sparks fly, sam winchester [...

By maybankwalker

137K 3.4K 630

[ supernatural -- seasons 1-5 ] Miranda Carpenter Series: Gorgeous Sparks Fly Falling Like the Stars Say You... More

001. intruder
002. jericho
003. near deaths
004. don't leave
005. into the woods
006. broken ribs
007. lake spirit
008. planes
009. secrets
010. shapeshifters
011. hook man
012. bugs
013. premonitions
014. asylum adventures
015. hitchhiking
016. faith healers
017. killer trucks
018. unhappy families
019. missing boyfriend
020. a trap
021. pranks
022. child soul sucker
023. haunted paintings
024. vampires are real
025. family business
026. yellow eyes
027. hospital stays
028. future talks
029. psycho hunter
030. zombie girlfriend
031. psychic twins
032. america's first serial killer
033. death omen
034. demon virus
035. hunted
036. drunk breakdowns
037. bank robbery
038. beliefs
039. not sam
040. trickster
041. hollywood
042. fugitives
044. seven sins
045. changelings
046. rabbit's foot
047. morning sickness
048. pregnancy
049. fairy tales
050. ghost ship
051. gordon the vamp
052. christmas
053. baby girl
054. sex dreams
055. tuesday
056. ghost calls
057. out of time
058. runaway
059. dean's return
060. panic room
061. second chance
062. classic monsters
063. halloween
064. screwed up wishes
065. sam's summer story
066. siren
067. pamela's death
068. books
069. castiel's vessel
070. isolated
071. the final seal
072. apologies
073. hunting break
074. slumming it
075. training wheels
076. grandpas
077. convention
078. end of the world
079. apple pie family crap
080. zombies
081. adam
082. murder hotel
083. brady
084. cemetery fight
book three

043. missing

1.3K 37 12
By maybankwalker

Dean pulls up to a diner and puts the car in park.

"Hey, don't forget the extra onions this time, huh?" Dean says, giving Sam money.

"Don't  you dare get him extra onions." Miranda orders.

"Dude, we're the ones who are gonna have to ride in the car with your extra onions." Sam says. Dean grins and Sam gets out of the car.

"Hey, hey. Milkshake, fries, and chicken strips." Miranda tells him.

"I know." Sam says.

"Hey, see if they've got any pie." Dean says. Sam shuts the door while glaring at him. "Bring me some pie!" He shouts. "I love me some pie." He turns the radio up a bit as Sam goes inside.

The radio suddenly turns to static. Dean messes with it, but that doesn't fix the issue. Dean looks up, seeing the diner empty.

The two quickly go inside the cafe, keeping their guns at the ready. They find everybody dead and no sign of Sam.

"Sam?" Miranda calls. "Sammy!" She hisses.

"Sam?" Dean calls.

They look around inside and outside the building.

"Miranda." Dean calls, the woman rushing over to him.

"What?" She asks before looking at his fingers and seeing sulfur on them. Miranda falters, her heart dropping.


"This is it. All demonic signs and omens over the past month." Bobby says, laying the map across the car.

"Are you joking? There's nothing here." Dean says.

"Exactly." Bobby says.

"Well, come on, there's gotta be something. What about the-the-the normal, low level stuff? You know, exorcisms, that kind of thing." Dean says.

"That's what I'm telling you -- there's nothing. It's completely quiet." Bobby says.

"Well, are we supposed to look for Sam? What, do we just close our eyes and point?" Dean asks. His phone rings. "Ash, what do you got?"

"Okay, listen, it's a big negatory on Sam--"

"Oh, come on, man! You've gotta give us something. We're looking at a three thousand mile haystack there."

"Listen, Dean. I did find something."

"Well, what?"

"I can't talk over this line, Dean."

"Come on, I don't have time for this!"

"Make time, okay? Because this-- what's up? What's going on?" Ash asks a passing guy. "Not only does this almost definitely help you find your brother, this... ah, it's huge. So get here. Now." He hangs up.

"I guess we're going to the roadhouse. Come on." Dean says.


They pull up to the roadhouse, eyes widening at the burnt remains of the building.

"Oh, my God." Bobby whispers as they get out and look around.

"You see Ellen?" Dean asks.

"No. No Ash, either." Bobby says.

Dean bends down and picks a burnt arm up. He recognizes Ash' watch.

"Oh, Ash, damn it!" Dean grumbles.

~ ~ ~

"This is..." Bobby trails off.

