Naruto Uchiha: the dragon emp...

By SithTrooperO9

78.2K 1.3K 252

A rewrite of my first fanfic. Decided for a rewrite as there were too many grammer mistakes, power scaling is... More

A visit from the west
Night of the Uchiha Massacre
Summons and discoveries
A plague
Graduation and team 7
Team 7 and the mission to Wave
Mission to Wave
Mission to Wave part 2
Missions for team 7
The chunin exams
The forest of death
Chunin finals
Dragon vs racoon
Konoha crush
Promotions and development
Search for Tsunade
Land of Snow
Sasuke retrival mission
Blood Prison
Blood Prison part 2
The War in Mist
Consolidating power
Battle against the Sathar'i
War of Unification part 1: declaration
War of Unification part 2: seven days to the river Kresh
War of Unification part 3: Carathian campaign
War of Unification part 4: fall of Decapolis
War of Unification part 5: state of the world
War of Unification part 6: northern campaign
War of Unification part 7: assassination attempt
War of Unification part 8: war's end
The new emperor
Return home
Vs Deidara and Sasori
Battle in a desolate forest
Fated battle between clansmen
The truth of Itachi Uchiha
8 tails capture
5 kage summit
Danzo's death and student vs teacher
The relics of the king
Demons of the ancient world
March of the Daevites
Operation: Sea Lion
The Battle of Stone
Blackfyre victories
Uchiha vs Uchiha
Death of a snake
The alternate world
The alternate world part 2
Clash of gods
10 tails jinchuriki
Kaguya Otsutsuki strikes
Showdown: Naruto vs Menma

Journey to the west

1.2K 23 1
By SithTrooperO9

                   -Land of Demons-

''Deals with the priestess goes well, cousin.'' Naruto informed his cousin. ''With this, we have nearly ten nations under our control, Daemon. With a platoon or batallion in one major center with the support of the native population, the eventual invasion and conquest will go smoothly. Logistics hopefull will be on our side.''

''I'll leave the planning to you, Naruto. I must admit, I believe you are better than me because you are smarter. You have a more analytical mind, more politically astute and an affinity for strategic thinking. I lack those things, Naruto. I'm more of a sword, one who leads from the front than a planner.'' Daemon admitted to his cousin.

''I'm always here for you, Daemon. The past years, we may have been separated but now, our family is whole once more. I'll be there to help you in whatever way you need.'' Naruto told his cousin.

''Daena sent me a message. Apparently the priestess wants to marry you. Arranged marriages are useful for political power, prestige and alliances or so my mother told me.''

''It sure is useful, Daemon.'' Naruto replied. ''Tell me, how did you and Pakura meet? She's a very famous kunoichi herr in the east.''

''The Sand betrayed her. They had attempted to kill her and she was found, severely wounded and weak, near the fire border.'' Daemon explained. ''The daimyo of the Land of Fire who was a Blackfyre vassal had, in order to curry more favour with my parents, sent her as a gift. She... was to be my servant. It was during my training and early days as a knight. I did not mistreat her or force her, giving her the choice of freedom if she desired. She decided to stay. Eventually, she... just became friendlier and then I guess she fell in love if such words can be used.''

''I see.'' Naruto said in a low voice. ''Is there enough space for all the extra luggage, cousin? For the... 'gifts' I'm bringing to Magog? The Inuzuka, Hyuga, Kurama clans, the Haruno breeding stock, the Speculum Lunae and Nadeshiko.''

''Plenty of space, Naruto.'' Daemon answered while staring at the sunlight over the lush green forests. Such sights were rare in the polluted cities of Magog. ''Two full batallions and several platoons are to be stationed with four corvettes and frigates. More than enough space on my dreadnought and an aircraft carrier.''

''Nice.'' Naruto said in a slightly joyful tone.

''I thought you'd want to know this particular piece of information, Naruto. Danzo Shimura has been accused of crimes. He fled the Leaf village.''

''Ah. That old warhawk. Should be in retirement by now but I guess he's too valuable till they had a good enough reason.'' Naruto muttered. ''So, about the team we sent to the Land of Spring for more chakra metal. What about them?''

''They'll return soon.''

''Good. Daemon, forgive me if I sound blunt or rude but, do you plan on having other girls?'' Naruto asked, hoping he did not offend Daemon.

