Reborn as the worst

נכתב על ידי K4iden_

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Fighting all his life, trying to keep everyone save he cares about. Considered as a hero by the public but kn... עוד

Chapter 1 - The Offer
Chapter 2 - Early days
Chapter 3 - The Message
Chapter 4 - Let the training begin
Chapter 5 - Demon
Chapter 6 - The first step
Chapert 7 - Training
Chapter 8 - Arthur Leywin
Chapter 9 - Two Familys meet
Chapter 10 - Sparring
Chapter 11 - start of our adventur
Chapter 12 - Dungeon Raid
Chapter 13 - The Talk
Chapter 14 - Who am I?
Chapter 15 - Frost Valley
Chapter 16 - Frost Valley Pt. 2
Chapter 17 - Explanation
Chapter 18 - Dire Tombs Pt. 1
Chapter 19 - Dire Tombs Pt. 2
Chapter 20 - Dire Tombs Pt. 3
Chapter 21 - Time inbetween
Chapter 22 - First day of School
Chapter 23 - Life changing talks
Chapter 24 - Disciplinary Committee
Chapter 25 - Getting closer
Chapter 26 - Mock battle
Chapter 27 - What do they want?
Chapter 29 - first day of training
Chapter 30 - Now he knows
Chapter 31 - A Warrior's Heart
Chapter 32 - New routes
Chapter 33 - One annoyance gone!
Side Story 1 - Our first Date
Side Story 2 - Love
Chapter 34 - Field trip Pt. 1
Chapter 35 - Field trip Pt. 2
Chapter 36 - Field trip Pt. 3
Chapter 37 - Field trip Pt. 4
Chapter 38 - Confrontation
Chapter 39 - Engagement Pt. 1
Chapter 40 - Engagement Pt. 2
Chapter 41 - Back to school
Chapter 42 - No idea how to name this chapter

Chapter 28 - Building trust

227 11 7
נכתב על ידי K4iden_

Virion POV

A few meters away from us stands a terrifying creature. About 8 meters tall and 5 meters wide. When it stretched out its wings its width increased to a total of 15 meters.

It has dark blue leathery skin and a little bit of whitish blue fur around its neck and chest. Two long white horns sprout from his dragon-like head into the sky. They look like they could pierce through multiple mages at once. Its full set of sharp teeth could tear apart a person in mere seconds. Its yellow, reptile eyes inflict fear into anyone they look on. (He looks similar to Articuno from Pokemon, just more like a dragon)

A Wyvren.

One of the most powerful mana beasts one could find in the beast glades. It is said that they descended from dragons and that they posses incredible control over mana thanks to their ancestry. The ones that have been seen in our history were atleast a S-Rank if not even stronger. I myself have clashed with countless of mana beast's in my life even a Wyvren once. It was the strongest opponent that I ever crossed paths with.

But the one right in front of us in this momentan exceeds everthing that I have ever seen.

Based on the mana it exudes I couldn't even tell if all our Lances could beat it.

If have to admit that I'm scared, terrified even only being in its presence.

When I first layed my eyes on it multiple questions run through my head.

Why is such a creature in this academy?

How did noone notice it entering Xyrus City?

How are we supposed to deal with it?

How many will fall fighting it?

But all that became irrelevant after I observed the scenery before me further. Now there was only one single question remaining in my head.

Why? Why are they fighting it? Why are Tessia and Arthur fighting this overwhelming beast?

I can feel the fear spreading throughout my body. The fear to loose some precious to me. Without a second thought I activaded my beast Will to its fullest. Increasing my speed to the absolut highest I could muster I dashed right at it. Knowing fully well that this could be my end.

In the corner of my eye I could see Alea do the same. We rushed forwards with all we have. About midway we got stopped by a huge wall made out of vines. My first thought was that this is Alea's work as an attempt to stop me from running into my own death but one look at her showed that she is just as confused as I am.

"Please don't interrupt." A voice called out from the side and lo and behold there was Lucas. The boy we were looking for. He looked at us with a bright smile and Sylvie, Arthur's dragon bond, in his hands. "They nearly finished their sparring match, just wait a couple more minutes for them." He said in a polite tone.

Hesitantly we did as asked and waited. After a few more minutes of intens fighting Tessia collapsed to the ground. The beast readied a powerfull mana blast and I was about to interfere but Lucas yelled out "Fraener thats enough." and to my surprise the beast immediately stopped.

I saw Arthur running over to Tessia and he helped her up. The procceded to walk over to us and seemed surprised upon seeing us.

"Grampa?" "Gramps?" They asked with a puzzled look on their face.

"When did you arrive at the academy?" Tessia asked as she pulled me into a deep hug.

"Just a few houres ago. I had something to discuss with Cynthia." I said rubbing her back.

