Damaged Raven

By Luc1anjames

304K 8.6K 1.3K

Dumbledore was surprised when Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, came to Hogwarts. He expected a saviour, what... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68

chapter 40

3.8K 94 17
By Luc1anjames

"Hey, come on" Harry said to Bellatrix as he grabbed her by the shoulders, Sirius and Delphi and Fleur had gone upstairs while Bellatrix had taken the dishes to be cleaned "come with me"

"But the dishes..." Bellatrix began protesting

"We have a house elf" Harry reminded her with a smile before guiding her out of the kitchen and into another room, he guided her towards the sofa that the two shared every night before Harry went to Libra, he sat her down and sat next to her "now just relax" he said, wrapping his left arm around her shoulder.

"Fine" Bellatrix rolled her eyes but did so, she pulled her feet up onto the sofa and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"So I've got to ask" Harry said "what went on when I was gone?"

"It was horrible" Bellatrix let out a deep sigh "we were all really worried for you...we pretty much didn't do anything until Andi fire called us and told us that they were showing your fight on the screens in Diagon alley then we rushed over, watched the whole thing then came back her to find you."

"Does it bother you?" Harry asked "Seeing me kill people?"

"I don't like it" Bellatrix confessed "not because of how you kill people or because you killed people, I hate the fact that you have to kill people. I really wish you didn't have to. If it was up to me then there would be no Libra and no Voldemort and you'd just be a nice and happy kid who doesn't have people trying to kill him."

"Yeah but then I wouldn't have you all with me" Harry replied with a thoughtful expression "it seems worth it to me."

"Thanks Harry" Bellatrix smiled for a second before her face took on a sad look "I remember...I remember the first time I had to kill...it was a muggleborn witch...they made me point my wand at her and...seconds later she was on the floor...lifeless."

"I remember my first" Harry confessed "I was doing a training exercise where I had to climb a mountain along with other kids, this one kid...bigger and older than me. He didn't like the fact that I was ahead of him, he pushed me off the mountain. Usually a Libra man would catch us with a spell but I had managed to stop myself by grabbing on to a ledge. I got angry, I was pissed that this kid tried to kill me even though I didn't do anything to him. I climbed back up and reached him, I slammed his head into the side of the mountain. He hit me, I hit back, we were fighting and then we both fell. We kept hitting each other when we fell, I managed to grab on to the mountain but he didn't and he slammed his head off of it and the instructor in charge didn't manage to catch him. I think he was too surprised by the fighting, I'm not really sure.

I saw what had happened and I vomited. I didn't how to feel, but Libra did, that night I got more food than the others. Eventually killing became normal. That was my life...until I found you."

"Sometimes I think of your mother and I wonder if she'd be happy with the job that I've done." Bellatrix

"If she's anything like how everyone describes her then trust me, she's happy" Harry said reassuringly.

"Harry, what happened at Libra?" Bellatrix asked "We were so happy that you're back that we forgot to ask."

"When I got there they took me to what was basically a courtroom" Harry answered "then I was taken in front of three alphas."


"They're like really high up" Harry explained "respected by everyone in Libra. I don't think there are many that can beat them. In fact I think Voldemort would struggle and probably lose against just one. Anyway they saw my memory of the world cup, talked for a bit when they received a letter. After that they asked me about my fight with Voldemort and saw the memory of it, the next thing I know is they've promoted me from delta to beta."

"Why?" Bellatrix asked with a confused expression

"Not entirely sure" Harry admitted "they then gave me two tests and said that if I completed both of them then I would be allowed to live and attend my final year at school, then they would give me a task after that and if I complete it then I'm forgiven for all I've done and am allowed to go back to Libra, not that I want to."

"That sounds..."

"Fishy? I know" Harry nodded "I am not really sure what they are planning. But I don't think I'll like it, if I had to guess then I think they would probably task me with killing Voldemort. But that doesn't make sense seeing as they have plenty of assassins available who can do that. It's just...I'm going to think about it later, for now I am just going to relax and enjoy myself."

"That's nice" Bellatrix smiled.

"What about you?" Harry asked.

"What about me?" She repeated.

"You should try to enjoy yourself, for all the time I've known you you've never showed any interest in getting together with anyone or going on dates or anything"

"Ha" Bellatrix let out a humourless laugh "who'd be interested in me?"

"You're a good looking woman and..."

"People think I'm either evil, broken or both." Bellatrix pointed out.

"You could go muggle" Harry suggested.

