Goku x Sakura (OC)

By MiaSolaceSaiyan

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I've been a huge fan about Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, Dragon Ball Heroes... More

Boss Rabbit's Magic Touch
A Wish to the Eternal Dragon
Look Out for Launch
Find that Stone!
Sneek Peek
Milk Delivery
The Turtle Hermit Way
The Tournament Begins
Elimination Round
Smells Like Trouble
The Quarter Finals Continue
Monster Beast Giran
Krillin's Frantic Attack!
Battle of the Elements
The Grand Finals
Number One Under the Moon?
The Roaming Lake
Pilaf and the mysterious force
Chi Chi's first darkness attempt
The Flying Fortress - Vanished!
The Legend Of A Dragon
Cold Reception
The Mysterious Android No. 8
Master Thief, Hasky
DANGER IN THE AIR (Final Episode of Red Ribbon Army Saga)
Bulma's Bad Day
Kame House Found!
Deep Blue Sea
Roshi's Suprise
The Trap Is Sprung
Beware of the Robot
The Pirates Treasure
Blue, Black, Blue
Escape from Pirate Cave
Penguin Village (Dr. Slump Crossover Special) part 1
Strange Visitor (Dr slump Crossover Special Part 2)
Arale vs General Blue (Dr Slump Crossover Special Part 3)
The Land Of Korin
Tao Attacks
Korin Tower
Sacred Water
The Return of Goku and Mitsuko
The Last Of Mercenary Tao
Confront The Red Ribbon Army
A Real Bind
The end of commander red
The Last Dragon Ball
Who is fortuneteller Baba?
We Are The Five Warriors
A Deadly Battle

The Notorious Mercenary

151 8 1
By MiaSolaceSaiyan

Last time on Dragon Ball...Goku and his disguise girlfriend mitsuko two young warriors or lovers working together to search led them To the land of Korin, Where they discovered Captain Yellow of the Red Ribbon Army In the midst of another scheme To steal a Dragon Ball.

Bora:What's that?

Goku quickly sent The despicable captain's plans Into a tailspin, and second mitsuko doing a job to rescue on her helpful magic powers and Made some new friends.

Mitsuko:(Giggled) Hi!

Goku:(Chuckled) Hel-lo!

Their good deeds Did not go unrewarded.

Goku:The Four-Star Dragon Ball! I can't believe we finally found My Grandpa's Dragon Ball! Isn't it great mitsuko?!

Mitsuko:(Laughing) Yay! Yay! Yay! We finally found it! We finally found it together! Your grandpa's four star dragon ball! My mentor and my dearest friend!


Meanwhile, At Red Ribbon headquarters, Plans were being made to cut Goku and Mitsuko's celebration short!

Commander Red:Listen up, Yellow!

Fed up with the Repeated failure of his men, Commander Red has called in Some outside help; The world's most Notorious assassin...

???:I'm Mercenary Tao.


At red ribbon army's headquarters, the most notorious assassin named mercenary tao has been summoned by the commander red and Officer Black. He step inside the office to begin their meeting today.

Commander Red:Thanks for meeting me, Mercenary Tao. We have this situation-

Mercenary Tao:One thing before We get started...I must tell you my Fee is very expensive.

Commander Red:Ah, I can assure you, If you complete our mission, We will pay you handsomely.

Mercenary Tao:Then my going rate......is ten billion a head.

Officer Black:Ten... billion apiece?

Mercenary Tao:Did I stutter? Though, I am having a Special 20th anniversary sale. For a limited time only, You get a quality slaying At a bargain price. All services are Fifty percent off.

Commander Red:(Gasps)

Mercenary Tao:You heard right. A measly five...Billion... zeni.

Commander Red:That's... reasonable.

Officer Black:How can we be Sure, though...That you are who You say you are?

Mercenary Tao:Would you like to try me out?

Officer Black:Oh, no, that Won't be necessary.

Mercenary Tao:That's what I thought. Since my important discussion has already been settled about financial bills, it's your turn to tell me about my task mission why don't you?

Commander Red:It would be a great opportunity to kill with all your hearts content. A greatest consideration to keep your word so I'll start explaining about your request is.