''I think Pakura is enough for me, cousin. She's loyal, strong and supportive. She can carry herself in battle without having to be worried upon.'' Daemon answered.

''Tsunade's apprentice, Shizune Kato. I was thinking of giving her to you as a gift. Another brainwashed kunoichi from Stone and a kunoichi from Nadeshiko is also interested. The Speculum Lunae scouts also captured several ninjas from the Hidden Cloud. A pretty beautiful jonin named Mabui, I thought, would be the perfect present for you.''

''You are too kind, Naruto. Having a loving family that I can always count on is good enough for me but it is rude to turn down a gift. Especially one given by brothers-in-arms. I thank you.''

''No. You have given me a family when I lost mine, Daemon. I mean, you guys returned when I was in my lowest emotional stages so I should be the one to thank you.'' Naruto humbly replied. ''You enjoy the scenary very much I see, Daemon.''

''My jounrney here in the east is the first time I was away from the industrial cities of the west. Magog and other nations are lacking in greenary, Naruto. The air is fresh, the sound of the waterfall pleasant and the chirping sounds of the birds brings a calm feeling to the heart. You will not appreciate nature until you are out of the dark, gloomy cities... or so my father and Pakura told me. He was right. It's nice to be away from all that pollution and to see this in person, Naruto.''

''I am happy you enjoy it, Daemon. Really, I am.''

Then, Daena Blackfyre contacted both of them through the comms. ''Sorry to interrupt Daemon but this is important. I need you and Naruto in the war room.''

-Daemon's flagship, GNS Executioner-

Naruto and Daemon walked through the hallway of the dreadnought to the war room. The imperial navy sailors of Magog saluted the duo as they walked past them. They entered the war room where Daena was waiting for them along with the army and fleet commanders.

''What is the emergency, Daena?'' Daemon asked his sister.

''Orders from mother. Yes, directly from her, Daemon.'' Daena answered and pressed some buttons. The computer on the table then showed the hologram of the Sunset Sea (Great Ocean for the west). Then, the two saw the image of a gigantic sea monster and the image of a sky port. ''The giant sea monster, a mad cirein-cròin, is terrorizing the supply ships of Magog and that sky port has been identified as the base of the pirate queen, Q'anah. Mother wants us to eliminate them before heading home.''

''Q'anah?'' Daemon asked for more clearification. ''Really? So, after all these years, she has been founded. I can exact Magog's revenge for her attack on the Red Port.''

''Then that settles it. I handle the sea monster while Daemon attacks the pirates.'' Naruto said.

''By tomorrow, we can fly west. They won't know what'll hit them.''

                      -the next day-

''Plans for attacking, my lord?'' Delta asked Naruto, curious as to what he was planning.

''Obviously, Delta. After Magog wins the war, we will invade the east with the full force of the Magog's army. The tunnels we dug for my secret coup will assist us in toppling the Leaf village. Nothing will stop me or my family from the destiny it has, Delta. When I return to the east after winning the war, then I will take my revenge.''

''Naruto dear, you promised not to spend too much time planning remember? You said you'd spend more time with me.'' Shizuka whined a bit to her husband. She had grown fond of the Uchiha and started having feelings for him.

''Of course. I apologize, Shizuka.'' Naruto said and went to his wife. Shizuka pulled down his mask to give him a kiss. ''So, you are not a bit mad that I have... this?''

''The anaconda strain or the harem, Naruto? No, I'm fine with it. Don't think of yourself as ugly because of that plague, Naruto. You are handsome, both in face and heart. As for your harem, at least I'm officially a wife. The others are just concubines and pets.'' Shizuks replied. ''Speaking of, it still amazes how you have Tsunade Senju mind controlled to become your pet, Naruto.''

''They are yours to command as well.'' Naruto told her and the comms rang.

''Naruto, this is Daena. We are nearing the attack positions. You're up.'' Daena informed him over on the radio.

''I guess we have to postpone, Shizuka.'' Naruto told his wife and they got to the hangers to meet Daena.

''The cirein-cròin is just down there, Naruto.'' Daena told her cousin as the storm outside raged on and fierce wind was blowing. ''Need any assistance, Naruto? The submarines will be ready upon your call.''