"What the hell did Ash know? We've got no way of knowing where Ellen is. Or if she's even alive. We've got no clue what Ash was gonna tell us. Now, how the hell are we gonna find Sam?"

"We'll find him." Bobby assures.

Miranda suddenly cries out in pain, leaning against the Impala.

"Miranda?" Bobby worriedly asks, putting a hand on her back. Miranda groans, holding onto her head, seeing the images flash. 

"Ah!" She cries out.

"Miranda!" Bobby calls, the two men standing next to her.

"Dude, what the hell was that?" Dean questions.

"Some sort of fucked up headache." Miranda groans.

"You get headaches like that a lot?" Bobby asks.

"No. No, but I saw something." Miranda says.

"What do you mean? Like a vision? Like what Sam gets?" Bobby asks.

"No, I-- I don't think so. I-- I didn't see anybody dying. But..." Miranda yells out in pain again, falling to her knees, the other two crouching next to her.

"Miranda?" Bobby calls.

"Okay. Okay." She heavily breathes. "I-I saw Sam."

"It was a vision." Bobby says.

"I don't know how, but, yeah. I don't-- maybe he's got telepathy, too, or something now." Miranda says. "Holy, shit, that might've been just as bad as my period."

"What else did you see?" Bobby asks.

"Um... a bell." Miranda recalls.

"What kind of a bell?" Bobby asks.

"A-a bell with some sort of engraving on it." Miranda says.

"Engraving?" Bobby asks and she nods. "Was it a tree? Like an oak tree?"

"Yeah." She nods. "Yeah, it was exactly that."

"I know where Sam is." Bobby states.


They pull up near the edge of the woods.

"Well, it looks like the rest of the way's on foot." Bobby says. They go to the trunk and take guns out.

"Let's go." Dean says.

They walk through the woods and end up getting to where Bobby said was.

"Sammy!" Miranda yells.

"Sam!" Dean calls.

"Randi! Dean!" Sam yells, limping in their direction.

Miranda lets out a breath of relief, smiling a little. But it's short-lived when Jake storms up behind Sam.

"No, no, no. Sammy!" Miranda yells, breaking into a run towards him.

"Sam, look out!" Dean shouts.

Jake stabs the knife into Sam's back.

"Sammy!" Miranda screams.

"Nooo!" Dean screams, running towards them.

"Sammy. Hey, hey. No." Miranda skids to her knees in front of Sam as he falls to his knees. "Hey, hey. Hey." She cups his face. "Hey, baby, look at me. Look at me." She coos. "Hey, eyes on me, baby."

Bobby chases after Jake as he runs away. Dean drops to his knees.

"No, Sam!" Dean calls.

Sam falls forward, falling into Miranda.

"No, no, no, no. No, Sammy. Sammy." Miranda lifts his head up. "Hey. Come on. Please. No." She

"Sam! Hey! Hey, hey. Come here. Let me look at you." Dean reaches back, his hand going over Sam's wound. Dean pulls his hand back, his palm covered in blood. Miranda's heart drops and she also gets the urge to vomit.

"Sammy? Baby? Hey." Miranda gently shakes him, his eyes shut and body limp. "No. No, no." Her voice cracks.

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, God. Oh, God." Dean mumbles.

"Sammy? No, Sammy, please." Miranda whimpers. The first sob escapes, it being easily followed by the rest as she lets his body fall into her chest, his chin on her shoulder. She sobs int his shoulder, a hand resting on the back of his head.


Miranda is at Bobby's, unable to be anywhere near Sam's body without having a complete meltdown. It's only been a few days since he died, but it still plays in her mind like it was last night.

She's lying on the couch and playing with the ends of the sleeves of Sam's jacket. She sniffles, still recovering from her recent breakdown after she first smelled the jacket.

She faintly hears somebody knock on the door. Bobby gets up from his desk and goes to answer the door.

After a few minutes, multiple footsteps walk into the room.

"Hey, Randi." She looks up at the voice, freezing when she spots her boyfriend.

"Wha--" She looks at Bobby and Dean confused. Sam frowns at the dark circles under her eyes and her red nose. "But you-- yo-- I thou-- I--"

"He just had to wake up after Bobby patched him up, remember?" Dean tells her. "Some stitches and he's good as new."

"But..." Miranda mumbles, getting up. "I don't-- I--"

"Hey, hey, hey. I'm okay." Sam assures, wrapping his arms around her.


"I'm okay. I'm right here." Sam cups her face, stroking her cheeks. "It's okay. Hey." He gives her a small smile, a little confused at her reaction.

