Naruto Uchiha: the dragon emp...

By SithTrooperO9

77.5K 1.3K 252

A rewrite of my first fanfic. Decided for a rewrite as there were too many grammer mistakes, power scaling is... More

A visit from the west
Night of the Uchiha Massacre
Summons and discoveries
A plague
Graduation and team 7
Team 7 and the mission to Wave
Mission to Wave
Mission to Wave part 2
Missions for team 7
The chunin exams
The forest of death
Chunin finals
Dragon vs racoon
Konoha crush
Promotions and development
Search for Tsunade
Land of Snow
Sasuke retrival mission
Blood Prison part 2
The War in Mist
Consolidating power
Journey to the west
Battle against the Sathar'i
War of Unification part 1: declaration
War of Unification part 2: seven days to the river Kresh
War of Unification part 3: Carathian campaign
War of Unification part 4: fall of Decapolis
War of Unification part 5: state of the world
War of Unification part 6: northern campaign
War of Unification part 7: assassination attempt
War of Unification part 8: war's end
The new emperor
Return home
Vs Deidara and Sasori
Battle in a desolate forest
Fated battle between clansmen
The truth of Itachi Uchiha
8 tails capture
5 kage summit
Danzo's death and student vs teacher
The relics of the king
Demons of the ancient world
March of the Daevites
Operation: Sea Lion
The Battle of Stone
Blackfyre victories
Uchiha vs Uchiha
Death of a snake
The alternate world
The alternate world part 2
Clash of gods
10 tails jinchuriki
Kaguya Otsutsuki strikes
Showdown: Naruto vs Menma

Blood Prison

1.6K 27 0
By SithTrooperO9

         -Village Hidden in the Grass-

''Is everything in set?'' crown prince Daemon Blackfyre asked a captain.

''Yes sir. Artillery is in place, copters ready and troops armed.'' the captain replied.

''Time for our first military victory in the east, captain.'' Daemon said as he looked at the Hidden Grass. It was night and Daemon wanted to see the strength of ninjas. ''Now.''

''NOW!'' the captain shouted and snipers shot the wall guards dead. Then, artillery cannons fired and the shells exploded inside the city. As Grass ninja prepared to fight, the copters came in. The guns blasted the ninjas dead and the village gate was destroyed. Tanks and armored transporters came in and hundreds of imperial soldiers. The imperial troopers of Magog armed with rifles, pistols, knives and grenades charged, tearing down Grass ninjas. But leading this charge was prince Daemon with his longsword and battle axe.

Daemon made a war cry and hit an incoming Grass ninja in the head with his axe. He sliced another ninja in half, beheaded another incoming ninja, dodged a sword swing and hit the Grass ninja with the axe. Daemon cut a second ninja and then decapitated the other ninja who fell down after being hit with his axe. A fireball was shot and Daemon swung his sword which sent the fireball away. He put down his axe and took out a spear, throwing it and impaling a Grass ninja. Daemon used his acrobatic body and avoided a spear attack. He tanked a wind jutsu and cut the jutsu caster. Daemon moved fast and killed another Grass ninja while blocking an incoming strike. He punched a ninja down and stabbed the ninja dead. A female Grass ninja tried to run, throwing a barrel at Daemon but the prince cut it to pieces.

Daemon then stabbed the Grass ninja and moved to the left to avoid a water bullet. Daemon did a flip and beheaded two more ninjas. He thrusted his axe to a ninja's stomach and then stabbed him in the brain. Daemon blocked a sword strike with his axe and killed the ninja with his sword. Daemon them moved on to kill more. He thrusted his axe and hit a ninja in the shoulder. He continued moving, trapping a ninja and cutting his throat. Daemon also pushed a Grass ninja down, cut two more in the ribs and then stabbed the fallen ninja.