"I'm sorry your highness, for interupting your greetings with the princess but may someone explain this Wyvren over there." Alea said still tens with full foucus on the beast.

"I'm sorry Lance Alea please be at ease. He is my bond and he won't harm any of you." Lucas explained.

"As long as you won't tell anyone, otherwise I will eat you." The deep voice of the beast threatened with such a serious tone that it send shivers down my spine.

"Serious Fraener, why can't you just keep your mouth shut. I sure if I had asked them they woulden't have told anyone but now they even know that you can talk." Lucas complained as he looked at the Wyvren with a furious look in his eyes.

"I just wanted to make cleare that they better keep it a secret." The beast replied in his defence.

"Yeah, thats another problem. Could you stop threatening people that you would eat them." Lucas said seemingly annoyed.

"Its not a threat, its a promis!" The beast responded.

With a long sigh Lucas turned to us with a apologetic smile on his face.

"I'm sorry for his bad behavior, he can be... difficult at times. Otherwise he is a capable companion." Lucas explained.

"Its fine but may I ask how it comes that you bonded with a Wyvren and with such a strong one at that?" I asked full of curiosity.

"Well, it somehow just happened. I spent three years in the Beast Glades with Arthur before I attended this academy and during one of our dungeon dives, just after we supposedly defeated the dungeon boss, Fraener appeared infront of us. I somehow caught his intrest which lead to us creating a bond." He elucidated.

So I wasn't wrong with my assumptions of him. When even a Wyvren as strong as Fraener gets intrested in this boy, he must posses incredible potential. Just what is happening on this continent that so many promising young mages appear one after another. If this continues we might not need to worry about a possible conflict with the other continent.

"To be honest you have caught my intrest aswell. Cynthia had told me you display an intresting way of using mana. She said that your spell casting seems different then what it normaly should be. Also I can see that your at the light orange stage but I don't quite belive that. Ofcourse you don't have to tell me whether that is your real stage or not." I said truthfully.

"You're just as sharp as your granddaughter, elder Virion." Lucas replied seemingly amused.

Without another word he took of simple looking necklace with a single coin-like charm on it.

I immediately enhanced my eyes with mana and foucused my gaze on his sternum.

"Grampa!" Tessia yelled as she kneeled down next to me. I didn't even realize that I have fallen to the ground but that is the last thing I care about right now.

"Elder whats wrong?" Alea asked concerned.

"I.. I knew that you would be at a higher stage then orange but I thought you would be around Arthur's level, but that! I would have never guessed thar you would be on the same stage as me." I mumbled in shock about what I have seen just now.

"What do you mean elder?" Alea asked as she helped me up.

"Look for yourself." I responded gesturing towards Lucas.

I saw her concerned and confused expression changed to one of utter disbelieve.

"Lucas how old are you?" She asked politely.

"I'm 13." He replied nonchalant. A hint of amusement in his eyes.

"H-how? That should be impossible. Not only did you reach the silver stage at 13 years of age but you also advanced to the mid silver stage already. What did you do to purify your core so fast?" Alea asked, failing to contain her excitement.

"I don’t know myself, it just happened." He replied putting back on his necklace.

"Lucas would you be intrested in a sparring match?" I asked eagerly.

Before he had the chance to answer my request, a burning sensation on my ring finger caught my attention. Pulling out the humming scroll I accept the call and was greeted by my son.

"Alduin, how may I help you?" I asked.

"Father we're having an important meeting in an hour. It would be great if you could join us." My son asked respectfuly.

"I understand, I'm on my way." I replied with a smile.

After we ended the call the scroll turn to ashes. I let out a long sigh. I thought after I appointed my son as the new king I would only be a loving grandpa to my granddaughter but with the founding of the council and the discovery of a new continent I'm being draged back into all of it. And now I have to attend yet another long and boring meeting.

"I'm sorry but it looks like I'm needed by the council. We would have to delay a possible sparring match to a later date." I announced.

"That shouldn't be a problem. I would be honored to spar against the great Virion Eralith, so just let me know when your at the academy again." Lucas replied with a slight nod. I nodded back, already excited for our next meeting.

"Do you really have to go already?" Tessia asked in a saddened tone.

"Unfortunately I do, little one. But I will be back as soon as I can."  I said with a soothing voice.

"Then I will accompany you to the gate. There is some student council work that I have to take care of so I would have had to leave soon anyway." She said with a smile.

"Alright then." I replied with a warm smile. "Oh and Arthur, you will have to fight me when I'm back aswell. And you'er not a kid anymore so there is no reason for me to hold back." I added loughting wholeheartedly.

"Ofcourse you wouldn't." Arthur replied giggling.

As we were about to leave I saw something unbelievable im the corne of my eye. The gigantic Wyvren shrank significantly and he turned into an... owl!?

