Chp 48: "My hero's"

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???: How are you this evening ua high school?, We are part of the vanguard action squad of the league of villians

Said the green reptilian man

Kendo: the league, what are they doing here?!

Atreus: how did they even find us?

???2: I could crush this kitty's head so easily, how about it dears should I?

Tiger: you get away from her!

Tiger said as the green man got between them

???: Now now, hold on big sis mag, you too tiger calm down, when deciding if someone should live or die, we must be careful that were abiding by stains principles

After those words escaped his mouth, this caught Leonidasa's and lidas attention

Leonidas: stain

lida: so you're the ones he ended up inspiring!

???: At your service that's us, and you four eyes I believe I recognize you, you're one of the self righteous brats who attacked stain in hosu city, let me introduce myself

The green man said as he pulls a giant blade with multiple swords attached to it from his back

Spinner: call me spinner, I'm here to make stains dreams a reality

Tiger: I don't care who you are you're criminals, the woman lying there is named pixiebob, she's a pro hero who saved countless lives, she's giving her all for these young hero's, pushing them to reach there full potential, she's looking for a mate but otherwise she's contempt, what gives you the right to cut such a happy life short?!

Spinner: didn't anyone ever tell you it's not a hero's job to be happy?!!

Spinner said as he rushes towards them

Mandalay: tiger, I've talked to everyone, leave the safety of the students to ragdoll, we'll stay here and hold them back, class lead everyone back to camp, don't engage anyone

lida: leave it to me, let's go

lida lead the others as Leonidas just stood there for a bit

Mimir: brother you have to go with them

Leonidas: no I can't, not yet

lida: leonidas, what are you doing?

Leonidas: you guys go ahead without me, Mandalay

Mandalay looks at Leonidas

Leonidas: I know where kota is

Mandalay knew what Leonidas was getting at, she struggles to make a decision until she finally speaks

Mandalay: please, go get kota quickly, And don't engage with anyone

Leonidas nods as he sprints with his speed, lida starts to lead the others until kendo stays behind, she then sprints after Leonidas

Mandalay: hey, where are you going?!

Kendo didn't answer as she ran off into the woods, she catches up with Leonidas as he was surprised to see her

Leonidas: kendo?!, What are you doing?

Kendo: I'm not gonna let you do this alone Leo, I've got you're back

Leonidas nods as they both run deeper into the forest

They both make it to kota secret hideout to see a large man in a coat, who was about to strike kota, but Leo idad was quick as he summoned his wings and grabbed kota, kendo hopped over him as she landed next to Leonidas

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