Within The Dimenscape And Bey...

By Crusters123

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For many years, the Dimenscape has been living in prosperity. The rulers of this land have been leading with... More

Chapter 1: The Blade of Fate
Chapter 2: Beneath The Sand
Chapter 3: Secrets & Boxes
Chapter 4: Doctor's Appointment
Chapter 5: Working Objective
Chapter 6: Criminal Minds
Chapter 7: Visits
Chapter 8: Break Out
Chapter 9: Mirror Mirror
Chapter 10: Family Dramatics
Chapter 11: A Mother's Rage
Chapter 12: Caller's Intel
Chapter 13: Peeping Tom
Chapter 14: Consultations
Chapter 15: Mad Doctor
Chapter 16: Death Wish
Chapter 17: Old Combacks
Chapter 18: "I love you..."
Chapter 19: Cole?
Chapter 20: Alondra
Chapter 22: Revolting Children (Part 2/2)
Chapter 23: Reunion
Chapter 24: True Loves Kiss
Chapter 25: Song of The Battle
Chapter 26: Penemuel
Chapter 27: Elio
Chapter 28: Babysit? Babygone.
Chapter 29: Hit & Run
Chapter 30: One Last Fight

Chapter 21: REVOLUTION! (Part 1/2)

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By Crusters123

No One's POV:

Things haven't been the same since Tabitha stepped down as Queen. Leaves were out of the trees now as the lateness of November rolled by. Noah instantaneously took over the kingdom. His supporters filled the village streets, rampaging through stores and homes of the fellow villagers just to cause havoc. The Diamond City Penitentiary was ransacked and emptied out to make room for new inmates, aka Tabitha, Cole, and their extensive family.

Villains now roamed the streets and forests of the Dimenscape, making it the most dangerous dimension across the worlds. Noah even managed to get Spencer's army of U.S. agents to travel into the Dimenscape.

Seeing his son's success, Spencer was more than grateful. True to his word the old man healed Noah of his terrible snake form, however, he warned his son that he'd still needed to master his Guardian Form if he was to become the next Guardian of Souls. Although Noah surprisingly took no interest in the position, telling his father that he had all the power he needed.

This shocked Spencer but he shrugged it off before leaving the castle.

The children of the Dimenscape were all sentenced to report to a large institute, where it was both a school and a home for all of them. It contained very strict rules, angry teachers and headmaster, curfews, and no magic. Collars made of Vengestone were clamped on the necks of all magic users. Those who were caught using their powers and lied about not having them were sentenced to a night in the basement with no food, no talking, and no sleeping as a robotic guard watched their every move. Depending on the child's age, the guards were to either subtle or abusive to those who misbehaved.

As a special event most, children were able to physically visit their parents at the end of the week. All except for the Royal Children.

Since their parents were convicted criminals in that bizarre world, they weren't able to see them face to face. Max and Lee accompanied Tabitha and Cole in the Penitentiary, as they were seen as primary suspects to begin a revolution. On the last video call, they were granted Max told his siblings that Dollop was now going to be the head of the family, as in tradition, he was the next true heir to the throne.

The usual bear warred child's bear ears would've drooped in embarrassment from the kind comments, but he wasn't allowed to have them in the institute. Instead, he held his elbows while lowering his head down to his shoulders, squeezing it with them.

"You're the only one who's optimism cannot be stopped." Max said with a laugh from his cell. "You've been through so much at such a young age, but you've managed to smile through it. This kingdom needs your bright face to be the light that shines through this darkness."

Dollop wanted to protest yet he knew this to be true. He had gone through many tough trials in life even at birth, yet he pushed through for a happy future.

"Sweetheart?" Tabitha's calming voice soothed the child down. "Remember that your siblings will always be there for you if you ever need help. And so will your cousins and your friends. Daddy, Max, and I may not be with you at the moment, but we're with you in spirit."

"Yeah." Cole agreed with a small pump of his fist from his isolated cell. "Kick some ass kiddo!"

"Cole!" Tabitha gasped which was followed by a short giggle. "But your father is correct. Kick some a- butt- and take some names. We love you very much."

"We love you too." Ryker admitted, sighing when realizing their session was practically over. "Talk to you next week."

With a sad nodding of their heads the call ended. The television screen turned off, and the lights turned back on in the dark room they were previously being kept in. The kids were then led out of the room and to the main part of the expansive building, where most kid stayed to have fun and relax with friends or family.