Mercenary Tao:I'm all ears then.


Back with the four groups at the sacred lands, Bora and Upa was really curious about the seven magic dragon balls why would the evil red ribbon army wanted it so much so the two young warriors decided to tell them everything about since they are good people to be with.

Bora:So the ball holds Special power. Now I understand why the army Was so determined to acquire it.

Goku:But me and my faithful partner mitsuko don't really care About the wishes Or anything like that. Both of us was only looking For this Dragon Ball Because it belonged To my grandpa considering also her mentor or friend too.

Mitsuko:He is never wrong. Goku and I searching for it for few days we don't know how much we missed it now that he reunited with us never to be separated ever again.

Bora:Oh... Good. You two have few wants. That's fortunate.

Upa:Daddy, what do you Mean by that?

Bora:You see, son...Too many desires can Drive a person mad...

Goku:I was wondering. What is that big pole sticking Out of the ground for?

Mitsuko:My curiosity hits me. I agree with him could you tell us about it?

Bora:The tower...It is a sacred symbol Of my people. To our tribe, it is a very Important and honored landmark. We call it the Korin Tower. I learned of the Legend from my grandfather When I was Upa's age. It is a story that has been Told for many generations...But still we wait, After all this time, For the arrival of someone Who can pass the test...

Goku/Mitsuko:What do you Mean? What test?

Bora:It is said that If any person can climb To the top of this Tower unaided, He will find the great noble Guardian waiting for him there. The guardian will Then give him a cup Of cold water to drink...And with that single sip, The climber's abilities Will increase dramatically.


Mitsuko:That is really a legend!

Bora:As incredible As it sounds, My people have always Believed it to be true.

Goku and Mitsuko couldn't help for being so astounded their new friend Bora's whole story about korin's tower whoever succeeded climbs it to the top. Two young warriors face each other at the moment.

Goku:You hear all of that right?

Mitsuko:I sure did. And believe me, this is our very first time seeing a magnificent tower any person will accepted the challenge to climbed all the way on the top. Technically, I'm not sure where it leads to...high above the heavens perhaps?

Goku:Nah. My gut tells me, this Tower only stays here not all the way out on this planet or something.

Mitsuko:I say, if you and I try to climbed on top of that korin's tower, both of us will get even stronger to pass that kind of test?

Goku:I felt the same way as you but we're not really certain if our bodies could take it. Have you ever tried to climb it Bora?

Bora:Once when I was young. But I couldn't make it All the way to the top. Anyway, no one has ever been Successful in the attempt.

Upa:But...I heard that a long time ago One person did make it.

Bora:A compelling story, But only... a myth.

Goku:It's so... gigantic! Isn't it mitsuko?

Mitsuko:You got that right. Amazing too.

Goku:So, why do you live here?

Mitsuko:Yeah. How come?

Bora:Because of the tower...My family has been guarding It for generations. It is our ancestral duty. It is my job. I am the protector of the land.

Goku:Oh... I see...

Mitsuko:I take it that was your top priority for guarding it huh? How wonderful.

Goku:Do you think it would be okay if me and mitsuko took my Nimbus to the top?

Mitsuko:Goku, Bora said in order to make the both of us get even stronger, climbing on that tallest tower is the key increased our power abilities.

Goku:Oh Oops...I was only saying that as a curious suggestion or something.

Mitsuko:(Giggled) can't blame ya there.


Back at the red ribbon army headquarters, Commander Red and Officer Black discussed to mercenary tao everything about the two young warriors for the trouble they caused for ruining the evil plans, failure or the defeat of colonel silver, General White, and General Blue, making all the innocent people's lives miserable, failed to collect all the dragon balls and so on. The notorious assassin held a calm face only nodded them for understanding the situation.

Commander Red:So as you can see mercenary tao, the only thing we ask you is to eliminated those two brats that would be your killing target. I sent most of my soldiers, colonel's and generals for the same mission I gave them looking for the valuable dragon balls but they failed miserably because of those two troublemaker kids!

Mercenary Tao:Two kids huh? And mind telling me what is a dragon ball I assume?

Commander Red:Black, show him.

