Outlaw Queen Baby

By TheOutlawQueenLife

29.8K 473 188

Robin and Regina are finally together. Regina is also pregnant with their child. They go on what will probabl... More

Family Vacation
We're All Alright
I Can't Take It Anymore
A Beautiful Lullaby
Early Awakening
Perfect Timing
Just About Time
The End

A Little Alone Time

1.8K 38 1
By TheOutlawQueenLife

Regina woke up alone in bed. She could hear someone moving around down stairs so she started calling Robin's name. A few moments later Henry came into the room with a tray of her breakfast like Robin usually did.

"Henry, where's Robin?" Regina questioned slightly confused, but not at all upset to see her son instead of her husband.

To be perfectly honest she was happy it wasn't Robin. She loved that man, but damn did he know how to get on her last nerve with his constant questions of "are you comfortable" or "can I get you anything". He was driving her mad.

"Roland wanted to go to the woods so Robin took him. He said they were going to go hunting with the merry men later too. I told him I would take care of you today, so I made you breakfast." Henry said as he came to sit beside his mother on the bed then placed the tray of food next to her.

"Thank you, Henry, you didn't have to do all this." Regina said as she pulled the tray closer and started to eat the eggs from the plate, which made Henry smile because she was saying he shouldn't have made them while in fact eating them.

"I know, mom, but I wanted to. Plus this way we get to have some alone time together before the baby comes. I'm sure we won't get much after." Henry said with a smile then moved to lean back against the headboard next to Regina.

"Aw, Henry," Regina said as the threw an arm over his shoulders and pulled him in for a hug. "It's true, I will be very busy once the baby comes but I will always make time for us. I promise." She then pulled him in just a little tighter.

She felt badly that she hadn't been spending much time with him lately. It was difficult with her being confined to the mattress they were both currently sitting on. Henry was always busy with school and friends, she didn't want to force him to lay in bed with her. She didn't want to bore him, she wanted him to go out and do the things he wanted. She's glad that he chose to spend his morning with her now.

"I know mom, I'm not worried." He said with a shrug. "So how is my little sister this morning?" Henry asked as he rubbed Regina's belly.

"Kicking like crazy," Regina moaned, shifting a little because of a kick to her ribs. "Probably because she can hear her big brothers voice." She finished with a wink.

Henry leaned down closer to her stomach and began to talk, "Hey little sis, it's your big brother. You better stop kicking mom and come on out so we can meet you." He said with a smirk at the way his mom moaned her agreement. "I can't wait to hold you and show you my storybook, it's all about our family. It's a little complicated, but don't worry I'll explain everything once you get here." He then leaned in a little closer and began to whisper, "You are gonna love mom, she's the best! She might be a little scary sometimes but she will always love you no matter what!"

Henry sat when he finished talking to his sister and looked up to his mom who had tears running down her cheeks. "Mom, what's wrong?" He asked, worried he did something to upset her, or that she was in pain.

"Nothing, these are happy tears!" She said with a sob. "I am so happy that you are okay with all of this, with me marrying Robin, having Roland as your little brother, with this new baby." Regina said as she nonchalantly rubbed her stomach.

She was so relieved with Henry's acceptance of their new life. She had asked him before she even approached Robin about moving in, about them becoming a family. Henry was ecstatic. She was surprised by his complete willingness to have two more people living with them. She could tell he really liked Robin, he looked up to him. She was glad he finally had a man of honor to look up to, to be his father figure. He had taken to Roland just as easily. The two of them had become quickly inseparable. Roland was like Henry's little shadow, he did everything that Henry did. She loved the way Henry always looked so proud when Roland would mimic him during a task. They really were a perfect little family, they all fit together like a puzzle.

"I knew you would find your happy ending mom. I am happy as long as you're happy, and I know Robin makes you very happy." Henry said taking Regina's hands.

"I am very happy. I have my three boys with me." She leaned in and rested her forehead against his, something she had done since he was little. "I am so unbelievably happy that you chose to come and live with us. You are such an amazing big brother to Roland and you will be a fantastic one to this baby too." Regina said looking her son in the eyes and caressing his cheek with her thumb.

