By heartdevilxoxo

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two loser girls finding their place on the moral compass. asa mitaka x female reader fanfic :3 [PART 2 IN PR... More

an unwanted interaction
a mind that's been changed
the morning sun is yellow
the midnight moon is blue
peer into the window of my heart
be the sun that shines
give me a moment to breathe
don't put me in my place, feline!
your secret wouldn't be safe with me
look at this cool pebble
russian roulette is not the same without a gun
give me the thing i love (or don't)
i'm trying to tell you something, something that i already said
i hope nobody catch us
it almost worked
trade your dreams with mine
i can't sleep no more
get your face between my thighs
caught in-between love and fear
it's the thuggish ruggish bone
YOOOOO, CHESS T! (side chapter)
are you really who they idolize
i, i really wish you'd make up your mind
you don't have to speak, don't need to talk to me, baby, i already know
watch you weigh your powers
go, use your muscle, carve it out, work it, hustle
take a step back, letting go of the fear
together we'll mend your heart
i wanna take you away.
wrong move, ya dead, that girl is poison
then sink the teeth and bat your eyes
and now look at 'em, look at 'em, now, look at 'em sting
you got my heartbeat running away
must be love on the brain
all i wanted was you
in tune with all our dreams
go waste your breath somewhere to someone new
i already told her, if we gon' do it, then we gon' do it my way
just as i'd rehearsed over in my brain
forgive me and the world outside your room
i drink the poison right from your hands
you should wake up before the wrath comes
me and you could take off before the wrath comes
it's a scary night like trick or treat, i wanna scare her
there's a hole in the earth, i'm out
shut up and relax, don't lose your head
new scars, same war
a cold soul seeking warmth
now did you get it? get it, so write it down
you should know by now, really, that this could end, really
now ask yourself why it never ends
then why are you here?
next to the infant crying in your heart
rises the moon
you will never be free
decide! decide, is this it, is it just fine?
i swear i'll only make you cry
i've watched you change, now you feel alive
goodnight, hearts. (authors note)

then dive inside the mindset of a killer

301 22 83
By heartdevilxoxo

Asa looks down onto the streets, watching the dogs bark at each other. She takes a deep breath. "Hey-"

She jerks back and slams onto the bed. "Asa, I'm not letting you be in control until you arrive at school tomorrow. You're a danger to yourself and I." Yoru says as she sits up and closes the window in a swift motion. Asa remains silent and sits against the wall. She watches Yoru glare at her from the corner of her eye. "..I'm sorry."

"Don't. You need to listen to me more. You think irrationally."

"I know I do.."

"Then learn from your mistake, Asa. I'm not going to sleep in case you try anything while I do."

"I-I won't.."

"Don't lie to me. I know what you're thinking. I'll do your homework, just tell me what to put down."


After some time passes, Yoru puts her pencil down and sighs. "This is irritating." Asa stands beside her, bending down a bit. "It's not that bad. Plus, I'm telling you what to put." Yoru looks at her and narrows her eyes. "It still brings a headache."

Asa softly chuckles and sits onto the bed as she speaks. "I know, I can feel it.. um.. thank you for at least trying to talk me out of it." Yoru stares blankly at her. Asa stares back and begins to feel a bit awkward. "Um.. why are you just.. looking at me.."

"I don't need your gratitude, nor do I understand why you're thanking me."

"W-Well, it's just because, like.. I don't know.."

"You hate me, no? Why would you thank an enemy?"

"I don't consider you my enemy.. I just thought it was nice, I guess."

"I would prefer you not die. Even if I wouldn't die along with you, it would still be an inconvenience to me. I need you. You're very emotional, which helps with the power our weapons will hold."

"Um.. a messed up reason to keep me alive, sure, but I appreciate it."


"You're very confusing, Asa."

"Huh? How am I confusing?"

"Despite the situation I've forced you in, you still find a way to connect with me. Why?"

