The mechanic (Old Version)

Від WolfSama8

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This is the old version of my story the new and rewriting versions are separated into 4 books with book numbe... Більше

chapter 1 the mistake
chapter 2 training
chapter 3 the decision
chapter 4 a hate filled reunion
chapter 5 the underdog's first fight
chapter 6 the underdog's first fight part 2
chapter 7 bittersweet izumomo moment
chapter 8 a wall broken
chapter 9 giants problem
chapter 10 giant solution
chapter 11 a memory that can't be erased
chapter 12 musical?!
chapter 13 AFO
chapter 14 hair of steel
chapter 15 the gem or the foundation
chapter 16 in the end he's still just a quirkless
chapter 17 fuck izumomo kero
announcement and good news... I hope
chapter 18 promises of children
chapter 19 a broken promise
chapter 20 aftermath
chapter 21 surprise visit
chapter 22 izumomo battle
chapter 23 a bitter victory
chapter 24 rule the world
chapter 25 cycle
chapter 26 Momo vs Tsuyu
chapter 27 something there that wasn't there before
chapter 28 a broken man taking a deal
chapter 29 a hollow victory
chapter 30 this is not the end this is not the beginning
Chapter 31 the others 1461 days
chapter 32 the trial
chapter 33 the verdict
chapter 34 epilogue of the first arc
chapter 35 tying lose ends in a nice little bow
chapter 36 izuku's brand new day
chapter 37 Momo's brand new day
chapter 38 eri's brand new day
chapter 39 what you've all been waiting for
chapter 40 a start
chapter 41 ain't no love for the heart of the City
chapter 42 out of love
chapter 43 a message
chapter 44 silent night/ sneak peek
chapter 45 under hatred fatherhood still stands
chapter 46 the visit
chapter 47 for the longest time
chapter 48 covering your tracks
chapter 49 a long day finally finished
chapter 50 a little girl no longer
chapter 51 get back up again
chapter 52 I'm a mechanic not a pro hero
chapter 53 the letter
chapter 54 so you had a bad Day
chapter 55 doing what's right for some V
chapter 56 S doing what's right for you
chapter 57 tsuyu's past
chapter 58 the world doesn't care if your not ready
chapter 59 sleep i hardly knew her
chapter 60 welcome home
chapter 61 breakfast drama
chapter 62 a bootyful morning
chapter 63 hardships for most fluff for some
chapter 64 momo is gonna kill somebody
chapter 65 a visit from a hero
chapter 66 Eri new mentor
chapter 67 madam Quackadoo strikes again
chapter 68 a duty
chapter 69 a visit
chapter 70 a long overdue explanation
chapter 71 plans in motion
chapter 72 a saint visit a black sheep
chapter 73 la bohemia
chapter 74 Mitsuki is gonna kill somebody
chapter 75 grandma inko
chapter 76 a not so welcomed visit
chapter 77 viejo amor
chapter 78 secrets on top of secrets
chapter 79 what is love
chapter 80 love is 3 things
chapter 81 pocket of air in the drowning sea
chapter 82 let's give each other the world one last time
chapter 83 izutsuyu fight 💔
chapter 84 a true saint walking amongst sinners
chapter 85 the day that changed everything part 1
chapter 86 the day that changed everything part 2
chapter 87 start of the 3rd arc trouble in paradise
chapter 88 what did you do in napoli
chapter 89 old habits Don't die for a reason
chapter 90 the night we met
chapter 91 revenge for an old friend
chapter 92 a case of the Mondays
chapter 93 a moment to celebrate
chapter 94 wake up to reality
chapter 95 things get worse before they get better
chapter 96 she is way too young to be this hurt
chapter 97 izuku and Melissa the idiotic duo
chapter 98 a slow day is a good day/ explanation
chapter 99 cozy
chapter 100 lost it all
chapter 101 a true hero
chapter 102 the generic beach episode
chapter 103 the generic beach episode part 2
chapter 104 father vs child /a thank you
chapter 105 scars that don't leave
chapter 106 bang bang shots are fired
chapter 107 the 10 commandments of being a best friend
chapter 108 the protector meets the protected
chapter 109 the missing one piece
chapter 110 the past is what makes us
chapter 111 starting the day right
chapter 112 and so it begins
chapter 113 you can't see the truth in a sea of hatred
chapter 114 a daughter always comes first
chapter 115 Ochako's past
chapter 116 snowman
chapter 117 the world doesn't give a damn if your not ready
chapter 118 finding the truth + new story sneak peek
chapter 119 like daughter like father
chapter 120 ugly end of the night
chapter 121 the start of withdrawal
chapter 122 the path to embarrassment is paved with good intentions
chapter 123 The asui punishment
chapter 124 car experience
chapter 125 izumomo? no momojirou
chapter 126 unfaithful
chapter 127 meanwhile with eri
chapter 128 what's a king do a god? what's a god to a parent
chapter 129 therapy for a hero
chapter 130 therapy for the child
chapter 131 the apology song
chapter 132 an accident no longer
chapter 133 the drama continues
chapter 134 progress is slow but it can be beautiful
chapter 136 adults acting like children + sneak peek
chapter 137 Le Festín
chapter 138 can't we stay like this forever ?
chapter 139 no. no we can't
chapter 140 the end of fluff+ new story
chapter 141 coming back home
chapter 142 the vows
chapter 143 the fluff before the storm
chapter 144 first trial
chapter 145 oh Khuda
chapter 146 distance doesn't wake the heart up
chapter 147 the trial begins
chapter 148 always aim for the head
chapter 149 the dream is dead
chapter 150 a simple morning
chapter 151 a great story
chapter 152 the sacrifices of parenthood
chapter 153 end of the trial arc
chapter 154 domestic needs, + explanation on hiatus
I'm back and the Mechanic's back

