By Merlin_selen

31.1K 1.8K 455

Kinn and Porsche's happily-ever-after marriage existed only in fairy tales. The moment Kinn walked away from... More

It all come down to this
Rhythm of Misery
The unfortunate encounter
Too much
Don't make me weak
He knew
Everything fell apart
Not gonna feel anything
My life that never was mine
Can't anymore
Pit of darkness
Helpless heart
The truth hurt more than the lie
Before the storm
Run to you
How to unlove
Heart in pieces
Unforgettable past
Fighting against the current
Hit the bull's-eye
Inception of a fresh odyssey
Burning bridges
Drunk on you
Veracity or deceit
Encircled by inferno
The Revelation
Me and You till the end
Back to reality
No Salvation
The cataclysmic
Triumphant disquiet
Rekindled Love
Mission impossible
The thing we do for love
Whispers of Wounds
Poignant colloquy
The Bitter Lamentation
Veiled heart
Quantum Entanglement
Francis+Porsche : Part 1
Francis+Porsche : Part 2

The chaotic grandpa

449 32 3
By Merlin_selen

"A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." — Mark Twain.


It's 5 in the morning, and Kinn has been tossing and turning all night, unable to fall asleep. He rubbed his sore back, trying to ease the persistent ache. While the couch may be cozy and plush, it is not designed for a good night's sleep. All night long, he pondered on how to get Porsche to sit down and talk with him.

Kinn was relieved when Porsche's grandfather told him two days ago that he would be returning to Thailand and to keep a secret from Porsche so he can surprise him. Actually, he also thought about reaching out to his grandfather, hoping that a brief visit would keep Porsche from neglecting his health again. With his grandfather around, Porsche would steer clear of excessive drinking and overworking.

With a grunt, he pushes himself up from the couch and sits upright. His gaze fell upon Porsche, who was sleeping peacefully. He mulls over how he ruined their lives. He is determined to win back Porsche's trust, but a voice in the back of his mind tells him that it might be too late. What he did was a complete betrayal of trust, and the hurt he caused was indescribable. He knew it was a long shot, but he still wanted to try. Though he knew that forgiveness would be hard to come by, he was committed to doing everything he could to earn another chance.

Despite the many thoughts swirling in his mind, he eventually succumbed to sleep without even realizing it.

As the sun illuminates the room, Porsche stirs and opens his eyes. He shifted his weight and stretched his arm to grab his phone and check the time. He got up to take a shower and noticed Kinn's sleeping form out of the corner of his eye. Kinn was sleeping with his neck tilted to one side, making Porsche to roll his eyes.

"Idiot," Porsche muttered to himself before making his way to the bathroom. Every fiber in his body abhors this room.

As Porsche picked out clothes in the closet, a sense of unease crept up on him. When he whirled around, Kinn was there, casually leaning against the wall and staring at him.

"Let me be clear, being in the same room doesn't mean I want you hovering around me," Porsche says, feeling irritated. Sharing a room with him every night is bad enough, but he also has to keep up the charade of being a happy couple. "Stay away from me,"

"Porsche, we need to talk. Can we....," kinn began, hesitantly.

"We have nothing to talk about, Kinn," Porsche said, grabbing a slack and T-shirt to change. He knows what Kinn wants to talk about, but he fears he'll lose his mind again if he hears Kinn's excuse.

"Please," Kinn said softly as he approached Porsche.

Porsche took a step back, avoiding him as he approached. Whenever Kinn is near him, he feels suffocated.

"Stop! My grandfather is here," Porsche said firmly. He doesn't want his grandfather to find out about his messy life and he definitely doesn't want to start a fight with kinn while he's around. "Don't even think about it while he's here,"

With a heavy heart, Kinn left the closet.


"Good morning, lovebirds," Porsche's grandfather greeted them with a smile, sipping his cappuccino. He was at the dining table, waiting for them to have breakfast.

"Good morning," Kinn said, pulling out a chair for Porsche.

Porsche suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. He puts on a patient façade even though he is annoyed with Kinn.

"Did you get a good night's rest?" Porsche said as he took his seat. Although he was glad to see his grandfather again, he couldn't help feeling nervous about the timing.

"Of course, since I'm near my favorite grandson," his grandfather said with a smile. Seeing Porsche again made him genuinely happy.

"I'm your only grandson," Porsche said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

"Exactly, and that's why I'm eagerly waiting for my great-grandkids,"

Choking on his croissants, Porsche coughed as Kinn handed him a glass of water.

"Eat slowly. No need to be shocked," his grandfather said in a calm tone. He yearns to hold his great-grandchildren, but his grandson always shuts down the topic of babies.

At the mention of a baby, Kinn's heart sank. He lowered his gaze and didn't utter a word.