Officer Black:Of course commander.

He took out the dragon ball inside his pocket showing it to mercenary tao.

Officer Black:This is what is called a dragon ball with stars inside them.

Officer Black hold the five star dragon ball in front of mercenary tao while it glows, the assassin take a good looked at it closely to how important and valuable is.

Mercenary Tao:Hmm I see. So this is the one. But it will cost you extra payments for stealing it from them.

Commander Red:It won't be problem at all. But before you leave, will show you the two images of those kids.

The eye patch commander took out two pictures of Goku and black suited girl mitsuko place it on the his table to let the deadly assassin see.

Mercenary Tao:So these are the two kids are my targets? They're only both young children if you ask me.

Officer Black:Technically yes but they're not ordinary kids, both of them are incredibly strong. They've been working together as a team to wipe out every soldiers everytime we sent them upon a mission.

Mercenary Tao:Well... it doesn't Really matter. I will annihilate Any man, woman, or child As long as the price is right.

Officer Black:You're a good man.

Commander Red:But one final thing.

Mercenary Tao:Is that so? Then name it.

Commander Red:This will be your most extremely important mission that you cannot a miss. You may have not heard it, but we will tell you everything that me and everyone on the red ribbon army have been going to that particular place a long time ago.

Officer Black tilted his head realizing what the eye patch commander was talking about.

Officer Black:(Gasps) C-Commander, you don't mean...

Commander Red:Yes. I know exactly what I mean. So listen closely mercenary tao we've been going to a particular place was a huge island on the distant wide ocean she is the most wanted girl we've been trying to kill and her name is sakura hilari.

Mercenary Tao:Sakura Hilari?...I never heared of that name before and how do I expect to believe you if she is the most wanted?

Commander Red:Do not worry, you'll believe me soon enough. My soldiers saved some footage about the incident of that island. Black?

Officer Black:Yes, allow me.

He took out the remote press some few buttons. A giant flat screen pop out at the ceiling and switch it on to show outside of the big island a girl was stand in front to protecting it was sakura hilari. The notorious assassin's eyes widened clearly that he saw her brown furry tail just like Goku has.

Mercenary Tao:So that little girl is sakura hilari huh? Not to mention she has a tail too like the boy has one.

Commander Red:That's exactly the point. Why don't you watch the whole show before you understand.

Mercenary Tao:Hmm...Very well.

Commercial Break:

Commercial Break's Over Now Back To The Show:

(Watching The Incident of the island Giant Flat Screen Footage):

Sakura walked slowly in front of the back up red ribbon army she was so angry at first but she must avenge all of the hostages and villagers that they died right now she needs to stay calm she can't let her anger taking over her if she does that she could be really reckless herself to fight in this situation she stop walking and taking her battle stance position to get ready to fight for real battle.

With that, he fire two gigantic missiles aiming straight at Sakura she was not scared or anything she Summoned water came from the beach to formed water cloak both of her arms she grabbed both of the gigantic missiles she spin around and reverse the missiles back to them after that the Red Ribbon Army submarines ended up exploded she wasn't finish yet she jump high few feet in the air to attack the helicopters she still use water cloak she spread her arms wide the end of the tip was formed like an ice blade she swing her arm on the right side to slash the helicopters to destroyed them and she do the same at the left side to destroyed the helicopters too and finally the helicopters are in front of her but this time she pulled her water whip ice blade back and attack them stabbing the helicopters like a machine gun. When she's done,she was face next the jets and planes she swing her arm using her water tentacle whip and swing on it and landed on top of the plane.

Red Ribbon Army Soldier 1:Hey! There's a little kid in here!

Red Ribbon Army Soldier 2:Colonel Violet said that this kid is our target prepare the guns....FIRE!

The red ribbon army soldiers use there guns to fire her she flipped backwards and summoned a Water barrier around here to avoid the some damage when they stop firing at her, the water barrier disappeared it's her turn to attack Sakura this time it's fire she spinning herself around making fire vortex with her kicks to burn down the jets and planes Sakura still spinning around after that all of them are exploded the red ribbon army soldiers using parachute to fall down gently as for Sakura, she's using fire jet on her feet to make her fly never to get fallen.

