The littlest of Joys (Cookie...

Por Kluvu123

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(THIS STORY IS STILL ONGOING) After a mysterious book ends up in the cookie kingdom. Gingerbrave and the gang... Más

Chapter 1: A Brewing Night
Chapter 2: The cookie and the human
Chapter 3: A pot fit for a cactus
Chapter 4: New arrivals
Chapter 5: Goodbye for now
Chapter 6: Meeting old and new faces
Chapter 7: An eventuful Breakfast
Chapter 8: Fun in the water
Chapter 9: Meeting the ancient heros part 1
Chapter 10: Meeting the ancient heros part 2
Chapter 11: Meeting the ancient heros part 3
Chapter 12: Meeting the consul
Chapter 13: Helpless
Chapter 14: Rescue
Chapter 15: A new world
Chapter 16: A new start
Chapter 17: Rebuild a kingdom
Chapter 18: Garden
Chapter 19: A weapon
Chapter 20: A companion
Chapter 21: A Companion part 2
Chapter 22: Dream
Chapter 23: Training
Chapter 24: Regrets
April fools!
Chapter 25: Hide (For real)
Chapter 26: Fun
Chapter 27: Forces unite
Chapter 28: A meeting
Chapter 29: Reunion
Chapter 30: A plan
Chapter 31: Dont leave
Quick note: Please read, I need opinions
Chapter 32: Captured
Chapter 33: Comfort
Chapter 34: A plan
Chapter 35: A trick
Chapter 36: A bad smell
Chapter 37: Advice and outfits
Chapter 38: The Big Party part 1
Chapter 40: Further infected
Chapter 41: A useful power
Chapter 42: Apology accepted
Chapter 43: Feel better
Chapter 44: Blinded Anger
Chapter 45: Calm waters
Chapter 46: Storm
Chapter 47: The final battle part 1
Chapter 48: The final battle part 2
Chapter 49: The final battle part 3
Chapter 50: The final battle part 4
Chapter 51: Joy

Chapter 39: The Big Party part 2

884 34 13
Por Kluvu123

After the songs performance, just as all the boys magically appeared. They disappeared in a flash of light. While (Y/N) was still reeling over  meeting the cookie version of one of the most famous Kpop groups. They slowly began to realize that the only other humans turned cookies that appeared just vanished into thin air.

(Y/N) sparkly eyes turned to one of heart break, "NO WAIT!" But the only thing that was left was a ray of purple sparkles on the stage.

While Tighnari ran around trying to catch any of the sparkles that were left behind, (Y/N) held their hand out as a single purple sparkle gently landed on their hand. The cookie stared at the sparkle before growling and crushing the sparkle in their hand.

"Why did they have to leave so fast! I could have talked to them and seen how they got here and how to leave?!" (Y/N) sighed before rubbing their forehead. Now that the performance was done, all the cookies gathered at the stage were going back to their previous positions, with some dancing, some enjoying food, and some providing other forms of entertainment.

But one cookie stood out, (Y/N)'s eyes widened.

"Pure Vanilla cookie!" (Y/N) shouted before running after the healer who was enjoying a small sip of punch.

PV smiled, "Hello (Y/N). I hope that you enjoyed the show."

(Y/N) nodded, "It was definitely a surprise since those guys are from my world. But I wish they stayed a little longer so I could see how they can freely come and go into both worlds."

Pure Vanilla chucked, "Oh well that's simple dear. Through the power of ARMY magic." The healer said they last part with a rainbow from his hands.

"Um....okay. But listen I want to thank you for the party. But I also want to talks about what happened before."

The male healer immediately knew what (Y/N) meant and frowned, "Indeed I would also like to discuss what happened before."

(Y/N) was taken aback, "Oh...well. That's good."

Pure Vanilla sighed, "(Y/N). I left our last interaction off on a bad note and I would like to apologize for that."

Well this is going a lot better then I expected

"Thank you. I forgive you Pure Vanilla cookie."

"I mean... of course you would be so defensive. After the child's magic is indeed a powerful one."  Pure Vanilla explained meanwhile (Y/N)'s disappointment quickly returned.

"Pure Vanilla. I understand that Poison Mushroom cookie hurt you but he did not influence me in any sort of way. He is the reason I am here and not in a dungeon rotting away." (Y/N) snarled.

"(Y/N). Pleasure understand why I am being cautious. Poison Mushroom cookie has the ability to make people see things that aren't real. What if Dark Enchnatress cookie made Poison Mushroom using magic to think he helped you. Then she released you and forced you to have a soft spot towards the Dark cookies."

(Y/N) stared at the healer dumbfounded, "Okay. But why on earth would she release me? The only reason she was so persist in capturing me is because she would want to learn more about why I was so powerful. So why would she let be go if she wanted me to stay and join the Dark Cookies."

"Simple. So you could turn others into joining the Dark cookies." Pure Vanilla said matter-of-factly.

(Y/N) groaned getting increasingly frustrated, "But I haven't. Even now I haven't talked to anyone about joining the Dark Cookies."