"Ha" Bellatrix let out a small laugh, real this time "I suppose I could, it would cause my parents to roll in their graves so that makes it all the more better. But...I just...I just don't know. I haven't been interested in anyone since..." She trailed off

"Since who?" Harry asked curiously.

"Lupin" Bellatrix sighed.

"You and Lupin?" Harry asked with clear surprise in his voice.

"We dated in school" Bellatrix confessed "it was nice, I mean I liked him, he was this nerdy dork who was so polite and well dressed all the time and he was nice to me. In school he told me that he was a werewolf, I told him I didn't care and we kept going out. Sirius didn't know, neither did any of my family, imagine their reactions to me going out with a werewolf. They would've demanded we broke up then punished me. But then I got told I was going to be put in a marriage contract, I asked Remus to run away with me." She added with a sniff.

"What happened?" Harry asked, not entirely sure he wanted to know.

"He asked for a day to think about it, that hurt but I thought it was fair. I gave him the day, it was horrible, I was so scared but I thought that he would agree. I mean I thought we had something special, if he had asked me to run then I would've done the same. But then...he refused...I asked him why and he said that he couldn't because he was 'a monster' and 'I deserved better'. It was then that I realised I wanted nothing to do with him, I was just sick of his self-pity. Since then I've just...been afraid to open up to someone else...I mean I trusted Remus and he left me. What if the next guy does the same?"

"I would kill him" Harry said simply.

"Thanks Harry" Bellatrix snorted. "Your presence would stop the gropers at least."

"Anytime mum" Harry said, Bellatrix's head snapped up and looked at him, tears in her eyes. She gave him a watery smile and leaned her head back on his shoulder.

"What is happening?" Delphi asked as she came down, she saw Fleur and Bellatrix sat next to Harry. Harry currently had his mouth open plus what looked like a leaf in his mouth, Sirius sat in front of Harry and was pointing his wand in Harry's mouth.

"There, done!" Sirius smiled as he removed his wand, Harry closed his mouth then opened it and closed it several times, trying to get used to the leaf in his mouth. "Don't worry, it won't fall out. But we should reapply the charm every two days at least.

"What is happening?" Delphi repeated.

"I've stuck a mandrake leaf to the roof of Harry's mouth" Sirius said.

"But..isn't that the something you're supposed to..." Delphi stopped as realisation hit her "...you're trying to teach him to become an animagus?!"

"Yep!" Bellatrix nodded. "We figured that Harry could use the advantage."

"Cool" Delphi sat down "I wonder what his form will be. Do you have an idea about what it will be?" She asked Harry.

"Not really" Harry shrugged, talking was still the same with the leaf in his mouth, just a bit weird and would take some getting used to.

"Well it could be anything" Sirius said "animagus forms usually represent something, for example Harry's favourite animal is Shadow so he could end up becoming a raven. He likes flying so he could also end up becoming another bird, he's loyal so he could end up becoming a wolf but he's also strong and dangerous so he could be something like a tiger or a lion."

"Oh, what if he becomes something like a hamster or a fish?" Delphi laughed as she imagined a fish version of Harry flopping about on the floor.

"Then we know I'll be in my human form when I kill you" Harry instantly replied.

"Play nice." Bellatrix rolled her eyes. "Now, knowing Harry, he'll probably be a bird of some sort. Most likely an eagle, hawk or falcon."

"Possibly, or he could take after a forest animal like his dad" Sirius argued.

"I doubt it" Bellatrix shook his head "James was a good man but he was just a typical Gryffindor, herbivores and the likes suit him but not Harry."

"Alright fine but what if he joins me as a member of the canine family?"

"Then you'll have a new alpha" Harry replied with a small smile.

"Ah, hello Sirius" Dumbledore smiled as he entered his house, he was hoping to be able to convince Sirius to allow him to use Grimmauld place as the headquarters for the order of the phoenix. Yes Dumbledore had other places but they weren't as warded or protected as Grimmauld place, plus once Dumbledore adds the Fidelius charm it would make the place unable to be broken into. As an added bonus it would allow him to learn more about how Harry was living and possibly influence the boy more.

He had seen his trial at Libra on the mirror screens, just like everybody else, he couldn't deny that the boy was skilled. Though he's easy use of dark spells and disregard of the value of human life worried him. Some may argue that he had no other way, but Dumbledore didn't believe that, Harry could've knocked them down or just injured them so they couldn't move.

"What can I help you with headmaster?" Sirius asked coolly, but Dumbledore didn't seem to notice as he just walked past Sirius without even being invited to enter. "Dumbledore, what are you doing here?"