Sakura:Now that's out of the way, those five ship will be the last. Here I come!

With that, Sakura was flying heading straight to the ships.

Sakura still flying straight at those ships she was about to attack but the whistle of cannon fire straight at her she dodge it and she also destroyed the cannon balls with her multiple fire kicks and fire jabs when that's done, she is making her final move Sakura spinning herself with incredible speed to perform fire pinwheel attacking straight at the five ships.

They where about to fire their cannon balls but it was to late Sakura with her fire pinwheel attack was straight pass through the five ships and the flames was engulfing them and has been explode.

(Watching The Incident of the island Giant Flat Screen Footage is now ended):

Once the whole scene of the footage is done, commander red and officer black turned their heads looking at mercenary tao wondering what is he gonna react. His body doesn't seem to stutter and his expression only held a calming stern face commander Black break the silence.

Officer Black:So uh...now that you seen it all, what do you think?

Mercenary Tao:Thank you for letting me see the whole show. I dare say, that little monkey girl you two told me about wasn't put up a joke after all and I must admit she is quiet powerful using four element powers destroying the whole back up army of yours.

Commander Red:Now do you understand why she is the most wanted enemy in the world tao? I want you to kill her too without any mercy.

Mercenary Tao:You have my full attention then. I would be happy to accept your favor.

Commander Red:(Chuckled) Excellent. In fact if anyone Gets in your way, Just do away with Them, too. We'll pay.

Mercenary Tao:Very well...But any extra killings Are twice the price including the monkey girl sakura hilari you told me would be triple as well...

Commander Red:(Gasps)

Mercenary Tao:But first things first, I'll deal with the boy and his black suited friend they must be at This place, "Korin". It's about 1400 miles to The northeast, is it not?

Officer Black:I'll have the jet prepared For you right away.

Mercenary Tao:That's not necessary...It'll take too long by airplane.

Officer Black:Huh?

He doesn't interested taking any flying vehicles it would be boring for him. Mercenary Tao walk towards the pink column taking a quick inspection.

Mercenary Tao:Mmm... Hmm...Would it be possible for me to Borrow this column from you?

Commander Red:Uh, what d'ya want...Uh, with that pillar?

Mercenary Tao:Mmm...

Instead of answering him, he jumped to poked on top and landed on the floor kicked gently below they still had no idea why he want to use it for.

Commander Red/Officer Black:Uhh...

After that, he hold it using both of his hands to pulled the pillar off making commander red and officer black surprised.

Commander Red/Officer Black:(Gasps)

Mercenary Tao:Let's see... 1400 miles. I should be back In about 30 minutes.

Commander Red:Huh..?

He throws it making the pillar flies incredibly fast up at the sky.

Mercenary Tao:(Laughing)

The notorious assassin jumped high going after the pillar while he laughs landed both of his feet to ride it. He flies fast forward with his pillar like a rocket headed at korin's tower where the two young warriors are he is now gone with the white twinkling dot sign leaving commander red and officer black watch him astonished.

Officer Black:Amazing...T hat Tao is simply amazing.

Commander Red:(Laughing) After all this time, the Dragon Balls are going to be mine!

Mercenary Tao flying ride alone with his pillar at the sky to begin his mission.


Back at korin's tower sacred lands, it was a very peaceful day this afternoon two birds fly in the sky while they chirping softly Goku and Mitsuko decided to spending their time together with the indian friends. Two young warriors sat down besides each other at the log looking in front of Bora stirring the pot to cook something for them and upa went to the bushes pick up some few leaves.

Mitsuko:I must say, he sure is really good at cooking.

Goku:I couldn't deny it either about that.

Upa came back with carrying some leaves and placed it on the steaming pot two kids look at him while they giggled.


They both looked inside the pot with fascination bora keep stirring the steaming green soup with leaves upa added it.

Goku:Wow! That sure smells good!

Mitsuko:Oooh! We can't wait to try it!

Bora has done stirring, he scoop up some hot green soup at the first wooden bowl and put on the second one while the little indian carries it. Bora gave it to Goku, and upa gave it as well to mitsuko they happily accepted it.