"You're-- you're fine." She mumbles. "You're... here. You-- you're real. I'm not... hallucinating or-- or having a nightmare." She says, feeling his arms and torso like he'll disappear.

"No. No, you're awake. It's really me." Sam says. "It's me. I'm here. You okay?" He gives her a concerned look, brushing her hair back from her face. "I'm all right." He reassures.

Miranda looks up in his eyes, the soft puppy dog look comforting her. She grabs his face and pulls him down into a passionate kiss, one of his arms wrapping around her waist.

Dean goes to say something, but Bobby smacks him in the arm, knowing how much Miranda probably needs it, the woman barely moving the past few days.

~ ~ ~

"Well, I found something. But I'm not sure what the hell it means." Bobby says.

"What is it?" Sam asks.

"Demonic omens... like a friggin' tidal wave. Cattle deaths. Lightning storms. They skyrocketed from out of nowhere. Here." He points to Wyoming on a map. "All around here, except for one place... southern Wyoming."

"Wyoming?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. That one area's totally clean -- spotless. It's almost as if..." Bobby stops.

"What?" Sam asks.

"The demons are surrounding it." Bobby says.

"But you don't know why?" Dean asks.

"No, and by this point my eyes are swimming. Sam, Miranda, would you take a look at it? Maybe you could catch something I couldn't." Bobby says.

"Yeah, sure." Sam agrees.

"Come on, Dean. I got some more books in the truck. Help me lug 'em in." Bobby says.

"Yeah." Dean nods and the two go outside.

Sam studies the map, going over what Bobby found. Miranda bites her lip as she watches him. Feeling eyes on him, Sam looks up, noticing Miranda staring at him.

"Randi?" Sam calls. He waves his hand in front of her face, snapping her out of her trance. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah, no, I-- I just thought that... that your... injury was a lot more serious." Miranda says. "It just... scared me."

"I know. But, hey, I'm okay." Sam assures, holding her hand.

"Mm-hmm." She nods, weakly smiling.

"I love you." Sam pecks her on the lips.

"I love you, too." She whispers, squeezing his hand. Sam kisses her on the cheek before focusing on the map again, but he still holds her hand.

"Huh. You know, this is kind of interesting." Sam comments. "And there's--"

"I'm pregnant." Miranda blurts out.

Sam freezes, her words running through his brain. He slowly turns to her, still trying to make sure he heard her right.

"You-- you're-- you're--" He points to her stomach.

"I found out a few days ago. I... I was gonna tell you the night you went missing." Miranda says.

"You're actually--" Sam chuckles. "Holy crap." He grins. "That-- that's amazing. That-- this is great. I love you so much." He cups her face.

"You-- you're cool with this? It-- it doesn't freak you out?" Miranda asks. "Cause-- cause it's freaking me out. Not that I don't want the baby, which I do, but, I mean, we-- we have this giant ass war that's about to start and-- and we're only 24, which isn't super young, but-- but you know plus, with our lives, and-- and you weren't really super fond of starting the whole kids or-or marriage thing a few months ago so I don't know how you're feeling now even though you seem excited, but--"

"Hey, hey, hey." Sam soothes. "I'm happy. I-I'm thrilled. We'll figure it out. We'll figure it all out. Okay? I promise." Miranda nods and Sam pulls her into a kiss. "I love you." He mumbles against her lips. "And this little thing." He gently taps her stomach making her giggle.

"I love you both, too." Miranda mumbles, kissing him again.

~ ~ ~

"Bobby, is this really necessary?" Ellen asks.

"Just a belt of holy water. Shouldn't hurt." Bobby says.

Ellen downs it.

"Whiskey now, if you don't mind." Ellen says, sliding her glass back over.

"Ellen, what happened? How'd you get out?" Dean asks.

"I wasn't supposed to. I was supposed to be in there with everybody else." Ellen says and she scoffs. "But we ran out of pretzels of all things. It was just dumb luck. Anyway, that's when Ash called. Panic in his voice. He told me to look in the safe. Then the call cut out. By the time I got back, the flames were sky high. And everybody was dead. I couldn't have even gone more than fifteen minutes."

"Sorry, Ellen." Sam says.

"A lot of good people died in there. And I got to live. Lucky me." She downs the whiskey.

"Ellen, you mentioned a safe." Bobby says.

"A hidden safe we keep in the basement." Ellen nods.

"Demons get what was inside it?" Bobby asks.

"No." She pulls a map out of her pocket and unfolds it, putting it on the table. There's multiple black lines and X's on it.

