Livin' It Loud

By Saediee

5.3K 103 26

YOU (Haisley Aurelia) was a well-known Nickelodeon kids actor in the late 2000s and early 2010s, after leavin... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Chapter One

965 13 1
By Saediee

Chapter One - The Monsters Are Due on Haisley's Street (Part One)

EXT. The Allans House - DAY

As we zoom in closer to Allan's house, we can hear the sound of arguing. The screaming echoes louder and louder as if the walls themselves are vibrating with tension.

Jo and Ian are in the midst of a heated argument, but this is no ordinary disagreement. The air is thick with anger and resentment, and their words are like daggers, cutting through the air and leaving wounds in their wake.


Jo and Ian stand in the living room, each of them glaring at the other with eyes that are fuming with anger. Their bodies are tense, their fists clenched at their sides.

That is not what you said! You're changing the story!

Are you even listening to yourself?! Have you actually forgotten everything?!

You were barely there! You're never there! I practically raised them!

OH? Is that so? Not our babysitter?! Because trust me she
has clocked in more time than you ever did!

Don't you dare say that when you've only shown
up to set with them twice! Who was there the rest
of the time?! And not to mention Justin's baseball
games, who went to those?! HUH?

Their voices start to fade in and out, creating an echoing sound as we pan around them.
The tension is so high that it feels like the house itself is shaking with the force of their voices. Every word they scream at each other seems to reverberate through the walls, amplifying the intensity of their argument.

It's clear that this isn't just a simple disagreement - this is a full-blown confrontation...

and the stakes are high.

You know you're an absolute control freak, right?


Yeah, you're a control freak. YOU'RE A CONTROL FREAK.

What on earth are you talking about? What are you
talking about?!

Not just to our kids but to the entire family, you're a
control freak!

At least I try to manage everything! What on earth have
you been doing?!

As the camera pans around the room, we catch a glimpse of the hallway leading to the front door. In the shadows, we see a little girl peaking around the corner of a staircase.


It's Ella, and there are tear streaks on her face.

MIA (O.S.)
They're not done yet?

Mia walks down the stairs to Ella's side, her face also red with tear streaks. Ella shakes her head, her eyes wide with fear and sadness.

As the tension in the room continues to build.

A beat.


Something made of glass has broken! The girls cling onto each other as they back-jumped back, startled.


The shattered pieces of the vase reflect the light in the room, and water from the vase has spilled onto the carpet, creating a small puddle. We see Ian holding a piece of the broken vase in his hand. His face is red with anger, and he throws the piece to the ground.

(voice breaking)
Have you completely lost your mind?!

Are you going to listen to me now?

What is wrong with you?!


Ella runs up the stairs in tears, sobbing quietly through her run.

Where are you going?

No answer.

A minute later, Ella runs back down the stairs, her phone in her hand with the Uber app open. Mia looks at Ella and shakes her head, her eyes filled with worry.

No.. we can't do this it's too dangerous.

(voice breaking)
We can't stay in this house anymore, I- I don't
know what they're gonna do next but we need to go.
We need to go.

A beat.


Together, the sisters rush out the door, leaving their troubled family behind. As they step outside, the cool night air hits their faces, and they look up at the clouds in the sky.



Haisley just finished wiping the counter of the kitchen, the smell of bleach still lingering in the air.

She throws the cloth into the sink and walks over to the couch in the living room, ready to relax after a long day.


As she's about to sit down, there's an aggressive knock on the front door.

I'll get it!

Looking out the peephole, she sees two small figures standing outside.


Haisley, shook as she reached for the doorknob and turned it. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she saw Ella and Mia standing there without any adult supervision.

(still in shock)
Ella? Mia? How-- but.. how did you guys get here?
Where are Mom and Dad?!

We took an Uber.

All by yourselves?!

It was only an 8-minute drive! You live close so--

Haisley stepped out of the door and put her arms around the girls, feeling a sense of protectiveness and concern for them.