Mitsuko:Why thank you upa.

Upa:(Laughing) your welcome mitsuko please enjoy my dad's cooking.

She removed the black mask at her mouth place it down at the log. They gently blow it first, and started to help themselves slurp bora's home made green soup.



Bora:Have as much as you want Goku, Mitsuko.

Goku:Thank you!

Mitsuko:Yes indeed! Thank you so much!

They really like it very much. Now that their finished drinking the green soup, Goku and Mitsuko used wooden spoons to eat the leaves.

Mitsuko:Oh my gosh! I never stop eating this one!

Goku:(Chuckled) Every soups never amazes me like nicest launch's cooking keeps better than this!



They both stopped eating looking at Bora doing wood carving using a sharp dagger.


And upa rubbed the spear using a rock for sharpened the edge. When his finished, he stood up give it to his father the tall Indian take a look at it with a quick inspection his son standing in front of him waiting for his answer. In few seconds, Bora give it back to him and smile for his approvement patted his head.


The little indian laughing happily was very glad his father like his work sharpened the spear weapon. He excitedly ran back at the small rock on the ground rubbing the spear again faster. Goku watching him silently with his confused face, and mitsuko also watching it couldn't help herself to giggled at those two bonded father and son pair. She placed her black glove hand on Goku's he looked at her while he raise his brow mitsuko's lips formed into a gentle smile without putting her black mask on. The monkey tailed boy closed his eyes smiles back at her placing his head on mitsuko's shoulder she doesn't mind at all as long as her close partner was comfortable. She slowly place her head on his. She heared him giggled softly feeling her head attached each other they hold their hands together, while two warriors watched bora and upa.


Back with mercenary tao riding on the pink pillar silently fly with speed, his almost at his destination finally seeing korin's tower of the sacred lands.


Back with Goku, Mitsuko, Bora and Upa:

Goku:This is great! Me and my partner be better at everything Once we go up there!

Mitsuko:I say the same. I always come with an interesting challenge!

The tall indian standing besides them looking up at the tall tower while he holds his spear and upa sitting on his shoulder.

Bora:Do not get your hopes up, My two young friends...It may only be a legend.


Goku:I want to try it anyway!

Mitsuko:Yeah! Me too!

Upa:But both of you are Already strong!

Goku:I'm not the strongest though, So it's still worth the chance!

Mitsuko:Me and my partner will never know unless we try. We're still far from stronger, that doesn't mean we ceased from training.

Goku:Yeah! It's definitely Worth it to be the best for the two of us!

Mitsuko:You got that right!


Bora:Perhaps, but, it will Not be an easy task.

Goku:Have a lot of people Tried to climb the tower? Besides you?

Mitsuko:I never thought of that.

Bora:Yes. There are many Who have attempted it.



Bora:But... they all have failed.


Mitsuko:I see...

Bora:The tower is much taller Than you two imagine. It takes many Days to scale it. Those who try often eat Their provisions too soon, And fall off from Weakness and hunger...Those who attempt the climb By plane fare no better.

Goku:Oh? How come?


Bora:They run out of fuel, Before they ever seen the top...

Goku:It's that far away?

Mitsuko:Wonder how many miles was it?

Bora:So you see, Those who defy the rules, Or who attempt the Climb unprepared Do not generally Get a second chance.


Mitsuko:Your explanation all makes sense now.

Once bora concluded the whole story about korin's tower, mitsuko's senses kicks in she felt a faint life force moving her head up seeing something in the sky. The monkey tailed boy looking at his disguise girlfriend with confusion he was about to talk to her what's wrong, but upa beat him to it he also saw something flying up at the sky.

Upa:Oh. What's that, Daddy?


Upa:That thing... in the sky!

Mitsuko:That's what I'm sensing it right now because I see it really clearly that was a person riding a pink pillar.

Bora:You...sense it?

Mitsuko:Indeed I was, I have that kind of ability whenever someone is coming towards us, I can immediately feel somebody's life force.

Bora:I see...you would tell us who it is?

Mitsuko:My sensing ability never fails me. I feel that a person carrying with a very bad heart.

