sparks fly, sam winchester [...

By maybankwalker

112K 3.1K 575

[ supernatural -- seasons 1-5 ] Miranda Carpenter Series: Gorgeous Sparks Fly Falling Like the Stars Say You... More

001. intruder
002. jericho
003. near deaths
004. don't leave
005. into the woods
006. broken ribs
007. lake spirit
008. planes
009. secrets
010. shapeshifters
011. hook man
012. bugs
013. premonitions
014. asylum adventures
015. hitchhiking
016. faith healers
017. killer trucks
018. unhappy families
019. missing boyfriend
020. a trap
021. pranks
022. child soul sucker
023. haunted paintings
024. vampires are real
025. family business
026. yellow eyes
028. future talks
029. psycho hunter
030. zombie girlfriend
031. psychic twins
032. america's first serial killer
033. death omen
034. demon virus
035. hunted
036. drunk breakdowns
037. bank robbery
038. beliefs
039. not sam
040. trickster
041. hollywood
042. fugitives
043. missing
044. seven sins
045. changelings
046. rabbit's foot
047. morning sickness
048. pregnancy
049. fairy tales
050. ghost ship
051. gordon the vamp
052. christmas
053. baby girl
054. sex dreams
055. tuesday
056. ghost calls
057. out of time
058. runaway
059. dean's return
060. panic room
061. second chance
062. classic monsters
063. halloween
064. screwed up wishes
065. sam's summer story
066. siren
067. pamela's death
068. books
069. castiel's vessel
070. isolated
071. the final seal
072. apologies
073. hunting break
074. slumming it
075. training wheels
076. grandpas
077. convention
078. end of the world
079. apple pie family crap
080. zombies
081. adam
082. murder hotel
083. brady
084. cemetery fight
book three

027. hospital stays

1.2K 33 5
By maybankwalker

Sam quickly makes his way to the room that the doctor said Miranda is in. He rushes in, the woman sitting up in bed.

"Randi." He sighs in relief, beelining to her.

"Hey." Miranda lets out a relieved sigh.

"Are you okay?" Sam asks, sitting on the bed and cupping her face. "Are you all right? Are-- are--"

"I'm okay. I'm okay." Miranda assures. Sam frowns, noticing the cast on her arm.

"Your arm's broken." He pouts.

"It's fine. I've had one before, the cast will be off in, like, a couple weeks. I'm okay." Miranda says.

"What about your head?" Sam asks, feeling her head for blood or bumps.

"I'm okay. It-- mild concussion, nothing I can't handle. Honestly, you look worse than me." She tries to joke, Sam's lips barely twitching up. "How are your dad and Dean?"

"Dad's pretty okay, I think. He's still asleep. Dean..." Sam trails off, wincing. "Dean isn't doing very well. I don't-- I'm not positive about what's wrong, but he's unconscious."

Miranda gives him a sympathetic smile. She gently kisses him, brushing some of his hair back.

"You okay? You know, personally? Physically?" Miranda asks.

"Yeah. Yeah, no, the-- the only injuries are really just these." Sam motions to his face.

"Good." Miranda smiles.


The two walk into Dean's room, the man hooked up to tubes.

"Oh, no." Sam whispers. Miranda holds his hand,

"Your father's awake." The doctor walks in. "You can go see him if you like."

"Doc, what about my brother?" Sam asks.

"Well, he sustained serious injury. Blood loss, contusions to his liver and kidney. But it's the head trauma I'm worried about. There's early signs of cerebral edema." The doctor says.

"Well, what can we do?" Sam asks.

"Well, we won't know his full condition until he wakes up. If he wakes up."


"I have to be honest, most people with this degree of injury wouldn't have survived this long. He's fighting very hard. But you need to have realistic expectations."

~ ~ ~

"Here. Give them my insurance." John gives Sam the card.

"Elroy McGillicutty?" Sam asks.

"And his two loving sons. So, what else did the doctor say about Dean?" John asks.

"Nothing." Sam says. "Look... the doctors won't do anything, then we'll have to, that's all. I don't know, I'll find some hoodoo priest and lay some mojo on him."

"We'll look for someone."


"But, Sam, I don't know if we're gonna find anyone."

"Why not? I found that faith healer before."

"All right, that was-- that was one in a million."

"So what? Do we just sit here with our thumbs up our ass?"

"No, I said we'd look. All right? I'll check under every stone." John says. "Where's the colt?"

"Your son is dying and you're worried about the colt?" Sam questions.

"We're hunting this demon and maybe it's hunting us, too. That gun may be our only card."

"It's in the trunk. They dragged the car to a yard off of I-83."

"All right. You've gotta clean out that trunk before some junk man sees what's inside."

"I already called Bobby. He's like an hour out, he's gonna tow the Impala back to his place."

"All right. You go meet up with Bobby. You get that colt and you bring it back to me. And you watch out for hospital security."

"I think I've got it covered."

"Hey." John calls as the two start to leave. "Here." He gives Sam a piece of paper, Miranda glancing at the list on it. "I made a list of things I need, have Bobby pick them up for me."

"Acaci? Oil of Abramelin? What's this stuff for?"


"Hey, dad? You know, the demon, he said he had plans for me and the children like me. Do you have any idea what he meant by that?"

"No, I don't."


"Oh, man. Dean is gonna be pissed." Sam comments, looking at the wrecked Impala.

"Look, Sam... this-- this just ain't worth a tow. I say we empty the trunk, sell the rest for scrap." Bobby says.

"No." Sam argues. "Dean would kill me if we did that. When he's better he's gonna want to fix this."

"There's nothing to fix." Bobby says. "The frame's a pretzel and the engine's ruined. There's barely any parts worth salvaging."