chapter 135 making new friends

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Від WolfSama8

Last time

Momo:back to Eri how do you think she's doing?

Tsuyu:well you saw the messes from the therapist and Chloe apart from running away on her first session i think it's a good first step Kero

Izuku;i just hope things go fine for her in school tomorrow


*We see Eri and her friends waiting at the outside of the door to be told to walk inside*

Minoka:well this is the day, what a pain I was enjoying our vacation from this hell

Marquis:everyone could tell when Chloe opened the door to your room she almost had a heart attack don't you ever clean?

Minoka:it wasn't that bad

Marquis:there was a pizza slice on the ceiling

Eri: please tell me she didn't ate it....

Minoka:it was still good!

Kotsuzui: bitch that was a week old!

Minoka:what doesn't kill you make you stronger ergo that week old pizza made me stronger!

*Minoka said with a stupid Grin that showed Rumi Usagiyama was her mother. While in the background Eri was a little green as she made out with minoka a few days ago*

Ikari: alright you can come in Now

Eri; let's do this...and minoka you aren't kissing me until you drown your mouth in mouthwash

*Minoka just gave her a goofy grin as Eri opened the door and walked inside with her friends following her, they all stood in front of the board with the teacher the 4 new students did a double take looking at the teacher that looked like a 19 year old Akira Inugami*

Ikari:go on and present yourselves to the class your table is number C-4

Eri:hello I'm Eri midorozu my quirk is rewind it allows me....

Ikari:kid I meant your name not life story, I don't know how things work in the land of the rising sun but here you don't have to tell us your powers

Eri;o..oh sorry um I guess that's everything my name is Eri midorozu hello I hope we can get along

*Eri said blushing in embarrassment as minoka walked next to her*

Minoka:yo minoka usagiyama

Marquis:marquis dendy

Kotsuzui: kotsuzui nusutto

Ikari:grand now si...

*The door slammed opened revealing two sweaty panting students*

Naruto:i...i...i told you my shortcut would work!

Haku:beloved shut the fuck up....

Ikari:Haku and Naruto on time for once impressive go sit down

*Naruto grinned as Haku pulled him by his scarf to there table that was right next to eri's table*

Ikari:Eri and the rest do your seat so we can start the class, we'll be starting with math today

*Ikari smirked at the resounding groans from the class*


*We see the group in the cafeteria eating lunch, minoka nudged eri's shoulder*

Minoka:so not bad right? Finally we can have a normal highschool

Eri:yeah it's fine I guess, just wish we didn't have to move all the way to another country just to get this

*Eri muttered bitterly as she picked at her food. Before anyone else could say anything 2 newcomers joined there table in grossed in there own conversation*

Naruto:come on ice flower I got us here on time didn't I?

Haku:Naruto I'm wearing my gym clothes that do me is not something I'm happy about

Naruto:i keep telling you to keep a spare here, how was I supposed to know that bridge was old and rotten?

Haku:I don't know maybe the fact that it was closed off? Oh or how about the fact that it had multiple huge ass signs all over the place saying not to go in there

Naruto:ok ok but we survived so it wasn't that bad

Haku:we survived because of the fox not because of you

Marquis:uh hi

*Marquis said making them noticed that they weren't alone. Haku kept a neutral expression while Naruto grinned at them*

Naruto:yo new people answer me something am I in the wrong for wanting to get here on time?