"Well, you're always here, and I, obviously, can't get rid of you. Even though I wouldn't really prefer it, you're still keeping me company. I've never really had that till recently."

"That company will be short lived, won't it? Why appreciate it?"

"You're letting me keep Y/N, and I can enjoy things even if they won't last very long. Given the circumstances, that'll have to be enough for now."


"I see."

Yoru stands up and flops onto the bed. She sits up on all fours, crawling around in a circle before resting her body upon the bed.

"Um.. are you going to sleep?"

"No. I simply don't want to sit on your chair any longer."

"Why are you laying like that..?"

"It's comfortable."

"You're trying to mimic Chester, aren't you?"

"I am not."

"You're pretty weird, y'know."

Yoru jerks her head up and crawls right in front of Asa. "I am NOT weird! Don't insult me!"

"Woah, woah, I'm not insulting you! I'm just stating the truth! You're pretending to be a cat!"

"I AM NOT WEIRD! YOU ARE THE WEIRD ONE!" She yells as she gets closer to Asa's face.

"JEEZ! CALM DOWN!" Asa yells back as she moves her head away. "Ugh. You're such a pain to deal with. Now I have to get comfortable again." Yoru mumbles as she starts her comfort process again. "Okay.. if you're gonna.. um.. do that stuff, please, and I MEAN this, PLEASE do not try and clean yourself like a cat." Yoru stays silent. Her eyes are closed. "Yoru?" Asa blinks and she's laying down, curled up in a ball. She sits up and scoots away from Yoru. She opens the window a bit and looks at the moon, feeling the breeze of the wind blow into her face.

She said she wasn't gonna sleep.. jeez..

Asa pokes her head out of the window, sighing. Her lip quivers subtly and she quickly backs up and shuts the window. She scoots up to her pillow and lays down, getting under the blanket. She stares at the ceiling for a few moments before looking at Yoru sleeping. She hesitates before sitting up and grabbing her pillow. She scoots down and lays next to Yoru, getting comfortable and looking at the clock. It's relatively late, and she only had a couple hours to sleep. Realizing this, she groans and closes her eyes, attempting to sleep.

After around 10 minutes, she sits up and rubs her face, sighing rather loud. She gets off the bed and goes to get a glass of water. As she's drinking it, her eyes widen and she chokes a bit once she remembers what those girls said.

Oh.. oh no.. they're gonna tell our teacher.. crap..

She feels a bit panicked and chugs the rest of the water, placing it in the sink. She speed walks back into her bedroom. "Yoru! Hey, wake up!" She yells. Yoru doesn't wake.



She gets in Yoru's ear, taking a deep breath.


Yoru jerks to the side and falls off the bed, poking her head up at Asa. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"

Asa bends down. "I.. I think we need to do something about them."

"Oh?" Yoru quickly has an attitude change.

"I-I mean, you and Y/N probably shook them up a bit.. but.. I'm freaking out about it."

Yoru grins and stands up. "We shall kill them!"


Her smile immediately drops. "Then what was the point of you waking me from my slumber if it weren't to plan their death?"

"If we were gonna kill them, we'd need to know where they live.. and it's way past midnight. You're supposedly smart, right? Can't you think of something aside from killing them?"

"You saying supposedly means you question my intelligence. Death would be the go-to in this situation. You know this."

"But.. it's wrong."

"There is no right or wrong. This world is kill or be killed. In our case, either they die or my goal won't be fulfilled. More people aside from them will die if we are taken captive by police."


Yoru moves closer to her, staring deep into her eyes.

"Pick your poison, Asa. It's a choice between evil or great evil. The choice is obvious."


"You're bluffing, aren't you?"

"..Excuse me?"

"You said more people would die. If you started a killing spree, it would attract Chainsaw Man. You can't kill him yet."

"Not if I turn each kill into weapons."

"Ooooh, I thought all of your weapons were just average."


