What if..?

By roronoadnami

4.5K 462 128

What if, in an alternative universe, the King of the Pirates, Gol D Roger wasn't dead. The great era of pirac... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62

Chapter 12

84 9 0
By roronoadnami

Mihawk walked back to his bedroom, and Zoro watched him walk away and he came back into his bedroom. He saw Nami's jeans and sweater on the floor, and then he saw her, in his bed, covered and probably already asleep. He sighed but couldn't help but smile. He took his own clothes off and grabbed her clothes and put them in the laundry. He lay on the opposite side of the bed as her, turned the light off, settled an alarm, and fell asleep.

At 8:30 in the morning, the alarm clock rang. Nami hid herself under the blanket, as Zoro took his phone and stopped it. He took a minute to emerge and wake up, and he noticed orange hair on his chest, and then he felt some weight on his arm, he looked down and realised Nami was back at him, casually using his arm as a pillow. He looked at the time, and he didn't want her to be late so he slowly moved his arm.

«z- hey... Nami... Nami

n- mmh

z- wake up

n- mmh!!

z- come on, you're gonna be late

n- mmhh!! ».

She took the blanket out of her face and opened her eyes.

«n- what time is it?

z- 8:33».

She sighed and sat up. Zoro enjoyed this to take his arm back. She looked disoriented and looked around.

«n- the fuck

z- tough morning uh?

n- mmh.. how did I end up here?

z- you don't remember?

n- *nods no*

z- you took shots with Yamato and Rebecca, you were drunk, we came here so your mom wouldn't freak out about me since she hates me, you threw up in the alley, and in the bathtub, you woke up my dad, and you fell asleep here..»

His tone was neutral, not aggressive or annoyed, just neutral, he had stated facts. She felt so sorry and embarrassed.

«n- I'm so sorry, I mean, oh my God, you might hate me, I'm sorry, I handle alcohol way more than that usually, I don't know how this could happen, I'm sorry

z- it's fine

n- what?

z- it happened to everyone, it's fine

n- yeah?

z- yeah, don't worry

n- thanks, I'm sorry...

z- you should get ready».

She looked around looking for her clothes, since she was only wearing her T-shirt.

«n- where are my clothes?

z- somewhere in the laundry, full of your vomit

n- ew

z- mmh

n- guess I'll have to steal another one of your sweaters

z- the wardrobe's full, help yourself

n- Thanks. Is Perona there?

z- no, she left already, why?

n- 'cause I need panties

z- well, I guess she won't get mad if you take one

n- I'll put the blame on you

z- I'm sure you will».

She stood up and walked out of the room. It took Zoro a second to realise he's been looking at her butt, all the way to the door. He sat up, ashamed, and went to take his shower. Nami went to Perona's bedroom, took panties, and went to the bathroom.
When Zoro was done with his shower, he put on some black track pants, with green lines on the sides. He grabbed a towel to dry his hair, as he walked to his bedroom, he saw Nami, with only a towel wrapped around her, she was looking for a sweater.
At first, he's been uncomfortable seeing her undressed, but then he told himself it was nothing, he'd see his friends undress all the time and it was ok, so it was for her.

«z- are you looking for something specific?

n- just a hoodie so I could hide my dead face since I just look like a zombie

z- *amused* the white one

n- thanks».

She grabbed it and put it above the towel and when it was on, she pulled the towel out.

«n- you didn't have class this morning?

z- just maths with Katakuri

n- oh.. he's gonna kill you

z- probably

n- I'm sorry about that

z- it's not on you, I made that decision»

He took a T-shirt and wore it. He then put his socks on.

«z- my dad's downstairs

n- oh... will he try to slice me?

z- no, but... just be polite ok

n- sure yeah, I mean, sure

z- I'm serious

n- so am I. My sister would kill me if I'd miss respect to Mihawk

z- your sister?

n- yes, turns out my sister is your family's biggest fan, how cringe is this?!

z-.. quite cringe indeed

n- anyway, I'll be polite, don't worry».

Nami took her shoes and walked out of the room. He sighed and followed her. As he thought, Mihawk was indeed in the lounge, on his chair, reading.

«mi- hello

z- hi

n- hello..».

He stopped reading and looked at Nami. He didn't expect her to face him that casually.

«mi- we haven't been introduced, I'm Zoro's father

n- nice to meet you, I'm Nami, I'm Zoro and Perona's friend».

