Bittersweet | Jaspar Fanfic

By wittlewes

288K 10.6K 27.9K

Joe Sugg is a great student. He studies as hard as he can for all his tests, does his homework immediately on... More

(10): THE LIST
(20): BYE BYE
(27): ALWAYS


7.9K 340 1.1K
By wittlewes

- Caspar's P.O.V

Even if I was worried sick about Joe and Emma finding out about the whole dare thing, and worried about Marcus being a total dick, waking up with Joe clinging onto me like a koala bear was kind of nice, yet super embarrassing at the same time.

His hair was a wild mess, his mouth was slightly parted with drool slightly pooled around the crook of his lip, and his arms were wrapped around my neck with his legs tangled with mine.

It was only six O'Clock when I woke up, and even if I could stay laying like this forever, I didn't want to wake up with Joe awkwardly looking into my eyes like one of those romantic movies that girls cried over. I'd probably do something weird like fart since I always need to go to the bathroom in the morning.

Slightly laughing at myself because of that though, I gently took Joe's arms away from me and turned him over, his legs slipping away from mine as he then grabbed onto his (my) pillow.

I got up and looked down at myself, kind of surprised I didn't get any...trouble last night since Joe was hanging on close to me. I was actually kind of thankful for that, because then today would have been really weird.

I shuffled into my bathroom and brushed my teeth and hair before walking to the kitchen to find my father making breakfast and my mom reading the newspaper.

"Good morning," I said, walking over to my mom and giving her a kiss on her cheek. I then walked over to my dad and gave him a one armed hug since he was cooking.

"Don't try to butter us up," My mother said, scoffing as she turned the newspaper a little too sharply and almost ripping it. "I'm still mad about the fight, even if you did save poor Joe."

I walked to the table she was sitting at and sat on a chair across from her. "I didn't save him from anything, I just helped him in a time of need."

I disliked how my mom said I 'saved' Joe. She didn't know how I told him that I liked him right after he ran away, she didn't know that Marcus dared me to get him to fall for me. She didn't know that while I still did adore Joe, I was dating someone behind his back, even if we weren't dating. She didn't know Marcus was going to hurt both Emma and Joe just to get people to hate me. She didn't know anything, yet she's speaking of me as if I'm some great guy for Joe to know, even though I'm really not.

"So," dad said, walking over to mom's plate and putting 3 pancakes on her plate. "You did save him."

I sighed and just shrugged, rubbing my eyes. "Sure, okay."

Mom closed her newspaper and grabbed the syrup which was sitting in the middle of the table, squeezing it so they syrup fell out in a zig-zag formation. She got her fork and knife and started to cut them into pieces as my dad gave me my own pancakes.

"His father should be reported to Children Services," My mom said as she swallowed a piece of her pancakes. "No child deserves to go through what Joe is going through. That's why he can stay here as long as he wants."

I started to pour syrup on my own pancakes, biting my lip. "I mean, he just should relax for a bit before he starts to think about stuff. I'll talk to him first to make sure he's okay with everything before we talk about his father."

She nodded as dad set another plate of pancakes, this time 5 on the plate.

"Why do you get so many pancakes?" I asked, eyeing them up and down.

"They aren't mine," he said, walking back to the stove where he was cooking more pancakes. "Those are for Joe. He's too skinny."

"He probably has a fast matabalism, dad,"

"All the more reason for him to have a big meal!" My mom said. I just cut out little pieces of my pancakes and shoved them into my mouth.

"Should we take him to school today?" My mom asked, looking at me.

I thought for a moment before shaking my head. "No. He's probably worn out mentally and physically."

"Why would he be worn out physically?" My dad asked as he walked over and set his cup down, eyeing me with a confused look on his face. "What did you do to him last night?"

My mom yelled his name and smacked him, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Don't be so nasty!" She scolded, making my dad nervously sit down in his seat. She then turned to me. "You should go wake Joe up, dear. He needs to eat."

I wanted to tell her that Joe was probably sleepy and should sleep, but she was already disappointed in me, so I should just do whatever she said. With that thought in my mind I stood up from my table after I took one more quick, small bite and walked back to my room to wake up Joe.

When I opened the door, Joe was still cuddled up into my pillow and breathing slightly. I walked over to him, not sure how I should wake him up.