Asa covers her face before groaning. She uncovers her face and gives Yoru an annoyed look. "You know what, if you really wanna kill them, YOU do it. You go figure it out, search for them or something. They'll probably be walking to school soon anyway." Asa lays down on the bed and faces the wall.

Yoru's eyebrow raises and she sits on the bed. "You suddenly don't care?"

"I'm done arguing with you. You're right, anyway. It's just easier."

Yoru excitingly giggles before taking over Asa's body. The way she laughed was a bit maniacal. She jumps up out of the bed and rummages through Asa's things before finding the shirt knife. "I'm not following you. I'm staying right here." Asa mumbles quietly.

"I'm surprised you're letting me do this! Finally, you listen!" She says rather loud before running out of the room. The front door closes shortly after. Asa sits up after a while and looks at the mess on the floor.

Jeez, she could've been more careful with my things.. w-wait.. hold up... why AM I letting her? What's wrong with me..? Oh.. you can hear my thoughts, right? Um.. but I won't know what your response is.. I'm not really too sure about this anymore..



She gets up and starts anxiously pacing her room in circles as she bites her nails. Her anxiety grows as each minute passes. After a while, she looks at the clock and realizes how much time had gone by.

How are you even gonna find them? Can't it wait? I.. I don't know why I bother trying to ask you questions.. I won't even hear your answer. Um.. actually, I don't wanna hear it.

You open your eyes and look out the window. You can't seem to sleep either. You feel a bit anxious. "Yo.. Chester. Wake up." You whisper and gently tap him.

"Mreoow.. huh.." He lifts his head up and yawns. "Whatcha want.."

"I.. I think I should go check on Asa. I can't sleep cuz I keep thinkin' about it."

"Mmm.. 'kay, but I ain't goin' with ya. I'm sleepy. Sleepy as hell."

"Sure, that's fine.." You get up and put some pants on before opening your window. "I'll be back soon, you just stay 'n chill." You say before climbing out of your window and closing it. You drop onto the ground and stretch your legs a bit before beginning to run to her apartment.

Once you reach her apartment door, you go to knock. You stop for a moment. You don't really wanna wake her, but you can't help but worry. You begin to knock. "Asa?" You project.


Asa quickly walks over to the door and looks out the peephole, seeing you standing in front of the door.


"Asaaaa?" You begin to get a little anxious. You look at the doorknob. Even though you feel bad, the anxiety is eating you up.

You try the door and it immediately opens. Oh.

Asa backs up and runs to her room. Everything is opened and exposed.


You walk inside and shut the door behind you. You take your shoes off and begin walking to her bedroom. You notice her shoes are gone. "Um.. Asa?" You continue walking down the hall. Her door is wide open, and she isn't in her bed. You can see a few things on the floor before entering the room. Asa keeps trying to close the door, but her hand simply phases through it. She starts squealing anxiously as you enter the room.

A lot of her things are on the floor. It looks like a tornado went through her room. You quickly exit the room and start searching her apartment while calling for her. She isn't home. You go back in her room and sit on the bed, covering your face and bobbing your leg up and down on the ground. Asa stands over you, holding her head and looking at the ceiling. You quickly turn around and open the window, crawling over and jumping out of it.

"WH- WHERE'S SHE GOING?!" Asa yells as she peeks out the window. She watches you run down the street. You're surprisingly fast. Since she knows she wouldn't get hurt, she jumps out of the window. Of course, she faceplants, but doesn't feel the pain. She starts to follow you.

You continue down the street and begin searching nearby. The sun is beginning to light up the sky, but barely.. for now.

As you continue your search, you pass by a few apartment buildings. After a while, you hear loud footsteps from afar. It's by another apartment building. You look over and see someone peering through each window of the apartments. Oh, they kicked a door down.. um.

You decide to investigate. As you approach closer, you hear multiple voices screaming. They all stop shortly after. You back up a little, debating if you should even check whatever's going on. Suddenly, somebody runs out of the door carrying multiple.. swords..? You can't really make out whoever it is, but you can tell they're looking at you. They seem like a deer in headlights.