Zoro let appear a smile of amusement when she mentioned Perona.

«mi- oh, you also know Perona, nice

n- yeah, she's really interesting to talk to

mi- that's what I think too. Zoro told me you were into the fencing club too?

n- to be fully honest, I'm on probation, Zoro's training me hard so I can make it

mi- then I hope you will

n- thank you Mr. Roronoa».

Mihawk appreciated that she didn't call him by his nickname.

«z- well, dad, we're gonna be late

mi- you don't take breakfast? P prepared it for you. You shouldn't leave with an empty stomach».

When he said that, Zoro understood he had seen the vomit on the gravel. He faked a little smile.

«z- ok, thanks for letting us know»

He walked to the kitchen.

«n- it was a pleasure

mi- pleasure shared».

She joined Zoro in the kitchen.

«n- see, I've been polite

z- mmh, good

n- what? did I say something wrong?

z- no

n- you ok?

z- yeah».

Nami noticed his cold tone so she didn't ask more so they had breakfast in a weird silence. After this, they put their shoes on, Zoro took his white velvet jacket and they left for the campus.

He parked the car, Nami took her bag from the backseat, and kissed Zorons cheek.

«n- thanks kenshi-san».

And she left. Zoro was left confused. He sighed.
Nami went to class and overthought, why Zoro was so cold in the end?
At midday, she joined Perona, they both bought food and went to see Vivi, Kaya, Usopp, and Sanji. They all sat around a table, next to a tree and ate together.

«us- last night was so fun, that's so sad you couldn't come Nami

n- yeah, I'm sorry about that

vi- don't worry Usopp, Nami had a lot of fun last night

ka- what do you mean?

vi- you didn't see Rebecca's story? they had a party at Sabo's last night, Nami was there too

n- yeah, she came after our training session and suggested it

san- so you met Rebecca-Chan!! isn't she beautiful?

n- she is! She's so nice, I can't wait to see her again

ka- yeah, she's so sweet. Isn't your dad responsible for bringing her back to Dressrosa?

p- yeah, they were supposed to go back on Sunday but it's kinda messy out there since what happened to Corazon, so I don't know

n- oh, that's why your dad's back

p- yeah, King Kyros asked him to take her because he's scared Doflamingo tried to take the lead on the island

san- oh fuck, that sounds serious

p- kind of, plus my dad can't legally fight Doflamingo since they're both Shibukai

ka- he would be Marine's enemy just like Shanks

p- yeah..

us- by the way, how come Shanks is a Yonko and Mihawk is not if your dad's really stronger?

p- first of all because he has an agreement with the Marine for now and second of all, if you didn't notice, my dad does not have a crew, so he can't be legally considered a threat as a Yonko level

san- oh yeah, I've never realised he didn't have a crew

p- he's so badass and strong he doesn't need anyone

n- mmh

p- by the way he tasted the leftovers of last time, and he loved it! he'd like to have the tangerine thing recipe

n- really?!

p- yeah! you should come home and meet him

vi- *confused* wait, you cooked at Perona's house?

n- yeah

vi- damn. you seem to love your new fencing friends

p- well, it's better than hanging out with losers like you

n- Perona!

p- what, you can have other friends, you won't always be stuck with the same people, it's unhealthy

n- I know! but Vivi's right, I didn't hang out much with them since I made it to the team. I'm sorry guys, I struggle to give everyone attention enough lately

san- it's ok, Nami-Swan

vi- yeah, it wasn't a reproach.. I just... you know

n- no I'm sorry, I'll try better guys... well I gotta go to class»

She stood up and left.

«p- losers

san- *looks at her with hearts in the eyes*

p- mostly you, pervert

vi- don't talk like that to us

p- I talk to you like I want. I see your gaslighting game with Nami

vi- we're not gaslighting her, we just want to see her more often, like we used to

ka- you're her friend for approximately 2 days and you think you can have an opinion on our friendship

p- what? is the foster child talking to me??

evn- *shocked*

us- Perona!

p- sorry Go D Usopp I take that back, anyway I see you guys».

Perona flew away.

«vi- she's crazy

ka- I hate her

san- isn't she beautiful?!

us- do you think Nami rather spend time with them than with us?

vi- no, no.. I hope not».

Nami just put her headphone on her head and ears, put on some music, and walked to her next class. She saw the professor was already inside the room, but the other people in her class were still waiting outside so she sat in the hallway, leaned against the wall, and listened to her music.
Some girls were looking at her and talking, but she just ignored them.

