Chp 95: "Tyr"

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After the group had entered the mine they find a boat as they move across the mines

Leonidas: look, I know you said not to talk about it anymore but, I am thinking if there is a possibility of war, then why should we just ignore it like it's not our problem, Tyr could really be the key to it all

Kratos: we do not know him

Leonidas: we know that he was one of the ones who stood up to odin when no one else would

Atreus: I was thinking the same thing, if he's done it before then why wouldn't he do it again?

Kratos: images from long ago do not tell a whole story

Kaminari: don't they just give you the jist of the story?

Kratos: no

The boat ride got quite as it was more awkward

Atreus: I...can't help but feel you're angry father, ever since we got to svartalfheim you've been critical of my every move, if you don't think I can lead us, just say so

Kratos: it is not your competence that is in question

Atreus: okay, but what does that mean?

Kratos: consider your intent

Kratos says as the boat pulled up to a deck as they kept moving

Kendo: I guess we're on our own from here, did the scroll say which door he was behind?

Kendo asks as Leonidas pulled out the scroll to see it did not say

Leonidas: it doesn't, looks like we are on our own from here

The group continues forward as they come across a door that could lead to Tyr, they open it to see nothing but old supplies

Atreus: Tyr?

Asui: there's nothing here

Mimir: well, I certainly dont think this is where Tyr currently is

Atreus: h-hes gotta be here somewhere, this mine is huge

Leonidas: why are you acting like if we don't find him then we'll lose the fight?, you talking as if you know what Odin's planning

Atreus: I don't know what he's planning, that's why we're-

Kendo: ahem, guys can we not argue at the moment?

Mimir: yes listen to the lass, with fimbulwinter underway and Ragnarok around the corner Odin will be desperate, whatever he's planning to do surely won't be to the benefit of anyone but himself

Atreus: exactly

Atreus says as the group squeezes through a gap as they start to look through multiple doors

Bakugou: how many damn doors are there in here?!

Mimir: not to be discouraging, but it is a mine after all

Bakugou: that is discouraging damn it!!

After sometime of walking through the mine, the group comes across a lift as they activate it and start to ascend

Atreus: okay new exercise, let's think about how Tyr is probably feeling locked up in this mine, if I were imprisoned by Odin and finally freed, Odin would obviously at the top of my list, but I would just wanna fight something, anything...even if it was just to know I still could

Leonidas: if I was imprisoned for that long I'd want time to reflect at least and see how much the world has changed, seeing the dwarfs enslaved like this by Odin, that would be a push for me to stand against him once again

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