You Delinquent Little Punk |H...

By Moodgirl101

116K 2.5K 5.4K

"Ugh.. I can't stand you... you delinquent little punk" I groan. "well sit down then." Hobie says with a smir... More

1 |Spider who?|
2 |he's not my boyfriend|
3 |700$|
4 |The chaotic five|
5 |his world|
Just the characters
6 |I don't belong here|
8 |Surprise surprise|
Just a A/N
9 |no more tears|
10 |To bad we can't|
11 |Fucking tease|
12 |please what|
13 |Crest 3D White|
14 |special girl|
15 |An exception|
16 |unexpected visit|
17 |So petty|
18 |Mary Jane|
20 |I love you|
21 |Craving her|
22 |Gooble Gooble|
23| House of memories|
24 |Stuff me like a stocking|

7 |you embarrassed?|

4.4K 127 265
By Moodgirl101


I had a absolute time with Hobie last night, I hated that he had gone to bed but Hobie did that alot, it was that or he was gonna fall asleep on the floor in my room.

I had to tell Samara and them dispite the fact I just woke up, I quickly grabbed my phone and went to our group chat.



Drummer whore: what what are dying you never text like this

Klutz: yea what's up? Tf happened

Nicky Minaj: it's to early for this shit and rehearsal isn't till tomorrow fuck y'all want.


Klutz: you lost your virginity?

Y/N: what no...

Nicky Minaj: you two finally got together?

Y/N: tf no

Drummer whore: you got me a sticker book

Y/N: no Samara 💀

Klutz: then tf is it

Y/N: so you see what happened was, last night me and Hobie were hanging out right and he let me touch his hair and it was so fucking soft.

Nicky Minaj: bitch is that it.

Klutz: stfu pretty boy

Drummer whore: well. Congratulations

Y/N: I'm not done idiots.

Drummer whore: wait guys we should meet up, bc what if it big like she's pregnant?

Nicky Minaj: if she's a virgin how tf would she be pregnant you dumb bitch...

Klutz: Samara sometimes I wonder how you graduated

Drummer whore: but Mary was a virgin

Y/N: shut your dumb ass up I ain't pregnant.

Drummer whore: awh man ☹️

Klutz: we should meet up, I'm bored

Nicky Minaj: what fucking no, I don't feel like getting ready

Drummer whore: I'll pick y'all up in 2 hourssss

Nicky Minaj: fuck you.

Klutz: ok I'ma go shower

Y/N: alrighttt

I set my phone to the side and walked to the bathroom. I started brushing my teeth and washed up. I didn't feel like picking an outfit but I guess I have to.

After getting ready I had another 45 minutes to myself so I made some toast slightly burnt but it won't kill me.

"Morning luv." Hobie walks into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"How do you walk around this house so silently. Then just come out of no where with that booming voice." I say taking a final bite of my toast.

"Dunno luv, where you going?" He takes a seat next to me rubbing his head.

"Samaras coming to get me, but are you ok?" I ask putting my hamd on his shoulder.

"Yea, just a rough night." He chuckles.

"Well if you need anything let me know." I smile.

"Don't worry about me luv, now where you going?" He asks.

"She really didn't say, you know how she is." I laugh.

"When do you leave?" He looks over at the clock.

"30 minutes, why?" I slowly get up from my seat to wash my dish.

"Nothing, just wondering if you can do me a favor is all." He walks into the living room and flops onto the couch.

"Depends. What is it." I sit next to him.

"Can you scratch my head again." He chuckles.

I blush a bit, but I nod and he just lays his head in my lap which shocked me but I felt a sense of warmth and compassion when he did it and I just scratched his head gently.

We sat there for what feels like forever, I loved doing this, I'd do it for hours if I could, then I finally got the text from Samara to get my ass outside.

"Hobie, I gotta go." I finally say.

He doesn't answer and I look down in my lap and he's sleeping there and my heart instantly melted, I rubbed his cheek gently, and carefully got up not wanting to wake him.

I left him a small note and made my way outside.

"Took you long enough shit." Nick says as I hoped into the car.

"Shut up, Hobie fell asleep on me and I didn't wanna wake him." I pinch his arm.

"Aww, that's so cute.. how many kids y'all gonna have." Laura says.

"How many stab wounds you think you can take while still being able to call for an ambulance." I say sarcastically.

"Damn, you really hate when we talk about your future husband huh." Nick teased.

"So help me god, I will drag you to the mall make-up section with all the terribly lit mirrors." I groan.

"You. Wouldn't." He gasps.

"Watch me." I say.

"Mara where are we going anyway?" Laura says.

