MHA: Hero's and God's

By KadenA9

48.1K 688 350

Leonidas and his little brother Atreus were both destined for greatness, after the two return home from a jou... More

Chp 1 : "We must be better"
Chp 2 : "Your first test"
Info: Leonidas
Chp 3: "What I am"
Chp 4: "Always a part of you"
Chp 5: "The funeral/And preparations"
Chp 6: "Return/The city"
Chp 7: "Entrance exam"
Chp 8: "Valkyrie: Gunnr"
Chp 9: "The first day at ua"
Chp 10: "The witch of the woods"
Chp 11: "Combat training"
"Leonidas's hero costume"
Chp 12: "Meltdown"
Chp 13: "Valkyrie: Kara"
Chp 14: "Rescue training"
Chp 15: "The USJ incident"
(S1 Finale) Chp 16: "The stranger"
Chp 17: "Moving in"
Chp 18: "UA sports festival"
Chp 19: "Valkryie: Rota"
Chp 20: "Starting line"
Chp 21: "Valkyrie: Geirdriful/More"
Chp 22: "Dragon encounter"
Chp 23: "Calvary battle"
Chp 24: "Confrontation/A pleasant suprise"
Chp 25: "First round of the finale"
Chp 26: "Battle on challenger's"
Chp 27: "Leonidas vs Todoroki"
Chp 28: "Leonidas vs Bakugou"
Chp 29: "Leonidas vs Kendo"
Chp 30: "The award ceremony/Seeking help"
Chp 31: "Valkryie: EIR"
Chp 32: "Time to pick some names"
Chp 33: "First day of Internships"
Chp 34: "Hosu city attack/Magni and Modi"
Chp 35: "Hero killer stain"
Chp 36: "Aftermath"
Chp 37: "Back on track"
Chp 38: "Gear up for final exams"
Chp 39: "Final exams"
Chp 40: "Encounter"
Chp 41: "Digging up the past"
(S2 Finale) Chp 42: "Helheim/The truth"
🎥Two hero's: Part 1🎥
🎥Two hero's: Part 2🎥
🎥Two hero's: Part 3🎥
🎥Two hero's: Part 4🎥
Chp 43: "Wolf rescue/ control"
Chp 44: "Valkyrie: Olrun/Shocking truth"
Chp 45: "Game start"
Chp 46: "Training camp"
Chp 47: "Kota"
Chp 48: "My hero's"
Chp 49: "Deliverance/What a twist"
Chp 50: "Let's go get them"
Chp 51: "All for one/ shocking suprise"
Chp 52: "A God's return/escape"
Chp 53: "The cycle ends here"
Chp 54: "the end of the beginning and the beginning of the end"
Chp 55: "moving into dorms/secrets revealed"
Chp 56: "Create those ultimate moves"
Chp 57: "The test"
Chp 58: "Lurking"
Chp 59: "Rush"
Chp 60: "Rescue exercises"
Chp 61: "We need to talk"
(S3 Finale) Chp 62: "Rivaled"
Chp 63: "Valkyries: Hilder/Gondul"
Chp 64: "The scoop on UA, class 1-A"
Chp 65: "Meet who....?"
Chp 66: "Breaking fate"
Chp 67: "An unpleasant talk"
Chp 68: "GO!!"
Chp 69: "Breach"
Chp 70: "Lemellion"
Chp 71: "Hope"
Chp 72: "Bright future"
Chp 73: "School festival"
Chp 74: "Prepping for the school festival is the fun part"
Chp 75: "Gold tips imperial"
Chp 76: "Old freinds to new enemies"
Chp 77: "Let it flow school festival/At long last"
Chp 78: "Hero billboard chart"
(S4 Finale) Chp 79: "Valkyrie queen sigrun"
🎥Hero's rising: Part 1🎥
🎥 Hero's rising: Part 2🎥
🎥Hero's rising: Part 3🎥
🎥Hero's rising: part 4🎥
🎥 Hero's rising: part 5🎥
Chp 80: "Clash!, class A vs class B"
Chp 81: "Explosive teamwork"
Chp 82: "A new awakening"
Chp 83: "Back to square one"
Chp 84: "Have a merry Christmas"
Chp 85: "Off to the endeavor agency"
Chp 86: "Rise to perfection"
Chp 87: "The hellish todoroki family"
Chp 88: "A moment of peace"
MHA: Hero's and God's: the Ragnarok arc trailer
(S5 Finale) Chp 89: "The prison break"
Chp 90: "Surviving fimbulwinter"
Chp 91: "Blood payment"
Chp 92: "The giants secret"
Chp 93: "Svartalfheim"
Chp 94: "To the mines"
Chp 95: "Tyr"
Chp 96: "Old friend"
Chp 97: "The means of war"
Chp 98: "Groa's secret"
Chp 99: "Ironwood"
Chp 100: "Gryla"
Chp 101: "The Lovely Assassin"
Chp 103: "Claiming what's been taken/Divide"
Chp 104: "Asgard"
Chp 105: "Into the fire"
Chp 106: "The Norns/ defying fate"
Chp 107: "Draupnier/ Champion"
Chp 108: "A new weapon/ Confrontation"
Chp 109: "Unleashing Hel/Reunion"
Chp 110: "Garm/ Let's Be better"
Chp 111: "Binding/ Skoll and Hati"
Chp 112: "Heimdall/For Vanaheim"
Chp 113: "Thunder and mead"
Chp 114: "Unlocking the mask/ Shocking Twists"
Chp 115: "Surtr/ The coming of Ragnarok"
Chp 116: "A moment of peace/ The beginning of the end"
Chp 117: "Ragnarok"
Finale: "Rebuild"

