pain from the wounds were still there.

I heard some quiet rustles on my bedsheets and light steps on my futon when I felt Gwen's arms move around me and her body against my back, "Sorry Y/N, can I stay like this and sleep with you until the morning? I was just thinking about Peter and I'm scared. I don't wanna lose you too." She whispered into the back of my ear. "Yeah, it's ok Gwen, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." I turned around and held her in my arms, her head on my chest as we fell asleep in eachother's warmth.


A small ray of light flooded into the room through the curtains when the sun rose, waking me up, Gwen was still holding onto me. School wasn't until 2 hours later so I made sure to get out of the futon quietly not to wake her up. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower, taking off my shirt I realise all my wounds from last night was recovered already. "Do spiders usually heal this fast?" I asked under my breath, then started brushing. A few minutes later I was done showering and came out the bathroom with fresh new clothes.

"Y/N? You're up early. What time is it?" Gwen sleepily called out. "It's 7, you should go get ready for school too. You got your uniform still from yesterday in the backpacks we left at school right?" I told her, "We should swing our way there, masks on, then change into our school uniforms, what do you think?" "Yeah, that sounds like a well thought out plan." Gwen chuckled, Standing up off the futon she was laying on, and walked over the my bathroom. I turned my laptop on while Gwen was getting ready, listening in on different police radio channels, seeing if there were any spottings of the lizard. He doesn't seem to be around. "Is he just hiding or is he planning something?" I thought to myself.

Gwen came out of the bathroom after a few minutes, smelled like my shampoo, hair still wet. "You got a hairdryer Y/N?" she asked me. "Yeah, right under my work table actually." I replied, pointing towards it. She thanked me and started blowing her hair dry, "It's crazy isn't it?" "What is?" I asked her, looking towards her. "Crazy the fact that we had that whole chaotic and scary night, only to have to act like nothing happened a few hours later, like we weren't even there." She continued.

"Mmhm, but this way it keeps Liz, Harry, your dad, and my mom and everyone around us safe. I think its a small sacrifice for that. At least we have eachother to talk about this to." I replied. She simply looked up at me, and smiled, "Yeah, you're right Y/N." She finished up drying her hair, and had a new fresh set of clothes I lended her. "You ready?" I asked her. "Yeah let's go." She replied.

We put on our masks while using our normal clothes, then swung out towards school together, using alleyways and rooftops as much as possible as to not be seen by the public. After a few minutes of swinging, we reached where we had left our bags behind the school. "There you are. glad they're still here." I sighed in relief. We both changed into our uniforms facing away from eachother then went into school and met up with Liz as if nothing had happened.

"Hey Gwen! Y/N! Morning! Did you guys hear about last night? Apparently Dr. Connors' lab was broken into while he way away. Rumors have it that Spider-man and Spider-woman was spotted!" Liz called out to us. "Really? Spider-man and Spider-woman working together? Almost didn't see that coming." I sarcastically remarked as a joke. We laughed together about it when Gwen continued, "There must've been a reason they were there right? I don't think Spider-woman would be breaking in like that without a reason."

Liz responded, "Well honestly I couldn't care less what they were doing there, I wish I could have seen them in person though. I still need to thank Spider-woman for saving us from the monster the other day at prom." She smiled and we went on with our day and did our classes as usual.

"Today in basic knowledge class, We're gonna talk about camping. We're going to have a school end-of-the-year camping trip together later so make sure you remember all of this by the time it happens-" Ms. Marconi continued talking about the basics of setting up a tent, how to find where to put up the tent, and extra safety tips for camping, "Since we're going to be camping in the woods, it's important to be wary of things like snakes or critters going into your tent. Remember to make sure you make a trail of salt around your tent because it keeps snakes away. Salt will repel any reptiles and will dehydrate them and make them build up toxins."

It was like a light bulb had popped up above my head. "If salt could dehydrate reptiles, maybe it could also weaken The Lizard if not for only a short time." I thought to myself. I kept myself focused on the rest of the class, when the bell rung and it was time for us to be dismissed and allowed home. I grabbed my bag and ran out the classroom, skated as I came out of it toward's Gwen's home economics class.

"Gwen! I got an idea! Salt!" I excitedly told her. "Yes, hi to you too Y/N." She chuckled when Liz came out behind her from the same class, "What's this about salt?" Liz asked. I answered, "Well we just had a lesson about camping and it made me realise we could deter lizards with salt right? because they're also reptiles?" We started walking towards the school's exit. Gwen looked down and held onto her chin, in deep thought, while Liz replied, "Yeah? duh? Isn't that just common sense?" Liz pushed my shoulder in a teasing way laughing at how dumb I sound.

Gwen looked back up at me then told me, "You might be onto something, Y/N. I gotta take care of something at home first though. Call me later?" "Okay yeah just text me when you're done with whatever you need." I replied, and we all said our goodbyes and went home for the day. I worked on sewing my broken suit back together for the rest of the day, luckily I still had some leftover fabric from when I first made the suit. A few hours pass of me fixing up my suit when my phone dinged.


The Lizard is working on something in a homemade lab underground, seemingly also having some of the prototype serums from Dr. Connor's experiment. "A new world, where everyone's like me, better, stronger, prone to damage, sickness and death. I will make that world happen." He mutters to himself.


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