Lakshman's Daughter

De sathu98

83.9K 3.2K 918

Featured on ASIAN FANTASY Featured on HISTORICAL FICTION Queen Sita ends her life as she becomes unable to... Mai multe

The Beginning
The Argument
The Decision
The Announcement
The Unrest
The Deer
The Birth
The Relative
The Clash
The Alliance
The Prince
The Welcome
The Lotus
The Little Moments
The Spark
The Swayamwar
The Feelings
The Warrior
The Feast
The Sari
The Lover
The Engagement
The Offer
The Journey
The Verdict
The Wedding Preparations
The Wedding
The Palace
The Reign
The Dawn
The Lunch
The Arrival
The Coronation Plans
The Excitement
The Coronation
The Baby
The Visitor
The Guard
The Bad News
The Farewell
The End

The Battle

448 40 3
De sathu98

As the battle raged on, Somada fought with fierce determination alongside Lakshman. Her helmet concealed her identity, and a shawl wrapped around her mouth and face shielded her from the swirling dust and the prying eyes of the enemy. The weight of her helmet pressed against her brow, with every swing of her sword, she displayed both skill and bravery, swiftly defeating several soldiers from the opposing army.

With every swing of her sword, she dispatched opponents with precision and grace, her movements a testament to her training and unwavering resolve.

In a brief respite amidst the chaos, Somada found herself captivated by the sight of her father, Lakshman, engaged in a fierce duel with the chief commander of Magadha's army. His sword sliced through the air with practiced expertise, his every strike a testament to his legendary prowess. Pride swelled within Somada's heart as she witnessed his valorous fight, a reminder of the warrior lineage she hailed from.

However, in a twist of fate, a charging horse knocked Somada off her feet, sending her helmet tumbling to the ground. Lakshman's eyes widened in shock as he saw his daughter, exposed and vulnerable amidst the battlefield's chaos. Acting swiftly, he rushed to her side, pulling her up and guiding her to the safety of his chariot.

Concern and sternness mingled in Lakshman's voice as he scolded Somada. "What were you thinking, Somada? It is far too dangerous for you to be here. We cannot risk your life like this."

"Father, I couldn't bear to sit idly while our kingdom faces this threat. I had to fight, to protect Ayodhya and its honor."

Lakshman's expression softened, his love for his daughter intertwining with his concern. "Somada, I understand your courage and your desire to defend our land, but this is not a battle for you. Your safety is of utmost importance. We need to evacuate you from this battlefield!"

Ram, witnessing the scene unfold, strode towards them with a mix of astonishment and disappointment etched upon his face. "Somada, my dear daughter, I am deeply disappointed that you disregarded my words and put yourself in such perilous circumstances."

Somada's eyes brimmed with determination as she met her father's gaze. "Father, I understand your concerns, but I couldn't bear to sit idle while our kingdom faces the threat of Dharmendra. I had to fight, to prove my worth and defend our honor."

Ram sighed, torn between his love for his daughter and his role as a protective father. "Somada, I know your spirit burns with bravery, but we must prioritize your safety. Trust in our abilities to handle this battle."

Just as tensions ran high between them, a chilling silence descended upon the battlefield. Dharmendra, the source of their struggles, approached in his chariot, a sinister smile playing upon his lips. His chariot moved swiftly towards them, the wheels grinding against the blood-soaked soil. He called out to Somada, his voice laced with arrogance. "Ah, Somada, the valiant warrior princess. How fitting it is that we meet on this field of battle. Come, face me if you dare."

Somada's eyes locked with Dharmendra's, a fierce determination burning within her. She knew this was the moment she had been waiting for, the chance to confront the tyrant who had caused so much suffering. Her grip tightened around her sword as she stepped forward, ready to face her ultimate adversary.

Somada's eyes narrowed, her grip on her sword tightening. She looked to her father, seeking his approval. Ram's expression softened, realizing the determination and strength that radiated from his daughter. "Fight him, Somada. Show him the might of Ayodhya and the power of our love."

With those words echoing in her heart, Somada stepped forward, ready to face Dharmendra and bring an end to his tyranny once and for all. The clash of their swords reverberated through the air, a testament to the strength and resilience of a daughter fighting for her kingdom and her own destiny.

As Somada and Dharmendra locked eyes on the battlefield, a hush fell upon the warring armies. The clash of swords seemed to reverberate through the air, each strike resonating with the weight of their collective destiny. The tension was palpable as the spectators from both sides watched the duel unfold.

Dharmendra, with a wicked smile curling his lips, taunted Somada. "Ah, the fearless princess of Ayodhya. What makes you think you can stand against me? How amusing it is to witness their pitiful attempts at resistance. Your feeble attempts are nothing more than a futile display of naivety."

Somada gritted her teeth, her determination burning like a fierce flame within her.

"Did dear old Lakshman and Ram teach you how to hold a sword? I must say, their efforts seem wasted." He insulted. "You are nothing but a weak princess, unworthy of wielding a sword."

Ignoring Dharmendra's provocations, she focused on her footwork, her grip on the sword tightening. She moved with a grace and agility that belied her weariness, her every strike a testament to her training and resilience.