Chp 102: "Vaneheim"

307 2 1
By KadenA9

Atreus closed his eyes as he whispered to himself

Atreus: home...

After Atreus opened his eyes he turned around to look at Angraboda

Atreus: like that?

He turned around only to see he wasnt in ironwood anymore, he saw that he was in thyre old cabin that they grew up in, Atreus got up as he freaked out

Atreus: oh no...

Atreus ran towards the door and opened it only to see hel walkers walking around the yard, Atreus closes it slowly as he drops the marble he was holding and quickly grabs it from the floor and closes his eyes and tries again

Atreus: other home, other home, other home

Atreus opened his eyes only to see he was still in the cabin as a sword perices through the door as he shouts in surprise

Atreus: shit!

Atreus runs over to a window as he opens it only to see a hel walkers out there as it grabs Atreus and throws him on the ground, the hel walkers tried to grab Atreus as he kicks it in the face, Atreus gets up as he stabs the hel walkers in the heart, atreus then hops over the fence as he pulls out his bow and prepares for a fight

Three hel walkers tried to jump Atreus but his bow glows up as he aims at the three helwalkers

Atreus: orva yta!

Atreus shouted as three arrows periced through the hel walkers skulls, two of them fell to the ground as Atreus attacked the last one as he jumps in the air and kicks it across the head as it falls to the ground and dies

Atreus: gotta get back to sindri's so I can figure out how to save Leo, and I gotta keep Ironwood and Angraboda a secret somehow, whatd I get myself into

Atreus says to himself as he aproaches the ygdrasill that was in the yard, he pulls out his key as he activates the door, Atreus looks at the yard for a bit as he was about to enter the door but backed up when Leonidas and kratos walked through

Leonidas: what were you thinking?

Atreus: i-...i wanted to visit fenrir

Leonidas: for two days?

Atreus: i-...

Kratos: do not lie again!

Kratos shouted as Atreus listened

Kratos: why did you come here?...alone, do you seek death?

Atreus: no more than you guys

Kratos: then why?!....why?....what is you will not tell us?.....we have tried to walk this path with you, we follow your every whim

Atreus: but you guys don't believe in any of it

Atreus said as Leonidas grabbed his brother by the shoulders

Leonidas: and we're still here!, Because all that matters is your safety Atreus, yours, Eri's, the classe's, everyone!

Atreus: but that's not all that matters, whose keeping you safe Leo?

Leonidas: what does that mean....?

Atreus: something I can't exactly tell you guys about

Atreus said as he walked past them but Leonidas stopped him

Leonidas: Atreus talk to us

Atreus: I can't talk about it, but I just need you guys to trust me, you guys kept secrets and I trust you

Kratos: that is not the same

Atreus: why not?, You hid things, Leo hid things, mother hid things you guys had good reasons and so do I, why can't you guys jus-?!