''Thanks, Daena but I think I can handle an overgrown fish. Fought two tailed beasts before so I'm not too worried.'' Naruto told Daena and jumped out the hanger to the waters below.

''He jumped, didn't he?'' Daemon asked his sister as he approached her.

''Obviously.'' Daena replied. ''Mom has sent in the imperial 4th fleet to aid us. We can meet up with them in a few minutes from now.''

''Well... let's get started and go raid Q'anah's base. Have the submarines and a destroyer stationed nearby.'' Daemon ordered and the rest of the fleet moved to the pirate queen Q'anah's base.

(the ocean)

Naruto activated his dragon armor as he approached the ocean. He focused chakra to his lungs to avoid drowning himself and he entered the cold waters of the ocean. He used Suijin to move himself deeper into the waters. He saw schools of fish of varying species, dophins, sharks, squids, whales and numerous crabs and other sea creatures in the dark depths. As he swam deeper, he felt the presence of something very, very large moving near him. He was still in the dark, cold waters and he saw it. Before him was the ginormous cirein-cròin. The mouth of the giant beast was big enough to swallow seven whales whole!

'There you are.' Naruto thought and he flared his chakra. The gigantic creature roared, sending him crashing through an underwater mountain. The cirein-cròin moved to attack Naruto who shot a cero. The sea monster roared in pain and in anger, struck Naruto with it's massive tail. Naruto was sent flying up and the massive creature showed itself. Naruto threw explosive kunai, multiplying them and used Kagatsuchi and Fujin to wound the creature more.

In anger, the cirein-cròin shot a dark blue water attack. Naruto's Suijin power was useless on the dark blue water and it was powerful enough to cut solid stone. Naruto used his wings to fly around the monster and with his Narada, started landing blows on the creature's scales. Naruto shot several fireballs, balas and lightning strikes but the monster's scales were tougher than he initially thought them to be. The cirein then moved it's massive tail to attack Naruto who summoner his Susanoo. The tail sent Naruto crashing into the ocean floor and the cirein continued it's assault with tail strikes and dark blue water bullets. Naruto got back up with his humanoid Susanoo to attack the creature but the results were futile. He progressed it to the armored but little improvements. Naruto was thrown up and then slammed down to the ocean floor again.

As the cirein continued it's relentless assault, Naruto coughed up blood. The sea monster was a much harder opponent than he initially thought. It was also bad that he fought it in it's own turf and he went in without properly analyzing data. He had fought Zabuza, Orochimaru, Yagura and the tailed beasts so he believed it would be an easy win but he got overconfident. The aches on his body got worse as he strained himself a bit and he got angry. Angry at the thought of the cirein beating him and stopping his destiny. In rage, he roared inside his cracking Susanoo and a bright violet light engulfed his Susanoo.

The watere came up like a tsunami as if a nuclear bomb was tested and the cirein stared at Naruto's Perfect Susanoo. It was slightly taller than a mountain and it's wings were stretched out. Two katanas were on it's hands, ready to kill the cirein.

(A/N: head of Naruto's Susanoo)

''Now then, let's see who's is stronger, beast.'' Naruto muttered and his Susanoo flew back as the cirein attacked. The Susanoo swung it's sword, inflicting massive damage on the neck. Naruto infused the sword with lightning that made it stronger. The cirein shot water bullets but the Perfect Susanoo was much more durable than the armored stage.

The cirein struck with it's tail and the Susanoo caught it and then threw the massive beast. The Susanoo threw a string of yasaka magatama beads that severely wounded it and the cirein fled. The Susanoo caught it's tail and then lifted it out of the water. It flew and started inflicting serious damage on the cirein via sword cuts. The cirein stared at Naruto in anger and the Susanoo charged to deliver it's killing blows.

(pirate sky fortress)

The eastern expedition fleet and the imperial 4th fleet had engaged Q'anah's forces. The Magogite ships and fighters engaging the pirate fleet and the Magogites were winning. After years of constant raiding and the deaths of thousands, Magog had it's revenge against Q'anah and her marauders. The G.N.S Executioner was near the sky fortress and Daemon prepared himself and his knights, those handpicked from Magog's best, to lead the assault.

''The corvus are almost ready, Daemon. Opening the hatch so that you and your knights can attack before we send in the troops.'' Daena told her brother over on the comms and the hatches open.