"Wyoming. What does that mean?" Dean points to the lines.

~ ~ ~

"I don't believe it." Bobby mutters.

"What? You got something?" Sam asks.

"A lot more than that. Each of these X's is an abandoned frontier church. All mid-19th century. And all of them built by Samuel Colt." Bobby says.

"Samuel Colt? The demon killing, gunmaking Samuel Colt?" Dean asks.

"Yep. And there's more. He built private railway lines connecting church to church. It just happens to lay out like this." Bobby connects the points on the map until they form the shape of a star.

"Tell me that's not what I think it is." Dean says.

"It's a devil's trap. A 100 square mile devil's trap." Sam says.

"That's brilliant. Iron lines demons can't cross." Dean says.

"I've never heard of anything that massive." Ellen says.

"No one has." Bobby says.

"And after all these years none of the lines are broken? I mean, it still works?" Dean asks.

"Definitely." Sam nods.

"How do you know?" Dean asks.

"All those omens Bobby found. I mean, the demons, they must be circling and they can't get in." Sam says.

"Yeah, well... they're trying." Bobby says.

"Why? What's inside?" Ellen asks.

"That's what I've been looking for. And, uh, there's nothing except an old cowboy cemetery right in the middle." Dean says.

"Well, what's so important about a cemetery or what's Colt trying to protect?" Sam asks.

"Well, unless..." Dean starts.

"Unless what?" Bobby asks.

"What if Colt wasn't trying to keep the demons out? What if he was trying to keep something in?" Dean suggests.

"Now that's a comforting thought." Ellen retorts.

"Yeah, you think?" Dean remarks.

"Could they do it, Bobby? Could they get inside?" Sam asks.

"This thing's so powerful, you'd practically need an A-bomb to destroy it. No way a full blood demon gets across." Bobby says.

"But I know who could." Sam says.


"Howdy, Jake." Sam greets. Jake turns to see them.

"Wait... you were dead. I killed you." Jake tells Sam. Miranda glances between them.

"Yeah? Well, next time, finish the job." Sam says.

"I did! I cut clean through your spinal cord, man." Jake says. Sam glances at Dean who doesn't look at him. "You can't be alive. You can't be."

"Okay, just take it real easy there, son." Bobby says.

"And if I don't?" Jake asks.

"Wait and see." Sam says.

"What, you a tough guy now all of a sudden? What are you gonna do? Kill me?" Jake asks.

"It's a thought." Sam says.

"You had your chance. You couldn't."

"I won't make that mistake twice."

Jake starts to laugh.

"What are you smiling at, you little bitch?" Dean asks.

"Hey, ladies, do me a favor. Put those guns to your heads." Jake orders. Miranda can't stop herself as she aims the gun to her head, Ellen doing the same.

"See that Ava girl was right. Once you give in to it, there's all sorts of new Jedi mind tricks you can learn." Jake smirks.

"Let them go." Sam growls.

"Shoot him." Ellen orders.

"You'll be mopping up skull before you get a shot off." Jake says. "Everybody, put your guns down. Except you two, sweethearts." The guys all put their guns down. "Okay. Thank you."

Jake turns to the crypt, taking the colt out. Bobby grabs Ellen, forcing her gun to aim in the air while Dean does the same to Miranda. Sam grabs his gun, shooting Jake four times. Jake falls to the ground, Sam walking over.

"Please... don't." Jake gasps out.

Sam shoots him three times in the chest, killing him. The others walk past him, Miranda giving him a concerned look.

The crypt's separate engravings spin in different directions and then stop.

"Oh, no." Bobby mumbles.

"Bobby, what is it?" Ellen asks.

"It's Hell." Bobby states.

Dean grabs the colt.

"Take cover! Now!" Bobby shouts.

They all run for cover behind tombstones. Sam pulls Miranda behind a tombstone and covers her head with his arm.

Black demon smoke pours out of the crypt, all going different directions.

"What the hell just happened?!" Dean asks.

"That's a devil's gate! A damn door to Hell!" Ellen informs. "Come on! We gotta shut that gate!" Everybody but Dean rushes to the crypt.

"If the demon gave this to Jake... then maybe..." Dean turns around, Yellow Eyes, flinging the gun from Dean's hand and into his.

"Boys shouldn't play with daddy's guns." He flings Dean through the air, him hitting his head on a tombstone.

"Dean!" Sam shouts, seeing the demon standing over him. He rushes in his direction, the other three struggling more to shut the doors.

The demon throws Sam into a tree.