"Um.. hey!" You say, beginning to approach quickly. They immediately dash away, running faster than you could. "HEY!" You chase after them.

They get further and further away from you, and you're beginning to run out of breath. "WAIT! WAIT UP!" You yell as you breathe heavily. They slow down and jump on top of a short building, Normally, it'd be physically impossible to jump that height for a normal human. They travel up multiple buildings.

"WH- HEY! DON'T RUN AWAY!" You yell as you jump to the edge of the short building. You climb up and start slowly climbing up the buildings. You reach the last building and look around.

They're gone.

"Shit.. was that a devil?" You say to yourself. "Wait.. it's.. it's none of my business. I need to look for Asa.."

You drop down from the building and brush yourself off, sighing.

Asa blinks and she's back in her apartment, holding four Spinal Cord Swords. "WH- EW!" She drops them immediately and looks at her clothes. Blood is all over her. "W-WHY DO YOU.. HAVE FOUR?!" She yells and looks at Yoru. "A-AND WHY.. AM I SO.. OUT OF BREATH?!"

"Y/N WAS LOOKING FOR YOU! SHE CHASED AFTER ME! But.. I don't think she knew it was me." Yoru says and sighs loudly. "Yeah, I KNOW! I watched! B-But.. ugh.. when she started chasing you, I couldn't keep up since you two were running so fast. Are you SURE she doesn't know?"

"She would've called your name. She just told me to stop running from her. I wonder why." Asa looks down at the swords. Two of them are those girls.. and the other two seem to be middle aged people. "W-Who are those two?" She points. "Ah, parents, I assume." She says.


"No witnesses."


"Those two happened to be together. I assumed it was a sleep over, luckily for me. One's parents happened to be next to them in their living room, and extra weapons could be useful."

"Oh.. oh gosh.." Asa covers her mouth and runs to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. "You seriously need to control yourself. I'd rather you not throw up every time we get kills."

"A FAMILY IS DIFFER- ...wait."


"She's.. she's still looking.. what if.."


"I NEED TO HIDE THIS, NOW!" Asa yells and flushes the toilet, removing her clothes and running to throw them in the washer. She trips a couple times as she runs around, and she almost trips onto the swords. Yoru stands completely still as she watches Asa chaotically run around and clean, put things up, and so on. "Um.." She says to herself. She grabs the shirt knife and picks up one of the swords. She runs to the bathroom and begins carving around the spine, accidentally cutting her finger a bit. She doesn't seem to notice. She gags a few times as she does.

Surprisingly, she finishes with all the swords in a few minutes. She throws the chunks of meat into the garbage. She plans to take the bag out somewhere later.

She passes by a mirror and backs up. She realizes it wasn't just her clothes that was covered in blood. Her face, her neck, all over her arms and hands.. the blood of a family was on her. She groans nervously and takes her bra and underwear off, jumping in the shower and immediately washing everything as quickly and efficiently as possible. After she gets out, she dries off a bit before picking up the bra and underwear and throwing them into the washer as well. It stopped the cycle for a moment, but she didn't necessarily care.

She takes all the swords and wraps them in a towel, shoving it where the other sword is. Thankfully, you didn't happen to notice it when you were in her room, despite how suspicious it looked.

"Asa, put some clothes on, please."

"NO TIME!" She yells and continues to run throughout her apartment, spraying perfume everywhere. She runs back into the bathroom and cleans up the blood on the counter. She tries to think of more things she needs to do, and spins around in different directions as she thinks. It looks like her brain is malfunctioning.

"OH! TRASH! TRASH!" She runs into her room and quickly puts clothes on, grabbing the trash bag and running out of the front door. Once she gets back, she enters her room out of breath.



"CHESTER?!" She screams, almost falling back.

"Oh, Asa! What's u-" He starts sniffing around. "Oh.. oh my." He finds where all the swords are hidden. "Oh, you did NOT cover this well, Asa."