He looked at peace when he slept. I always noticed that he had a faint, sad look in his face, even if he was smiling or laughing, which now that I thought about it, he never really did. I think I've just seen him smile and give a small chuckle, but never a full out laugh and a genuine smile.

I reached out and traced his lips, thinking of the dream I had the other day. I dreamt of kissing him. I knew dreams were things that you wanted to happen, but I couldn't help but ponder the idea of Joe wanting the exact same thing as me. I hoped he did. I took my hand away from him when he opened his mouth in a slight snore and rolled over on his back, my shirt riding up a little. If I squinted hard enough, I could make out a little of his v-line.

He honestly looked so nice sleeping, especially like this. I didn't care if I was acting like a creep, or if I felt an odd feeling of Edward Cullen get unleashed within me. All I cared about was how peaceful Joe looked.

I stared at him for a while longer until I looked up at my wall, blinking. I really did feel like Edward Cullen. God, that's weird. I need to chill out before I turned into a weird boyfriend.


No, I'm not his boyfriend and he isn't my boyfriend, he' liker? We aren't lovers because, well, we don't love each other. What are we?

Joe said he liked me. And I said I liked him. Does he expect me to ask him to be my boyfriend now? Does he want to my boyfriend?

I looked down at him again, feeling confusion in my brain.

Maybe I should just continuing to act as if we never said that until I break up with Emma and give Marcus a piece of my own mind before telling Joe how much I like him.

But I don't want to do that.

I want to hug and kiss him, and make him mine.

I think taking Marcus's dare was the worst thing I have ever done. And I think saying yes to Emma was also the most worst thing I have ever done. I just wished I could go back in time and stop all of this from happening. Maybe I would've been a dick to Joe and we wouldn't have become boyfriends, not even friends. Maybe I would have ended up with Emma. But I'm going to have to tell Joe sometime. And it's going to hurt him so bad. Who cares if we never would have gotten together? He would've met someone better, and dated them. Which he deserves.

Someone better.

"Will," Joe started to mumble in his sleep, causing me to tilt my head and strain my ears. There were more things I could hear before he said, "...need help...Ca-Cody..."

He then turned over on his stomach, blanket falling off of him. I blushed when I saw the shirt he was wearing was now all the way up and I could see the curve that lead to his ass. I looked him up and down a little longer until I slapped myself mentally.


I groaned before teaching out and pulling his shirt down, hoping that it wouldn't distract me as I woke him up.

"Joe," I said loudly, poking him in his side causing his to twitch. "Wake up, boy,"

He just rolled over again, this time falling on the floor with a loud thud. I winced as he let out a yell, obviously awake.

"Morning, Joe!" I said, walking over to where he fell with a slight laugh and a smile. That died down though once I saw the position he was in.

He was only support by his knees, his head planted on the ground and hos arms laying simply out in front of him, causing his ass to stick out in my direction, and for the shirt he was wearing to fall down to his arm pits.

He didn't immediately sit up but just sighed, letting his knees fall and for him to lay on the floor.

"A-Are you okay?" I asked, clearing my throat.

Does he even know what he does to me?

Joe just turned over on his back and looked up at me like that with half-lidded, sleepy eyes.


"No." He then sat up and held up a hand, indicating that he wanted me to help him up.

I grabbed it, ignoring how oddly soft his hand was and yanking his arm up harder then I meant to, causing him to hit my chest slightly as he came up. Joe just giggled and took a step back, but I just felt the sudden urge to get away from Joe and to the bathroom.

"There's breakfast in the kitchen...I have to go to the bathroom, be right back!"

Before Joe could say anything I ran off to the bathroom, telling myself this boy was too perfect for his own good.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

After I was finished with the bathroom, I walked into the dining room to see my mother smiling at Joe as if he were the most amazing thing she's ever seen in her entire life. I felt a little jealous, but I don't know if it's because of the fact Joe's attention was all on my mom, or the fact my mom might compare me to Joe for the rest of my life. I just ignored the feeling and walked over to where my pancakes sat, taking a large bite once I sat down.

"You're apart of the Drama program?" my mother was gasping. I looked over at Joe, who looked slightly tense. Probably not used to the attention.

Joe simply nodded and took a sip of his water that was near his plate. I looked around to see if Dad was anywhere to be found, but he wasn't.