"Living in such a big mansion, don't you feel like it's missing the sound of children running around? What's the point of having all the wealth, then?" Porsche's grandfather complained. "Twins will be good, ah...triplet is a big blessing. But I'm happy with one too," The image of Porsche with a baby made him grin uncontrollably. He cannot wait to hear the news of his grandson's pregnancy.

Porsche laughed so hard that his eyes watered, and he had to catch his breath to ease the ache in his stomach.

"What's so funny?"Porsche grandfather asked with seriousness.

"No, no no....I just imagined what you said. Nothing else," Porsche's lips quivered as he tried to hold back a laugh. He wiped the tears and try to calm himself. If his grandfather only knew what his life is like. Porsche shuddered at the thought of how he might react. Hell will break loose, for sure.

"I know. I must admit, your husband is quite handsome. Your little ones will be absolutely adorable and beautiful,"

"Yesterday, you said I looked like a withered leaf, and today you're talking about what..twins, triplet? Wow grandpa, you're incredible," his grandfather's constant reminders about the baby have become monotonous, and he's tired of hearing them.

Edward, his grandfather, gave him a disapproving look that silenced him.

"That was yesterday. Don't worry, now that I'm here, I'll take care of you," Edward declared with a firm and determined voice. He couldn't help but feel a bit bothered by Kinn's uncharacteristic silence. "Kinn, why aren't you saying anything?"

The mention of his name caught Kinn off guard.

"Nothing," Kinn chuckled awkwardly. He took the omelet from the serving plate and placed it onto a Porsche plate. "Have some,"

Porsche glanced at him and raised an eyebrow subtly, silently questioning him. When Kinn smiled at him, he remembered his grandfather was with them. A smile played across his lips, and he gave a slight nod in thanks.


Porsche has signed a contract with an architectural firm to develop a contemporary shopping center complex. For several months, Porsche has been working assiduously on this project. He managed to close a deal on the land, which was originally planned to be an apartment complex. Porsche knew that his father-in-law had an eye on it, but was taken aback when Kinn backed out. He's baffled by Kinn's decision, and he knows for sure Korn's gonna be ticked off. There was no way Korn was gonna let that opportunity slip by, but he didn't give a crap; the Theerapanyakun drama is none of his business.

His grandfather has been staying with them for a week now. With him by his side, everything seemed a little brighter and the feeling of loneliness began to fade away, making him wish he had visited him sooner. Although having his grandfather around makes him nostalgic for his father, he doesn't want to bother him since he's on vacation.

"My dear," Porsch grandfather said as he entered his office, beaming with happiness. "Leave the work for tomorrow. It can wait. Come on, let's go have lunch,"

The sound of his grandfather's voice snapped him out of his daydream. A mix of surprise and happiness washed over Porsche's face. He quickly got up from his chair to greet him and was enveloped in a tight hug.

"Grandpa, you'll break my bones!"

His grandpa released the hug and gave his cheeks a playful pinch, saying, "Missed you, kiddo."

"You saw me in the morning and quit pinching my cheeks. Seriously, I'm not a little kid," Porsche said, his face twisted in a grimace. No matter how old he got, Porsche's grandfather always saw him as a little baby, much to Porsche's annoyance.

"You're still my little one......Wait, I better call your father; he's off havin' fun by the ocean while my grandson's stuck working. This old man is making me lose my mind. I'll break his legs, just wait," his grandfather said in irritation. "You're pushing yourself too hard, that's why you look tired. Can't you leave it to others and you just relax?"

Porsche couldn't help but smile. He is used to the dramatic antics of his grandpa.

"One old man calling another old man... now that's something," Porsche teases. His grandfather always argues with his father, claiming that he's causing stress and overworking his only grandson.

"Who you callin' old, man? I am full of energy and can't wait to play with my great grandchildren when they arrive.,"

Porsche let out an exasperated sigh and slumped onto the couch, running his fingers through his hair.

"Dear," his grandfather said, settling down beside him. "Is your husband not good know,"

Porsche's head snapped around, his eyes widening in shock as he looked at him.

"You know he looked....." Edward tightened his hand into a fist and winked at Porsche, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Passionate and skilled will be the right word, but is the problem......."

Porsche wishes the ground would break and swallow him up. His grandfather's blunt curiosity about his sex life caught him off guard. His inner self was screaming to runaway.

"GRANDPA!" Porsche yelled. He tried to hide his embarrassment, but it was evident in his demeanor.

Porsche's booming voice startled his grandfather, who quickly covered his ears.

"I'm just trying to help. Why are you yelling?" Edward yelled back. "You are my one and only grandson. You forgot your promise as soon as you get married. They say never trust your grandchildren. Now I can see why," He looks at Porsche skeptically, his eyebrows furrowing.

"You sound like as if you negotiating a business deal. Is having a child easy?" Porsche said wearily.