Fatigue and weariness threatened to take hold, but she fought on, drawing strength from the cheers and encouragement of her father, Lakshman, and Ram. Their voices pierced through the tumultuous soundscape, lending her the support she needed to press forward.

Lakshman and Ram, standing on the sidelines, cheered for their beloved daughter. Their voices rang out with unwavering support and encouragement, echoing across the battlefield. "You can do it, Somada! Show him the strength of Ayodhya!"

Dharmendra, sensing Somada's exhaustion, intensified his assault. He used every opportunity to mock and taunt her, hoping to break her spirit. "You fight like a mere child, Somada. Is this the best Ayodhya has to offer? Your kingdom is as weak as you!"

The words stung, fueling Somada's fury. Somada's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and determination as she parried Dharmendra's strikes with calculated precision. Each insult fueled her resolve, igniting a fire within her soul. She refused to let his words diminish her strength or undermine the love and devotion that her family held for Ayodhya. She unleashed a flurry of strikes, her sword dancing with deadly precision. Each swing carried the weight of her people's hopes and dreams, as she fought not just for victory but for the honor of Ayodhya.

With each clash, Dharmendra's insults grew more venomous. He sneered, "Your father, Lakshman, and your so-called king, Ram, are nothing but feeble old men. Ayodhya is a crumbling kingdom, and you are its last desperate hope."

Somada's heart burned with indignation. She refused to let his words break her spirit. Drawing strength from the love and support of her family and the unwavering loyalty of her people, she fought back with renewed vigor.

With each swing of her sword, Somada fought with an intensity that matched the fury raging within her. The clash of steel resonated through the air as they danced across the battlefield, their footsteps leaving imprints in the churned earth. Her movements became more fluid, more calculated, as she sought to overpower her opponent.

As the battle reached its crescendo, Somada's prowess began to shine. With a masterful stroke, she disarmed Dharmendra, her sword pointed at his throat and leaving him defenseless. Triumph surged within her as she stood tall, her chest heaving with exertion and her eyes blazing with victory.

Dharmendra's eyes widened in disbelief as he found himself at the mercy of the woman he had underestimated. He dropped to his knees.

Her voice resonated with authority as she declared, "Your tyranny ends here, Dharmendra. Ayodhya will no longer bow to your darkness."

Somada's eyes blazed with triumph as she stared down at her vanquished opponent. The cheers of Ayodhya's army echoed through the battlefield, their jubilation filling the air. Her voice, strong and unwavering, echoed across the battlefield. "The light will always conquer darkness, and Ayodhya will rise stronger than ever."

The onlookers, both friend and foe, bore witness to Somada's triumph, their awe and respect mingling in the air. Her victory served as a testament to the power of determination, resilience, and the unyielding spirit of a warrior princess who fought not just for herself but for the kingdom she held dear.

Somada, though weary from the intense battle, felt a surge of pride and relief. She had not only protected her kingdom but also reclaimed her own dignity and honor. With a newfound sense of purpose, she turned her gaze towards her beloved father, Lakshman, and saw the pride gleaming in his eyes.

As Dharmendra was arrested by Kush and Luv, the battlefield erupted with a mixture of relief and awe. Lakshman and Ram rushed toward Somada, their faces beaming with pride and admiration. Embracing her tightly, they expressed their overwhelming emotions, tears streaming down their faces. The intensity of the battle had left its mark on Somada, her body trembling with exhaustion and adrenaline.

Ram, his voice choked with emotion, whispered, "My brave daughter, you have made us all so proud. Your courage and strength remind me of your mother, Sita, and your grandfather, Dasharath. They would have been overjoyed to witness this moment."

"Thank you, Father," she murmured, her voice quivering. "I fought for Ayodhya and for the legacy of our family. I'm grateful for your support."

Lakshman enveloped her in a warm and protective hug, his touch a balm to her weary soul. Somada, her body still trembling from the intensity of the battle, leaned into her father's embrace, finding solace and comfort in his presence.

Somada's own tears mingled with Lakshman's, a blend of relief and the weight of her accomplishments. Somada's own tears mingled with Lakshman's, a blend of relief and the weight of her accomplishments.

"Somada, my precious daughter," he whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of admiration and awe. "You have shown incredible courage and strength today. I couldn't be prouder of the warrior you have become."

Unable to contain his overwhelming emotions, Lakshman pressed tender kisses on Somada's forehead and cheeks, his love pouring out in each gentle caress. "Rest now, my brave princess," he murmured, his voice a soothing melody. "I will take care of you."

The resounding cheers of Bharath and Shathrugan filled the air as they approached Somada, their faces radiant with admiration.

"You have proven yourself to be a warrior in every sense, dear niece," Bharath exclaimed. "Your courage knows no bounds, and your actions today have inspired us all."

Shathrugan nodded in agreement, a wide smile gracing his features. "You have shown us all what it means to fight with unwavering determination and honor."

