Happy Chaos

By Anonymousteenager69

59.1K 2.7K 645

After dying and being reborn on a planet called Ostradus, Ainsley had what seemed to be a perfect life. That... More

Authors note/warning
Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine


475 29 30
By Anonymousteenager69


RENETTA AND I WALKED toward the concubine's wing where Elizabeth's room was. There was a pit deep in my stomach.

The fact that Elizabeth almost died.....and the fact that it very well could've been Ainsley in that position. When we reach the room the scent of blood and death emits from the room. When we walk in, a huge blood stains the carpet in the middle of the floor and there are things knocked over all over the place. The plants that were once lively were withering away.

They would probably be okay once Elizabeth came back and she could tend to them with her magic.

This planet was filled with all different kinds of species. Especially given the fact that thousands of years ago people from other planets moved to this one because theirs was either dying, being destroyed, or they had too cruel of a ruler. This is most likely the most diverse planet in the solar system. Though, the people here don't know that. They're kept in the dark about practically everything that's going on.

The less they know, the more powerful Tien is. The planet that had once been a safe haven but now it's anything but. The Arcana people who had once ruled treated people with kindness and love....but Tien and her family? Evil in its truest form.

Renetta quickly undressed and shifted into a beautiful, big, black wolf. Her eyes still looked as if they had the moon in them and she was probably one of the biggest wolves I'd ever seen. Granted, she technically wasn't one.

I walk further into the room and crouch next to the bloodstain. It's truly a miracle she survived given how much blood was there. I think that the doctor was being generous with the hour statement to make Tien and the others feel better.

No, from how much blood there was? She would've been dead within another five to ten minutes. I move more around the room while Renetta sniffs things. after about two to three minutes she shifts back and groans. She stands up and puts her clothes back on before saying,

"I can't pick up on anything. I can smell Ainsley, Tien, you, Elizabeth, and I and that's it."

"Are there any species that are scentless?"

"Not to my knowledge. We'd have to ask the palace sorcerer. Then again, even if there were I doubt they'd be here. There's a log of every single supernatural creature on this planet along with everyone's names and what they are." she runs a hand through her hair "we finally find our mate and then this is how it goes. This isn't how I imagined things would be."

"trust me, Renetta, neither did I." I sigh before whispering again" neither did I."

"We both should go get some rest. We can report back to Tien and the others in the morning."

When we turn to leave a glint catches my eye. I walk over to it, Renetta following behind me having also seen it. We see that it's a small knife. It still has blood on the blade and the symbol of the guild carved into the handle.

"I think this was used to cut Elizabeth's tongue out," I say while going to pick it up.

"Wait don't you think that we should wait until it's checked over before touching it" but by that point, it was already in my hand. I grimace.

"Yeah, that would've been a good idea. I wasn't even thinking. I'm sorry." Renetta simply smiles at me.

"No need to apologize, Cyrus. If there are fingerprints or any magic signatures on it we'll be able to differentiate between yours and anyone else's. We'll just have to make sure to let anyone know that you touched it, also."

"I guess this can give evidence in the theory that the plan hadn't been to kill Elizabeth. It obviously wasn't used to kill her or even try to kill her. if someone just wanted to kill her they wouldn't take the time out of their day to do this beforehand, at least with a separate weapon. It would leave more opportunity to be caught."

"Should we take it to Tien now or should we wait?"

"Maybe wait till morning? I can take it back to my room for safekeeping. I have somewhere I can put it and then I'll bring it to the office tomorrow when we tell everyone. If that's good with you?"

"Thats fine with me. I'd rather not be in charge of it. I'll be too paranoid that I'll lose it."

We exit the room and lock it behind us. We walk side by side towards the wing of the castle that has our rooms in it. When we reach it, we go our separate ways.

"Goodnight Cyrus."

"Night Ren."

I open my door before going in. placing the knife somewhere safe where no one would be able to find it. I highly doubt someone would break in and try to steal it from my room. Especially with how dragons are with their possessions. I figured, anyway, that since we found it in the room the person obviously didn't know that they left it there.

I move over to the nightstand next to my bed and grab the bonnet that I keep there. I put it on my head before flopping down on it. Wincing a little bit.

I snuggle under the covers and close my eyes. Drifting off to sleep and into better times. Where I still looked at things in wonder and despite having to make a single loaf of bread last a month, and eating bugs to get the proper protein, happiness. Because I didn't know how twisted the world actually was. The mold on the walls and ceiling would've definitely killed a human but still I lived in ignorant bliss of the monsters while I slept in the house that was falling apart. That was until I discovered the monsters in the worst way possible. The monsters ended up killing my entire family. Splattering their blood all over the walls.

My mother had always tried to shield me but that was her biggest mistake of all. Because once she was gone there was no one there to shield me and I was turned into a weapon of death and destruction. Being used for others' gains and becoming someone and something I didn't recognize. I am now one of those monsters that people fear, that my mother feared. The monsters my older sister and brothers cried about at night.