"Ähmm... What was that?" I asked flabbergasted.

"Can't fly through the academy in my true form, now can I?" Fraener replied landing on Cynthia's shoulder.

"Thats right, I guess." I responded still confused.

"Elder one last thing. Please keep what you have seen today a secret. I'm not that intrested in having to many people knowing my secrets." Lucas asked.

"Do not worry Lucas, your secrets are save with us." I responded. I have no reason to expose his secrets and it would be stupid of me to make such a strong mage my enemy.

We left, leaving Arthur and Lucas behind. On our way to the exit of the faculty building Tessia told me everything about her training with Arthur and Lucas. It warmth my heart to see her so happy and it is all thanks to Arthur. Ever since he rescued her all so years ago she has gotten more approchable for others. She has made alot of friends already and I can't thank him enough for that. Now he only needs to grow the balls to finaly ask her out. Thats reminds me I need a new cactus, just in case he dose something he shouldn't do before marriage.

We soon arrived at the gate and said our goodbyes to Tessia and Cynthia. After we entered the carriage we told the driver our destination.

"What are your thoughts about this boy, Alea?" I asked, observing the busy streets of Xyrus.

"He is... special. More then I have expected. I once talked with Bairon about Lucas and he said that he belives Lucas could reach the white stage naturally. I didn't belive him back then but now it dosen't seem impossible anymore." She said, her eyes filled with fear and excitement.

"I understand. So there are now two who have such potential." I said more to myself then to her.

"What do you mean elder? Who else then Lucas has such potential? " Alea asked confused.

"Arthur. As you know he awakened earlier then everyone else in our continents history and if it hadn't been for his Beast Will he aswell would already be at the silver stage. Maybe even at the high stage." I explained.

"What terrifying monster they are." Alea responded.

"Haha, yeah. Thats what they are." I said laughing.

I just wish that those kids could grow up in peace. Not having to fight in a war. That is nothing anyone should go through. I can only hope that this other continent dosen't start a war with us.



Meanwhile still in the training room did the two boys set down on the fountain. Sylvie run through the rather tall grass, enjoying herself alot.

"Are you sure it was okay to show them Fraener and your core stage?" Arthur asked concerned.

"Well, it will be beneficial for me to build trust with the future comander of the entire Dicathen military and another Lance. And regarding Fraener, its his secret to tell. He knew that they approched this room aswell as I did. If it was in his intrest to hide his identity he would have." Lucas replied dipping his feet into the water.

"I see." Arthur responded dipping his feet in aswell. "And what about our visiter? Did Fraener got more information so far?" He asked.

"As of now, Caera still hasn't interact with Draneeve and only talks with Kai  about their duties in the DC. I belive that Caera is supposed to stay here in Dicathen even after the attack. I don't know why for certain but she probably shall remain as a spy during the war. Kai on the other hand talks with Draneeve on a daily bases. Reporting and helping to recruit more noble brats." Lucas elucidated.

"And they already startet using the elixir. Luckily none of them died so far. But who knows how that might change in the near future." Arthur replied.

"Well, its no use to think about it that much. Lets go back to our room. We need to rest, don’t forget I have an exam tomorrow professor Leywin." Lucas said teasingly.

"As if this little exercise is a challenge for you." Arthur retorted laughing.

They left the training room and went to their dorm room wishing Mary a good night as they passed her.

Upon arriving they each took a shower and went to bed afterwards.

As the early sunrays shined through, illuminating the entire room, Lucas was pulled out of his dreams. He rose from his bed and stretched his whole body whiles yawning. As he checked the time he saw that is was only 6.30 am.

He lazyly walked into the bathroom to clean himself and to put on his uniform.

As he left the bathroom he saw Arthur still deep in his slumber. Sylvie on the other hand was already up to his surprise.

"Good morning Sylvie." He greeted cheerfuly.

"Morning uncle." Sylvie responded still groggy. It warmth Lucas' heart everytime her hears this cute childish voice call him uncle, it just makes him happy.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked as he picked her up.

"Yes!" She exclaimed.

"Your papa is still asleep its seems." He said, his eyes laying on his best friend.

"Papa always sleeps long." Sylvie said yawning.

"I know." Lucas responded with a soft giggle.

He leaned over Arthur and at first tried to wake him up gently but after that didn't work he casted a weak lightning spell around his finger and tapped Arthur on his arm. The later jerked up a little before he realized what had happened.

"Why so gental today?" Arthur asked as he stretched his body.

"Want me to be more brutal tomorrow?" Lucas asked teasingly.

"I would appreciated it if you would continue to wake me up so gental." Arthur responded as he stood up.

"Don't know if I can keep that promis but I will try." Lucas retorted, laughing at the fact that he will not keep that promis. "Anyway, I'm going on a walk. Maybe I see some trouble maker that I can beat up." He added.

