Driven By Desire || Toto Wolff

By Asf1diary

111K 3.1K 569

She was Christian Horner's rebellious daughter, who had joined RedBull as a photographer. He was the team pri... More

01|| Torger
02|| Addison
03|| Brat
04|| Sir
05|| Darling
06|| Toto?
08|| Blush
09|| Hotter
10 || Royalty
11|| I love her
12 || Tweet
Bonus Chapter: Ft Christian
13|| Younger Girl
15|| Lewis
16: Trust me
17: Toto!! Dad!!
18: Addison!!
19: Checo, It's Addy.
20: Past and Present.
21: I love you Addy
21: Boxing
22: Special
24: I'm sorry, Princess
25: Long Night
26: Austria Day 1 (Addison)
27: Austria Day 1 (Toto)
28: Austria Day 2 (Addy)
29: Austria Day 2 (Toto)
30: Austria Day 2 (Addison)
31|| Austria Day 3 (Toto)

07|| "Princess"

4.7K 118 2
By Asf1diary

I feel the smile on my face before I even open my eyes. I open my eyes, adjusting to the light. I'm immediately transported back to last night when I dropped her off. I can feel her lips against mine again, and I realize I'm craving them. I don't know what it is about her, I'd never even think about sleeping with someone who works in F1, much less someone at Red Bull, even less Christians' daughter. Our age difference should be enough to put me off her but fuck I don't know there's something about her. My Phone dings and I roll over and take it off charge, looking at who sent me a message.

Princess Addy❤️

The name says. I laugh at what she saved herself as
Princess Addy❤️

Good morning =)

Good morning, princess


You saved yourself as "Princess Addy❤️" in my phone

Oh I completely forgot about that.

How are you doing this morning?

I'm doing well, thanks and you?

Same old. When am I going to get to see you today?

Oh, miss me already Mr Wolff?


I'm going to be in the paddock club around noon with my sister.
Come find us.

Your sister is going to be in the paddock today?

We're gonna watch the race together in the RB garage. Today's motive is to get good pictures of the team celebrating if we get good results.

I'll come find you later then, beautiful.

I wait for a reply, but one doesn't come. I message her again.

I'll come find you later then, beautiful.

Sorry, we're leaving for the track now.
I'll hold you to your word.
See you later gorgeous😘

I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding and get out of bed. I start getting ready for the day ahead, last night still on my mind.


I walk into the paddock, the fans and workers all greeting me. I walk towards the motor home and think about last night. Get your head in the Game Toto. I say to myself before walking into the canteen area. I bump into a girl with long blonde hair.

"Torger Wolff, just the man I was looking for," the girl says, as if she knows me.

"Hello," I say, and start to walk away.

"You know -" She says, falling in step with me.

"You should be careful," she continues.

"Sorry, what?"

"You should be careful what you do in the paddock....especially at night,"

I feel my stomach drop.

"I'm sorry, I have no clue what you're referring to," I say my best poker face.

"Addison Horner," She says bored.

"Again, I dont-"

"Pretend all you want, Toto. Me, and you both know you're not as innocent as you lead people to believe." She says.

I stop and turn to her, but I lose her to the crow of the paddock.

What the hell.

It's okay, Toto.

You just need some coffee.

You are still half asleep.

Your fine.

No one knows anything


I watch as the clock hits twelve, signaling that it's lunchtime. I grab my jacket and start walking out the garage.

"Toto!" I hear my name being called behind me.

I let out a sigh, turning around.

"George," I smile.

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to get lunch together, I want to talk to you about something."

"I would love to, George, but I unfortunately have lunch plans with someone else already. What did you want to talk about? Maybe we can schedule a meeting" I say.

"Oh, I won't keep your guest waiting. I just wanted to talk to you about the car"

"Don't worry. We can talk about it later. I don't want to be late," I say.

"Yes, yes, of course. Say hello to Addy for me. "

"Excuse me?"

"Say hello to Adi, the canteen girl. I'm assuming that's where you're off to"

"Oh yes, yes. Sorry, I heard something else.

He laughs. "No worries, enjoy your lunch," He says before turning around and walking to Lewis.

I swear that boy almost gave me a heart attack.

I start walking towards the paddock club, acting as normal as possible, even though my nerves are through the roof. I don't remember the last time I got so nervous about a girl.


I walk into the paddock club and look around for Addison. I don't see her and pull out my phone to message her.

Princess Addy❤️

In the paddock club. Where are you?

Look up and a bit to your left.

I look up, my eyes going a bit to the left. I immediately lock onto her. She's wearing dark blue jeans and a vintage redbull jacket. Her hair a beautiful untamed mess of curls. She waves me over, and I walk across the room. She pulls me close and into a small room.

Her Lips connect with mine, and I feel the wall behind me as the kiss gets more heated. A throat clears behind her, and she moves away from me. Taking the smell of flowers away with her.

I look at where the throat was cleared and see a blonde set of hair.

"Toto, this is my sister. Gigi, come meet Torger." Addison says. I watch as the blonde hair turns around, and I'm geeted with the same blue eyes that were warning me earlier.

"You," I say.

"Nice to see you again, Toto." She smiles and puts her hand out. I take it and shake it.

"You really know how to make a man regret even his favorite choices." I comment, which sends her laughing.

"I'm very confused about what's happening right now. But I'm glad you guys are getting along" Addison smiles.

Gigi quickly explains what she did earlier.

"Gigi Horner!" Addison shouts, hitting her arm. "How could you?" She laughs.

"You should have seen the look on his Face Tia" She laughs before going and sitting down.

I look at Addison who has her face in her hands, she looks back up at me.

"I am terribly sorry about her" Addison smile.

I chuckle. "It's okay, Darling" I say sending a wink her way.

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