🎥Hero's rising: Part 1🎥

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Currently out in a beautiful beach area, we see two girls being hit on by two weirdos

Dude 1: hey girls, why don't you two take some time out of you're day to hang with us

Girl 1: yeah I think we'll pass

Dude 2: oh come on don't be like that

The guy says as they both try to follow the girls but they were stuck to the floor by two purple balls

Dude 1: what the heck?!

Dude 2: i can't get it off!

The girls were confused until they heard a voice behind them

Mineta: some jerks just don't know when to quit, right ladies?

Mineta says as he shoots them a smile, but the girls run past him as they run up to the person with him revealing to be tokage

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Mineta says as he shoots them a smile, but the girls run past him as they run up to the person with him revealing to be tokage

Girl 1: thanks for saving us

Girl 2: you wouldn't believe how weird those guys were

Tokage: oh I actually wasn't the one who helped but yeah

Mineta: it was me, those were my balls

We cut to the beach where we see shoji sitting on a lifeguard seat as he spots someone in the water drowning

Shoji: asui, 70 meters past the rocks, there's a child drowning

Shoji says as asui swims towards the drowning kid while tetsutetsu followed on a rowboat, asui catches the kid with her tongue as tetsutetsu rows near a spot where he could catch the kid, asui hands him to tetsutetsu as the kid looks at tetsutetsu

Tetsutetsu: y-you alright little dude?

Tetsutetsu asks in a tired expression after all that rowing, but the kid cry's once he sees his face

Tetsutetsu: what'd I do?!

Asui: I guess he's scared of you're face

We cut to see tokoyami and sero cutting off a prohibited area as see uses his tape to make a restricted sign, a crowd claps by how well designed the sign was, todoroki was standing near a shop as he was looking at the scene

Todoroki: it's not a show

Shopkeeper: hey shoto, you mind making me some more ice?

Todoroki: oh, sure

Todoroki says as he created a large glacier of ice

Todoroki: is this enough?

Shopkeeper: ha, are you kidding me?!

We cut to see the rest of class A in an office space, they called it the ua hero agency for the time being

Mina: ua hero agency, okay, I'll send someone right away

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