"Have you been in any plays?"

Joe shrugged. "A couple. I was Peter Pan, I was Nathan in Guys & Dolls, and now they're doing The Wizard of Oz, but my dad -" He cut himself off, his normal voice going low as my mom cleared her throat, looking over to me.

"Caspar went to Peter Pan! He never records the show even if I ask him to," she rolled her eyes with a small laugh, probably hoping to get Joe's train of thought off of his father.

Joe just gave a weak smile. "Um, what time do you usually go to school?" he asked, looking at me.

I felt my heart clench at how nice and innocent he looked. All of a sudden, I wanted to break down and tell him everything: the dare, Emma, Marcus, the reason why Alfie and I got into a fight. I wanted to tell him that I was attracted to him physically and mentally, and that he was becoming my whole world every single time he said a simple word to me.

But how could he be my world if I was doing this to him? He was so innocent, he didn't deserve this. I was just stringing him along into a terrible situation which I could have stopped, but I didn't.

I looked at my mom, who was telling Joe something. I couldn't hear her, though. All I could hear was my own voice in my head, shouting at me. Caspar! it was yelling. Don't be a fucking dickwad! You need to straighten this whole thing out, and you need to do it now! You need to put Marcus in his place, and you need to break up with Emma.

I bit my lip, feeling my leg bounce nervously under the table. I was right. If I don't do this now, I will just hurt Joe even worse if I don't break up with Emma. It's stupid, since he's going to figure out that he was just some dare to me until I actually fell for him, but I needed to do this. Not for anyone else, but for me and Joe.

I excused myself from the table and walked quickly to my bedroom, grabbing my phone and seeing a text from Emma.

Emma: mornin' sweet-pie! u never told me how much trouble u got in for the fight lol hope 2 see u 2day!!

I felt a pang of guilt but ignored it, remembering that I was doing this for Joe and I. I clicked on the little call button and held my phone up to my ear, closing my door and locking it. If Joe heard anything I said he'd probably be worse than hurt.

She picked up a moment later, chasing my heart to beat faster in my chest. It may be sick I'm not doing it to her face, but I don't really care. I just want to get this over with. "Hello, Caspy!" She chipped, making me imagine her as a little sunflower girl in a floral dress with a flower crown in her long hair. I don't know why I got that image. Gosh, she is way to happy.

"Hey, Emma, um I need to talk to you. It's like really important."

"Okay, shoot."

I inhaled deeply. "So you know how you said you didn't want to like, let anyone know we were dating or anything?" She let out a little 'mhmm' and I continued on. "Well, I know this sounds bad but like I kind of never really liked you. I thought I did, but it turns out I like someone else more. And I didn't want to hurt you bad, so yeah. Whatever we are, needs to stop."

There was silence for a while until she let out a deep breath.

"Fuck you," was all she said before hanging out, leaving me to pull my phone back and stare at it. I know I just did a douche move and broke up with her over the phone by saying I never really liked her, but did she have to do that? Couldn't she at least say something?

I just rolled my eyes and went into my contacts, clicking on Marcus's call button. I held it up to my ear, and immediately I heard Marcus yell a 'heeeeelllllooo' into my ear. He needs to calm down, it's not even Lunch time yet.

"Well hello there, Marcus." I said through gritted teeth, remembering him telling me his dumb-ass plan the other day that would hurt both Emma and Joe. "I think we need to have a little chat."

Marcus snorted through the phone. "Dude, this isn't Taken, calm down."

"You're right, because if this was some weird American movie, I would have killed you by now."

Marcus gave a weak laugh. "Chill, dude. What do you want?"

I felt my face flush with anger but ignored it, trying to keep myself calm. "Marcus, do you remember what you said the other day."

"Yes. I do. I thought it would help you realize what a dick your being to Emma and Joe. Emma is literally such a sweet girl, and Joe is so innocent. The dare I gave you? It was a joke. I thought you were joking around with it until I got the fact you were actually going to do it. Do you think I'm that much of an asshole, man? I would never do that. I told Joe you liked him because I know you like him. I'm pretty sure the bloody Queen of England could see that too if she knew your guys's story. I told him because you needed a push to realize what a dick you are."