Chandra and Angad, Somada's loving brothers, joined the gathering. Their eyes sparkled with a mix of awe and concern as they noticed her injuries. Angad, his voice filled with worry, pointed out the bloodstained armor and the wounds she had sustained.

"Father, look at Somada's wounds," Angad said, his voice tinged with worry. "She is bleeding and her armor is soaked in blood."

Lakshman's eyes widened with alarm as he took in the sight of Somada's injuries. Without hesitation, he scooped her up into his arms, cradling her gently. As Lakshman carried Somada to his chariot, her body growing limp with exhaustion, Ram followed closely behind.

"Hold on, my daughter. We will take care of you." Lakshman swiftly carried her to his chariot, placing her carefully on the seat before mounting onto his chariot.

As they rode towards the camp that had been set up near the nearby river, Somada whimpered softly in pain. The sound of rushing water and the gentle rustle of leaves provided a soothing backdrop as they arrived.

Ram, sitting beside her, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. His voice was gentle and soothing as he reassured her, "Fear not, my brave daughter. We will tend to your wounds and ensure your comfort. You have fought valiantly, and now it is time to heal."

Lakshman's worry etched deeply on his face as he carried Somada to a makeshift tent, which had been transformed into a temporary medical station. Ram, his concern mirrored in his eyes, followed closely behind. Lakshman gently laid Somada on a soft bed of furs, and with utmost care, he began tending to her wounds. The flickering light of the campfire danced across his face as he cleaned and dressed her injuries. Somada winced in pain, but the touch of her father's hands brought her a sense of solace.

"You've fought bravely, my daughter. Rest now and allow your body to heal," he whispered softly, his touch gentle as he worked.

Ram paced anxiously by Somada's side, his gaze fixed on her weakened form. "My dear Somada, you have given everything for Ayodhya. Your sacrifice and valor will be forever etched in our hearts. I pray for your swift recovery."

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the camp, the sound of the river's gentle flow provided a soothing backdrop. Inside the tent, Somada lay still, her breathing steady and peaceful. The wounds that marked her body were testament to her sacrifice, a reminder of the battles fought and won.

Lakshman sat vigil by his daughter's side, his love and concern palpable in the air. He whispered words of comfort and strength, his voice a steady presence in the quiet space. "You are our warrior princess, Somada. Rest now and gather your strength. We will be here, guiding you through this healing journey."

The night unfolded, enveloping the camp in a blanket of stars. The flickering light of the campfires painted dancing shadows on the ground, casting an ethereal ambiance over the scene. The camp remained vigilant, their hearts united in their collective hope for Somada's swift recovery.

Ram's brow furrowed with a mixture of guilt and apprehension, his eyes haunted by the memories of past failures.

"Lakshman," Ram began, his voice laden with remorse, "I fear to face Urmila. It is the third time I have failed to protect those she holds dear. First, Sita, her beloved sister, was abducted by Ravan under my watch. I couldn't save her from that torment. Then, during the war against Ravan, you were gravely wounded, and had it not been for Hanuman's timely arrival with the life-saving herbs, we would have lost you. And now, Somada, our own daughter."

Lakshman, though still recovering from his own injuries, reached out and placed a reassuring hand on Ram's shoulder. "Brother, you must not blame yourself entirely. The abduction of Sita was not your fault alone. It was the cunning trickery of Ravan that led to that unfortunate event. We all did our best to rescue her, and in the end, we rescued her, didn't we?"

Ram nodded, acknowledging his brother's words, but his eyes still held a lingering sorrow. "And then there was you, Lakshman. During the great war against Ravan, you fought valiantly, risking your life to protect me and the entire army. You nearly lost your life to Indrajit's deadly attack, and if not for Hanuman's timely arrival with the Sanjeevani herbs, we could have lost you forever."

Lakshman smiled softly, his eyes reflecting a deep love and admiration for his brother. "Brother, you must remember that I chose to fight in that war with all my heart. I was not compelled by any external force. My duty was to stand by your side and protect you and the people of Ayodhya. I do not regret my choice, nor do I hold you accountable for any harm that may have befallen me."

Ram's gaze shifted to Somada, who stirred slightly in her sleep. "And now, here lies our daughter, Somada. She too faced danger on the battlefield, and it wounds me to see her hurt. I fear that I have failed Urmila yet again in protecting someone she holds dear."

"Somada chose to fight, just as I did in the past. She is a strong and capable warrior, and her courage is a testament to the values you and Urmila have instilled in her. We cannot shoulder the blame for every misfortune that befalls our loved ones. Our duty is to stand strong, to protect and guide them to the best of our abilities. The outcome lies in the hands of destiny."

Ram's gaze softened, his eyes filled with gratitude for the unwavering loyalty and wisdom of his beloved brother. "Lakshman, you always find a way to see beyond the shadows of our failures and remind me of the strength that lies within us. It is true that we have faced hardships, but we have also achieved victories. We have learned and grown through our trials, and our love and support for each other have remained unwavering. I cannot bear to see Urmila suffer, but together, we will find solace and comfort her wounded heart."


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Also I'm proud to let you know that Lakshman's Daughter is officially featured on Wattpad Asian Fantasy!

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