"It's easy. A night is all you need, if you do it right," Edward said nonchalantly, leaning back on the couch. He couldn't help but smile, which only made Porsche more irritated. "Don't worry, I'll take care of your kids. You and Kinn can keep working and doing your own thing. I will...."

"STOP!" Porsche interrupted. "Let's go have lunch, and I promised to get you the vintage car you been talking about,"

"I can buy it myself," his grandfather said, sulking, with arms crossed.

"Grandpa! Me and Kinn are not ready to become parents yet," Porsche doesn't wanna hurt his grandpa's feelings, but also doesn't wanna give him false hope. He can't help but feel a sense of sadness whenever he talks about children.

"Whatever. Don't talk to me," Edward said sharply as he abruptly stood up and stormed out of the Porsche office. He's tired of hearing the same reason from Porsche over and over again. He couldn't comprehend why the couple, who were clearly in love, couldn't grant him his only wish. The idea of not being there for his great grandchildren's milestones terrifies him.

Porsche followed his grandfather with a sense of sadness weighing down on him.


"I feel like I haven't seen you in ages," Mile joked. He hadn't seen Porsche since their last out-of-town trip. They texted and called each other, but Porsche was too busy to meet up.

"I know. Unless I'm working, I'm usually with my grandfather. He's been clingy since we haven't seen each other in a while," Porsche said with a smile.

They're having coffee after their lunch together. Mile asked him to have lunch and this time he couldn't say no. He doesn't want him to assume he's avoiding him again. Since his grandfather's arrival, he would finish work early to get home. And most of the time, they also have lunch together.

"He really loves you. I can tell from the way you talk about him. I'm glad he's with you now. You look so much better than the last time I saw you,"

As Porsche was about to speak, his phone chimed, causing him to pause and check the message.

"Sorry, Mile. I have a visitor waiting for me in my office," Porsche apologized. "I have to go back, it seems,"

"No worries," Mile said. Knowing how occupied he can get, he doesn't want Porsche to feel guilty about it.


Irritated, Porsche flung open the door to his office.

"Get to the point," Porsche said impatiently. Chan insisted on seeing him right away and threatened to stay in the office until he showed up.

Chan gives him an uneasy look, uncertain about where to start. He knows all too well that Porsche has a deep-seated animosity towards him.

"I wouldn't ask you to meet me if it wasn't important.......I need to ask you a favor,"

It wasn't a surprise for Porsche to hear this. Of course, everyone wants something from him.

"Are you getting in the line with the other Theerapapanyakun asking me to divorce Kinn? I never get bored around this family," Porsche said, leaning on his chair with a grin. "Make your case. It better be more entertaining than Tawan or Kim's performance.

Hearing Tawan's name, Chan tensed up immediately. He was oblivious to the fact that Porsche knew about him.

"Hurry up, the clock's ticking,"

Chan pushed the thought about Tawan out of his mind. There was nothing he could say about it.

"Kinn is in trouble. He is in serious trouble and you are the only one who can save him...please. There..."

Bursting into laughter, Porsche clapped his hands in amusement. Although he knew it related to kinn, he never expected Chan to be so brazen as to ask him such a thing.

"Wow, does this family ever not need my help?....wait...since you are asking for my help, it seems like we are having a civil war, isn't?" Porsche said, raising his eyebrow. He wore a smug expression, clearly relishing the situation. He seemed to take pleasure in making Chan feel uncomfortable and out of place.

If Chan is here to ask him about Kinn, it is obvious that his father-in-law can't know about what's going on, which makes it easier to infer the reason.

"Please, Porsche. He is in trouble," Chan begged.

"I don't give a damn," Porsche said bluntly. "You know where the exit is, so peace out," Porsche ignores Chan and goes back to work. He had more important things to do than to care about his deceitful and manipulative husband.

"His mother and brother are planning to take him down. Please. He will end up either in prison or worse. He is still your husband, please! You are the only one who has the power to stop them,"

Porsche looks up at him, his eyes briefly meeting his before he sets down the file he was reading.

"Really! Oh yeah, I forgot I have a husband. Thanks for reminding me," Porsche taunted with a smirk."Please, Let them know I'm in. And if they need help getting rid of a body, I might know a guy. That's when I will be able to help,"

Chan signed heavily, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He doesn't know how to help Kinn. He can't just tell him plainly that his own mother and brother are plotting against him. He is afraid that it will really destroyed him. Telling Korn is also impossible.

"Don't worry. I'm sure your boss will know how to take care of his family. Oh! you don't have the guts to tell him because you don't wanna ruin the happy family," Porsche chuckled.

"Porsche!" Chan pleaded. He was conscious that what he was asking was a lot, but he had no choice. He is powerless to protect Kinn, no matter how much he wants to.

