Happy Chaos

By Anonymousteenager69

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After dying and being reborn on a planet called Ostradus, Ainsley had what seemed to be a perfect life. That... More

Authors note/warning
Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine


380 30 21
By Anonymousteenager69


I WAKE UP WITH a groan. I felt two hot bodies sandwiching me between them. I instantly knew that it was Saka and Lucy. I snuggle in deeper between them and sigh.

"Welcome back, little one." Lucy says as Saka strokes my head.

"What happened? The last thing I remember was walking into Viviana's room with Sage and then the rest is kind of blurry." I say, my brows furrowing and Lucy sighs. An unsure look on her face. She glanced at Saka who nods her head with a small smile.

"You have to promise me with everything that you won't freak out. Or at least freak out a lot because it would be completely understand if you did."

"I promise to try and not freak out."

"We should probably sit up for this." Lucy says and I nod my head I move and sit criss cross apple sauce (A/N: did I just call it that. Yes🤍) and Lucy moved in front of me. Mirroring the way I was sitting. Saka also sits up.

"There's some things that I've been keeping from you in this lifetime." Lucy says while shutting her eyes "and the only reason why I've done it is because I thought it was the best way to protect you."

"This lifetime?"

"Yes, this lifetime. You see Ainsley, I've know you for thousands and thousands of years. You die and are reincarnated and in every single life you have I love you all the same. If not even more each time." She says "while you have different families every time, different statuses in society, different struggles and achievements, your soul stays the same and every single time you're the same person. You typically look the same in every life. However, this one you look different, but even so you have the same laugh, the same light in your eyes, the same smile. You have the same love for everyone and everything.

You are typically reincarnated right after you die but the last time you did, you didn't come back for a thousand years. You see, our souls are intertwined so I can feel when you die and I can feel when you're born. I can just feel when you're alive and for the longest time I didn't feel that. I probably would've gone insane without you if not for Saka. Who we had both met thousands of years ago. At this point I don't even know how long ago. And though I had already known you for what seemed like forever— since your first reincarnation actually-, and loved you for what felt like an eternity, she managed to weasel her way into our hearts. And then we discovered she was one of your mates."

My jaw dropped. Momentarily, I felt like my entire existence was a lie. But then I remind myself that Lucy had her reasons and honestly, her keeping this from me until now was a good idea, I don't know how I would've handled it before.

"Do other people get reincarnated as well?"

"No. That's the insane part. You should've only lived one life and it should've been the span of a human one. Given you're an elemental witch and they aren't immortal."

"Wait, what? I'm a witch? I thought I was human. And if I supposedly am a witch why can't I do magic?"

"You technically can, I guess, but for as long as I've known you your powers have been locked up. You haven't been able to access it until recently when you burned and killed that one girl."

"I killed someone!?"

Saka kicks Lucy and she winces, "did you have to say it like that? You could've eased her into it."

"You know I'm not good with these things, darling. What did you expect."

"....good point." Lucy draws her attention away from Saka and turns it back to me.

"But yes, you killed someone." I search her eyes. Praying that it was some sick joke or she was lying. But I knew Lucy and she wouldn't lie to me, at least not about this. My heart starts to beat at an abnormal rate and i feel myself falling into a rabbit hole. That is until I feel two sets of hands on me. Lucy's in my face and Sakas on my thigh, "little one it's okay."

"No it isn't. I'm a terrible person. I'm so going to rot in hell for the rest of eternity."

"Now, we all know that's not true." Saka says and I turn to her, a dumbfounded look in my face.

"What mean that's not true? It is so true." I feel lucy caress my cheek slightly.

"Little one it isn't true. Yes you killed someone and honestly I don't know all of the details but you'd never do something like that just for the hell of it. You have the kindest, most genuine, pure soul I've ever seen and had the blessing of being destined for. You by no means are a terrible person nor will you ever be. Think about everything that we've done. I've tortured and killed people. Destroyed planets and condemned people to hell. I am pure evil. Yet you still see the good in me that honestly probably doesn't exist to anyone else. You love me despite the fact that I'll forever be impure and tainted with darkness. If you call yourself a terrible person, I'd hate to hear what you would call me."

I go to open my mouth to say something but quickly shut it when I couldn't find words. I lunge forward and tackle Lucy into a big hug. She wraps her arms tightly around me and kisses my forehead.

"I do have another question. What did you mean by my powers being locked up? And how I haven't been able to access them until now." This time, it's Saka who answers my question.