"I'll get to you in a minute, champ. But I'm proud of you, Sammy. Knew you had it in you." Yellow Eyes says. "So, Dean... I gotta thank you. You see, demons can't resurrect people unless a deal is made. I know, red tape, it'll make you nuts. But thanks to you, Sammy's back in rotation."

"Now, I wasn't counting on that, but I'm glad. I liked him better than Jake, anyhow. Tell me... have you ever heard the expression, "If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is?""

"You call that deal good?"

"Well, it's a better shake than your dad ever got. And you never wondered why? I'm surprised at you. I mean... you saw what your brother just did to Jake, right? That was pretty cold, wasn't it? How certain are you that what you brought back is 100% pure Sam?"

"You of all people should know that's what's dead should stay dead. Anyways... thanks a bunch. I knew I kept you alive for some reason. Until now, anyway. I couldn't have done it without your pathetic, self-loathing, self-destructive desire to sacrifice yourself for your family."

He cocks the colt and aims it at Dean. John's spirit appears behind Yellow Eyes, wrapping his arms around the demon. The vessel falls to the ground, the gun still in hand. John and the demon wrestle and the demon pushes him to the ground, getting back into the body.

He stands up, finding Dean aiming the colt at him. Dean pulls the trigger, shooting Yellow Eyes in the heart. The demon falls to the ground -- dead.

Bobby, Ellen, and Miranda finally get the doors shut, turning to see John.

Dean gets up, the brothers looking at their father. John steps back and disappears in a wave of smoke.

The brothers stand over the demon's body.

"Well, check that off the to do list." Dean lightly laughs.

"You did it." Sam says.

"I didn't do it alone." Dean says.

"Do you think dad really... do you think he really climbed out of Hell?" Sam asks.

"The door was open. If anyone's stubborn enough to do it... it would be him." Dean says.

"Where do you think he is now?" Sam asks.

"I don't know." Dean shrugs.

"I kind of can't believe it, guys. I mean... our whole lives, everything... has been prepping for this, and now I... I kind of don't know what to say." Sam chuckles.

"I do." Dean kneels next to the demon. "That was for our mom... you son of a bitch."

~ ~ ~

"You know, when Jake saw me... it was like he saw a ghost." Sam says as the three walk to the Impala. "I mean, hell, you heard him, Dean. He said he killed me."

"Glad he was wrong." Dean says.

"I don't think he was." Sam says. "What happened? After I was stabbed?" He asks, glancing between them. Miranda is staring at the ground, feeling her tears prick her eyes.

"I already told you." Dean says.

"Not everything." Sam says.

"Sam, we just killed the demon. Can we celebrate for a minute?" Dean asks.

"Did I die?"

"Oh, come on."

"Did you sell your soul for me, like dad did for you?" Sam asks.

"Oh, come on! No!" Dean denies.

"Tell me the truth." Sam says. "Dean, tell me the truth."

"Sam..." Dean chuckles.

"How long do you get?" Sam asks.

"One year." Dean answers. "I got one year."

"You shouldn't have done that. How could you do that?" Sam asks.

"Don't get mad at me. Don't you do that. I had to. I had to look out for you. That's my job." Dean says.

"And what do you think my job is?" Sam asks.

"What?" Dean asks.

"You've saved my life over and over. I mean, you sacrifice everything for me. Don't you think I'd do the same for you? You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you. And I don't care what it takes, I'm gonna get you out of this. Guess I gotta save your ass for a change."

"Well..." They turn to Bobby and Ellen as they approach. "Yellow-Eyed Demon might be dead. But a lot more got through that gate."

"How many you think?" Dean asks.

"100. Maybe 200. It's an army. He's unleashed an army." Sam says.

"Hope to hell you kids are ready. Cause the war has just begun." Bobby says.

"Well, then..." Dean smiles. They put their stuff in the trunk. "We got work to do." He shuts the trunk.


Miranda and Sam are lying in bed and her head is on his chest and he's tracing random shapes on her back.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Miranda says. "That you-- that you... you know..."

"It's okay. I'm not mad." Sam tells her. "I wish Dean would've told me, but you're good." He promises. "It definitely helps explain your reaction to seeing me earlier."

"Yeah." Miranda mumbles. "Honestly? Hardest few days of my life." She says, tightly hugging him.

"Well..." Sam tightens his grip around her. "I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me now, Popcorn Girl."

"Good." Miranda smiles.


End of season two!!!

Predictions for baby? Girl? Boy? Twins? Spring for triplets? 😂

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