«- hey, Nami!».

She looked up and saw Ace, she put her headphone down and smiled. He leaned against the wall, looking down at her.

«n- hey

ace- we didn't see you leave last night, were you ok?

n- I was kinda.. no good, so Zoro took me home».

She smiled amused and embarrassed. He chuckled.

«ace- yeah, Yame wasn't so good either, she's throwing out all night

n- oh no

ace- yeah, what the fuck did you do?

n- shots.. like a lot

ace- *chuckles* alright, I see. And you still made it to uni?

n- yeah, no choice

ace- guess you slept at Zoro's place».

He said, pointing at the sweater she was wearing.

«n- yeah, my mom would have killed me if she'd seen me in that state. But I think he's mad at me

ace- Zoro? would he be mad at you?

n- I puked in his alley, I woke his dad up in the middle of the night, and I once again borrowed one of his sweater

ace- *chuckles*.. ok

n- ok?!

ace- I don't think he'd be mad at you for so little

n- you think?

ace- I'm sure, it's fine

n- I hope so

ace- Becky said you girls wanted to do another party on Saturday

n- something like that

ace- come home then, it'll be fun

n-... what home?».

She smiled, he was confused at first and then he got it, he smiled

«ace- she told you

n- maybe

ace- *smiling* yeah, well, at Shanks'

n- ok, see you there then

ace- yeah».

He looked at her amused, it was cheeky of her to tell him she knew like that. He chuckled and left. She watched him leave and was about the put her headphone back when she heard her name.

«- Nami?! ».

She looked to her left and saw Aphelandra and Margaret coming closer to her.

«ma- are you Nami?

n- uh, yeah?

ap- oh my goodness, you know Portgas D Ace?!

n- uh yeah?

ap- he's so sexy

ma- are you really dating Roronoa Zoro?

n- uh?

ma- there's this picture of you kissing, out since this morning».

Margaret showed her phone to Nami. She took it and got a closer look at the pictures, the first one was a picture of Zoro and Nami in his car, next to Sabo's place, and the second was Nami kissing Zoro's cheek, but the angle could let think it wasn't just his cheek, and the last one was Nami walking out of his car, wearing his sweater. She didn't know what to say, so she just kept a poker face and gave her phone to Margaret.

«n- and what about that?

ma- nothing, we just, we're kinda curious

n- curious? we had a class together for a whole year and you never talked to me before. What's curious is you talking to me now

ap- you were in high school with us?

ma- Aphelandra! of course, she was... we just never had the occasion to talk to you before

n- well keep going like that».

Nami stood up, took her bag, and came into the room.

«n- can I wait for the course to start here?

- sure Mrs. Okamura

n- thanks, Mrs. Nico».

She put on her headphone and read her book, waiting for the class to start.
At the end of the day, Nami came back home, she walked to the living room and heard her mom on the phone with her sister.

«b- oh, here you are

n- hi

b- talk to her 'cause I don't know what to say to that».

Nami confused, took the phone.

«n- yeah ?

no- you kissed RORONOA ZORO?!?!

n- in my defense, I kissed his cheek to thank him

no- for what?

n-' cause he brought me to school

no- is that really his hoodie?

n- *sighs* yeah

no- bro! the fuck !! why do you have it when I'm not home, this is crazy

n- why? you'd like to breathe his smell, you're freaking weird Nojiko!

no- I'm not! you don't realise!

n- I do, you're cringe as fuck, leave me alone».

She hang up, gave the phone to her phone, and walked upstairs to her bedroom. She closed the door and lay in her bed. Bellmere was confused but she understood it might happen something with that boy. She didn't want to bother her at the moment so she said nothing.
Nami, laying there, realised what she just felt was jealousy, she was crazy that her sister could be attracted to Zoro. She hated that she felt that way, there was no way that she have feelings for him. Unless after the way he was this morning, why was he so cold and upset? She grabbed the other sweater of his on her bed and thought about it. Was she falling for him? This guy who doesn't give a fuck about anyone or anything except training and being strong. What kind of ambition was this? why would she fall for this? But mainly why the fuck was he mad at her for?
Overthinking took a long part of her evening, just laid on her bed, thinking about what could possibly go wrong in her life. She didn't have the faith to move for change or even eat, so she just sneaked into her blanket and fell asleep around 10 pm.

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