Yeah, but you're too young to be doing that,
and we're in LA. ANYTHING can happen.

She kneeled down to talk to the girls, making sure she was at their eye level and they were comfortable talking to her.

Promise me. You won't do this again.

A beat.

The twins exchanged a look and finally nodded in agreement.

(standing up)

Haisley guided the twins into the house and shut the door behind them, making sure they were safe and secure.


Annaka, curious of what was taking Haisley so long at the door went downstairs. When she reached the foyer, she was shocked to see the twins standing there. She hurried over to them to find out what has happened.

Ella? Mia? Is everything okay? How did you
get here?

Haisley huddled the twins to the couch and had them sit down. Annaka followed, and stood in front of them beside Haisley, ready to listen to their story.

The room was filled with an eerie silence as Haisley, Annaka, and the twins stared at each other.

A beat.

The twins looked remorseful and their eyes downcast with a deep feeling of constriction in their throat as they tried to hold back tears.

They both swallowed hard, trying to keep their composure.

Haisley and Annaka's hearts sank to their stomach watching the twins like this. Haisley quickly rushed to Mia and gave her a warm embrace. As Annaka followed with Ella.

The twins, feeling the warmth of their older sister's arms, finally broke down and burst into tears. Tears streamed down the twin's faces, their eyes red and puffy from the intensity of their emotions.

(holding Mia tightly)
It's okay. It's okay... I got you. It's

(holding Ella tightly)
You're alright... you'll be alright. I'm
here, it's okay.

They sat like this for a good minute, until Ella and Mia composed themselves. Haisley and Annaka continued to hold them, giving them the space and time they needed to process their emotions.

When Ella and Mia finally stopped crying, Haisley and Annaka pulled them back, looking at them with concern and love while still holding onto their hands. Haisley glanced at Annaka and back towards the twins.

Whether or not, you want to tell us
what happened. I need to call your
parents, so they know you're here
and safe.

Hearing that Haisley wants to call their parents, Ella and Mia's mood shifts from sadness to panic. They look at each other with fear in their eyes, the thought of their parents finding out what had happened filled them with dread.

Haisley and Annaka immediately noticed their reaction.

Hey-- no it's okay. I promise it's gonna
be okay.

Whatever happened, we'll talk to them
about it.

Haisley felt Mia's grip strengthen while Annaka rubbed Ella's back gently. Ella's hand moved to grip Annaka's, as she looked her straight in the eyes.

(voice breaking)
Please don't call them... please.

Annaka and Haisley exchanged, they could see the fear and desperation in Ella's eyes. They shared a silent understanding, nodding gently as they look back at Ella.

I know you're scared. I know. But your parents are
probably scared out of their minds right now, wondering
where you guys went. We have to call them, but like I said
earlier. Haisley and I are gonna handle everything. Everything.
Whatever you guys did, we're gonna help you fix it.

A beat.

Is that okay with you guys?

Knowing that they had Haisley and Annaka in their corner gave the twins a sense of security and comfort, as they nod in agreement.

As Haisley smiled from their understanding, Annaka and she stood up and sat on the couch with them. They moved the twins onto their laps, wrapping their arms around them in a warm embrace.

The twins leaned into their sisters, feeling safe and secure in their arms. All their eyes locked onto Haisley as she dialed the phone as it rang.

A beat.

(on the phone)
Hey, Jo. It's me, Haisley. I hope everything is
alright, I just want to call to let you know that Ella
and Mia went over to our house and they're safe right now.

No-- I know. No, they somehow found out
my driver's number and he picked them up.
Yeah. What? No, I didn't know that-- no

We can't make out what's on the other line of the phone call, but we hear talking at a rapid speed. Haisley gently moved Mia off her lap and nudged her closer to Annaka. Haisley stood up and walk to the backyard porch and close the sliding door.

Something unsettling is happening.



Annaka is finishing up tidying the dishes as Haisley opens the sliding door and walks back in, letting out a sigh.