The warships of Magog came flying down from the skies and the victory flag was raised over the village. The Grass ninjas surrendered as high government officials narrowly escaped with about a hundred loyal ninjas. Soldiers stood proudly as the copters began to slowly bring new fortification on the village walls. Daemon stood proudly with Pakura and Daena besides him. His first victory in the east and Magog had a base of operations now.

It was about this time Sasuke Uchiha had defected for Orochimaru and the Sound.

      -Village Hidden in the Leaves-

''You know, Sasuke...'' began Naruto, ''... when we were seven years old, after the massacre, I came to you with some deserts. I told you that we could maybe work together, grow stronger together... as clansmen, as brothers but you rejected that. Now, there is officially only one Uchiha.'' Naruto coldly told Sasuke and walked to the Hokage. Naruto took his pay and flash stepped home.

Sasuke was taken away. No longer a ninja. Just a regular person who could not mold chakra and a traitor in the eyes of the people who spoiled him in his youth. Sasuke knew that the only reason the Leaf would possibly have any use for him was to collect his sperm but it was uncertain. For him, this was a fate worse than death.

(Naruto's home)

''You called for me, master?'' Kin Tsuchi asked as Naruto had requested her. Upon her master's orders, she arrived. Her eyes widened and she gasped in shock as standing before her was Tayuya. ''T-T-T-Tayuya!? What are you- argh!'' Tayuya did not respond with words but by choking Kin and lifting her up. ''Tayuya, it's me, Kin.'' Then, the red head kissed her and threw her down.

''So you know her, Kin.'' Naruto remarked and stood in front of the brunette. ''Sorry but I was testing the mental command ability and got a bit carried off.'' Naruto said and got Kin back up and standing. ''I'm leaving you and Tayuya to pair up, Kin. Make sure you don't disappoint me.''

Naruto walked down to his basement and continued trying to crack the Uzumaki clan seals. These particular seals was like blood magic, allowing you to modify certain parts of the body. Naruto could use it to fasten the aging process of newborns and make an army solely loyal to him. A mix of Inuzuka and Hyuga clan would be his loyal mindless minions. However, his knowledge of the secret arts was low and limited, a mere shadow of the Uzumaki before their downfall which was also a mere shadow of it's original form. Naruto sighed and decided to stop for the day. He stood up, walked to the other rooms and inspected.

In one room, Haku was training in how to use the ice jutsu he copied from the Snow ninjas. In another, Karin was learning medical ninjutsu, Tayuya and Kin in another room, Temari in the next room. He entered the dubbed 'planning chamber' which was protected by five Inuzuka and two Hyuga branch members. Hinata was there, a chain attached to her collar and Naruto took it. The enslaved former Hyuga heiress following obediantly like a dog. ''How goes the cyber forming?'' Naruto asked Delta who was turning Yugito Nii into a cyborg.

''Going smoothly, master.'' Delta replied. ''She'll be ready soon.''

''Good. The faster they're ready, the sooner I can make my move for power.'' Naruto said as Delta put the bits and pieces of machinery into Yugito.

''You know, master, last night the Hidden Grass was attacked. Information says that the Grass government along with a few hundred loyalists fled.'' Delta told her master.

''Well, that is an unforseen turn of events. Do we know who they are? The ones who attacked the Grass?''

''Not for the moment, my master. It's only a theory but it could be your Blackfyre relatives.''

''My far western relatives? I do not know, Delta. If they indeed are, then we can make contact with them to help me in my takeover.'' Naruto said. ''Continue working and gather information, Delta. I do hope it is the Blackfyres.''

-secret underground chamber-

Inside a secret underground chamber was Minato, Kushina and the elders. The recent overthrow of the Hidden Grass startled the ninja world, particularly the Leaf. Word reached them that the Grass leaders had fled and according to Danzo, their last hopes lied on a myth: the box of paradise. A weapon dating to the era of the sage of six path, the box was said to be capable of granting wishes. Such a thing was viewed with skepticism but it did not change the fact that the ousted Grass leaders were trying to use a weapon of the sage. Such weapons were powerful and they believed the Grass to be a big threat now.