I'd argue that I'm worse. Because they left me alive. One of them mentioned how I was a child. That consideration didn't extend to my siblings who they torn their throats out. I guess 12 is a little too old for them. Which is what is different about me. I don't leave any survivors. No matter what the age.

I've only ever done so once and I've come to regret that decision. So now, no matter what, there will be no survivors.

The thought sends a pang to my heart. One that I wish I didn't feel. I wish I didn't feel anything.

But she? She makes me want to be Athena again. Which I simply can't have. Athena died in the house along with her family centuries ago.


I WOKE UP NESSELED in between Sage and Tien. Despite the recent events, I feel happy. I could stay right where I was forever.

While I did feel pretty restless last night, I did get good sleep. Tien and Sage were probably the reason for that. Sage honestly has a calm energy that surrounds her.

"We should probably get everyone together and see if Renetta and Cyrus found anything." We climb out of bed and Tien and Sage give me clothes to wear. Most of my stuff is either in the room that I had been staying in with Elizabeth, or in my personal one.

Sage leaves to go knock on people's doors to gather them to go to the office and Tien leaves to go get Saka and Lucy. Given that her bedroom isn't in this wing. Something that I find weird but then again Lucy is a pretty private person. I do think that a step moving forward to bring everyone closer is to have Lucy have a room near the others. I don't know if she'd want that but I do think it would be a good thing to take into consideration. I wasn't sure yet if I should bring it up to her, or maybe one of the others.

I make a note in my head to talk to Sage and Tien about it. I wander out of the room and make my way toward Tien's office.

This was the first time ever I was walking anywhere alone in the castle and it felt pretty damn good. And her office was seriously easy to find. All I had to do was think about it and then I knew the way. It was most definitely because of the necklace.

As I'm about to reach Tien's office a figure comes into view. It was a woman who looked like Tien and Saka. A sly grin stretches across her face and she stops directly in front of me.

"What do we have here? One of the royal concubines my my. What are you doing so far from your territory," She says. I knew for sure that it wasn't their mom so I could only guess that it was their older sister, Kiba. She moves her hand to my neck and my pulse skyrockets. She forced my head to tilt back and she moved closer to my neck "You truly smell divine. I'll find great pleasure in ripping your pretty little throat out. I've always hated people like you, anyway" she says before lunging forward. I had no idea what the hell was going on because everything was happening so fast, but one minute she almost had her teeth sunk into me, and the next she was being thrown down the hall.

"Filthy bat." my savior says. Who's none other than Lucy. Kiba goes to stand up and rush towards us but Lucy simply holds up her hand "You ought to think about your next steps very carefully. It would truly be a shame if you slipped and somehow your eyes were ripped out of your skull and your heart was across the hall. spiked to the wall. I'm pretty sure that would kill you. Would it not?"

"Who the hell is she that has your panties in a twist? You haven't ever cared before when I've killed and tortured the concubine. So what's so different about this one? She shouldn't be in this part of the castle."

"How do you know what parts of the castle she should and shouldn't be in? I don't know if you've realized but things have changed a lot since the last time you were here. Your darling father isn't here anymore and his rules for the castle are null and void. They went out with him."

"This is ridiculous. This is the part of the castle that the royal family has always inhabited. My room used to be just down the hall but it's been taken over by a whore. Tien obviously doesn't know how to run a castle or a planet for that matter."

"I suggest you not question your sister's capability on running a castle and a planet since you're a prissy little bitch who always had things handed to her. Let's face it, buttercup, what life skills do you have? None. You have none. Wait till you wander upon a planet where you don't mean shit. That you tell them your name and they look at you in confusion and laugh at you because you aren't important. Because that's the truth. You aren't important. You best move along, little girl, and run back to mommy dearest. We all know that Tiens is the most capable person in your entire family for this position." Lucy smiles coldly "and please do tell her about this impromptu run-in between the two of us. I'd love for her to pay me a visit. Perhaps even go bump in the night and try and slit my throat? Fat chance. I'd absolutely love to see the life drain out of her eyes as well as yours and that sweet little wife you have. Imagine if she knew the real person you are." Kiba goes to say something but no sound leaves her mouth. She turns and then scurries away.

"Are you alright, little one?" She asks me and I nod my head and smile at her.

"I feel bad that you're always saving me."

"There's no need to feel bad. There is nothing in this entire universe that I wouldn't do for you, little one. Name it and it shall be yours, tell me and I shall do it. It's actually pretty simple." she bends down and pecks me on the lips.

"We should probably head in now." I nod my head and we turn to enter the office. Lucy enters first and I walk in after her. Before I enter, though, I catch sight of Tien. She had a confused look on her face and her hand held over her heart. It was quite clear she heard what Lucy said.

Lucy and I were the first ones there and then a few seconds later Tien enters. I decided not to make it clear that I had noticed Tien in the hallway.

Moments later everyone else arrived and Cyrus walks up to tiens desk. A small knife in her hands.

"We found this. It was used to cut Elizabeth's tongue out." Cyrus says.

"I, unfortunately, couldn't pick up on anyone's scent," Renetta adds.

"What do you mean you couldn't pick up on anyone's scent?" Viviana asks. Obviously confused.