"You better get out before I call the security," Porsche threatened.

Chan places a file on Porsche's desk and says, "Please. I understand how you feel about me or Kinn. I'm not asking for forgiveness or anything else. All I'm asking is to spare him from being completely destroyed,"

After bowing in respect, he left the office.

"Who said I wouldn't want that," Porsche muttered quietly to himself as he scanned through the file.


Kinn arrived home to find Porsche and his grandfather in the garden, making the most of the pleasant evening atmosphere with a comforting firewood and tea. He walked over to the Porsche with a smile on his face and gave his husband a quick peck on the cheek, making him look up in surprise.

"Hi," Kinn said, as though the kiss he gave Porsche hadn't just startled him. "How are you, grandpa?" Sitting beside Porsche, Kinn removes his coat and lays it aside.

"Oh! my other favorite is home," Edward said with a smile.

At Porsche's grandfather's request, they later settled into the living room to watch movies after they had dinner. Halfway through the movie, Kinn dozed off, resting his head on Porsche's shoulder. As much as Porsche wanted to kick him, he held back, conscious of his grandfather's presence.

"You guys having a fight?" Edward asked his grandson, turning his gaze towards him. He had a feeling that something was wrong between the couple. He figured they could have a small fight.

"What do you mean?" Porsche asked back incredulously, raising his eyebrow.

"I can tell even if you try to hide it. It's actually obvious," his grandfather said with a smile. "I can tell that you're holding back. Maybe it's anger, and Kinn, he's tiptoeing around you. Whenever you're near him, he's always staring at you, like he wants your attention,"

"I have no idea what you're saying. We're good. We've been busy with work lately. That's all," Porsche lied. He couldn't bring himself to tell him about his husband's infidelity or the true nature of their marriage. He's not selfish enough to reveal his miserable life to him.

"You can fight, but don't hold on to it for too long. That's the way marriage is; you do the whole arguing, fighting, making up, and compromising thing. It's a cycle. It's okay, as long as he doesn't betray your trust," Porsche's grandfather advised.

He picked up on the fact that the couple was having a disagreement and trying to hide it from him. He might have visited at an inconvenient time, but he knew how deeply they love and cared for each other.

"We are not fighting, grandpa," Porsche insisted.

When his grandfather gave him a cynical look, Porsche smiled and said, "The project I'm currently working on is wearing me down. It's just stress, nothing else. Sometimes I get irritated with him, and you might have caught me in one of those moments. I love him too much to be mad at him. You know how much he means to me."

He has to lie. If his grandfather knows what Kinn did, he will for sure destroyed his life and Porsche doesn't want. He is glad for the time being that his grandfather thinks they are just having a little disagreement.

"I remember very clearly the day you brought him to meet me. His eyes gleamed with love and adoration when he talks about you. But I can also see that there is a lot of sadness in those beautiful eyes; it looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders,"

The fact that his family really love kinn made the betrayal all the more excruciating for Porsche. The thought of his family finding out everything fills him with dread, as he knows it will hurt them deeply.

"If someone hears you, they might think his is your grandson, not me," Porsche joked.

His grandfather threw his head back and let out a hearty laugh.

"Be nice to him," his grandfather said, getting up from his seat. "Goodnight. Your husband didn't watch the movie at all. He must be tired. You should head up and get some sleep," his grandfather bid farewell and retired to his own room.


Porsche parked his car in his driveway and sat there for a while, lost in his own thoughts. After a while, he took out his phone, hesitating for a moment before making the call.

"It's been quite some time, Phoenix. How can I help?" the man on the other side spoke up.

"I just sent you a picture. "Porsche stated.

"Do you want me to take care of them?"

"Nah...just need a report that can put them on chokehold," Porsche said.

"Got it,"

Porsche ended the call and made his way inside.


When Porsche walked into the bedroom, he saw Kinn curled up on the couch. He was surprised to find him already asleep at such an early hour. He chose to ignore him and take a shower before going to see his grandfather.

"Why is it hard to hear your voice today?" His grandfather said when he saw Porsche enter his room.

"Cause I want you to miss me more," Porsche winked and sat down across from him. His grandfather was reading a book in the sitting area. "How was your day?"

"It's not fun without you. Is Kinn not home yet? I have something for you guys," his grandfather eyes twinkling mischievously as he placed the book on the table.

"He is home. What is it?" Porsche's eyes squinted as he tried to make sense of his words. He has a feeling he won't like what he's about to hear.

"I said for both of you. Call him?"

Shortly after, Kinn entered the room and sat down next to Porsche, looking perplexed.

"Well, I know I have taken a lot of your time since I have arrived. I figured you'd want some alone time. so I prepared a gift. ......You are leaving for vacation," Porsche's grandfather said to the couple with excitement.


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