''We cannot allow some weak leaders from a backwater village to get their hands on a weapon of the sage. Those who cannot even stop a takeover should not be in charge. Granting wishes or not, doesn't change the fact that it is a weapon capable of mass destruction.'' the elder Koharu Utatane, told those attending the meeting.

''I second this but where is the box located anyways?'' Homura Mitokado asked.

''In the blood prison.'' Danzo answered.

''Then it would take an army to breach in.'' said Homura. ''We can do it but most of our jonin and chunin are defending the border. By the time we get our forces ready, the Grass leaders might already have the weapon. We need to think of something or it will be disastrous in the future.'' Homura expressed his thoughts and got the others thinking. Eventually, it was Kushina and her spiteful mind that got an idea.

''I got it!'' Kushina exclaimed, gaining the other's attention. ''We send one of our jonin, someone in the Leaf, and put him in the prison under false charges. He can then undermine the security of that prison while our forces gather and we storm the prison. It's fool proof.''

''And who would this jonin be, first lady Kushina?'' Danzo asked but he already knew the answer. Given Kushina's utter contempt for said jonin in question, it was just a way to rid herself of him. Danzo needed to make sure he got the best from this deal.

''Jonin Naruto Uchiha.'' was Kushina's answer. ''His sharingan, weapons, contract and money are too important however but no need to worry. We take them from Naruto as under the Leaf's laws, any rogue nin will have his or her property taken by the village. We'll throw him in the prison and then, the Leaf will storm in.''

''Kushina, I don't-'' Minato tried to reason but Danzo was on favor with the Uzumaki's plan. Since Danzo gave his support, both Koharu and Homura reluctantly supported it. Kushina focused more of her will onto the slave seal and eventually, Minato gave in. ''Fine. We will send jonin Naruto Uchiha to the Blood Prison.''

Kushina was giddy at having her victory over Naruto. Danzo made sure to add Naruto's sharingan to his collection.

                     -the next day-

Naruto was inside the secret underground chambers. Hinata, chained with a collar, was by his side like a loyal dog. The cyber forming of Yugito was successful and Naruto was testing her. The former Cloud jonin and ex jinchuriki obeyed his orders without hesitation. ''All things are going smoothly and as I want.'' Naruto commented at the state of things.

Yugao arrived inside the room, kneeling down before Naruto to deliver a message. ''My lord, the Hokage has asked for your presence.''

''Now what would he want with me?'' Naruto muttered and flash stepped to the Hokage tower.

(Leaf's council chamber)

Naruto was told by two ANBU to go to the council chamber instead. Naruto did as told and went there, surprised to find the entire ninja and civilian members present. ''Welcome, Naruto. Hope it wasn't too troublesome.'' Minato said, filled with nervousness. The council members were called only as witnesses and to legitimize the arrest warrent.

''It wasn't but I have to ask, why did you call me?'' Naruto asked. ''What does it have to do with me?''

''Because it has everything to do with you, bastard!'' Kushina roared.

''Kushina! Quiet.'' Minato ordered. ''Naruto, the reason why you're here is because both the Leaf and Cloud are on talks with each other for a potential alliance.''

''That's great but what does it have to do with me?''

''Because... the Raikage was attacked... by you!'' Minato dropped the bomb, shocking Naruto greatly.

''What? I had no knowledge of this. I was in my home and not out. This is a lie!''

''I'm sorry Naruto but for trying to kill the kage of another village and nearly starting a war, I have no choice but to arrest you.'' Minato said and four ANBU came. ''Your sharingan will be extracted, your weapons and contract taken.''

''And given to my dear children who are far more worthy than you, bastard.'' Kushina taunted Naruto as the ANBU came closer.