Daemon was on an army bike and he was ready to go. As the hatch of the Executioner opened, the sun rays were on his face and Daemon took a deep breath. ''Father...'' he muttered, ''... may you watch over me and help me succeed in my plans. Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.'' Daemon finished and then looked at his knights. ''Today, we avenge our fallen comrades! For years, Q'anah has raided our ports and towns, killing our brothers and sisters but that ends today! Now, we pay them back for all they did. My knights! Today... we take from them... everything and we will give back to them... NOTHING!''

''Daemon! Daemon! Daemon!'' the knights shouted his name as they were ready for ready.

''Charge!'' Daemon ordered and all the bikes ran straight for the pirate's sky fortress. They came out and were in the gap between the sky fortress and the Executioner. Cannon fire and bullets were in the air but they continued forward. Daemon jumped and his bike entered the pirate hanger, blowing a few stuff up and he landed inside. He took out a spear and impaled a pirate through the chest as he landed and he faced the pirates and mercenaries in the hanger.

''It's... Daemon Blackfyre.'' a pirate said outloud in fear.

''Daemon Blackfyre! Run!'' a mercenary shouted and some of his friends ran away in fear of the 'black dread of Magog'.

''Cowards! Stand and fig- uagh!'' a pirate captain was impaled through the stomach by a chain and Daemon pulled him out and into the ocean below.

''For Magog.'' Daemon muttered as he took out a sword and spear from his portals and prepared to fight the hordes of pirates and mercs. Daemon's armor protected him from gunfire and he charged at his enemies, impaling a pirate with his spear. He cut another pirate, impaled another and cut two more. He threw his spear that caused a massive explosion killing about a dozen mercs and he continued his attack. He took out a chain to grab a missile and he threw it at a mercenary tank. Daemon continued on, killing well over fifty pirates and mercenaries before the corvus bridges on his ship reached the fortress. Once they did, Daemon unleashed a hail of spears that killed the remaing pirates. ''Onwards men.'' Daemon ordered his troops and they charged to storm the fortress.

''Daemon.'' the Blavkfyre prince heard the voice of the pirate queen in the middle of the sky fortress. ''I wasn't expecting you. A bit rude to come into someone's home without first telling said owner. Royalty or not.''

''You're going to die today, Q'anah.'' Daemon bluntly said and the pirate queen chuckled.

''Ah, always down to business and no small talk. You always go straight for the heart of the cake and not waste time with the cream. That's what I like about you.'' Q'anah said and she drew her dual swords. ''I enjoyed our little encounters but all good things must come to an end!'' Q'anah then unleashed a wind attack that could cut through steel and Daemon blocked it with his sword, eventually making them dissipate.

''You talk too damn much you shameless whore!'' Daemon angrily roared and engaged Q'anah in a duel.

''Such foul language shouldn't be for royalty as handsome as yourself, my prince.'' Q'anah teased her opponent a bit.

''You'll learn that behind my face is a fearsome dragon, Q'anah.'' Daemon retorted and continued the duel. Then, about fifty of Q'anah's best pirates came to help their queen. Daemon's knights fought the pirates and he fought the seven pirate guards.

Daemon easily killed three pirates with his superior skills but he was tackled by a fourth. He hit the pirate, got an axe and then hit the pirate guard in the head. Daemon fought the remaining guards and threw the axe and killed an eighth pirate. Q'anah shot wind jutsus at Daemon who cut them in half. He roared and charged at the pirate queen and they fought in an intense duel. Q'anah's better agility and wind enhanced swords matched by Daemon's experience, strength and skills. However, it was clear to Q'anah that she was not going to survive if she continued the battle. She skillfully jumped back and cut the floor of the fortress and descended down to the ocean below. Rifles fired but Q'anah survived.

''Damn it!'' Daemon cursed and he and his troops saw a pirate ship aiming it's guns at them. However, it was quickly destroyed and Daemon saw Naruto's newly acquired Perfect Susanoo. ''Color me impressed, Naruto.''

The Magogite fleet won the battle. Q'anah's pirate kingdom may have been destroyed but she survived and the intelligence agencies would continue looking for her. Now though, Naruto and his family sailed home to Magog.

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