"I sent you a letter informing you of the need to talk" Dumbledore said as he continued to make his way into the house with Sirius following behind him.

"Yes and I was going to send you a response later but that doesn't mean that you're invited to just enter my house whenever you damn well please!" Sirius said with plenty of frustration and a touch of anger.

"My apologies my boy" Dumbledore said even though he made no move to stop "but this is important" Dumbledore walked into the kitchen where Harry, Fleur and Delphi were sat at the table. "Ah greetings"

"Security breach" Harry said to Sirius just as he entered the kitchen.

"I know" Sirius sighed, he then turned to Dumbledore "Dumbledore what the bloody hell do you want that couldn't be discussed over a few letters or a fire call?"

"I wanted to ask your permission to use this house as headquarters for the order" Dumbledore said. "There are plenty of wards on this house, if I add a Fidelius charm to it then it'll be virtually impossible to break into."

"No Dumbledore" Sirius refused.

"Sirius my boy, please see sense, we need a headquarters to combat Voldemort." Dumbledore said with a pleading voice. "It was also increase your own safety along with the others in this house."

"The order barely did anything against Voldemort last time" Sirius countered "plus I have a different priority to you, my family. A Fidelius charm will be set up on the house soon anyway."

"By who?"

"That'd be us" Bellatrix gestured between herself and Harry. "Between the two of us we're smart and powerful enough to do it. Though I think it'd be simpler if I just let Harry do it, he has the knowledge and the magical power required."

"The Fidelius charm is an advanced spell" Dumbledore frowned.

"And I control fiendfyre dipshit" Harry countered.

"Yes, well I...do you have a leaf in your mouth?" Dumbledore asked, having seen it when Harry talked "Ah, you're planning to become an animagus. Well if you wish then Professor McGonagall can help you and..,"

"I'm fine" Harry cut him off.

"My boy, she is an expert and an animagus herself."

"So is Sirius and don't call me your boy."

"Very well" Dumbledore sighed "I suppose you're right. And the animagus form will be a valuable advantage, now If you don't mind I'd like to ask what happened at Libra, what did they say to you?"

"I do mind" Harry replied.

"Mr Potter please, I am merely trying to help you."

"I'm sure, now fuck off" Harry said as he got up and left, Fleur and Delphi glared at Dumbledore before following after him.

"Like I said Dumbledore, you are not using this house" Sirius said to the old man "Harry has just come back from surviving assassins that tried to kill him, I will not have his last few days before school ruined by a bunch of adults he doesn't know running about here."

"Very well" Dumbledore said, disappointment obvious on his face "I merely have two more requests, the first is are you willing to take in the Weasley's for the summer? Their home is not safe for them and..."

"Do I look like a rescue service?" Sirius interrupted. "Have them go to the Longbottom's house, that place has plenty of wards and they are friends with the boy if I understand right."

"Very well" Once again Dumbledore was disappointed, he had hoped to use Molly to help redirect Harry to the light and make the home more appropriate for him "my final request is a simple one, I would like to know about the specifics of Harry's meeting with Libra. What happened there?"

"Oh no" Sirius shook his head "if you want to know then you will ask Harry."

"Sirius please see..."

"I believe that my cousin has spoken" Bellatrix interrupted "Kreatcher" She called.

"Yes mistress?" Kreatcher appeared, bowing respectfully as he did.

"Please escort the headmaster out" Bellatrix said, giving the headmaster a look that clearly said 'go'.

"Very well" Dumbledore said, deciding against forcing the issue. It would not do to have this end in a fight. While he was positive that Sirius and Bellatrix couldn't beat him on their own, they were great duellists and together they could be very dangerous. Plus that could attract the attention of the other three occupants and they could come down to lend aid, Bellatrix's daughter was likely skilled and Miss Delacour was skilled as well or she wouldn't have been a tri-wizard champion, plus the last thing he needed to do now was piss off the French by attacking the minister's daughter. Plus there was Harry who was probably the only person in this house who could beat him in a one on one duel, and he did not want to risk facing him when he had back up. "I shall take my leave". Dumbledore nodded to Kreatcher who escorted him out of the house, all the while mumbling about 'crazy headmasters, disturbing his masters and mistresses'.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen" Sirius said in a dramatic voice one evening after dinner "me and Harry had spent a lot of time trying to get his animagus form down, I taught him all the theory and he's practised on his own and tonight he is going to reveal his form. Go on Harry!" Sirius cheered.