Upa:W-What?! So y-your saying...it's a bad person is coming at us now?

Mitsuko:That's right upa. I don't know what that person wants, it means trouble.

Goku:Well in that case, we better keep our guard up.

Bora:Son, get back inside the tent!

Upa:O-Okay! Be careful and good luck!

Bora's little son do what he says running back at the tent to hide himself preventing him from any danger. Bora and the two warriors watching up at the sky waiting the bad person's arrival was mercenary tao his already at the sacred land of korin's tower.


Mitsuko:Watch Out!

The notorious assassin jump off at his pink pillar bora, goku and mitsuko jump back away that the pink pillar was crashed landed on the ground where they are standing. He landed both on his feet back at the pillar standing himself up calmly staring at the three to begin his killing job.

Mercenary Tao:Pleased to kill you.

The monkey tailed boy's ears are wide open hearing the word "kill" now he finally realizes mitsuko knew he was a bad guy. He's doing his battle stance not gonna drop his guard and the black suited girl doing the same side by side.

Goku:Your not really kidding about him.

Mitsuko:I told you so.

Bora:What are you doing?! You nearly hit us!

Upa take a peek while he was inside the tent mustered up all his courage that he saw mercenary tao for the first time going to do his best not to get scared.

Upa:So that's the bad person that mitsuko was talking about?

Mercenary Tao:Hmph. Well, that's the idea...I'm a hit man.

Bora:Huh? A hit man? Whoever you are, your kind Is not welcome in Korin.

Mercenary Tao:The name is Tao. And I won't be staying long. I've simply come for the boy and the black suited girl.


Goku:Me and my partner already know who you are.

Mercenary Tao:Oh really now?

Goku:It's all thanks to my partner mitsuko's sensing abilities, she can feel somebody or anybody's life forces whoever gets near her including people's emotions too that you are a bad guy.

Mercenary Tao:Well now...that was really an outstanding ability your friend has. There's no need for me to hide my admission killing is my hobby.

Mitsuko:You came here because you want to kill us both? That wouldn't be happening if I where you.

Mercenary Tao:Will see about that. And haven't you noticed that the Red Ribbon Army has sent me Here to tie up some loose ends.

Goku's eyes widened in surprised mixed with anger within him saying the most evil organization's name. Mitsuko was angry as well but not to much going to make herself calm preventing an outburst.

Goku:(Growls) Red Ribbon?!

Mitsuko:Tch! I never would've thought your working for them.

Mercenary Tao:Yes. You two are getting In the way of their hunt For the "Dragon Balls", So both of you must be destroyed.

Goku:(Growled) Again?! They won't quit!

Mitsuko:I'm getting sick and tired with those weaklings one way or another!

Goku:That's right, I agree!

Mercenary Tao:And after I will kill you both and taking away the dragon balls, I must proceed looking for my next killing target.

Goku:Next killing target?

Mercenary Tao:(Chuckling) They told me everything back at headquarters the most wanted child who obliterated the whole back up army a long time ago and that child's name is sakura hilari she will die by my bare hands.

Mitsuko:(Gasps) (Thoughts:N-No way...those guys tell him everything about my horrible past that I wiped out their whole back up army at my home island?! They still haven't given up looking for me until I was killed?! Damnit! It won't let it end this way! My adoptive parents maybe gone, but I must avenge them!)

The black suited girl was about to say anything to him, she was stop herself looking at her partner Goku stepped forward looking at the notorious assassin with a glare while he growled doesn't like the sound of his announcement. The monkey tailed boy's overprotective mood swings back at him.

Goku:(Growled) you got a lot of nerve saying that for killing her!

Mercenary Tao:What is it to you if I may ask?

Goku:She's the most important person in my whole life! Sakura already tell me everything what she's been through, but there is no way those evil bad guys including you will never find her to accomplish that kind of mission or something!

Mitsuko:Leave my close friend out of this! She's been suffering long enough!

Mercenary Tao:I'm afraid I'll defy that kind of suggestion. No one any places in the world would able to stop me from murdering such innocent people which I wouldn't care about it. The only thing I care is to finished my killing job, return the dragon balls that you both have and my reward gold and money is waiting for my return.