Bowie, Monica, and even Viago rush over to their respective partners as of worried sick.

"Are they okay?" Bowie asks while rubbing his dulled down horns. They had been cut prior to entering the school due to the rules on powers, including his long bangs that once covered his eyes. A brand-new bruise of his hand was revealed to Ryker.

"Yeah, they're fine but what happened to you?" The eldest prince anxiously exclaims. "Did they do this? Monica?"

The small blonde nods her head, no longer her happy-go-lucky self. Her naturally long blonde hair was cut to a short bob after her disruptive protest, and the tattooed hearts on her cheeks had been removed.

"Those assholes were about to beat up a poor kid for sneaking snacks to the kids in the basement." Viago replies with an unhappy groan, hugging Shadow with one arm. He too had his long hair cut as most of the boys would've gotten. "This whole thing is absolutely-"

A robot was approaching.

"Charming! I really liked the porridge they gave to us for breakfast!" He says with a fake smile. "Nice and healthy for us. What about you guys?"

The rest of the group nodded their head yet Hayashi frowns at this.

"But I don't wike powidge." The small prince pouts, mispronouncing his "r's" for "w's".

Forest kneels down to quickly cover his mouth without the guard noticing. He smiles in a cheeky manner to distract them from the toddler's comment. The robot just glares in a suspecting way before turning its heel and marching the other way.

"Guys, you have to be careful with what you say here." Shadow remarks sadly. "People or robots aren't as nice as they used to be."

Dollop whimpers frightfully at this, trying his best not to cry. The others notice this and ask if he was alright. Dollop just nods his head, asking to be excused before walking to his dorm. Zania, worried about her big brother follows him all the way there without saying a word.

Dollop eventually makes it to his room, tip toes over to his bed, and sobs heavily into his pillow which drowned out his sniffles and cries. Zania, closing the door in the process, rushes to her brother without saying a word, hugging and telling him that everything will be better in the end.

"I don't wanna start a revolt. I'm not good at them." Dollop huffs sadly while hugging his pillow some more. "I can't and I won't."

"How do you know if you're not good if you haven't tried revolting before?" Zania asks him as she let's go, placing a comforting hand across his shoulders. "Why not just try?"

"But I've never broken a rule before! I'm supposed to be the well-behaved kid in this family." He admits in a panicky tone. "I can't start breaking rules now! It'll hurt my reputation. All our older siblings have one."

Zania stares at him in disbelief. "Really?"

"Yeah! Ryker's the cool big brother. Shadow is the pretty warrior sister. Forest is the artsy gay brother." Dollop explains as if normal. "Max is the rule breaking sibling. And I'm supposed to be the rule following one! I can't change who I am, Zania. It's how I make myself feel comfortable, you know that."

A statement which was true. Dollop, unlike his siblings, was from a different timeline where Tabitha, and Cole became evil tyrants due to the pressure, and stress put upon them when becoming the rulers of the Dimenscape. Dollop had been born into that family as pure as a lamb, not knowing a single bad thing happening. His true mother neglected him, and his father did the very same, both busy with their work and leaving Honey Lemon- Dollop's godmother- to look after and take him away.

She traveled back in time to when the two weren't married yet, so they could have a glimpse at their future, not before she died of a fatal poison being spread throughout her body caused by the evil queen for taking her child. Past Cole and Tabitha decided it best to take down the evil monarchs, and care for their future child. They win the battle and use an incantation on Dollop, so the precious thing wouldn't fade away into nothingness after changing their despicable fate.

Although he was a baby at the time, Dollop, now, would forever have nightmares about his true parents. Which is why he preferred to be the rule obeying son he is today.

A quick silence follows before Zania could think of an idea, her face lighting up like the sun.

"But what if you break the rules if they were for a good cause?" She questions him with a suggestive smile. "Sometimes rules were meant to be broken, Dollop, and in the state our kingdom is in... I highly think that some rules are in desperate need of breaking."

Thinking about her suggestion Dollop sighs in regret, not fully interested in her argument.

"Come on dude! Like Max said, you are the most optimistic person we know! How can you look so gloomy now?" Zania says with a short laugh. "Raise your head high! Lift your voice! Every kid in this kingdom loves you for your optimism, brother. And if they don't listen to your orders then I'll take over. You hear me?" She interrogates him, staring him widely in the eyes while holding onto his shoulders for persuasion.

