Damaged Raven

By Luc1anjames

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Dumbledore was surprised when Harry Potter, the boy-who-lived, came to Hogwarts. He expected a saviour, what... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
chapter 61
chapter 62
chapter 63
chapter 64
chapter 65
chapter 66
chapter 67
chapter 68

chapter 13

4.2K 137 16
By Luc1anjames

"I'm not afraid of you Potter!" Draco said as bravely as could as he and his back up aimed their wands at Harry, even though their arms were shaky..

"Are you not?" Harry tilted his head to the side, his skull mask making him look terrifyingly creepy

"You're out numbered!" Parkinson shouted "You filthy half-blood freak! You don't deserve to be anywhere near us or our noble house!"

"I suppose I am" Harry straightened his neck "after all, it's me vs you, Draco, his two goons and three Slytherin's that look to be third to sixth years. I suppose the first thing I should do is get rid of the older ones, it might even the playing field a little" Harry waved his right arm and two of the three upper years went flying before they crashed into a wall and lost consciousness. The other upper year fired a stunner, Harry raised his left hand and a shield made of wind formed and blocked the stunner. Harry gestured with his left hand and the wind flew forward and crashed into the Slytherin and sent him backwards into a different wall but ended with the same results. "That's better"

"Back of Potter! Flippendo!" Malfoy shouted, Harry dodged and pulled out his own wand, he non-verbally fired four expelliarmus's at a surprising speed and the four Slytherin second years all lost their wands. Harry sent five stinging hexes at Crabbe and Goyle each, hitting them in various places before he tied them up with ropes. He then turned his attention to Parkinson and tied her up with ropes, he also put a silencing spell on her and Crabbe and Goyle so he didn't have to listen to their screaming and complaining.

"Now Malfoy, where were we?" Harry asked. Malfoy, who was currently paler than anybody had ever seen him, tried to run away. Harry sent a tripping spell at Malfoy's feet causing him to fall on his face, Harry then hit him with a body bind. The other Slytherin's were getting a bit fearful, not only did Potter defeat three upper year Slytherin's and four Slytherin's from his own year, but all of his spells were non-verbal and the first three were taken out with wandless magic.

"Let go of me!" Malfoy screamed before Harry kicked him over so he was facing up

"Poor little Malfoy" Harry said as he put his foot on Draco's face "too stupid to listen when you should. All I wanted was to be left alone, but you didn't listen. I think I was too nice last time, this time I will show you real pain"

"You...you don't scare me!" Malfoy said, despite the fact that his body was shaking

"We'll see" Harry said softly as he removed his foot and hit Draco in the face with a stinging hex, Harry released Draco's right arm from the body bind, he placed his left foot on top of Draco's wrist when Draco tried to move his arm. "Ah, and this is your wand hand isn't it? Tell me Draco, what's your favourite lesson? Mine is charms" Draco stayed silent and didn't answer "you don't feel like talking? That's fine. I can talk, I usually talk to myself anyway, it's the only way I can guarantee an intelligent conversation. Now, I've learnt quite a few advanced charms, here's one. Aguamenti" Harry sent a jet of water at Malfoy, striking him harshly in the face "oh that was fun, let's go again" Harry said before he shot several more jets at Malfoy.

The Slytherin's were beginning to realise that this was a lot more dangerous than they had originally thought as Draco was laid on his back, not only would the water sting him but he could drown. They realised that he could die!

"Okay, getting bored now" Harry said before he kicked Draco so he was now on his stomach, Malfoy began coughing violently, water spilling out of his mouth.

"Y...you c...can't do this" Malfoy got out between coughs

"I believe I am doing this Draco" Harry replied "now, where was I? Oh yes, Harry walked around and pinned Draco's hand again, this time with his right foot. I had learnt the aguamenti charm, I had also learnt the one that turns water into ice." Harry shot another blast of water at Draco, this time at his hand. Harry then turned the water into ice, and Draco screamed out as his hand was trapped in ice.

"Stop it!" Draco screamed, red-faced, in pain and terrified

"It stings doesn't it?" Harry asked "It's funny though, the fact that it gives off a burning feeling despite the fact that it's cold. Me?" Harry turned the ice back into water "I prefer to burn things the old fashioned way" Harry aimed his wand at Draco's hand and a small jet of flames burst out and burnt it, causing Draco to cry and scream in pain. "Oh, what's wrong? Not hot enough?" Harry increased the temperature and Draco's scream got louder, several seconds later, Harry had removed his foot and stopped the flames with a wave of his free hand.

The Slytherin's felt slightly sick at thee sight of Draco, his burnt skin left a horrible smell in the air, that added to his screaming and tears, needless to say various Slytherin's were going to have a hard time sleeping tonight. Harry reapplied the body bind, causing Draco's arm to snap back to his body and his hand to slap his side which caused even more pain.