"What she means is that you've always had this power inside you but you just couldn't use any of it. It was like it was chained up inside you like a prisoner and it was so tight that you couldn't even do small magical things or cast spells using a spell book and ingredients. Which you should've been able to do at the bare minimum. The only way that this could have happened is if someone places a spell on you, well, more of a curse if you ask me. We could hypothesize that since now you've met all of your mates you are able to unlock some of it. The curse could've been placed on you to help you control it? Or honestly, I don't know. Lux and I, even you, have searched for thousands of years through books and scrolls and scripts and we haven't found anything. Something that does concern me is that what if when you died and came back it was because of the curse and the fact that you hadn't met all of your mates yet. So if you die again.....I fear you may not come back."

"Now now my darling. Let's not think of such things. We have no idea what the future will hold. Maybe since she's found her mate and is mated to a bunch of immortal people, she won't die again."

"I hope to whatever God is out there you're right."

"Well, there are a lot of different Gods and Goddesses. They each rule a planet or a solar system depending on how powerful they are. My moth——" Lucy's cut off by the door opening. In walks Tien and the others. Sage gives me a sad smile and Viviana gives me a look that says that there isn't a single thing I could do to ever lose her love. It fills me with warmth. Tien signals Renetta to move farther in so that she can close the door.

"The palace sorcerer looked over the knife and we gave terrible news." Tien says.

"What is it?"

"The knife used to cut out Elizabeth's tongue has Mika's magical signatures on it and it belongs to her."

"Wait what? Mika as in my attendant who I met the first day I was here? And also the girl who I haven't seen much of as if current?"

"The one and only." Renetta says with a Grimm look "I'm really sorry. I know that you really liked her."

"What happens now?"

"We arrested her and now we interrogate her. I highly doubt she was working alone." Cyrus says "I'd like to be the one to make her squeal like a pig."

"Not without me you don't," Lucy says.

There was something that didn't sit quite right with me about this revelation but I decided to keep my mouth shut. We were one more step closer to finishing this entire thing and for that I should feel relieved.

But I don't.

Not in the slightest and by Sages slight reaction she can probably sense it along with all the anger and hatred the others were feeling. Momentarily, though, she looked quickly over at Cyrus before averting her eyes.

Seconds later an alarm goes off.

"What the hell is that? Does it have to do with Mika? Is she trying to escape or something."

Tien shakes her head, "No. It doesn't.  Trust me she's sealed up tight and this isn't the sound for the prisoner escape alarm. This is a death. An important one, too." She runs her hand through her hair "Viviana, Lux, and Renetta stay here with Ainsley. Sage, Cyrus, and Saka come with me." Saka looks shocked by Tiens words but springs up out of bed and follows her out the door.

"Can't we catch a break?" I say.

"Nope. We can't," Viviana says hopping on the bed. Not seeming to care too much about the glare lucy sends her. A glare that's totally void of any anger and heat. Strange "but we can try and make the most out of this situation. Lux, do you have any games or anything run to do in here?"

"I have some stuff. There's this game called monopoly we could play."

"What the hell is monopoly?"

"A game that you definitely do not want me to be the banker. I'll explain it to you."

"Where is this game from?" Renetta asks.

"Why a place called Earth, of course. Not that it really exists anymore. Everyone who inhabited it is dead and has been for a thousand years. Needless to say, this game has only survived this long because I made sure to have it enchanted so it would never break, deteriorate, or be destroyed. It was a gift from someone special and I never want or plan on losing it. Now, let me explain it to you."

Fun fact I don't like monopoly but it's the first game that came to mind. Plus, I liked the idea that Lux would always cheat by stealing money while banker. It was something my older brother always did. So, I decided to choose it.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and I'm excited for the next one! As stated earth has been 'destroyed.' At least the humanity of it. Nature has reclaimed everything and it's flourishing. The idea, not of all humans on earth (aka us), but of the earth healing and repairing itself fills me with join. I love the outdoors and it fills me with so much rage when they keep cutting trees down. They've cut down hundreds of trees down around me to build dumbass apartment buildings (some ON THE WETLANDS which isn't supposed to be legal but anything for money, right). They also cut down all this wooded area where a bunch of animals lived and there was so much road kill right after they did it to build ugly row homes.

They legit have a deadly pipeline that they've been cutting corner with and there was a leak that got into some major river I forget which one. And it's causing major sink holes — one in my front yard bc there are two of them going through it. I could legit be dead in s millisecond if it explodes bc I live in the blast zone. They put one  in front of a super elementary school.

ANYWAY let me move on because I could go on forever about it. Moral of the stirh nature took over and there are still animals there.

Much love from me to all of you absolutely beautiful and amazing people<33 have a wonderful day/ night:)

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