I felt anger pulsing in my veins, keeping quiet for a moment to hear Joe and my mom's chatter from downstairs before speaking. "Marcus, you make no fucking sense. So I'm just going to tell you one thing: don't speak to Joe or Emma about this. I already broke up with Emma, and I'm planning to tell Joe about it soon. I don't need you to mess up my plans."

Marcus gave a big laugh, and I wanted to throw my phone at the wall. "Oh, Caspar. Do you think Joe will hurt less if you tell him? Because it won't. It'll just make things worse. You're screwed man. The minute you said yes to that dare. you were screwed-"

I hung up and threw my phone on my bed, feeling the urge to punch my wall in.

Fuck Marcus. Fuck Emma. Fuck ne, fuck Joe's dad, fuck Zoe, fuck Alfie, fuck everyone!

I took my remote control and threw it at the wall, hearing a satisfying thud as it fell to the ground. It didn't break for some reason, but I didn't care.

"Caspar?" I heard a small voice asked as the door opened. "Are you okay?"

I turned around to see Joe standing there. My anger washed away when I saw how small he was compared to me. Where I was tall, he was short. And where I had muscle, he had thin bones. Where I had a large body, he had a small one, and where I had thick skin covering my collarbone, he had them jutting out, sharp as a knife. Joe was the boy who cause all of this. He caused all of the emotions I have felt. He caused me to realize what an ass I was. He was so special and amazing and I was going to hurt him so bad.

So I had to take the chance while I had it.

I walked over to Joe and grabbed the back of his neck with my right hand, tilted my head down and kissed him on the lips roughly. I closed my eyes as Joe jumped a little, only causing for our lips to go closer to each other. He kissed back hesitantly, obviously not knowing what he was doing, and allowing me to just start the pace. Keeping our lips locked together, I grabbed his hips and turned us around, kicking the door shut, and leading him over to my bed.

He opened his mouth with a gasp as he fell back on the bed. I climbed over him and took my mouth off of his, my hands still on his hips as I kissed down his neck.

"C-Caspar your- oh!" He let out a loud moan when I sucked on the right side of his collarbone. I smirked slightly and let my crotch rest on top of his, grinding into him roughly.

If I'm going to hurt him, might as well go out with a bang. Literally.

"Ca-Caspar..." He whispered heavily, putting one hand on my shoulder and another in my hair, digging his fingernails into it.

I moved my hands from his hips and moved them up his body, pushing them under his shirt to feel his skin, which was warm against my cold finger-tips.

"Caspar, p-please-" He said, shoving my head away from him, causing me to look up at him. His mouth was slightly open, and his eyes were wide with shock. "What- What was that?"

I took one of my hands off of him and reached down to palm at my crotch awkwardly. Apparently if you gave a hot boy a hickey and made out with him, your dick starts hurting. Joe's lips were puffy and red and looked slippery from our kiss; his cheeks a bright red.

"Um...I just..."

I sighed and got off of him, going on his left side and crossing my legs, staring down at him.

"Joe, if I never met you, a lot of things wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have got into a fight with Alfie, I wouldn't have rejected someone for you, and I wouldn't be jealous of people speaking to you. If I had met you, I'd be dating girls and guys because of their looks, but I do know you. And I want to fall in love with the person that you are. Last night, at Smooth-Aye, you said you liked me but you barely knew me. I guess that's true. We do barely know each other, so how do we like each other? I don't know." I took a pause, not even knowing what I was saying. Joe was sitting up now, staring at me with an awe look on his face. "Call it fate, or destiny, I never know the difference between the two. You may not know now, but you will know later why you deserve someone way better than me. But please, I'm asking you, will you go on a date with me? I- I don't know how you'll feel about me when you get to know me but...if I have you for one night, I swear to God, I will get all my priorities straight and figure my life out. I promise."

Joe stared at me for a while.

Then he just grabbed me by the neck just like I did, giving me a kiss, before letting me lay down with him as he whispered a soft yes.

It wasn't sex like I intended to have with him just now, but it was something even better. It was him, allowing me to hold him. It was him, allowing me to take him on a date. It was him, this boy who's so sad and I got dared to make him like me. It was him.

And as I held him in my arms, all I could think about was how badly I was going to hurt him, and myself.

Because that's what our relationship was; bittersweet.

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