"I love you mom." Henry said as his lips spread into a large smile.

"I love you too, my little Prince." Regina said tapping him on the nose.

"Mom?" Henry asked, drawing his eyes away from his mother's and looking down at the bed.

"Yes, Henry. Something wrong?" Regina questioned with her brow furrowed. She was confused by his sudden change in demeanour.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, still looking down or to the side, anywhere but her face.

"Yes, honey. Why?" Regina asked, placing her hand on the side of his face, coaxing him to look at her.

"Because of what happened at the beach. There was so much blood... then you passed out.... I thought you were going to die." He choked out with tears streaming down his cheeks. He turned away from her and tried to wipe them away before she could see.

Regina's heart dropped when she saw the fear in his eyes. She felt so guilty for scaring her son that way, she wished that he hadn't seen her like that.

"Honey, that was just a freak accident. I am completely fine now." She reached up to place her hand on his cheek but he stopped her suddenly, slapping her hand away.

"But what if it happens again? What if Aunt Zelena can't control it the next time?" Henry said frantically as he stood from the bed and began pacing the room. He was angry. How could she just dismiss his worried like they were nothing, like they weren't real. He was there when she was bleeding out, he was there when her skin was pale and cold from the loss of blood, he was there when her eyes closed and she was asleep, he was there when she almost died before his eyes.

"Baby, come here." Regina said, patting the bed bedside her. She wanted to calm him down, she wanted to hold him until he believed her.

"No, mom! You're not listening to me!" He yelled, suddenly stopping his pacing and looking straight at his mother.

"I am, sweetheart. I promise you that I am." She said in a shaky voice. She had never seen her son like this before. He was so angry. She looked into his teary eyes and saw pain, pain that she had caused.

She cleared her throat and spoke as calmly as she could. "Please, just let me explain." She patted the bed beside her again.

When he obliged she pulled him to her side for a tight hug. He protested at first, but then he clung to her like a lifeline. He didn't want to let go for fear of losing her.

"You don't need to worry, it's not going to happen again." Regina whispered into her son's ear. She was about to say more, but he interrupted her.

"But how do you know? What if something else happens?" Henry croaked out angrily as he gripped her shirt in his tightly fisted hands.

"Aunt Zelena fixed the problem with magic so it can never happen again. Nothing else will happen, I promise." Regina assured as she pulled away from him so she could look into his eyes.

Henry just looked at her, not convinced in the slightest.

"If something else happens we will use magic again and fix it. Don't worry sweetheart, I'm not going anywhere." She dropped her chin to connect with his again. "Okay?" She felt him nod his head against her own and let out a sigh. "Good," she whispered.

"I could never leave you alone with the Charmings." That got a little chuckle out of him. Thank goodness.

She knew she hadn't completely convinced her son but at least he was feeling a little better.

He moved in closer to her again, wrapping his arms tightly around her. She gave him a light kiss on top of his head and breathed him in.

They both stayed like that the entire day, just snuggled together talking and laughing, discussing baby names, subjects at school, when they thought Hook and Emma would finally get engaged.

Later in the day they heard the doorbell go off. Regina sent her son a questioning gaze. She wasn't expecting anyone, he must be.

"Oh, that must be Emma. She was supposed to come over so we could play video games. I can tell her to come back tomorrow." Henry said as he slid off the bed to go answer the door.

"No, no, no, you two have fun. I feel like taking a nap anyway." Regina with a nod and a smile. She then moaned as she struggled to move to the edge of the bed. "After I go to the bathroom. Your sister just loves kicking me in the bladder."

They both laughed then Henry helped Regina stand up before he went down stairs to let Emma in.

Regina felt her lower back tighten and and placed her hands there as she started bending backwards and to the sides, trying to stretch it out. She assumed it was tight because she had been lying in bed for so long without moving. The pain started to lessen so she continued to the bathroom.

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