"Indeed. But you do have a soft spot towards Poison Mushroom cookie."

(Y/N) could feel their blood boil and this argument that was just going in circles. Tighnari whimpered, his ears laying down as the bad smell that only he could smell suddenly spiked. Speaking of spikes, a small spike similar to the one that was recently removed came back and this time it wasn't just one.

(Y/N) growled, "BECAUSE HE HELPED M-"

"(Y/N)!" Hollyberry cookie shouted, making her way towards the pair.

Now everyone's eyes were directed on (Y/N) once more but not for the right reason. Their face turned a bright red as they turned away while Hollyberry quickly directed everyone's attention back to the part and activities.

Once finished she faced the two, "What is going on? What is with the shouting?"

(Y/N) sighed, "It's nothing. I just need some time to myself." The cookie didn't take a glance back at the hero's as the dashed away with Tighnari following close behind.

Pure Vanilla cookie sighed as he watched (Y/N)'s retreating form.

(Y/N) sniffled as they moved through all the cookies of the party.

Stupid Pure Vanilla. I don't want to tan bad about him but I know my friendship with Poison Mushroom was real. I just... want this part to be over.

As they continued to journey as far from the healer as they could, (Y/N) wasn't paying attention and bumped into some cookie from behind. They were about to apologize but stopped when they realized who it was.

"Dark Choco!" (Y/N) shouted.

Finally maybe something can go right.

The prince jumped at the sudden shout before turning to see who called him. Which was a very excited (Y/N).

"I wouldn't expect you to be here much less enjoy a party like this."

Dark Choco shrugged his shoulders, "My father suggested I come. I wanted to decline but he somehow convinced me. But I'm not enjoying my time here."

"Yeah that explains the outfit." (Y/N) said gesturing to the outfit Dark Choco wore. It was similar to the one he wore when he was considered a prince but it was black and didn't have those ridiculous shoulder pads.

Dark Choco blushed before clearing his throat, "Yes well. Mont Blonc wouldn't take no for an answer."

(Y/N) chuckled, "Yeah. But she did good with everyone's outfits." (Y/N) said looking over at each cookie who had their own individual outfit made by the best seamstress in all of Earthbread.

"Anyway," (Y/N) turned back to face the dark prince, "Since you are here. I assume you were successful in finding the book."

Dark Choco nodded, "Indeed. Although it was difficult to find."

An awkward silence rang through as (Y/N) looked at Dark Choco expectedly.

"Soooo did you write down what you needed?"

"Um.... No?" Dark Choco answered making (Y/N)'s heart drop.


"I indeed found the book like you all requested. But you didn't say anything I needed to write anything specific plus I couldn't read it anyway." Dark Choco answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

When (Y/N) didn't respond right away, both Dark Choco and Tighnari looked at the cactus cookie with confusion. (Y/N) ran through the prince's word over and over again, as they thought back on what the conversation for the book went like.

"When I was being held. I found out that during the attack and when everyone was in the human world. The dark cookies found the portal book and took it back to their palace."

Then Dark Choco agreed to look for the book. But nobody told him to write down anything specific and even then he can't read it. So although he was of some help, overall Dark Choco was useless in this regard. (Y/N) didn't know whether to be frustrated at themselves or the prince since he could have simply asked what to look for.

(Y/N) just released the breath they held up inside them, "Your right. Enjoy the party."

They then quickly scrambled away once again.

Tighari follows closely behind leaving Dark Choco alone and confused. He also stared at (Y/N)'s retreating form. But before (Y/N) was fully out of the prince sight, something caught his attention.

One of (Y/N)'s hands were slightly turning green.

(Y/N) raced until finally they found themselves in a secluded Balconey. They whimpered as tears began to build up on their face.

Tighnari jumped onto the balconies edge and did his best to try and comfort his owner.

(Y/N) removed their hands from their face, "Thanks Buddy. I just wish something would go right for me tonight. I mean.. I'm not any closer to going home and the others won't listen to me."

Tighnari gently rubbed against (Y/N)'s face making them giggle at the fuzz.

"Hey that tickles!" (Y/N) chuckled , making Tighnari laugh as well. They then pet the fox, leaving the other infected hand by their side.

Tighnari was relieved since if (Y/N) did see the infected hand. It would probably make the night for them even worse than it already was.

As the two relished in each others company. A large splash of light spilled out into the sky.

The two didn't have to guess to see who was causing this light show.

Cherry Bomb cookie giggled at the reaction of the pair on the balcony, "If you like that! I got more where that came from."

The child then used a small match to light another Firework that quickly burst into a ray of light. As the two watched in amazement another cookie decided to make their way to the exciting moment.

"There you guys are. Are the concert I couldn't see you guys." Custard Cream lll said before his attention was quickly grabbed by the fireworks.

(Y/N) smiled at the small princess star struck expression, "Yeah. I just needed some time to get away. So I'm glad you're here and you can enjoy the fire works with me."

The prince smiled as (Y/N) wrapped an arm around the princes shoulder pulling I'm into a side hug.

Maybe this party wasn't a total bust after all.

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