Is it that bad?

Jo said she has never seen Ian like this and
things got kind of violent too... did you know
they didn't even notice the twins missing until I

She couldn't believe it, Jo and Ian were usually such attentive parents, and it was hard for Annaka to imagine them being so caught up in their argument that they didn't even notice their children leaving.

What?! Oh my gosh, that's insane! How
heated was that argument?! Do you think the
twins saw that?

I don't know, maybe. Look at them, I've
never seen them in this state! Did you get
them to talk?

No— they still won't speak about it. Do
you think they'll speak to like Sophia or

Perhaps, I don't know. I have to talk with
Jo about it tomorrow, her voice was breaking
as she spoke to me on the phone.

And the twins?

She said they can spend the night here,
it's better to let the tensions die down.
Should I call Sophia or Catherine?

Do it in the morning, if they still won't
say anything to us after breakfast
we'll let Sophia and Cat know.

Okay. It's getting late, we should head to
bed too.

Both walked upstairs together to the guest bedroom.


After knocking on the door, they entered and approached the twin's bed. Haisley on Mia's side and Annaka on Ella's. As they walk towards the twins, they could see that they were awake, but their faces lit up when they saw Annaka and Haisley.

Alright, sleep tight, okay?

And if you guys need anything, we're just a
couple of doors down the hall.

The twins gave them a goodbye hug as Haisley and Annaka left to go to their own bedrooms.


Haisley was dead asleep when suddenly she heard a voice calling out her name. She sat up, and as her vision focused, she realized it was one of the twins.

Ella? Mia? Is that you?


Haisley waved her over and Mia crawled over the covers, snuggling up against Haisley. As Mia got right up next to her under the covers, Haisley noted her eyes were red. Gently brushing the hair out of Mia's eyes.

Hey.. are you okay? Do you want to tell
me what happened?

Just.. a bad dream.

(holding Mia closer)
I love you so much.

Feeling the warmth of Haisley's body, Mia snuggles closer, her breathing slowing down.

I'm gonna turn on the TV and stay awake
until you fall asleep first, okay?

Mia nods, as she slips down under the cover and wrapped her arm around Haisley's waist, trying to fall back asleep.


Both of them have fallen asleep by now. Suddenly, Haisley felt a thrusting movement beside her. She opened her eyes and saw that Mia was having a nightmare. Her body was shaking, and she was making small whimpering sounds.

Please don't leave me!

Haisley quickly sat up and gently shook Mia's shoulders.

Hey, hey, hey! Sweetie, hey! Wake up, it's
just a nightmare. It's okay, wake up.

Mia's eyes fluttered open, and she looked around, disoriented. As soon as her eyes caught onto Haisley, Mia grabbed her tightly, her face buried into Haisley's chest.

Please don't ever leave me. Please
don't leave. Please...

While Haisley was confused, she heard the fear in Mia's voice and pulled her close.

I'm right here, it's okay. It's okay. I'm
not going anywhere, I promise. It's
okay. It's okay.

Haisley pulled back a little, stroking Mia's hair and looking into her eyes.

I'll never leave you, I promise. I'm right
here, okay? You're okay! It's okay.

Still seeing the fear through Mia's tears, Haisley gently slid her arms under Mia's shoulders, lifting her up and over her body, while Mia wrapped her arms around Haisley's neck.

(moving Mia)
Here, I got you. I got you.

Haisley carefully adjusted Mia's weight, making sure was comfortable before settling Mia's head on her chest.

(rubbing Mia's back)
Everything is okay... everything

As Mia breathes heavily, she hears something.. something subtle but loud at the same time.. it's like a...

Thump, thump, thump

It was Haisley's heartbeat... she's alive.

The assurance that Haisley is alive made Mia sob harder, her tears soaking Haisley's pajamas.

Please.. please don't ever
leave me.