I was with her in her confusion. Whoever did this had to have a scent and it had to be left behind.

"There was no one. I don't think there are any supernatural species that are scentless, though someone could've cast a spell on themselves or drank some sort of potion to make it so they didn't have a smell but I don't know."

Tien looks over at Cyrus and she says, "If it was someone from the guild they very well could've used something to mask their scent. But even if they did it's a pretty hard thing to do. I mean, our smell is rooted really deep in us. Covering that up takes someone or something really powerful. I know that they do have people in the guild who specifically make potions and cast spells but yeah."

"How about we send the knife to the palace sorcerer who can run some tests or whatever on it and try and see who it belongs to," Saka says and everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"I don't think that there's too much we can do at the moment other than that," Tien says.

"Do you guys think that anyone can take me to see Elizabeth today?"

"Of course. She isn't awake, though, just so you know."

"That's fine. I just want to see her."

"Okay. Sage can take you to see her now if you want." Tien gestures to Sage and she comes towards me. A soft smile on her face. I say and kiss everyone goodbye before walking out of the door with Sage.

The others are about to all disperse, as well, but Lux holds them back. Saying that she has to speak with them.

Sage and I make our way to see Elizabeth in silence. Simply just enjoying each other's presence.

I could tell that Sage wasn't that much of a talker. It was almost like she'd rather just listen rather than contribute to the conversation.

"How have you been?" I ask her "With Tien's family being here and everything."

"I haven't been the best. I hate to say it but I don't fancy her family in the slightest. They really bring a gloomy mood and overall just mess up the natural order things have fallen into. They shouldn't be here much longer. I don't see why they would be. I'm not even sure why they visited in the first place, anyway. It's not like they wanted to see Tien or even how the planet is doing. Her mother has ulterior motives for being here and honestly, it worries me a little."

"I'm sure everything is fine." I say and Sage chuckles a little bit.

"I'm going to tell you this because I love you more than anything: there is not a single thing, besides my love and the others for you, that you can be sure of. Things are ever changing in this life and a single decision can change the timeline. When it comes to Tien's family, you can't assume anything and in no way can you even feel a minute of safety."

"I'm safe with you guys though, right?"

"The others and I would lay down our lives for you in a split second. With no regrets, no second thoughts, and ease. However, I won't lie to you. When it comes down to Tien's family the only person who will truly be able to protect you from them-- at least on their own--- is Lux. The power that girl holds is insane. And to think she isn't even at her full strength on this planet."

"I'm kind of confused on what you mean when you say this planet. How can she be more powerful somewhere else when here is the only thing that exists."

"That's the thing. We aren't. Theres thousands and thousands of planets out there with so many different people. Ostradus is larger than most of them but still. We aren't alone here. it's kept a secret though."

"Why do they hide the truth about it?"

"It's hard to explain, love. It's a power kind of thing. This has to stay between the two of us because no one can find out. The only others who know about this are Renetta, Lux, Tien, Cyrus, Viviana, Saka and then the rest of Tien's family. The only ones who have been to other planets are Lux and Saka. I believe Cyrus may have too but I'm not completely sure."

Soon enough we enter the medical room and in the corner is Elizabeth. She's hooked up to some things and theres a guard standing there next to her. A man in a white lab coat appears out of nowhere.

"Ah your majesty. How are you today?" he says while bowing to her. Sage smiles and nods her head towards him,

"I'm good. And you?"

"I'm aright. I had quite the task yesterday. What can I help you with?"

"Oh, we're just here to check on Elizabeth. She's Ainsley dear friend and she wanted to see her."

"She's stable. Doing pretty well considering the circumstances."

"That's great." Sage says with a smile before gesturing me to move forward towards Elizabeth. The guard who was there got up and moved closer to the door. Giving what I assume to be space for us.

Seeing Elizabeth like this shocked me to the core. She was the first friend that I had made here. Besides maybe Mika but I haven't seen a whole lot of her recently.

I didn't want to believe that she could have played any part in the assassination attempts against me but if she didn't, why would this have happened to her? Unless she caught someone snooping or they mistook her for me. But then again we look so different.

"I highly doubt Elizabeth had anything to do with the guild and anything going on with you. She was a peaceful woman. I don't think I've ever seen her angry before. I don't think she has it in her to conspire against someone to help kill them."

"You're probably right."

We sat with her for a few moments before getting up and leaving. The guard going back to her original position.

"Do you have anything planned today?" Sage asks me and I shake my head no "do you want to do something? Maybe go on a date into the city? There's a restaurant there that I really enjoy."

Her words make a smile stretch across my face "of course."


This is probably one of the longest chapters in the book so far lmao. I hope y'all enjoyed!!

I want to have another chapter out in the next two or so days. I am hanging out with a friend all day tomorrow so there will most likely be an update Monday or possibly Thursday.

I'm actually sooooo excited because I'm going to see the Barbie movie tomorrow!! I've heard it's really good.

(My OCD hates how like every A/N is formatted differently in every chapter💀💀)

Anyway Much love<33

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