Kotsuzui:I mean from what I overheard that bridge sounded dangerous

Naruto:oh please he's exaggerating like he usually is

Haku:you shattered your ankle when we fell

Naruto:and now it's as good as new no foul no problem

Haku:god why do I love you?

Naruto:because of my charming personality

*Naruto said grinning like a mad man making Haku rolled his eyes. Marquis nudged eri*

Marquis;does he remind you of anyone?

*Marquis said his eyes shifting to mínoka who looked at them clueless as Eri snorted and started to giggle, she slapped Marquis shoulder*

Eri:god your terrible


Marquis:nothing nothing. So Naruto Haku nice to meet you both I assume you two have a habit of coming to class late

Naruto:yup you can blame Haku for that

*Naruto winced slightly feeling Haku kick him in his shin*

Naruto:ow! Hey it's the truth listen do this every time I try to wake us up early Haku always hugs me like a koala cuddling deeper inside of me. He even froze our alarm clock

Haku;Naruto shut up!

*Haku said blushing embarrassed showing emotions for the first time. Minoka grinned looking at Eri*

Minoka:she sounds an awful lot like you when we cuddle

Eri:I don't do that!

Minoka:last time you rewind the clock back in to different pieces

Eri:not my fault the damn thing didn't work to begin with

Naruto:ha like I haven't heard that before ey Haku?

Haku:keep talking foxy you'll get what's coming to you at home

Naruto;oh I'm so scared look look in shaking in my boots ~

Eri:anyway it's nice to meet you two I... don't think you two were there when we introduced ourself

Haku:we were not thanks to Naruto little shortcut, nice to meet you I'm Haku Uzumaki

Naruto:yo Naruto Uzumaki soon to be France number 1 hero!

*Naruto said pumping his fist in to the air, Haku rolled his eyes and looked at the rest*

Haku:and for the record I'm a boy

*You could hear a record scratch as they looked at Haku as if he grew a second head. Haku just went back to eating normally*

Naruto:he's right the most beautiful looking boy I've ever seen that's what attracted me so much when I first saw him

*Haku kept eating with a neutral expression but they all saw his cheeks growing rosy red*

Naruto:so where are you guys from?

Eri;well all of us are from Japan our parents wanted us to....get some culture while we're still young

Naruto:wow small world we're from Japan too well kinda

*Kotsuzui looked at Naruto raising her eyebrow slightly curious*


Naruto:yeah our parents took one good look at us and decided they didn't want us and shipped us to an orphanage in France to save face

Haku:that's his theory at least

*Eri looked at Naruto and Haku feeling bad for them, even feeling a little guilty that she multiple parental figures that loved her and by the looks of it Naruto and Haku had none*

Eri:oh I'm so sorry...

*Naruto snorted and waved his hand dismissively his smile never wavering*

Naruto:pfff don't be we'll make them regret leaving us when we're famous pro heroes fighting to protect people

Eri:oh so both of you are in the hero program?

*Haku nodded showing there student I.D.*

Naruto:oh that's where mine was why do you have it?

Haku:because you would lose it otherwise. And yes, Haku pro hero name ice flower and Naruto pro hero name fox demon

*Minoka looked at the I.D. with only one thing on his mind the the one thing she and her mother shared interest in*

Minoka:how strong are you?

*Naruto's ear twitch feeling as if he's being challenged which he kinda was. He looked at Monika with a smirk*

Naruto:why tell you when I can show you? The hero classes start tomorrow maybe I should give you a demonstration on why I'll be the next number one hero

*Naruto and minoka grinned at each other both feeling an instant brotherly connection. Haku just looked at Eri with sympathy*

Haku:I am so sorry about him, he loves to fight

Eri:it's fine same does minoka although Im no slouched either

Haku:true but it's wise to knows one's limitation

Naruto: translation, he's saying he's stronger then you

*A tick mark appeared on eri's forhead as she looked at Haku who was drinking his tea*

Eri:how about I prove you wrong?

*An so a friendly bickering started between the 4. Marquis sighed and looked at his dessert stealing girlfriend with tired eyes*

Marquis:so are we the only normal couple here?

*Marquis asked his girlfriend as the two were ignored by the bickering couples. Kotsuzui just shrugged as she stole marquis last bite of brownie*

Kotsuzui:honey when are we not?

*Marquis snorted as him and kotsuzui kept eating in peace ignoring there friends*

To be continued or read 5 chapters ahead on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe


nT_wolf 0


José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker




William Washington



True V Munoz-Bennett


Thank you again for the donation

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