"AH!" She runs over and takes the one with the four swords out, unwrapping it and placing it back into the towel.


She slowly turns her head around and sees the front door opening. Uh oh.

She wraps them up as fast as possible and shoves them away, hoping she wrapped it well. She stands up and faces the door.

You open the door all the way and gasp.

"ASA!" You exclaim, running over and almost tackling her. You squeeze her a little too tight, popping her back on accident. "OW, OW, OW!" She yells. You back up and hold her cheeks. "I WAS SO WORRIED! YOU WEREN'T HERE!" You look around her room and see Chester. You notice how clean the room is. "H-How long have you been back?" You ask.

"U-Uh.. um.. a while..?"

"Why weren't you here?" You say, turning your head back to her. "Why was your room such a mess?"




"My kittens musta made a mess here." Chester blurts out and brushes against your leg. "Is that true, Asa?"

She blinks a few times and stutters a bit. "W- um- uh.. y-yes.. one took something of mine.. so I went to get it back.."

"Oh.. what'd they take?"



"A-A shirt I like.. I got it back, though.."

You sigh in relief and hold her head. You press your forehead against hers. "I'm so glad you're okay.. I was so, so, so worried.." You hold her hand.

"O-Ow.." She takes her hand away and looks at it. "Huh..? Why do I have a cut on my finger?" She asks herself.

"Oh, jeez, that's pretty deep.." You examine it. "How'd you not notice? It bled a bit, too.. aw.." You exit her room and look around her apartment for a bit. You come back with a first aid kit. "Glad you had this. Sit down for a bit."

"O-Okay.." She sits down on her bed and you bend down and open it. You grab a small cotton ball and some alcohol. "This is gonna sting a lot, but I gotta clean it. You can bite down on my arm, okay?" You say as you put some of the alcohol on the cotton ball. "Are you sure..? I don't wanna hurt you.."

"Don't worry, love. I'll be okay." You take her hand and stick out your free arm. Her feet kick a little as she blushes. She holds your arm and opens her mouth. She puts your forearm in her mouth. "You ready?"

She nods her head. You start to clean it, and she immediately chomps down on your arm. She squirms a bit and tries to pull her hand away. "Hey, hey, it's okay, it'll be over soon.." You say as you continue to clean it.

Chester jumps up onto the bed and sits in Asa's lap. She starts to bite down even harder, but you stop shortly after. "Okay, I'm done. Let me get a bandaid." You pull your arm away and see a bit of blood coming out of your arm. "Oh, you bite pretty hard." Asa holds her finger. "O-Oh.. I'm so sorry.."

"Nah, don't worry 'bout it. I'll be okay."

Asa wipes her mouth.


Her wound closes a bit.

"Huh?" You look back at it and hold her finger. "Why's it closin'?"

You look up at her.

"I-It is?"

"It is."





"..You must got a super body or something! I wish I could heal wounds pretty quick!"


She laughs nervously. "Y-Yeah! I guess it's because I get hurt a lot.. yeah.."

"Yeah, maybe! I'll still put the bandaid on it, though. Just to be safe, y'know?" You say as you grab a small bandaid out of the kit. You put it on her finger and gently kiss it. She sighs and smiles while she holds your cheek. "Thanks.." You get up and look out the window. The sun is all the way up.

"Um.. I didn't sleep at all.." You say.

"I didn't either.."

"School's about to start.."


"You wanna stay home?" You sit next to her.

"No! I can't miss class!"

"Asa, it's gonna start in, like, half an hour."

"I have perfect attendance, though.."

"Alright, alright, we can go, control freak."

"HEY!" She shoves you and you shove back, giggling. She sighs and gets up after placing Chester beside her, looking for her uniform. She freezes and realizes it's in the washer.

"O-Oh.. I forgot. My uniform is in the washer." She turns towards you. "I'll go check on it.." She walks out of the room.

The washer stopped, but it still needs to be dried. She takes the clothes out and gasps.

It's.. it's stained. Uh oh.