Goku:(Growled) You bastard!

Mitsuko:(Growled) Your even more crazier than the red ribbon scums!

Two warriors are really furious about the mercenary tao's murdering instincts. The little indian watch them he gasp mixed with surprised getting really worried about his two new friends facing a new enemy he look at his father beginning to shout at him while he clutched the tent begging to help them.

Upa:(Gasp) Daddy, help them! Please don't let that bad man hurt Goku and Mitsuko!

He heard his little son's begging clearly wouldn't dare to deny it.

Bora:Now wait a minute. Those two children you are threatening Saved my son's life. If you have come here Looking for a fight, You will have to Deal with me first!

General Tao:(Growled)

Goku:It's alright! I think me and my partner can handle him!

Mitsuko:That's right. I don't think it's a good idea for you to face him alone because I can feel his power or fighting skills are strong.

Bora:That maybe true, but I won't stop unless I try. It is my obligation to protect This land from enemies. Now, Son, Stay where you are alright?


Mercenary Tao:(Chuckled) What a fool! Why would you choose To take the fall?

The tall indian take his battle stance while he held his spear weapon prepare to fight him.

Bora:Enough talk!

Upa:Daddy! Be careful!

Mitsuko:I have a bad feeling about this.

Goku:He's our new friend mitsuko, we need to keep on eye on him otherwise, that bad man will gonna do something horrible.

Mitsuko:Mm-Hm. I got ya.

Three kids watching bora and mercenary tao face to face each other in silence. The tall indian keeps his guard up to make sure of himself to watch at his opponent's tricks or unnecessary attacks.

Mercenary Tao:Hmm...I'll bet you fancy Yourself a trained fighter. Let's see if you Can handle this.

Close enough, he used his speed to teleported himself with a blink of an eye in front of bora to grabbed his spear with a tight grip for making him gasp in surprised same goes to goku, mitsuko and upa.



Mitsuko:H-He's fast! (Thoughts:I read his movements...just like master roshi did the same thing that me, goku and krillin demonstrate it for the three of us speed or current ability at our first turtle hermit training! What kind of a fighting style this tao guy studied?!)


Her eyes didn't looked away at the fight. She seems really worried about Bora having a hard time facing the assassin the tall indian didn't see it coming he was in front of him trying to pull away his spear weapon, but tao's grip hold is to strong.

Mercenary Tao:What's the matter? Is it stuck? That's too bad.


He still couldn't stop or giving up for pulled his spear away he closed both of his eyes tight, clinch his teeth, tightened his fists holding his weapon and shakes his whole body. His son upa inside the tent watching the adult fight couldn't help but Gasps and the two warriors watching outside in front of them gasp in surprised as well.




Mercenary Tao:Let's try something Else... shall we?

He was really calm on the fight doesn't loses his grip hold yet only adjusted his fingers.


The little indian's expression change into angry couldn't stand the assassin's behavior started to yell.

Upa:Hey! My Daddy!

Mercenary Tao:Still stuck? That's okay, I'll move it for you.

With that, he grip hold bora's spear move it straight upwards including the tall indian he didn't let go of his weapon which mercenary tao carries him as well.



Upa:(Gasps) Oh no!

He couldn't take it anymore. He get out of the tent and run as fast as he could and stop standing behind Goku and Mitsuko worried about his father's safety.

Mercenary Tao:(Chuckled)

The notorious assassin move bora's spear weapon to force the tall muscular Indian flying up in the sky while he is yelling loud.


Mercenary Tao:Here, have your spear!

The next thing he do is throwing the spear flying straight at bora. Three kids watch in surprised was going to kill him Goku scrambled on his feet calling his flying nimbus and upa desperately called his dad.



Even if he called the nimbus cloud already appearing up in the sky he was to shocked seeing his friend bora that the spear was about to pierce him that's what tao was going to see that moment today without any care, suddenly, the spear weapon was pierce the glowing blue orb instead Bora because he was surrounds it. He opened both of his eyes and now widened in shocked moved his head frantically had no idea what's going on. He looked down saw his own spear still flying pierce at the glowing blue orb in few seconds, it was now destroyed into many pieces. Mercenary tao gasp in surprised that he see that magic protective barrier saved his life same with the two boys.