"Hey Draco" Harry said in a friendly tone "what was it that you called me? You know when we met in Diagon alley? Ah, right, I remember, 'scar face', that's what you called me. That really hurt my feelings Draco, but I figure that our conflict was just from a lack of understanding. You don't really know what scars are like, let me show you."

Harry grabbed Draco, he turned him over and dragged him by the collar to the fireplace. Draco's eyes, and many of the others widened as they saw where Harry was taking him.

"No! Please! Stop!" Draco begged as tears flooded his face "I...I'm sorry, I'm sorry"

"You're not sorry Draco, you're afraid, you'll say anything to get out of this. I'm going to make sure you're truly sorry" Harry said as he stopped just in front of the fire place, he took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the flames, though that moment was interrupted by Draco's screams.

"Please don't! I...I'm sorry, I won't insult you again! I will..."

"Shush, shush, shush Draco" Harry said as he lifted Draco so he was looking him right in the eye, Draco looked undeniably horrified as he stared at Harry. From he's perspective, all he could see was a skull with killing curse green eyes "I need you to know why I'm hurting you, it's just not because of what you've done. That's partly it. I'm doing this because I like it. And you gave me an excuse"

Harry turned Draco and grabbed him by the hair and neck, he shoved the left side of Draco's face into the fire. The Slytherin's struggled to keep their food in their stomach's as they heard Malfoy's screams echo throughout the common room. Their horror only sky rocketed when Harry started laughing at the same time. Not a small laugh, not a quiet laugh. The laugh that Harry let out was sadistic, loud, loudest they had ever heard the usually quiet boy.

"Come on Dragon! Can't handle a little flame!" Harry taunted before he pulled Draco out of the fire and tossed him away, he cancelled the body bind on him and Draco's hands immediately went to his face as he began to try and pat out the flames while he rolled on the floor.

Harry idlily waved a hand and the flames dissepeared, even though the burns still remained. Malfoy's hands seemed to be confused as they wanted to touch his face to alleviate some of the pain but the slightest touch only caused it to flare. Not that Harry cared, he wasn't looking at Draco or his face that had caused a few Slytherin's to vomit. Harry's eyes were fixed on the fire, he watched as it appeared to be dancing in the wind. He was trapped by how the flames varied in colour, how they looked wild and...

"Aarrgh!" Draco's scream interrupted Harry's thoughts

"Oh for Merlin's sake" Harry sighed as he placed a silencing charm on Draco "can no one appreciate art in silence these days? I mean, just look at it" Harry pushed his own hand into the fire, the Slytherin's gasped as they were still struggling to be able to deal with his craziness. Hurting others was one thing, but self damage was another entirely "Ah, that's comforting" Harry removed his hand, shocking the Slytherin's as they saw he wasn't even burnt. A bit of fire shot out from the fireplace and took the shape of a snake, it slithered up Harry's arm, to his shoulders and then to the other arm before it returned back to the flames.

"Now" Harry averted his attention from the fire and looked at Draco who was still squirming on the floor in pain "ah, are you hurt? Hmm, perhaps someone can volunteer to make it better. I know, Parkinson!" Harry untied Pansy Parkinson with a wave of his wand "get over here"

"B...but...I...please, don't hurt me!" She begged

"I don't recall stuttering, get over here Parkinson. Come on now, I don't bite"


"Now!" Harry roared, Parkinson nearly jumped to her feet, she quickly rushed over, fear all over her face. "You see, that's good" Harry's voice was calm, he placed his wand back in his holster and walked behind Parkinson, he placed his hands on her shoulders and had her look at Malfoy "tell me Parkinson, you fancy young Mr Malfoy, don't you? Yes, in fact I wager most of the school is bored of seeing you clinging on to his arm like a sloth. You're about as attractive as one. Now, your precious little dragon is hurt, poor thing has been burnt, why don't you give him a kiss and make it better?"

"K...kiss him?" Pansy stuttered as she saw Draco's burnt face "p...please don't make me, please!"

"Why not? I thought you liked him" Harry asked in an amused voice

"I only liked him because he was rich and good looking!" Pansy cried "Don't make me kiss him!" She begged

"Ah look, the proud pureblood begging 'the half-blood freak'" Harry snorted

"I...I'm sorry" Parkinson sobbed, Harry turned her around and his right hand grabbed her by the throat, any further words were gone. Her hands went to his wrist while her eyes were fixed on the green eyes and skull mask

"Do not lie to me!" Harry hissed in a dangerous voice that was near parsletounge "I hate the word sorry. People never mean it" Parkinson gasped as she struggled to breath, Harry tossed her to the floor.

He gestured to Draco, Pansy held back some more tears. She slowly got to her knees, she shakily leant down and planted a kiss on the burnt half of Draco's face. Draco jumped back in pain while Pansy vomited on the floor.