Hearing Mia's cries get louder, Haisley sits back up, pulling Mia up with her, adjusting her position so they are face to face with eye contact.

I... I would never... I would never
leave you.

Haisley wipes away Mia's tears.

Hey.. what are you not telling me?

Mia turns her face away from Haisley's gaze and instead stares at the ceiling. She wraps her arms around Haisley's neck and buries her face in Haisley's shoulder, letting out a small sigh.

Haisley gently pulls away from Mia's embrace, placing her hands on Mia's shoulders and looking her in the eyes again. Mia's face is red and puffy from crying, and her eyes are watery and bloodshot.

Hey, hey look at me. No, stop,
look at me.
(using her hand to guide Mia's face
towards her)
No, it's okay. Mia. Mia look at me.
You're okay. You are okay. I'm right
here and I'm not going anywhere. I
love you so much. So so much.

Mia takes a deep breath and looks down at her hands, which are now tightly gripping Haisley's shirt. She then looks back up at Haisley and holds onto her even tighter.

Mia's grip on Haisley is so tight that it's almost painful. Haisley can feel Mia's nails digging into her skin.

You're all I have...


I don't know what to do if you
leave too... please. Don't ever

Sweetie, what are you talking
about? No one is leaving you. Not
me, not anyone.

I can't choose. I don't want...
to choose.

It's the argument. Mia thinks her parents might break up. The realization finally hits Haisley.

No.. sweetheart— I...
I know... I know...

Before Haisley can continue, Mia can't help but collapse into her arms. Haisley catches her, holding her tightly.

And if you leave too, I'll have
no one.

I'm not leaving, and neither is anyone
else. You don't have to choose, it's
okay. It's all going to be okay.

Mia pulls away from Haisley, shaking her head.

No. You don't know that! You weren't there!
You didn't hear mom cry, you didn't see them
scream at each other. You didn't hear the words
they said to each other. You weren't there!
You didn't hear things getting thrown, you didn't
have to cover your ears to hide from the sound!
You weren't there! So you don't know! You don't know!

Mia's voice rises with each word, her frustration and anger spilling out in a torrent. Haisley can feel the intensity of her emotions, and the rawness of her pain.

Haisley pulls Mia towards her chest, wrapping her arms around her in a tight embrace. Staring off into the distance.

Trying to take in everything she's just heard. She can feel Mia's tears on her shoulder, the weight of her pain in her arms.

A sudden knock on the bedroom door snapped Haisley out of her line of thought. She turns to see Annaka standing in the doorway. Haisley looks over at Mia, who's still crying quietly on the bed, and then back at Annaka.

Give me a moment, a moment and
I'll be right there.

Haisley tries to pull away, but Mia's grip only tightens in response.

Let go for just a minute for me, I need to
talk to Annaka.

Please don't leave.

Haisley can feel the strength in her arms, the desperation in her hold.

It's only for a moment, I promise. It's okay.
I promise. I'll come right back, I'll come right

She can see the tears streaming down Mia's face, the pain etched into her features.

I don't want you to go.

I'm not. I'm not going anywhere, I'll be right
outside the door. Just right outside the door.
I promise you. Just for one minute, I swear.

A beat

Just one minute. I won't even close the door,
just one minute.

She tries to gently pry Mia's arms away, but Mia only clings tighter.

Honey, it's just for one minute, I promise.

No! Haisley, please stay with me, please...
Please don't leave. Don't leave me. Please...

She stops struggling and looks down at Mia, feeling a sense of remorse wash over her. She knows that Mia needs her, and she can't just walk away.

(hugging Mia)
I'm right here. I'm right here. It's gonna
be okay. Okay, it's okay. I promise I'll
be here the entire night, it's okay. I'm
right beside you, it's okay. I'm not going
anywhere, it's okay. You're okay.

Haisley's eyes search for her phone, and when she spots it, she reaches out and grabs it. She types out a quick text to Annaka, letting her know that they'll need to talk in the morning

To be Continued...

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