She puts it back and speed walks back into her room.

"Soooo.. um.. my uniform kinda.. uh.. ripped?"

"It ripped? How?"

"I think it got caught on something, I don't know.."

"Oh, I know how to sew. I can fix it." You say as you stand up.

"NO!" She covers her mouth.


"I-I mean, it's fine! I can just get a new one! It's fine!"

"But.. I can just fix it."

"I-I don't have a sewing kit!"

"I have one at my place."

"We can just go buy another one really quick!"

"Wouldn't that be a waste of money? Really, I can just fix it."

"It's, like, super ripped! No fixing it!"

"Huh? Let me see, then. I got magic hands, don't worry."

"No! I-I'll just throw it out, it's fine!" She jogs out of the room and opens the washer, taking the clothes out. "Asa, just let me fix it, dude." You say as you get up. "No, no, no, no, no, no, it's fine!" She speaks quickly as she runs over to the trash, throwing everything that was in the washer out. You walk beside her and stare blankly at her. "Really."


"You're so silly, Asa. Alright, I guess we can go get a new uniform for you."

She sighs and rubs her eyes while yawning. "Okay.. well, let's go.. wh-" She looks down. "You didn't take your shoes off."

"O-Oh.. sorry.."

"It's fine, don't worry." She rubs the top of your head and smiles. "I'm gonna brush my teeth really quick. You wait outside." She says and walks to the bathroom. She backs out and looks at her bedroom. "Chester! You gonna stay here?"

"Be quiet. I'm tired." He says from her bed.

"Jeez, okay.."

You go and wait outside while she brushes her teeth. After a minute or so, she walks out and closes the door. She holds your hand and smiles at you. "I hope we're not too late.."

"It'll be okay, I'm sure of it."

"Is she not going to mention the literal murder she witnessed?" Yoru says out of no where.

That's.. that's a good question. Well.. if I didn't know about it, I probably wouldn't like to hear that.

"Good point."

After you two got dressed in your uniforms, you arrive at the front gates of school. You're only a little late.

You both run inside and switch out your shoes, jogging to class. You both walk in and everyone looks at you. "Where were you both?" The teacher asks. "S-Sorry.. we woke up late.." Asa says and sits down in her seat. You sit down in yours.

The teacher clears his throat. "Class, as you can see, we have three students missing." You look around the class and notice the two girls are gone. Your eyebrows raise.

He lets out a large sigh and places his hand on his forehead. "I received some very upsetting news this morning.. Hanako was reported missing, and both Mari and Ayame were found dead this morning." The class gasps and you jerk your head towards Asa. She slowly turns your head towards you. You mouth "What the hell?" to her. She subtly shrugs and looks back at the teacher.

"W-What happened to them?" One of the students ask. "Mari and Ayame might have been involved in a devil attack.. we don't know about Hanako. We're not going to be doing any work today. If you'd like, you can go home and take a day off." A few of the students sniffle. You both try to act sad, but Asa doesn't have to fake her guilt.

Most of the class gets up and leaves, each saying goodbye to the teacher. You two get up and do the same.

As you're walking out, you notice somebody walking around who's not in your class.

He approaches you two. It's Yoshida.

"Hey!" You exclaim. "Hey, Y/N. Hey, Asa. I heard about what happened to your classmates."

"Oh.. yeah.. it really sucks. I hope they can find Hanako."

"I hope so as well." He turns to Asa.

"I'd like to have that chat with you now."


"When I was leaving where we ate, I said I'd have a talk with you. I have a chance to speak with you now. That okay?"

"U-Um.. sure.."

"I'd prefer if it were a private conversation, Y/N."

"Uh.. alright. Don't be too long! I'll wait at the front gate for you, okay, Asa?"

"Okay.." You hug her and kiss her cheek, walking away shortly after.

Asa starts to get a bit nervous. "S-So.. what'd you wanna talk about?"

"Let's go somewhere secluded first."

Uh oh.

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