"Uhh, I don't know, uhm I didn't think this through." Samara laughs.

"Not surprising, you hardly think at all." Nick crosses his arm.

"Well fuck you to." She punches his arm.

"So Y/n just tell us what happened right here." Laura says.

"Ok fine, so I was scratching Hobie head and like I said earlier it was so fucking soft. But I decided to be a little risky and put my legs on his shoulders-"

"I'm sorry what position are we in, this sounds like missionary. I thought y'all didn't fuck." Nick cuts me off.

"Well if you let me finish dick head." I say. "But we were watching a movie and he sat on the floor while I was on the bed and then I put my legs on his shoulders and started scratching his head." I say.

"Then he proceeded to turn around and grab you and went face first into your-"

"No Samara..." I cut her off.

"Well continue then." She shrugs.

"He actually started rubbing my thighs and I was gonna die." I say dramatically.

"Oooo, got you all you know.." Laura says.

"Yea, but he suddenly left, because he was tired." I say slightly sad.

"Your a dumbass, he wasn't tired he went to masturbate." Nick laughs.

"How the hell do you know." I look over at him.

"I'm a guy, idiot." He replied.

"To be fair, your also gay..." Samara adds.

"Shut up, I know how males work, but he probably went to masturbate before going to bed, do you know what he did before?" Nick asks.

"He got up, adjusted his shirt a bit, teased me then got into the shower." I say.

"Yea he definitely touched his peeny weeny." Samara jokes.

"Don't call it that.." Laura cringed.

"You think he thought about me?" I gasp.

"Well no shit Sherlock, your the one who gave him the boner, and that's why he adjusted his shirt so you couldn't tell." Nick shrugged.

"Well shit.. Im so gonna put my ear to the door next time he showers." I laugh.

"Creepy but ok." Laura frowns.

"Dont you have multiple accounts with fake followers and posts to stalk your ex." I shove her.

"Awh hell no, what the fuck." Nick laughs.

"Shut up!" She shoves me back.

It's been about two hours since that whole ordeal and Hobie is letting me do his makeup because he's my bitch. I actually begged.

"Hold still damnit." I frown.

"It tickles not my fault." He laughs.

He was sitting on the couch with his feet up and was turned towards me, and it was a bad angle to be honest but I'll work with it.

"I should give you some lashes." I laugh as I give him a smokey eye.

"Fuck. No." He groans in annoyance. "Your lucky your even doing this." He sighs.

"Fine, no lashes, but there will be mascara and eyeliner!" I say excitedly.

"Bloody hell..." He groans.

It's been ten minutes and I can't get the eyeliner right on his other eye but I was determined.

"Luv it doesn't have to be perfect." He says growing impatient.

"Yes it does, and this angle isn't helping!" I say.

"Well what do you want me to do hm?" He sighs.

I groan and think for a second, then I look over at his lap and grin mischievously.

"Nothing stay right there, but keep your eyes closed." I say trying not to laugh.

"Mhm." He replied.

I turn his head forward and then I ease myself on to his lap, trying not to smile.

As I Finally sit on his lap he opens his eyes.

"What you doin luv.." He looks down at me.

"Close them." I say completely dodging his question and he does so.

I finally got his eyes done and he looks amazing, I mean he looks like me so of course he does.

He decided to keep his eyes closed even after I was done now I'm on to his lips which were a challenge because they are pretty big and he can't blend the shit himself.

"Ugh your bad at blending." I groan as I rub in the black lip liner.

"Hey I don't usually do this." He shrugs.

"Blah blah blah whatever." I sigh causing him to pinch me.

"Are you almost done?" He asked.

"Yep, you look beautiful." I try to contain my laughter.

"Hahaha,very funny, if I look like a clown I'm beatin your ass." He frowns.

"Shut up and let me work." I say flicking his forehead.

I was moving around a lot on his lap and I can tell he was slightly pissed. I also had to  elevated myself to reach his tall ass.

"You know you have pretty lips." I laugh breaking the silence between us.

"Mhm." He hummed clearly getting tired of my antics.

"Aw don't be mad we're almost done." I say as I do his thick eyebrows.

I've been done for almost 15 minutes now, but I didn't tell him, mostly because I liked being on his lap, it was comfortable and I didn't want to get off, I kept touching his face trying to making it seem like I was doing something so he wouldn't think I was actually done.

"Are you done yet." He groans.

"Almost." I tease.

"Hurry up, I have to go to the bathroom." He sighs.

"Just gimme a minute." I say annoyed, his attitude was pissing me off.

He proceeded to start counting to 60, and I decided that I wanted to fuck with him, give him a taste of his own medicine.

I move around on his lap a bit purposely, noticing how he scrunches his face up at my sudden actions, as I do this I cover my mouth laugh quitely at his response.

As I'm snickering to myself, I feel his hands grip my hips and pull me down onto his lap forcefully, and I instantly feel something poking against my ass and I look up at him with wide eyes and he's looking down at me.

"Somethin funny luv?" He asks keeping a firm grip on my hips.

I couldnt even say anything, my mind was running rapid as he kept his hands on my hips, but the look on my face said everything he needed to know and a smirk grew on his face.

"So how long were you planning on toying with me hm?" He asks pulling me closer to him.

"I- shit.. I wasn't toying with you..." I manage to say.

"So you were just dancing in my lap for the funzies?" He chuckles softly.

"I didn't mean it like that." I say clearly lying.

"I can tell when your lying luv, but it's fine because I can read you like a book." He smirks again.

"Shut up, I just had to adjust myself is all." I roll my eyes.

"For five minutes?" He scoffs.

"Shut up." I say getting off his lap gently. "I've been done for like 20 minutes now." I chuckle.

"And you wanted to stay on my lap so badly you decide to pretend?" He laughs.

He really can read me like a fucking book...

"No, I just- fine, your right, you happy." I groan in defeat.

"All you had to do was ask luv." He shrugged.

"That's awkward! I don't wanna ask "hey Hobie can I sit on your lap" that weird!" I cringe.

"Well it's not awkward if I just." He says putting me back into his lap. "How's that? That awkward for ya?" He teases.

"Jesus Christ Hobie! You can't just.. fucking ugh." I burry my face in his chest disregarding everything I was trying to say.

"I guess I'm a comfortable seat hm." He places wraps his arms around my waist.

I immediately tense up but I just continue to sit there quitely not wanting to look at him.

"Don't be embarrassed luv, come on look at me." He lifts my chin with his finger to make me look at him.

I felt like I was going to explode and I wanted him to keep talking to me like this, I  could barely breathe.

"I'm not embarrassed." I say.

"You sure? I think you are." He chuckles.

"Shut up." I groan.

I feel his soft hands guide me back to look at him and I start inching towards him, I don't know why I'm doing it but it feels right. His pull me closer our lips practically grazing each other as I felt my face heat up.

"You embarrassed?" He teases.

"Shut up and kiss me..." I sigh.

"As you wish." He chuckles.

With that he pressed his soft lips against mine, the world seemed to melt away as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed myself against him.

His hands wandered to my thighs as he caressed them softly making me gasp and he immediately shoved his tongue into my mouth and asserted his dominance and I got even closer to him if that was even possible.

With a swift but controlled movement his hands found their way under my shirt and gripped my waist rubbing me sensually making me moan softly into the kiss.

His hands on my skin gave me butterflies and I caressed his cheek feeling how warm his skin is against my hand, he finally broke the kiss as both breathing heavily.

We both look at each other for a minute while panting before he smashes his lips against mine again exploring my mouth all over again as he grasps my hips and grinds me against him, I feel myself tense up as he holds me possessively as he moves my hips back and forth against him.

The room filled with soft moans and grunts as the situation between us became more heated. He broke this kiss and began kissing down my neck making me throw my head back.

He attacked all my sensitive spots with kisses and gentle bites, leaving hickeys and bite marks on my soft skin. I gripped his shoulders as I moan softly, he licks my lips and begins to kiss the other side of my neck.

His touch was breath taking and I never wanted this moment to end, in a flash he picked me up and carried me to my room closing the door behind him.

He laid me on the bed and got on top of me looking down at me, his eyes filled with lust as he looks down at my shirt.

"Take it off me.." I whisper.

"Of course luv." He smirks.

He kisses my neck again as his hands begin to rip off my shirt.


Me and Hobie instantly tense up and finally realized what the hell we were doing, I guess we got caught up in the moment. He instantly gets off me and rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.

I look over at my phone and it's a group call with "BANDCAKES".

"Fucking hell, I gotta take this.." I sigh.

"It's fine luv. I gotta get this make up off my face." He smirks before leaving the room.

I answered it slowly, not wanting to.

"What... I was kinda in the middle of something." I sigh.

"Oooo, you were fucking?" Laura laughs.

"No." I say slightly annoyed.

"Who shit in your cheerios?" Nick jokes.

"As I said I was in the middle of something." I groan.

"With what damnit?" Samara asks.

"I'll tell you guys at rehearsal tomorrow, I gotta go." I hang up before they can say anything.

I couldn't face Hobie after what happened so I decided to stay in my room for rest of the night.

A/n: this long ass chapter...

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