"Fine" Harry rolled his eyes at his godfather's enthusiasm but it contrasted against the smile on his face. Harry stood up and then got on the table, a few seconds later he was replaced with what else but a bird.

Everyone looked at him, Harry had become a peregrine falcon. Though he was different from a regular one, his eyes were still green and his left eye was still scarred and the feathers surrounding it are a dark black, the feathers on his upper body and wings were grey while his front feathers were white with lighter shades of grey sprinkled all around it.

Everyone began gasping and cheering just before Shadow came and landed in front of him, Shadow wasn't as big as Harry in his human form and it had just become apparent that the same was true for his animal form as well. The two birds eyed each other for several seconds, the atmosphere was tense, Sirius briefly wondered if Harry was going to give into his animal instincts. When Sirius had transformed for the first time he had destroyed several pillows and nearly bit Wormtail in the balls.

Their fears were suddenly eased when Shadow and Harry began rubbing their heads together, the two chirped at each other before they both spread their wings, Harry's wingspan was easily bigger than Shadows. Harry watched as Shadow took off and flew around the room before landing in front of Harry after doing a lap around the room, he looked at Harry with a challenging expression.

Harry tried to lift off but fell down. He let out several annoyed chirps as he stood back up.

"Go on Harry!" Delphi said encouragingly "You can do it!"

"Of course he can" Fleur sniffed at the very idea of her mate not being able to do something.

Spurred on by their confidence, Harry took a second to flap his wings several times to get used to the feeling. Eventually he flapped harder and tried again, he nearly fell but he managed it. He flew a lap, nearly hitting Sirius in the face, before he landed on Fleur's right shoulder. Shadow landed on her other shoulder.

"You are still so very handsome" Fleur smiled as she stroked him. Harry chirped happily and leaned into her touch.

"Fleur, I'd just like to remind you that he is currently a bird." Sirius said.

"Shut it Sirius" Bellatrix said as she walked over and began stroking Harry too.

"Ooh, ooh, my turn" Delphi said excitedly as she walked over and joined in.

"Well...he is a rather handsome looking bird" Sirius conceded as he walked over "though I am a more handsome dog" With those words Harry pecked him hard on the forehead.

Eventually the summer ended, far sooner than any of them would have liked. Fleur and Harry had a rather passionate goodbye the night before the summer ended, Harry had to go to school while Fleur had to return to France.

Harry and Delphi arrived at the platform with Sirius and Bellatrix, all conversations immediately stopped as everyone tried to get a look at the boy-who-kills as Harry was referred to by one daily prophet reporter, fortunately Rita was able to do an article that explained that Harry's fight with the two betas was a test that he had to do or be killed. That helped make him more likeable to the public, but he was still a dangerous assassin and their saviour so people were divided when it came to him.

After saying their goodbyes, Harry and Delphi got a compartment and sat down. A few minutes later Daphne, Tracy and Fay came in.

"Harry!" The girls squealed and began hugging him furiously.

"Okay, okay" Harry said "just ten seconds before you guys let go"

"Thirty!" Fay countered


"Twenty five" Tracy replied

"Twenty, final offer"

"Deal" Daphne agreed.

"Fine starting now." Harry said, mentally counting down, he was glad to see that they could also count as they let go without him telling them.

"We were so worried about you!" Fay said as they sat down.

"Yeah, you got stabbed!" Tracy added.

"Not a new experience for me" Harry shrugged "besides I'm fine now and what the fuck is happening outside?" The girls glanced to outside where they saw a group of girls discreetly trying to look inside.

"Ah, well that's a bit complicated" Daphne said "it's kind of like this, on one hand you are an assassin with a burnt face and you could easily kill people. On the other hand, you're rich from being the Potter and Black heir, you're also still handsome despite the scars, you're famous because you're the boy-who-lived plus you nearly beat Voldemort in a one on one fight, you've survived fiendfyre which is another curse that is impossible to survive, you're powerful and very likely to be able to protect any girl you're with. So to sum uo, some girls want you while others are scared of you."

"Hmm, good to know" Harry shrugged and went back to his book right when the door opened and the group of girls, that happened to be Gryffindor's, the leader of the group spoke.

"Hi Harry" She said with a smile "we were wondering if you'd like..."

"I have a girlfriend and I'm not interested" Harry cut her off, not even looking away from his book.

"But I'm sure you can do..." The girl was about to continue but Harry interrupted once again.

"What's your name?" He asked, looking up at her.

"Romilda Vane" She answered.