Dollop smiles at her crazy demeanor. He laughs. He laughs for a while. When calming down Dollops sighs once more. Looking back to his sister he nods his head.

"Okay. I'll do it." The brunette grins. "Just tell me what to do."

"Okie dokie." Zania giggles. "During dinner we get the attention of everyone, but not in the way where we instantly get caught. Pass a note to a kid for them to read and give to another then gossip can catch hold. Soon the train leaves the station and the whole place knows our plan."

Dollop gazes at his sister in confusion. "What is our plan exactly?"



In the dingy prison cell of the Penitentiary, Tabitha crawls back to her cot to recollect her thoughts. A small kick from inside her stomach makes the past queen wince painfully.

"I know, baby, but now isn't the time for you to come out yet." Tabitha soothes, mostly to herself, while rubbing her wide belly. "Just wait a little longer. Momma's just need to think of something."

"You're talking to the baby again." The voice of Cole could be heard from the other cell next to hers. "Are you alright in there?"

"I'm fine Cole." Tabitha sighs. "Everything's just fine."

"No, it's you're not, Tabs." He pushes. "I know when something's bothering you. I, of all people, know you better than anyone; so please just tell me what's bothering you."

But he didn't.

A heavy breath leaves the mouth of the jailed monarch before her confession began. She starts rubbing her stomach while looking out of her glass door with a blank face, to keep herself from crying.

"This is all my fault, Cole." Tabitha admits with a frightened gulp. "If it weren't for me then Noah wouldn't be in control of the Dimenscape. Phillippio wouldn't be dead. Walter wouldn't have been exiled. And we wouldn't be in this predicament."

"What? That's stupid!" Cole protests against her accusations towards herself. "How could you blame yourself like that? The Tabitha I know would never-!"

"MY NAME ISN'T TABITHA, COLE!" Tabitha shouts, now in a fit of tears as they trail off her cheeks like raindrops racing down a car window. "IT NEVER WAS! AND IT SHOULD'VE NEVER BEEN!"

A defeating silence appears to clog every cell in the Penitentiary, as if everyone was listening in on their conversation. Cole sat in his cot in pure disbelief at what he was hearing. Tabitha, now laying on her side, cries pitifully into her hands, disappointed that this was how he found out her terrible secret.

"What do you mean your name... isn't Tabitha?" Cole asks quietly from his cell. "...What is it really?"

The sobbing woman takes a deep breath to recollect before telling him. "My real name is Alondra Cruz. I'm originally from the First World but due to the neglect, and emotional abuse from my true parents; I ran away from home. I previously had found the Blade of Fate in a desert patch similar to the one Loki found it in and thrusted it into my chest." She explains in a cold tone.

"Why?" Cole questions her seriously.

"Why would any depressed person wanna kill themselves?" Tabitha sniffs which are followed by a short scoff. "They're just as dumb and numb to the pain being caused to them, that they just want a fixable solution. Mine just so happened to be death."

More silence was ensued.

Tabitha then squirms in her cot, feeling unsure that her last response was a good enough explanation to Cole's question, yet stayed as silent as possible. She didn't really feel like she should talk about her past anymore, but Tabitha knew that it was for the best.

The truth had to be told.

She had been keeping this secret from everyone for so long, that her past life was practically almost a blur to Tabitha at times. Sometimes she would go weeks without even remembering about the life she once had, while others seemed to hold her at the throat of misery. It was a terribly difficult thing to do but at this point in Tabitha's life, it was only for the best of her well-being if she forgot. Although now, she had no choice but to remember.

"Is there anything good you remember about your past life?" Cole asks her calmly from his cell. "Anything that might let you see something good that you lost."

Many of her First World memories were either blocked off by repressing them, or just plain forgotten. It was probably going to take Tabitha a miracle in order to recall her happiest memory.

"No." Tabitha tells her firmly.

"Not one thing?"


Cole sighs at this in disappointment. How was he supposed to help her? It frustrated him when she was so negative at times, but it was just how she was. The First World must've definitely done a number on her mental state. He thinks to himself. If she can't remember something... how about someone?

A brilliant idea!

"What about a person?" Cole softly questions with a hint of hope. "Someone special to you."

Tabitha, sitting straight up in her cot, shook fearfully at the thought. It wasn't the best person to think of at the moment, but it was the only person she fully remembered.

