Chp 103: "Claiming what's been taken/Divide"

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Leonidas and kratos exited Freyr's camp as they regrouped with Freya outside

Freya: now that the distractions are out of the way

Kratos: I have words if you would hear them

Freya: speak then

Kratos: this anger you feel for your brother, I know it well

Freya: you have a brother?

Kratos: his name was Deimos, when we were boys he was taken by two gods obsessed with prophecy, the gods of my homeland seldom left survivors, so by the time I had learned he had lived, it was too late for amends

Leonidas: I remember this story, his anger got the best of him and you guys fought

Kratos: yes, but I never stopped loving my brother

Freya: you think my anger is irrational, youve known freyr for mere moments and already your taking his side?

Kratos: I am not taking his-

Freya: no, you're just sharing your thoughts on a subject you know nothing about

Freya said as they continued foward into the jungle, through thyre travel they came across a few enemies as they fought and killed them

Freya: I know what your doing, trying to play on my sympathies in the hope I let your son live

Kratos: I am only trying to help, the mistakes of my son's past need not be repeated

Freya: I don't need to hear about mistakes, I've made enough of my own

Freya said as they continued on and squeezed through another gap

Freya: everyone is so eager to advise me, as if any of you know me or what I need, the biggest loss in my life is due to your son "saving me" when I specifically told him not to, well it was my family, my mess, I know baldur wasn't perfect but he was mine

Kratos: I know...

Freya: you know?, You think you can even begin to understand the pain of losing a child?

Kratos: yes....I do

Freya: there was another.....before Leonidas and Atreus?

Kratos: her name was calliope

Freya: calliope....what happened?

Kratos: it was long ago....

Freya: never mind.....I shouldn't have asked...

The grouped continues as they come across a wall as Leonidas and kratos climbed it

Kratos: my son told me your son's story, you should know my daughters, in the service of a cruel god o was tricked into destroying a village....not knowing my own wife and child were there until thyre blood stained my hands, I swore revenge

Freya: that's....I can't imagine

Kratos: I paid back thyre blood a thousand times, and burned Olympus to the ground....yet, the guilt remained

Leonidas: maybe you will kill me Freya, but it won't bring you peace

Freya: perhaps it is not peace I seek

Freya said as the three walked through a cave

Freya: Leonidas, all those times I found you, why'd you refuse to fight me?

Leonidas: I never wished any harm upon you Freya, you helped saved Atreus when he was ill, we owed you so much, I didn't wanna live with killing you

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