Naruto's gaze darkened and he prepared for battle. ''Consider this... my treason, then.'' Naruto took out his Narada and focused red lightning onto his left hand. He made a red lightning spear, killing an ANBU and impaling Kushina in the shoulder. The Uzumaki screamed much louder than Sakura did and in great pain. The lightning was to disrupt her chakra and weaken her.

Naruto swung the Narada and sliced an ANBU in half. He jumped up, coming back down to decapitate the other two and trap all the council members in a powerful genjutsu. Naruto wanted to use his Kotoamutaukami while they were subdued but more ANBU came and so did Menma and Mito. Naruto surged forward and engaged his enemies. Despite being outnumbered, he was more powerful than most of them. Naruto killed three more ANBU and he fought both Menma and Mito. He saw Minato break free and mentally ordered Tsume Inuzuka to be ready. He summoned his Susanoo and the pillars were struck, causing the entire ceiling to collapse.

Minato grabbed Kushina and used the flying thunder god to flee. Tsume and the other ninja clan heads also escaped but half of the ANBU and the civilian council members were crushed. Danzo survived thanks to his izanagi.

Naruto made a shadow clone with instructions to have the women hide in the tunnels and strengthen the seals. Naruto jumped away to avoid a rasengan and used the Narada to block Mito's adamantine chains. Menma and Mito activated their tailed beast transformation, two tails, and attacked Naruto who in response used his dragon armor. Naruto's better speed and durability gave him the upper hand rather quickly. More ANBU and the few jonin and chunin in the village came to fight Naruto. To lessen their numbers, Naruto prepared a cero and fired it, killing about a dozen. He used flash step to kill more and Jiraiya came with his sage mode.

''Naruto. Stand down.'' Jiraiya told the Uchiha.

''To lying toads and red haired harlots? Think again you perverted, homeless fly eater.'' Naruto insulted Jiraiya for the toad sage mode transformation and the two faced each other.

Jiraiya was the more experienced of the two but that didn't mean Naruto would be an easy defeat. Jiraiya knew that Naruto had much better firepower than almost anyone in the Leaf. They needed to subdue him. Jiraiya's punches were pulled back as Naruto's armor was too strong. The two engaged in taijutsu with Naruto gaining the advantage due to his gauntlets. Jiraiya summoned the toad chief and Naruto conjured his perfect humanoid Susanoo. Naruto's Susanoo roared and threw yasaka magatama beads at the village buildings which the toad used as cover.

The humanoid Susanoo took out it's chakra longsword and spear and started attacking. The toad took out it's knife but had to constantly evade the much stronger Susanoo. Leaf ninjas came, throwing explosive kunai and all sorts of jutsu at the Susanoo. In response, the Susanoo attacked them and killed dozens of both civilians and ninjas. The clan heads, minus Tsume, too came in to join the fight. Mito's adamantine chains held the Susanoo down while Menma and about three dozen shadow clones came down with big ball rasengans. Jiraiya jumped up with sage mode amped big ball rasengan and struck Naruto's Susanoo. A toad oil and fire jutsu made by Jiraiya was still useless but significant damage was done.

Tsunade came charging down with her super strength and struck the Susanoo at the weakest point. The armor broke and Naruto fell down. He would not give up however. Naruto focused lightning and released it, electrocuting those nearby. Tsunade came and kicked Naruto and then punched him while Mito attacked him with a rasengan. Black wind distracted them and Naruto grabbed the two females by their heads and dragged them across the buildings. The ANBU led by Jiraiya came and attacked Naruto who made his last stand there.

Then, wood sprang up from the ground to create a box. Specialized seals were on it to prevent his escape and started to make his chakra useless. Naruto managed to seal the Narada away as his dragon armor disappeared and Minato came.

''Successfully made, lord Fourth.'' an ANBU told Minato.

''He caused enough damage today. Take him away to the prison.'' Minato ordered and the Leaf ninja did as told. In the end, Naruto had his eyes and weapons and contract still with him but he was a prisoner now. His hopes were now lying with his loyal subordinates.

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