(S4 Finale) Chp 79: "Valkyrie queen sigrun"

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2 hours earlier

Currently we see Leonidas and Atreus and Mimir walking through the woods, they've decided that today would be the day they took down sigrun, Leonidas was nervous since he struggled with a few Valkyries, but now they were about to face the queen, they travel for a while until they make it to the council where the Valkyries used to join together

Atreus: this is it right?, The rockstoll?

Mimir: aye lad, the council of Valkyrs

Leonidas: but you said the Valkyrie's were in Valhalla

Mimir: glad to see you were paying attention brother, you are correct, Valhalla the great hall of the einherjar is thyre home within Asgard, but while there, they are subject to scrutiny of the all father himself, and relations between the Valkyries and Odin were....tense, during my tenure as his advisor

Atreus: why?

Mimir: well that's an even longer story lad, for now why don't we look around for some clues?

Leonidas: well where do we start?

Leonidas asked until they heard a noise, Leonidas and Atreus turn around to see a realm tear opening up, Leonidas and Atreus slowly approach it

Leonidas: think she's in there?

Mimir: that would be my bet

Atreus: you ready?, cus once we do this there's no turning back

Leonidas: when have we ever turned out back on anything?

Atreus: true

Leonidas slowly gets closer as he reaches his hand into the realm tear, until the Valkyrie queen herself breaks through the tear and grabs Leonidas by the throat and flys through the air

Atreus: Leo!

Atreus says as he shoots his bow with a grapple arrow and latches onto sigruns leg as they all fly through the air, a few minutes later they all end up in the city as Leonidas was fighting sigrun while she still had her hold on him, Atreus lost his grip as he fell on the roof on a nearby building where he saw sigrun crash into with Leonidas, Leonidas was launched into a wall after they crashed

Leonidas: ow, why is it always my back?!

And that brings up to the present

Present time

(Play music)

Currently Leonidas and the others were chasing sigrun through the city, kratos was hopping from building to building while endeavor was flying with his fire, Atreus was on Leonidasa's back as Leonidas was in his valkryie mode

Endeavor: I'll end this quickly, flash fire fist, hell spider!

Endeavor says as he shoots beams of fire at sigrun but she blocks it as it deflects towards Leonidas, Leonidas spins his blades as he absorbs the fire, Leonidas dashes at sigrun as he gets a hold on her, kratos takes the opportunity to throw his axe at her, it stabs her in the gut as she grunts in pain, sigrun hits Leonidas with the back of her head causing him to let go and atreus to lose his balance as he falls off, sigrun pulls the axe out as she flys off, Atreus latches onto a building with his rope arrow as he climbs on top of it, Leonidas flys to his direction to make sure he's okay

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