"Listen to me, Bobby, if there's only one working part, that's enough. We're not just going to give up on..."

"Okay." Bobby quietly relents. "You got it."

"Here, uh, dad asked for you to get this stuff for him." Sam gives Bobby the list.

"What's John want with this?" Bobby asks.

"Protection from the demon." Sam says. Bobby gets a look. "What?"

"Oh, nothing, it's just, uh..."

"Bobby? What's going on?"


Sam storms into John's room, Miranda following him. Sam throws the duffel bag he has down.

"You're quiet." John notes.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out?" Sam asks, fuming.

"What are you talking about?"

"That stuff from Bobby, you don't use it to ward off a demon, you use it to summon one. You're planning on bringing the demon here, aren't you? Having some stupid macho showdown!"

"I have a plan, Sam."

"That's exactly my point! Dean is dying and you have a plan! You know what? You care more about killing this demon than you do saving your own son!"

"Do not tell me how I feel! I am doing this for Dean."

"How? How is revenge going to help him? You're not thinking about anybody but yourself, it's the same selfish obsession!"

"You know, it's funny, I thought this was your obsession, too! This demon killed your mother, killed your friend. You begged me to be part of this hunt. Now if you'd killed that damn thing when you had the chance, none of this would have happened."

"It was possessing you, dad, I would have killed you, too."

"Yeah, and your brother would be awake right now."

"Go to Hell."

"I should have never taken you along in the first place. I knew it was a mistake, I knew I was wrong."

A glass of water goes flying, the glass shattering on the floor. Miranda gives her boyfriend a confused look. She turns at the sound of running and see multiple doctors and nurses rush by the room.

"Something's going on out there." John motions for Sam to check it out. Sam quickly leaves, Miranda following him.

They get to Dean's room, the doctors and nurses working on Dean.

"No." Sam mumbles.

"Still no pulse." A nurse says.

"Okay, let's go again, 360." A doctor says.


"Okay. Hey, we-- we don't need to watch this." Miranda mumbles, trying to push Sam away.

"No." He mumbles, not tearing his eyes away from Dean's body.


She looks at Sam as he gets a confused look.

"We have a pulse." A nurse says. "We're back into sinus rhythm." Sam sighs in relief, backing up into the hallway.

"Sammy?" Miranda asks. "You okay? You look... freaked."

"I'm fine." Sam mutters.


"What do you mean, you felt something?" John asks.

"I mean it felt like-- like Dean." Sam says. "Like he was there. Just out of eyeshot or something. I don't know if it's my psychic thing or what, it... but do you think it's even possible? I mean, do you think his spirit could be around?"

"Anything's possible." John says.

"Did you feel anything?" Sam asks his girlfriend.

"I-- maybe. I don't know. I-- I was just focused on getting you out, so..." She says.

"Well, there's one way to find out." Sam says.

"Where are you going?" John asks.

"I gotta pick something up. I'll be back." Sam says.

"Wait, Sam. I promise I won't hunt this demon. Not until we know Dean's okay." John says. Sam nods and grabs Miranda's hand, the two leaving.

"What are we getting?" Miranda asks.

"I can go alone. You need to go eat something."


"Just take care of yourself for me, okay? I'll be back in a bit." Sam kisses the corner of her mouth before rushing off.

"He gets on my nerves." Miranda grumbles.


Miranda follows Sam into Dean's room.

"Hey." Sam says. "I think maybe you're around. And if you are, don't make fun of me for this, but, um, well... there's one way we can talk."

Sam pulls out an Ouija board.

"Oh, fuck no, dude. See you later." Miranda says.


"Nope. No. I have seen horror movies, I've read stories. If you wanna get haunted, that's on you. I'm leaving." Miranda walks out. Sam huffs and rolls his eyes.


"I can't explain it. The edema's vanished. The internal contusions are healed. Your vitals are good. You have some kind of angel watching over you." The doctor tells Dean.

"Thanks, doc." Dean says and the doctor leaves. "So you said a reaper was after me?"

"Yeah." Sam nods.

"How'd I ditch it?" Dean asks.

"You got me." Sam shrugs. "Dean, you really don't remember anything?"

"No. Except this pit in my stomach. Sam, something's wrong." Dean says.

There's a knock on the door, the three turning to find John.

"How you feeling, dude?" John asks.

"Fine, I guess. I'm alive." Dean says.

"That's what matters." John says.

"Where were you last night?" Sam angrily asks.

"I had some things to take care of." John says.

"Well, that's specific." Sam comments.

"Come on, Sam." Dean sighs.

"Did you go after the demon?" Sam asks.

"No." John answers.

"You know, why don't I believe you right now?" Sam asks.

"Can we not fight?" John asks. "You know, half the time we're fighting, I don't know what we're fighting about. We're just butting heads. Sammy, I-I've made some mistakes. But I've always done the best I could. I just don't want to fight anymore, okay?" John says.

"Dad, are you all right?" Sam asks, confusion showing on his face.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm just a little tired." John tells him. "Hey, son, would you, uh, would you mind getting me a cup of caffeine?"

"Yeah. Yeah, sure." Sam says. He grabs Miranda's hand, the two walking out.

"Is your dad, like... losing it?" Miranda asks.

"I don't know." Sam says.

"Great." Miranda mumbles.

After getting some coffee, the two make their way back to Sam's family. They stop outside of John's room when they see the man lying on the floor and unconscious.

"Dad?!" Sam drops the cup of coffee and runs over to John. He yells out for help, the doctors and nurses soon rushing in.

Dean gets there as the staff work on reviving John.

"Still no pulse." A nurse states.

"Okay, that's it, everybody. I'll call it. Time of death: 10:41 AM." The doctor announces.

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