Mercenary Tao:W-What in the world is this?! How is that even happening?!

Upa:(Gasps)...D-Daddy?! How did you do that?!

Bora:I didn't do anything, son!

Goku:That barrier. Which means...

Mitsuko:If you wanna know what's happening...it was me!

The three of them turned their heads finally seeing mitsuko raising her one hand coated with blue glowing aura that she activated her defensive magic blue orb barrier preventing him from being killed. In slow motion, Goku change his expression into very happy mixed with relief both of his eye black pupils was shining while his mouth agape open with happiness.

Goku:(Chuckled, Laughing) Mitsuko! You saved bora with a good timing!

And as for upa, he couldn't help breaking some tears coming out of his eyes combining with relief.

Upa:(Gasps) Y-You save my daddy! Hic! I don't know what you did, but that was amazing!

The black suited girl heard the two boys compliment for saving bora's life even if she covered her face with black sunglasses and black mask not showing a smile, mitsuko giggled at them instead then reply the boys back.

Mitsuko:(Giggled) it's no problem. Saving people's lives is always matters!

She move her head up looking at the tall muscular Indian warrior sigh in relief that the spear didn't kill him. She moved her hand lower still coated with blue glowing aura immediately snap her fingers of a signal to make the magic round barrier including bora was inside of it disappear up in the sky teleported back he was behind her sitting on the grass ground blinking his eyes in confusion a few times looking at mitsuko in front.

Mitsuko:Are you alright bora? If I couldn't saved you, your spear weapon almost stabbed you painfully.

Bora:(Gasps)...Y-You're the one who did that?! But how is it possible?! I thought you're only a martial arts fighter like your partner. There is something else is it?

Mitsuko:Well of course there is. Because I'm also a-

She was been cut off that bora's little son running towards his father hugging his chest tight while he cried in relief.

Upa:Father! Waaah! Waaah! I'm really happy that your safe that mitsuko saved you! (Sobbing)

Bora:Upa.....forgive me for worrying you my son...Thank you for saving me.

Mitsuko:Of course, your welcome.

Goku:Mitsuko! (Laughing)

The black suited girl turned around saw goku running towards his disguise girlfriend spreading both of his arms wide launch himself to give her a bear hug. She hugged him back while two warriors giggled with happiness in few minutes, they let go and face each other.

Goku:(Chuckled) you where incredible saving our friend bora's life! For a second there, he was a goner for sure!

Mitsuko:I would act myself quickly never losing what's important for us. (Giggled)

Mercenary tao watching the four having their talking moments almost an hour couldn't believed he saw what mitsuko did for the first time using magic saving the tall muscular Indian's life almost had him to kill which makes him angry but not as much trying to make himself calm. He heard them long enough he doesn't want to stay here wasted his time gonna finished his two targets for killing them to finished the job.

Mercenary Tao:Hate to interrupt your happy go lucky reunion, I take it you must be the black suited girl mitsuko...I see you have some strange powers saving that big oaf's life.

Bora:What did you call me?!

Upa:My daddy is not a big oaf!

Mercenary Tao:Maybe...to be frank, you got some nerve meddling my murdering business little girl. For interfering for what you did, I'll give you double twice the pain.

Mitsuko:That's some nice threatening line you come up with. And that was really uncalled for killing my new friend like that is a vicious cycle.

The monkey tailed boy didn't hesitate to step forward standing besides her disguise girlfriend putting a determined glare on his eyes.

Goku:What she's saying was right. Now that mitsuko saved his life today, its our turn to teach you a lesson that kill or murder is out of the question.

Mercenary Tao:Both of your overconfidence really inspires me. But very well, show me what you made of.



It would seem that Mercenary Tao's reputation As the world's most Dangerous assassin Has not been exaggerated. Now, this cold and Calculating villain Has set his steely Gaze on our two heroes. Goku and Sakura disguise as the black suited figure mitsuko faces the greatest Challenge of their lives, On the next heart-stopping Episode of Dragon Ball.


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