"Wow" Harry said in amazement "this got really dark, didn't it?" Harry waved his hand over Draco and the burns on his face and hand disappeared, as if he was never burnt in the first place. "So Draco?" Harry said to Malfoy who was clutching his face and staring at him in terror "have I made my point?" Draco quickly nodded in fear "That's good." Harry walked to the middle of the common room, he slowly turned in a circle and looked at everyone "Listen up, from this point on, I'm putting Slytherin on notice. Salazar Slytherin" Harry pointed to the painting of Salazar Slytherin "told me last year that he's tired of you pure blood idiots ruining his once noble house with your stupid blood supremacy. Frankly, I don't care what you do or what you believe in. But bother me or my friends again and I will hurt you. I had originally planned to give the house a warning for the year, guess what, this is it. Draco took your one warning, blame him.

If anyone bothers me again...well, accidents can happen and sometimes they end up killing people. I mean, nobody could blame me if one of you trips down some stairs and breaks your neck...or if something ends up in one of your drinks...or if your common room catches fire in the middle of the night. I trust you'll all behave, goodbye Slytherin" Harry walked to the exit, he removed his mask just as Shadow landed on his shoulder.

"Hi Harry" Delphi said the next day as she sat down next to Harry at breakfast

"Hi Delphi" Harry replied as he handed Shadow some food before he began feeding himself "good sleep?"

"It was alright" Delphi shrugged as she started eating her own breakfast

"Good" Harry nodded

"What about you?" Delphi asked

"Fine, I mean I went asleep a bit later than usual" Harry admitted


"Oh, I was out terrorising the Slytherin's"

"Let me guess, because of Malfoy?" Delphi gave him a knowing look

"Because of Malfoy, though to be fair I may have gone a bit overboard."

"May have?" Delphi raised an eyebrow "What exactly did you do?"

"Well, it went like this" Harry said just before launching into a very detailed explanation about his late night adventure "hmm, now that I think about it, that was a little overboard"

"Harry!" Delphi blurted out once he was done "that was very overboard! You got vomit all over there common room! That's disgusting, and I bet you made it smell horrible now"

"You're right, I'm a monster" Harry rolled his eyes

"Also, I don't understand why you keep doing it to just the Slytherin's"

"Firstly because the Hufflepuff's and Ravens stay out of my way, so do the Gryffindor's for the most part. Slytherin house had the most bullies in school, what with most of them being pure-blood supremist, rich and spoilt brats or rich and spoilt, pure-blood supremist brats, I just made sure they know that I'm not on the bully list. Anyway, I also sent Shadow to your mothers house yesterday with a letter that told her exactly what I did"

"Has she replied yet?"

"No, not yet. Wait, scratch that" Harry said as an owl came in with a package that was shaped suspiciously like a broom. The owl dropped the package in front of them then landed on the table, it looked at Harry expectantly. "Fine, have some" Harry said as he gave the owl some food. Shadow gave the bird a glare, at least until Harry gave him some more food "okay, here's a note" Harry said as he took the note off the package "it says 'Hi Harry, I'm so proud of you. I know I shouldn't be supporting this because you shouldn't be fighting and terrorising people but my little boy is already such a powerful wizard! If I was there then I'd hug you! I'm sending you a gift, I was saving it for Christmas but you deserve an early present. I'll just get you something else for Christmas. Say hi to Delphi, and both of you remember to write. Bye', so I wager that this is my present."

"Did you get a broom?!" John Matthews, the Ravenclaw quidditch captain exclaimed as he walked up to the pair

"No, it's a mop" Harry said sarcastically as he opened the package to reveal a nimbus 2001, the latest broom on the market

"Bloody hell, a nimbus 2001!" John blurted out in shock "Harry, do you like quidditch?!" He asked hopefully

"Not really" Harry answered honestly

"But...what?" John seemed confused and began glancing between Harry and the broom

"I like flying, I don't care for quidditch"

"Are you any good?"

"He's annoyingly good" Delphi said "especially for someone who doesn't care for the sport"

"Can you try out for the team? Please!" John begged

"I will think about it" Harry said with an annoyed voice "now excuse me" Harry rewrapped the broom in the package, he then stood up "I'll just go and put this in my room" Harry said as he walked out of the hall and up to the common room, to the relief of the Slytherin's that were trying not to look at him.

"Harry!" He heard someone call him at one point, he recognised the voice as Gilderoy Lockhart

"Oh hell no" Harry muttered and gradually increased his speed while not looking back, pretending not to have heard him

"Harry! Wait just a...oof!"

Harry briefly glanced back and saw that Lockhart had just crashed into Ron Weasley and the pair fell on the floor. Harry barely supressed a snort and quickly walked off, unfortunately a few hallways later he came face to face with Hermione Granger.

"Is that a broom?" She asked

"No it's an story for kids, woman look at the damn shape of it" Harry gestured to the broom shape of...the broom

"Don't be rude!"

"Don't be idiot then" Harry replied

"I am not an idiot!"

"Have you upgraded to THE idiot? I must say I'm impressed, not enough to want to actually talk to you though. So goodbye and may we never

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