Chp 102: "Vaneheim"

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Atreus closed his eyes as he whispered to himself

Atreus: home...

After Atreus opened his eyes he turned around to look at Angraboda

Atreus: like that?

He turned around only to see he wasnt in ironwood anymore, he saw that he was in thyre old cabin that they grew up in, Atreus got up as he freaked out

Atreus: oh no...

Atreus ran towards the door and opened it only to see hel walkers walking around the yard, Atreus closes it slowly as he drops the marble he was holding and quickly grabs it from the floor and closes his eyes and tries again

Atreus: other home, other home, other home

Atreus opened his eyes only to see he was still in the cabin as a sword perices through the door as he shouts in surprise

Atreus: shit!

Atreus runs over to a window as he opens it only to see a hel walkers out there as it grabs Atreus and throws him on the ground, the hel walkers tried to grab Atreus as he kicks it in the face, Atreus gets up as he stabs the hel walkers in the heart, atreus then hops over the fence as he pulls out his bow and prepares for a fight

Three hel walkers tried to jump Atreus but his bow glows up as he aims at the three helwalkers

Atreus: orva yta!

Atreus shouted as three arrows periced through the hel walkers skulls, two of them fell to the ground as Atreus attacked the last one as he jumps in the air and kicks it across the head as it falls to the ground and dies

Atreus: gotta get back to sindri's so I can figure out how to save Leo, and I gotta keep Ironwood and Angraboda a secret somehow, whatd I get myself into

Atreus says to himself as he aproaches the ygdrasill that was in the yard, he pulls out his key as he activates the door, Atreus looks at the yard for a bit as he was about to enter the door but backed up when Leonidas and kratos walked through

Leonidas: what were you thinking?

Atreus: i-...i wanted to visit fenrir

Leonidas: for two days?

Atreus: i-...

Kratos: do not lie again!

Kratos shouted as Atreus listened

Kratos: why did you come here?...alone, do you seek death?

Atreus: no more than you guys

Kratos: then why?!....why?....what is you will not tell us?.....we have tried to walk this path with you, we follow your every whim

Atreus: but you guys don't believe in any of it

Atreus said as Leonidas grabbed his brother by the shoulders

Leonidas: and we're still here!, Because all that matters is your safety Atreus, yours, Eri's, the classe's, everyone!

Atreus: but that's not all that matters, whose keeping you safe Leo?

Leonidas: what does that mean....?

Atreus: something I can't exactly tell you guys about

Atreus said as he walked past them but Leonidas stopped him

Leonidas: Atreus talk to us

Atreus: I can't talk about it, but I just need you guys to trust me, you guys kept secrets and I trust you

MHA: Hero's and God's Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora