come back... be here x e.o

Von lizzieisagoddess

1K 41 5

The delicate beginning rush The feeling you can know so much Without knowing anything at all And now that I c... Mehr

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177 5 2
Von lizzieisagoddess

June 10th, 2005

The story starts when it was hot and it was summer and...

"ALEXANDRA. COME ON WAKE UP. I SWEAR ALEXANDRA IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP IN THE NEXT FEW SECONDS", the redhead obviously named Alexandra hears her blonde best friend Elizabeth since the prime age of diapers yell as she gets smacked in the face with a pillow. 

Elizabeth laughs at her best friend Alexandra as she groans a little. Alexandra instantly gets smacked once more with the pillow as Elizabeth tries desperately to waken her.

"Alexandra it's the first day of summer, come on seriously please wake the fuck up. I want to go to our spot at the beach", Elizabeth yells again as she went to smack her again but Alexandra grabbed the pillow. 

Alexandra tossed the pillow across her room at her families' beach house in Malibu.

Alexandra rolled onto her stomach and pushed her face deeper into the pillow. She wasn't ready to wake up, the sun wasn't even up yet. She just wanted to sleep, is that too hard to ask for. Apparently when your best friend is Elizabeth, it is.

Alexandra was seconds from another deep sleep before feeling her pillow get pulled from under her face, making her face fall right onto her mattress.

"This bitch", Alexandra thought to herself as she groaned. She was about to flip back onto her back but then she felt the bed dip a little.

She was expecting Elizabeth to lay down beside her and try to softly wake her up. But boy was she wrong. She felt a sudden weight on her lower back causing her to peer one eye open to see Elizabeth looking right at her.

"Morning", Elizabeth whispers and Alexandra rolled her eyes. "I'm not happy with you right now", Alexandra tells her and she pouts a little.

"But the sunrise", Elizabeth says with her pout making Alexandra smile a little. 

"If I take you to watch the sunrise, will you please let me go back to sleep after?", Alexandra asks and Elizabeth kissed the side of her head.

"Of course", Elizabeth says and Alexandra laughs a little knowing that she probably won't be going back to bed. 

"Can you get off my back please?", Alexandra asks kindly before feeling a plop down beside her on the bed.

Alexandra rolled back onto her side before pulling Elizabeth to her. Elizabeth giggled as she was pulled closer to Alexandra.

"Aly, please can we go watch the sunrise. I promise to let you go back to bed when we're done. I just want to watch the first sunrise of summer with you", Elizabeth says quietly and Alexandra hums in agreeance.

Alexandra let Elizabeth go before sitting up slowly in bed. Elizabeth slowly sat up beside her best friend and the two of them both just sat there for a brief moment. Elizabeth turned to face Alexandra who seemed out of it.

"Are you okay?", Elizabeth asks slightly worried about her best friend. "Yeah yeah, sorry was just in my own mind", Alexandra says looking at her best friend.

"I promise I am okay, just was trying to awaken my mind", Alexandra tells her causing Elizabeth to break out in a quiet laughter.

- - -

Alexandra POV

I looked at her with annoyance as she just kept laughing. I shook my head before moving slightly to make my legs wake up.

I moved the blanket off my legs and moved my legs to stand up. I hummed a little as I stood up. I stretched a little, cracking my back nicely before walking over to the bathroom.

I shut the door behind me and locked it quickly, knowing Lizzie she will just let herself in if I don't.

I turned the sink tap on and cupped my hands under the water before splashing my face to help wake me up. I looked up at myself in the mirror and lightly smiled.

I opened the drawer and grabbed a hair tie, I always keep one or two on my wrist at all times. I always have done this, I don't really know why.

I felt a little more awake now and moved towards the toilet as I felt the need of needing to go. I flushed and washed my hands before drying my hands. I unlocked the door and walked out of the bathroom to see her waiting impatiently on my bed.

"I'm just going to throw on sweats, it's probably cold out", I tell her and she nodded as I grabbed sweats to quickly change into.

I slipped off my shorts that I wore to bed before slipping my sweats on. I tossed her my hoodie and she slipped it on before getting off my bed.

"Okay we need to be quiet, I don't feel like dealing with the consequences of us waking up my parents", I tell her and she smiled as we both walked silently out of my room.

I heard commotion in Mackenzie's room, Mac is my little sister. She is eight years younger than me and is very troublesome some times.

I put my finger to my lips as I peered my head into Mac's room to see her passed out on her floor.

"She fell out of bed", I tell Lizzie quietly as we continued our sneaky walk towards the back sliding door.

I quietly unlocked the door before letting her walk out ahead of me. I followed behind as I shut the door just as quietly.

I looked back into the house and let out a sigh of relief. She looked at me confused making me laugh a little.

"I was just making sure that no one heard us sneak out of the house. You know how my parents get when we don't tell them where we are", I tell her and she smiled.

"I love your parents, yeah my mom cares about my every move. But not to the level of yours. Not in a bad way either, like my mom does", she went to continue babbling and I quickly stopped her.

"Okay first off, your mom loves you to death. She's just different, which is fine. Every parent is. Now let's go watch this sunset", I tell her and she smiled weakly at me.

"Come on Lizzie", I say to her as I slowly made my way down the stairs towards the beach. I knew she wasn't following me, I turned around to look at her as I continued to walk backwards.

"Last one to the beach is a loser and has to jump in", I say loudly and she spun her attention to me.

"I am no such a thing", she says as she starts making her way towards me.

I made it look like I was about to run and she ran towards me fast. I just laughed as she took off past me towards the beach.

I'm fine with being the loser, I'm fine with jumping into the ocean. I just wanted to get her mind off of everything.

She's been struggling for the last while, her parents divorced when we were seven and ever since she feels like her mom is never there for her. Her dad on the other hand started a new family, so she feels betrayed and my family became a safe haven for her.

I just walked towards the beach and smiled widely as she danced around. I never felt so happy or so excited for a summer before. This one will be the best, I can feel it.

"YOU ARE A LOSER.. TIME TO GO SWIMMING WITH THE FISHIES", she yells making me stop walking and start laughing.

This is what I want, the laughter, the smile on her face. I want her to never feel abandoned or insecure. I want her to feel loved.

I looked at her as she turned her back to me and smirked a little. I slowly made my way towards her, trying my best to not alert her.

I walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder gently. She turned around to face me and I bent down. I threw her over my shoulder, she gasped immediately which made me smile.

"ALEXANDRA PUT ME DOWN.", she yelled as she lightly hit on my back. I just snickered to myself as I slowly walked closer and closer to the ocean.

I wanted to fake her out, I wasn't going to throw her in. I barely even want to go in at this hour myself.

"WE WILL BE SHARK FOOD IF WE GO IN", she yells again as I slowly walked towards the prime spot to watch the sun.

Our spot, the best spot. It's a little secluded, no one can see you there, it's also my favourite place to hide when I need to focus on me. Especially on those days that she isn't here at our place.

Okay it's not secluded at all, a lot of people come here. But at this time of the day, it's only a hand few of people. Mostly surfers or people out with their dogs.

I walked towards the rock that we usually climb up onto to watch the sunrise here. The sunrises behind the pier and this rock are usually the best places to watch the sunrise.

I honestly don't like the pier, okay I don't hate it but I don't like having to walk all the way down it to get the best view. So we come here, it's far enough from my place. But also close enough in case someone sees her and calls the paps.

That has happened before, we had to run for a while to get away. It was very scary as a twelve year old, I would never let that happen to her again. I made myself a promise to always keep her safe.

I slowly put her down as we got closer to our rock and she looked at me with a look that I haven't seen before. I just looked at her with furrowed brows and she smacked my chest.

"I thought you were going to throw me in", she says as she gently rubs where she smacked.

"I would never, like you said we'd be shark food", I say as I take her hand in mine to continue to walk to the rock.

She wrapped her other arm around mine as we both walked together.

"So what're we doing today?", she asks with a soft laugh and I shrugged.

"It's the first day of summer vacation, I think my parents are having a bbq party with a bonfire. I have no idea who all was invited but they are really excited so", I say and she nodded a little.

She let go of my arm and ran to the rock before slowly climbing up. I just shook my head as she got onto the top.

"We didn't bring a blanket to sit on", she says and I shrugged a little.

"We will survive", I tell her and she smiled a little as I made my way up to join her.

I slowly sat down on the edge of the rock as she sat down beside me. I wrapped an arm around her shoulder letting her get comfortable.

"I love this beach so much", she mutters out as we both watched the horizon.

"I do too, it's a lot nicer than the other Malibu beaches", I mutter back and she hummed a little.

"I never would've known about this beach if it weren't for your parents. Mine never knew about this beach, or they just refused to bring us here", she says and I hummed a little.

"It's a very peaceful beach when not a lot of people are here. I think they don't bring you guys here because it can be very chaotic and a lot more sketchy especially with your sisters", I respond and she sighs a little.

"I never want to leave", she says faintly and I smiled a little. "Me neither", I reply and she hums.

"How much longer until we see the sunrise?", she asks and I let out a tiny laugh.

"I don't know", I reply and she sighs.

We both just sat there in silence, neither of us knew what to say or do. I moved slightly to get more comfortable and she looked at me confused.

"Are you okay?", she asks and I nod a little.

"Yeah just my butt is getting wet from this rock", I tell her and she smiled a little.

I smiled as she turned her attention back to the sky before she smacked my leg all excitedly.

"THE SUN. THE SUN. THE SUN HAS RISEN", she yells excitedly.

"Elizabeth, chill out before you fall off the rock", I tell her and she pouted a little making me smile.

"Okay well the sun has risen and I kind of want to get back before anyone does wake up. I don't want your parents getting mad at us", she says and I nod as I go to get off.

I slowly got off the side before helping her down. I took her hand in mine before we slowly made our way back to my parents beach house.

I stopped and she looked at me confused. "I'll give you a piggy back ride", I say to her and she smiled as I bent down to let her onto my back.

"Okay let's go", she says as she wraps her arms around my neck. I held onto her thighs as I stood up to continue walking to the house.

I looked up and saw that no lights were on yet. I slowly crept up the stairs to our property. I was a little glad that we weren't caught.

I carefully put her down before going to slide open the door. I let her in first and followed behind her.

And just as I was shutting the door, I heard a cough which got my immediate attention.

"Where did you both run off too at this hour?", my dad asks as he looks at us.

Lizzie immediately cowered and hugged me tightly. "I wanted to see the sunrise", I lie as I wrap my arms around her and my dad chuckles.

"I figured you both did, I heard you both leave. I'm not mad, and I don't blame you both because that sunrise was gorgeous. But you need to get back to bed before mum wakes up because she'll be more mad", he says as he slowly begins walking over towards us and I nod before rubbing Lizzie's back.

"Elizabeth, I'm not mad at you both. Just head back to bed and we will act like none of this happened.", he says as he gently touches her shoulder and she turns to face him.

"Are you...", she went to ask and he pulled her into a hug.

"Elizabeth, I could never be mad at you for this. I know my daughter, but I also know you. You are not in trouble, I would never get mad at you both. I just want to make sure that you are both safe at all times.", he says as he looks at her and she nods.

"Now go to sleep girls, I will make sure that she never knows that you both left to watch the sunrise", he says and we both smile as we sneakily walk away.

We both creepily walked to my room before walking in quickly. I shut the door fast but quietly and we both laughed silently to ourselves.

I pulled her in for a hug and just smiled at her. That look was back, that weird smile from before. I just shook it off as I looked at her.

"Shall we change back into pjs and go to sleep?", I ask and she nods a little.

"Can we cuddle please?", she asks with her famous little pout making me smile.

"Of course we can", I tell her and she smiled brightly as we both separated to change.

I quickly changed as I had an issue and needed to change quickly without her seeing. She always joked about us being each others firsts, well we were. She was my first kiss, my first mostly everything. But we have never gone too far, I want to with her. But I'd rather do it when we're both ready and I can wait a life time if I need to.

I walked over to my bed and slowly got in. She walked out of the bathroom a minute after and walked over to my bed.

I sleepily smiled as she crawled in. I lifted the blanket and let her get comfortable before letting the blanket laid down.

She moved and cuddled straight into me. I felt her body press against mine, I went to move but she hummed a little.

"Why are you moving?", she asks quietly and I let my body relax a little.

"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable", I say as she relaxes herself against me. 

I felt her grab my hand before she held it with hers in front of her. She pressed herself right against me more and I wanted to groan, but I bit my lip a little.

"You do know that this isn't the first time that we've cuddled in this predicament right?", she asks while humming and I kissed the back of her head gently.

"I know but", I went to continue and she turned her head to look at me. "I don't care, just hold me and go to sleep", she whispers and I let out a small sigh as we both got comfortable.

"Good night again Elizabeth", I whisper as she hums. I knew she was about to fall asleep. I closed my eyes and let the sleep take over me again.

Suddenly I was awoken to someone jumping on my bed. "WIZZIE AND AWEX WAKE UP", I hear get yelled before another jump.

Lizzie moved and cuddled her head into the crook of my neck. I peered one of my eyes open and saw Mackenzie standing behind Lizzie with an evil smile on her face.

"Mackenzie go away. We will be right there", I tell my sister who mocks me and gets off my bed.

"Daddy said to wake you guys up", she says as she walks out of my room while shutting the door with her.

I just shook my head as Lizzie lifted hers and looked at me with a soft smile.

I moved to lay on my back and she moved to sit on my waist. I sighed a little as she got comfortable and she blushed a little.

"BREAKFAST TIME.", I hear my dad yell and we both laugh. "Come on, let's go eat", I say and she smiles.

"Yes please, I'm starving", she says before getting off my lap.


hi it's me,

so this is an old story that i had wrote back in the summer. i have been working on midnight love for the last little while and decided to put this story up.

i hope you enjoy and it will probably be weekly tuesdays or biweekly tuesday posts for this story as i am working on trying to get my new story up so i can get midnight x f.p back up.

- kay


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