"Well Miss Vane, I will say this once, if you don't leave right now then I will hurt you and then your friends. The last time people saw me I stomped in a guys head and slashed a girls throat, I was tired when I did that, I'm full of energy now. Want to try it?"

Romilda and her friends never ran as fast as they did in that moment.

Harry and Delphi sat at the Ravenclaw table, the hall had become silent when he came in. Everyone was constantly giving him space, even when he sat down. During the sorting the new first years spent a moment where they stopped and just stared at him, his return stare was what caused them to keep moving again.

Soon after the first years were sorted Dumbledore began making the start of term announcements, he made all the usual ones regarding using magic, hallway rules, not going near the forbidden forest and such. There was also an announcement that explained how Hagrid was on leave and the previous care for magical creatures professor was temporarily returning until Hagrid comes back.

"And I have to mention that the quidditch team try outs..." A cough interrupted Dumbledore. Everyone turned to see Dolores Umbridge, the new defence against the dark arts teacher, stand up. The woman was dressed entirely in pink, a sickening amount of pink. She stood up and took her time walking to front where stopped in front of Dumbledore.

"Good evening" She said with a sickeningly sweet smile "it's a pleasure to see all of your faces smiling up at me."

Harry took a moment to look around and saw that nobody was smiling. 'Great' he thought 'the new teacher is either delusional or blind'.

"Throughout the past thousand years, this school has created many, many brilliant and talented witches and wizards" Umbridge spoke in a way that made you think she was giving her speech after becoming minister of magic. "Witches and wizards like the members of the British ministry, Minister Fudge and myself." Many snorts were supressed at the moment while an equal amount were heard, though Umbridge either didn't or decided to ignore it. "It has been shown that you-know-who has returned, many of you may be scared, that is understandable. But you do not need to worry, the ministry is as strong as ever and we are now prepared. Between ourselves and Mr Potter" She gestured to Harry who blinked in surprise at being mentioned "you will be well protected."

"What the hell?" Delphi muttered.

"She's trying to use my name" Harry whispered "I can't have that." Harry stood up and everyone looked at him,, including Umbridge who looked very surprised. "I beg your pardon madam?"

"Mr Potter?" She asked

"It's just I can't help but notice you use my name in your little speech" Harry pointed out in a calm voice "it sounds like you basically just told these people that I am going to be working as some kind of saviour, some kind of ministry worker, last I checked it was the aurors jobs to catch criminals."

"But you're the boy-who-lived" Umbridge argued "and it was shown that you fought him before"

"I know because I still remember the pain from his cruciatus curse" Harry pointed out, his voice as cold as ice, many people shuddered. It was well known how dangerous and painful the torture curse was, to be put under it by you-know-who of all people was probably a lot worse "but that doesn't change the fact that it's not my job to stop Voldemort." Many shivered at the name, causing Harry to roll his eyes but he ignored it and continued "If Voldemort comes after me, or if any of his little minions do the same then they can expect me to put them underground, but until then it's your problem."

"You can't refuse!" Umbridge shrieked.

"Professor Umbridge..." Dumbledore began but was interrupted.

"I have a question, why me?" Harry asked "There are plenty of people my age or older, why do I have to go against the worst dark lord of all time when they're not willing to even raise a finger against him and can't even say his name?" Harry looked at all the other students and they lowered their heads when they met his gaze "Exactly what I thought, hypocrites, you all want me to solve your problems but won't put any effort into yourselves." Harry then turned to Umbridge "You know other countries like France don't have dark lords, and when they do they don't beg and demand teenagers to deal with their problems. Is it because they're better than the British ministry or simply because they have more balls? Either way, I am not your puppet, keep my name out of your mouth." Harry sat down.

"You..." Umbridge began.

"Professor Umbridge" Dumbledore interrupted "do forgive me but we have limited time to finish this feast" Umbridge turned to him, another smile on her face.

"Of course headmaster" She said, walking back to her seat. Though internally she was furious, this had gone bad.

The minister needed Harry Potter on his side and Dolores had promised that she could get him to join. The boy was needed, even if he was a filthy half-blood, he was the only one willing and capable enough to go after you-know-who. Dumbledore could be considered but the man was hardly in the prime of his life and had never been able to get anything of significance done in the past. If Harry Potter worked with the ministry then it would not only increase the peoples faith but it would also make the minister look good, and therefore her.

Hopefully, if all went well, then the boy would defeat you-know-who and the ministry along with herself and the minister would get the credit. After that Potter would either be gotten rid of or kept under the ministries rule. It hadn't worked so far but there was still time. She had a whole year after all.

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