Atreus was cut off when kratos grabbed him and moved him out of the way from a hel walkers projectile

Leonidas: later

Leonidas as he pulls out his blades and kratos pulled out his axe, Atreus pulled out his bow as the three get ready for a fight, the three were taking out the remaining hel walkers that was in thyre yard, after a few minutes of fighting the three had finished them off

Leonidas: all right, let's get back h-

Leonidas was cut off when a valkaryie landed on Leonidas and started to stomp on him

Atreus: no!

Leonidas grabbed her foot as kratos tackles her off of Leonidas and punched her into a tree, Atreus helped Leonidas up as they looked at the Valkyrie

Atreus: stop, rember us?

Mimir: not sure this is a valkaryie we've met lad

Atreus: how do you know?

Mimir: she's corporeal but different, looks like the bastards finally done it

Mimir said as the Valkyrie dashes towards Leonidas with her sword but he blocks the attack as he slashes her with his blades a couple times

Atreus: we don't wanna fight you!, we freed your sisters!

Atreus said as the Valkyrie kicked Leonidas back and dashes towards him as she grabs him by the neck and flys towards the back yard, Leonidas strikes her in the face a couple times as the Valkyrie throws Leonidas away, he lands on the ground as the Valkyrie shoots at him with an arrow, Leonidas dodges and throws his blades at her as they latch onto her and slams her into the ground, Atreus and kratos regrouped with him

Atreus: Leo, are you okay?!

Leonidas: don't worry about me, focus on the enemy

Atreus agreed as kratos threw his axe at the valkryie stunning her, Leonidas takes the chance as he leaps into the air and throws a thunder bolt at her which shocks her, Atreus was shooting multiple arrows as he summons a flock of runic ravens towards the Valkyrie, kratos was about to attack but the Valkyrie grabbed him and threw him away into a wall

Leonidas/Atreus: father!

The Valkyrie was about to attack Leonidas with her sword but Leonidas blocked it with her blade as they stayed like that for a bit, Leonidas noticed her sword as he recognized that blade anywhere, that was until realization hit him

Leonidas: Freya....?

Freya pushes Leonidas back as she slashes his leg causing him to fall on his knee as Freya removed her helmet and grabbed Leonidas from behind as she had her blade at his throat and talked in his ear

Freya: every agony..... everyone violation imaginable....

Freya said as Leonidas had a look of fear on his face until Atreus shouted

Atreus: NO!!

Atreus shouted as he turned into a bear, Freya was distracted as she let go of Leonidas and looked on in shock, Atreus was about to attack freya but kratos and Leonidas stopped him and tried to calm him down

Leonidas: Atreus this isn't what you want!

Kratos: calm your mind, control it!

Leonidas and kratos pinned him to the ground as Atreus struggled

Leonidas: she was our friend buddy...

Leonidas said as Atreus slowly started to turn back into his normal form

Freya was shocked at what she saw, Freya turned around as she started to get flashbacks of her friendship with the two boys before thyre fight with baldur, she starts to breath heavily as she screams in agony


Freya shouted as he bindings wrapped around a rock near Leonidas as she crushes it with her bindings, Leonidas looked on in shock as Freya spoke

Freya: maybe.....for the are of more use to me.....alive...

Freya said as she sheathed her sword, Leonidas and kratos help Atreus up

Kratos: Atreus, home

Atreus: home?, Really?

Leonidas: you're gonna tell us where you've been once we get back, I gotta set things right

Leonidas said as brok and sindri walk out from behind a rock

Sindri: ahem, we'll take him...oh, you're majesty, a pleasure to see you again

Sindri said as he bows and nervously laughs

Brok: braudnefr

Kratos: do not let him out of your sight

Kratos said as Atreus walked towards the dwarfs

Brok: you heard him sunshine, come on, get a move on

Brok said as sindri and Atreus walked away, Leonidas and kratos aoroached Freya as Leonidas spoke

Leonidas: what do you need...?