"Okay, I hope you can have some fun." Arthur said giggling. "Sylvie do you want to go with him?" He asked his bond as he caressed her head.

"Okay." She responded, still sounding tired. She jumped onto Lucas head and layed down. Falling asleep immediately.

"Then, see you later." Lucas said as he walked to the door.

He left the room and walked down the long hallway of the dorms. He descended the stairs down to the first floor and procceded to walk to the exit. He walked passt the receptionist, Clara if he is not mistaking, and gave her a bright smile. She smiled back and wished him a good day.

Shortly after he left the dorms Fraener, his owl looking like Wyvren, landed on his shoulder.

'Good morning buddy, got something for me?' He asked his bond mentally.

'Good morning to you too. And yes, I indeed have some news. Two to be accept. One is nothing really new but the other is intresting. Which do you want to hear first?' Fraener asked.

'Give me the boring one at first.' Lucas replied as he greeted some passing by students.

'Kai brought this Ravenpor kid to Draneeve yesterday. He ofcourse joined them immediately and they gave him three of those elexirs for him to use as he pleases.' Fraener reported.

'I see. We will have to keep an eye on him. Hopeful noone dies because of that. We have been lucky so far but who knows when the first one will die and this brat probably wouldn't even care.' Lucas replied, his voice filled with disgust. 'Alright whats the other news?'

'Caera had a talk with Seris and they said something about a phase two of her mission. As you expected she is meant to remain here as a spy but it sounded like Seris had something else in mind. She seemed rather happy that Caera would have to stay in Dicathen.' Fraener replied.

'That makes sense. If the Seris in this world is like how I remember her to be than she cares for Caera ad if she was her daughter. Did they say anything else that could be helpful?' Lucas asked cheerfuly about all this new information.

'Caera expressed her concern about the safety of her family. She said she is scared that Agrona will kill them when he finds out that she and Seris aren't really working for him. Seris reassured her that no matter what she always makes sure that Caeras family is safe. Thats all they have talked about.' Fraener responded.

'Thats alot more then what we got in the last two month. We now know Caera isn't exactly our enemy which allows us to possibly form an alliance with her and Seris in the future. You have done a good job how about you take the day off and just relax?' Lucas offered, satisfied with that information.

'Thanks but nah. There isn't anything else that intrests me so I will continue to look over them.' Fraener responded as he took of to the sky.

As Lucas watched his bond acsend to the sky he couldn't hold back a smile. He was so happy to have him by his side. Lucas is certain that he couldn't have come so far in his preparations without him. Knowing how much Fraener wishes to obtain a humanoid body, he oathed to himself that nomatter what he will grant him that wish.

"Alright Sylvie, lets go to todays first leason." Lucas announced.

"Boring." Sylvie complained quitely.

They quickly walked towards Lucas fundamentals of mana theory class where they met up with Arthur. Just like the leasons in the last two month they did learn a thing. Its not like the teacher is incompetent or anything. What he teaches them is just useless for them.

The following class was fun to watch. In the exam, that Arthur prepare for his class, were the students supposed to use their most powerful spell with as less mana as possible. The ones that wanted a challenge were supposed to do the same but the augmenter had to push their spell of their body and control it like a conjurer and the conjures were to absorb the spell. Just like he taught them in his first class.

All his students passed the exam but except for Lucad, Kathlyn and Fayrith noone was able to do the extra task.

Arthur and Lucas parted ways after the end of the class. Arthur going to his basic artificing classes and Lucas to his Beast Glades class.

"Good morning Caera. Early as always." Lucas greeted as he took his seat.

"Good morning. Well I yet have to encounter troublemaker inbetween classes." She responded im her defence.

"Maybe they are scared of you." Lucas said teasingly.

"Huh, Lucas! Did you just said that I'm a scary person?" Caera asked overdramatic.

"Thats what I said but not what I belive. I think your piercing gaze and your aura that basicly yells 'just dare to make any trouble and I will beat you up' makes you a lovly person." Lucas replied, mimicing her former reaction.

"Its good to kown that atleast you understands what I truly am." She responded, bearly able to hold in her laughter. She quickly calmed herself. "How is your arm?" She asked.

"Oh, my arm is all healed up now. I'm finally able to start training again." He replied.

"Thats good to know. How about we spar when we have the time?" She offered.

"I would love that." He replied with a smile.

"Good morning class." Professor Hunt's deep voice rang through the room. "I have some good news dor you. We will have a field trip to the Beast Glades at the end of the month. We might even dive into a dungeon." He announced.

The entire class erupted into cheering. Many whispered amongst each other how lucky they are that they took this class. Others expressed their fears. But overall everyone seemed excited for this field trip.

-3670 words

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