The banging of doors. The harsh shouting. The insults. The threats. The menacing glares.

It was tattooed into her brain like paint on a wall.

"Tabitha?" Cole's worried voice broke her from her terror reigning thoughts. "Tab- I mean- Alondra.... Honey, are you alright in there?"

Honey, are you alright in there?

The voice of an angel fills Tabitha's head as she began to remember someone else. Someone who was always there for her.

Her mother.

The beautiful woman that once soothed her aching heart and burning mindset. How could she forget her? How could she leave her? The woman may have not had much; money or knowledge, but she had the heart of gold in which she spared for her children. Whenever they were hurt, she was there. If they were crying or laughing, she was right there with them. Mama lion never let anyone treat her cubs like dirt. Nope, not on her watch.

Tabitha's eyes become stain glass windows that leaked through a rainstorm, as the memories of her mother plumaged through her soul.

"My mama." The pregnant woman peeps without wailing once more. "My mom always made me happy." She admits with a weak smile under her weeping eyes. "No matter what the problem was, she trued her best to make me feel better."

"Your mom, huh?" Cole smiles at this, patting himself on the back for making progress, knowing that she was feeling better. "I guess that makes us both 'Mama's kids'; doesn't it? I bet she was great."

"The greatest." Tabitha agrees with a sniveling laugh. "She always knew how to make me smile, and always took my side for anything I was a part of."

Time to reel her in. Cole exhales. "Do you ever think of returning? Like going back and living your life normally." He asks her. "What would you do?"

Tabitha's quiet response didn't surprise Cole, but it didn't stop him. He was just about to ask another question when she eventually spoke up.

"I don't know if I should go back. It's been way too long. My family's probably old and forgot about me like I did them." She tells Cole sadly. "But if I was to return then I would go straight home and take a fat nap after apologizing for disappearing. I just wanna hug my mama one more time and tell her that I'm sorry. She deserves so much better than me as a daughter."

"Aww honey. I bet that you were a great daughter for your mother." Tabitha's husband says in a sweet voice to relax her even more. He just wanted to talk and not have her being so sad. "I'll tell you what. After this whole thing is over; I'll personally walk you back home so you can live your life once again. We'll restart the clock in the First World a couple days after your accident."

"What?" Tabitha was shocked by his suggestion; however, Cole wasn't finished.

"You stay for as long as you need while I take the lead here. You've done so much for us and now it's our turn to return the favor, babe." Cole offers with a bright smile. "We can call and face time if you need to talk, and once you're ready to return, just come back whenever. You don't even have to tell me in advance; make it a surprise if you want. I don't care! I just want you to be happy." The male vampire laughs proudly at his idea. "What do you think babe?"

Tabitha doesn't respond right away but after a moment of thinking, she finally makes her decision. "That sounds great, honey. Thank you." She happily grins with tiny beads of tears still in her eyes. "I don't know what I would've done if I hadn't met you."

"You probably would've been scrounging around village alleys looking for food." Cole says with no hesitation.


Cole laughs heartily. "Am I wrong?"

The two of them laugh with each other for a while, telling each other stories and jokes to pass the time. Tabitha would often tell him if she felt more kicking from the baby, causing the exiled king to whoop for joy. They eventually settle down an hour later, letting the quiet of both their cells fill their ears.

"Hey, if Lee was pretending to be Walter," Tabitha sits up while thinking of the poor human. "Then where is the real Walter?"

"Why don't you ask me yourself, your majesty?" The familiar voice of Walter enters their ears, shocking both Tabitha and Cole immensely as they both jump up from their cots, and gaze to their old friend who was watching them from the other side of their glass doors. "And I thought that I was gonna be put behind bars before you, eh, Brookestone?"

"Oh, shut up, dumbass." Cole snickers under his breath, glad to see his friend was unharmed. "What're you doing here? How'd you get here without being spotted?"

Walter smirks, "oh you would not believe who decided to help me out." He tells them while crossing his arms.

"Who?" Tabitha questions.

From the shadows of the Penitentiary, out came the last person both monarchs ever wanted to see in their immortal lives.

Lila Rossi.

She stood regretfully in front of them, rubbing her arms anxiously as the vampires glared icy daggers at her from their protective cells. If they weren't in there, they for sure would've ripped her to shreds.

Tabitha couldn't take it anymore. She began hissing and banging on the glass like a mad man. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!"

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