Freya: I refuse to remain bound to this realm...we travel to vanaheim

Freya said as brok aproaches them

Brok: well, guess it's just us then

Brok said as Freya sighed

Brok: one gateway to Vaneheim coming right up

Brok said as the four headed towards the ygdrasill door

Leonidas: if your still stuck in Midgard how are you gonna travel

Freya: I crafted a protection ward that will keep me from being pulled out of the realm, it should hold until I find what I need

Leonidas: what's that?

Freya: the source of the magic that binds me to Midgard, were going to find it and destroy it

Leonidas: we'll help you Freya, but it won't change what I did

Freya: I know....that's why I still might kill you when this is over

Kratos: I will not allow that

Freya: then I'll just kill you both

Freya said as they made it to the ygdrasill door and brok pulled out a vanaheim seed as it unlocks Vaneheim

Brok: where would you muckspuots be without me?

Brok said as the four entered the gate as they traveled to vanaheim

Mimir: what is it you expect to need Leonidas for highness, clearly you've been quite capable of breaking Odin's curses of your own

Freya: the other courses grew weak from fimbulwinter but I still needed help to break them, this one is held strong

Brok: so all that trying to kill him, that's just your goddessy way of asking for help?

Freya: I don't recall asking you to come along

Brok: cus you didn't, I got an old drinking buddy I've been meaning to look up once this joint were back on the map, got a hunch lending you mokes a hand's gonna end me up where I'm going

Freya: and what makes you think that?

Brok: cus last I heard she was running with that beefwit brother of yours

Freya: not apart of this

Brok: well my hunch says otherwise, scrote too

Brok said as the four made it to Vaneheim

Freya: I can feel the pull of the bindings sources further in, follow me

Freya said as she lead the three foward

Brok: muddier than a musphelheim shit pit out here

Mimir: and nearly as fragrant, suppose fimbulwinter's to blame, but if it helps these two find peace-

Freya: this is a temporary alliance Mimir, anything beyond that would require trust

Mimir: oh please, you know damn well Leonidas isn't the true cause of your suffering

Freya: your both as much apart of my "suffering" as anyone

Freya said as the four squeezed through a stone gap but Freya felt so e wrong with her

Freya: oh no.... something's wrong, my spell I can feel it slipping

Brok: well that fimbulwinter for you

Freya: you don't understand I'll be torn from the realm

Kratos: what can be done?

Freya: something I was hoping to avoid

Freya said as the four exit the gap and Freya transforms into her falcon form

Freya: come on then

Mimir: you had a way around Odin's curse this whole time?!

Freya: no, I discovered it once you unlocked realm travel, and it solves very little, this form is extremely limiting

The group continues foward as brok speaks

Brok: hey uh, how's about a riddle to take your mind off things?

Freya: I'm in no-

Brok: what runs with no legs?

Mimir: easy a nose, you'll have to try harder than that brok

Leonidas: yeah that was kinda basic

Brok: just you wait

The group continues forward as they come across an abandoned market

Freya: I recognize this market, villagers would meet and trade here....why'd they never rebuild?

Leonidas walked through on of the old carts as he looks around the market

Mimir: brother, do you really think she'll let us off the hook if we help her?

Leonidas: I don't know Mimir, I wanna help her, after we're done here we'll see

Mimir: aye...

Leonidas regrouped with the others as they continue forward

Mimir: where has everyone gone I wonder?

Freya: they must've withdrawn, hidden themselves out in the wilds and covered thyre tracks with magic, no way if knowing how many are left or how to reach them

Brok: Aesir ran cockshod all over this place, huh?

Freya: you can thank Mimir for that

Mimir: war with the vanier was never my idea, my idea was brokering the marriage to end it

Freya: a great success that was, obviously the peace was no less a disaster then the marriage, did he invade again as soon as I was exiled?

Freya said as the group continued foward to exit the market as they kept walking through the jungles

Brok: being here agains bringing back memories of that wedding of yours, fancy folks and quality meats, though I rember your brother stirring up an awful scene

Freya: why do you keep bringing him up?, My brother is if no concern of yours, do you understand?

Brok: oh I understand plenty, I know how bad it can get with one's own kin, sindri and I were on the out so long it was like not having a brother at all, now I take some of the fall for that on account of me walking out, but it never stopped me blaming him the most, any of this sound familiar so far?

Freya: and what is your point?

Brok: my point is that weren't the end of all things after all, once we got our heads right it was like no time had passed, he went straight back to being as big a pain in my ass as he ever was, that's gotta keep em close, or it'll make you good and crazy

Freya: why do you think I need to hear any of this right now?, My focus is on regaining my freedom and I have no intention of being distracted

Brok: look, all I'm saying is if you happen to find yourself talking to your brother, maybe the worse words said between you don't have to be the last ones said

Freya: enough!, When the day comes to face freyr again it will be when I am standing on my feet and free do you understand me?, It will not be when I am stuck in this preposterous situation

Brok: got a case of pride I get it, hope yours clears up quicker than mine did

Mimir: a touching story that was

Brok: bite me

Mimir: you wish

Leonidas: stop, let's just keep moving

Leonidas says as the group continues forward, they walked through the jungle for a bit until brok felt something wrap around his ankle, he looks around to see it was a rope

Brok: uh oh...

The rope pulls brok into the woods


Leonidas leaped towards him as he tried to grab him

Leonidas: brok!

Mimir: we should probably go get him

Freya: keep your guards up

Freya said as they followed the spot of where brok was taken, they walked for a bit until they end up in what looked to be a campsite but It was empty, they see brok hanging upside down by his leg as he tried to get out, Leonidas pulled out one of his blades as he was about to cut brok down but kratos heard something

Kratos: quite...

Kratos said as they looked around for a bit, that was until they heard a voice behind them

???: Now what do we have here?

The two turn around to see a man standing in the darkness

???: Ol'one eye send a couple gods to do his dirty work?

The stranger said as he lights a torch to reveal himself

???: Thor too busy?

Kratos: we do not serve Odin

???: No?, Picked a dangerous place for sight seeing then, am I right?

The man said as three more strangers show up behind them with thyre weapons in hand, kratos pulled out his axe in case of a fight as Leonidas gripped on his blade

Mimir: now now, no need for threats brother

Freyr: oh I know that voice...

Freyr said as Leonidas grabbed Mimir and faced him towards freyr

Freyr: you know?, I'd cut off your head....but it seems someone beat me to it

Mimir: aye, oh quite observant brother

Freyr: oh ho ho, no, your no brother of sold my sister to that, prick!

Mimir: we brokered a peace

Freyr: oh, did you now?....where is it?, Hmm?....and where's my sister?...some dungeon in Asgard?, She even alive?!.....answer me!

Freyr said as he got closer but kratos backed him up as he pointed his axe at freyr, freyr back up as he looks at the two

Freyr: I guess we'll settle for blood

Freyr said as he pulled out his weapon until Freya flew in

Freya: stop!

Freya stopped them as she landed on a post as freyr slowly aproached

Freyr: what is that?...why do you....speak in her voice?

Freya: its me yngvi....there's no time to explain, just listen...these men are in my service, im here to reclaim what's been taken from me

Freyr: it's too late, you can't undo what's been done

Freya: I can, and I let them pass

Freya said as she flew away as freyr watched, he then turns around as he looks at the two

Freyr: so, you serve my sister?

Leonidas: well,temporarily

Freyr: well, don't we all....cut him down

Freyr said as a dwarven lady named Lunda cuts brok down from the rope as he falls to the ground

Brok: what's with leaving me hanging like that?, ya crusty hag

Lunda: oh can it blubber, come here

Lunda said as the two embraced in a hug, brok then look at the father and son as he speaks

Brok: welp, found who I was looking for, think Im gonna stay and catch up

Leonidas: alright then

Kratos and Leonidas then aproaches freyr as Leonidas sets Mimir on the table he was standing by

Freyr: sorry we got off on the wrong foot there strangers, were pretty used to only seeing Aesier in these parts, don't typically get friendly faces....those are freindky faces right?

Mimir: the big ones name is kratos and that's his son Leonidas, Leo's a friendly face but, the Asier are in vanaheim?

Freyr: yeah we've been occupied since....well I've lost count

Leonidas: what's your plan

Freyr: still kinda working on it

Mimir: brother, I think I could be if use here, if my council is welcome?

Freyr: I'll take what I can get

Mimir: your mission will go considerably smoother without me in the mix brothers, come backed for me when your done

Leonidas: all right then

Leonidas nodded as he and kratos headed towards the exit of freyrs camp

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