The Zodiac Signs

By THEOnlynarwal

5.5K 121 56

*THIS STORY HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED AND ENDS ON A CLIFFHANGER* 12 People, 1 Mansion, 1 School. The 12 zodiac si... More

Chapter 1 - The Arrival
Chapter 2 - Get to know each other!
Chapter 3 - Breakfast
Chapter 4 - Get to know each other! Part 2
Chapter 5 - Mall
Chapter 6 - Morning of the flight
Chapter 7 - Flight
Chapter 8- We're here!
Chapter 9- Welcome to...!
Chapter 10- Final Days
Chapter 11- It'!
Chapter 12- High School
Chapter 13- Memories
Chapter 14- The Search
Chapter 15-Happy Birthday!
Chapter 16- Powers
Please Read!
Chapter 18- Secrets
Chapter 19- Mystery Guy
Chapter 20- Revealed
Chapter 21- Who are you?
Chapter 22- Real or Fake?
Quick Announcement!
Comment Dares for the signs!
Chapter 23- I think I...

Chapter 17- Dorms

96 3 8
By THEOnlynarwal

~Capricron's POV~

I sat on the couch, watching TV and waiting for the others to come back. Apparently, there had been an important assembly today and although I insisted I was fine, Taurus and Virgo declared I wasn't coming. Just as I was about to go upstairs, the door burst open. "Capricorn? You doing ok?" Taurus ran over to me concerned.

"Hey- I'm ok don't worry about me," I said, brushing her hair out of her face, smiling. "What was the assembly about?" I asked. "Oh- a lot, I'll explain it," Aries volunteered. He told me about how we were now going to stay in dorms, there were seven other constellations who were part of the big dipper, we had a special room, a new class, and we all had powers. 

I just stared at him, confused. "I know- it's a lot. And two of those girls from those constellations already don't seem to like us but Sagitarrius insists they're nice," he said. Sagittarius rolled her eyes. "Who are we sharing dorms with?" I asked.

"Basically, us plus the other 7 constellations have dorms on the second floor and we are staying with the other two people from our elements while the other constellations just have a boy and girl room," he explained. I nodded. "Oh Cap- this is your personal key for the break room," Virgo said, handing me a golden key with my name on it.

"So are we moving in today?" I asked. "Yes- we have to pack and head back in about an hour- do you think you're doing well enough?" Aries asked. "I am just fine and I'm moving in today AND I will come to classes tomorrow," I insisted, looking at Virgo and Taurus. Virgo sighed as Taurus pouted.

"Well- I'm helping you pack," Taurus said. "Taur I'm fi-" she cut me off. "I'm not asking you," she insisted, running up the stairs. "Aww, how sweet- I'm going to cry," Scorpio said sarcastically. "Oh please stop running the moment emotionless bastard," Virgo said. Before he could snap back, she just stormed up the stairs.

"Well- we should probably pack," Libra said. "You need help going up Cap?" Cancer asked. "I'm alright, thanks," I assured. I made my way up to my room and when I entered, I already saw Taurus had taken my suitcase out and left a note. 

Be right back! DON'T PACK WITHOUT ME! Taurus had written. I just smiled and started looking through my closet for clothes. A few minutes later, Taurus rushed back in, looking winded. "Taur- I'm fine I swear," I insisted. "No you're not getting hurt again," she said. She rushed to help me but suddenly, she tripped over the carpet.

She was about to fall when I quickly caught her before she fell back. "Oh god, Taurus? Are you ok?" I looked at her concerned. She just stared at me. I had never noticed how beautiful her eyes were up close. I suddenly snapped out of it when I realized how close our faces were.

"I-I'm sorry," she stuttered, embarrassed. I just chucked. After I few minutes, I had finished packing and headed downstairs with my suitcases with Taurus behind me. When I got down, I saw Leo, raising an eyebrow at us. "Uhh..." I stared at her, confused. She whistled. Before I could figure out why she was acting so strange, everyone else rushed downstairs with suitcases and backpacks full of things.

We quickly headed to school where a lady in the front handed me my dorm room and key since I hadn't been at school earlier. We all took the elevator to the second floor where there were 6 rooms. The rooms were labeled "Fire Signs", "Air Signs", "Water Signs", Earth Signs", "Constellation Boys", and "Constellation Girls."

The fire signs room was the first one and the Water signs room was right across. Next to the fire signs room was the Air signs room and right across from that, next to the water signs dorm was the Earth signs dorm. Farther down the hall, the two boys' and girls' constellation dorms were across from each other.

"Well- see yall later!" Leo waved, entering the fire dorm with Aries and Sagittarius. Virgo walked into our dorm, with Taurus and I following her. The dorm room was huge! Or at least huge for a dorm room. It had three personal bedrooms, 3 personal bathrooms, a small living room with a tv, and a small kitchen.

"I call this room!" Virgo yelled immediately. She had called the bedroom closest to the beginning- closest to the door. "Aww come on! That's the best one!" Taurus groaned as I laughed. "You can pick out of the other two- I don't really care which room I get," I said. She squealed and ran into one of the rooms, as I went into the other and started unpacking my stuff. 

After about fifteen minutes, I was finished unpacking and heard a knock on my door. It was Virgo. "Hey- Aries invited all of us to their dorm to just hang out- you wanna come?" she asked. "Sure- why not?" I replied as I grabbed my phone.

As we headed out of our dorm, I suddenly noticed Virgo staring at me. "Uh- you ok?" I asked. "Oh- sorry I was just thinking, my bad," she said looking away. Well that was weird. "Taurus is already in here," she said as she opened the door. When we entered we saw the fire signs, the water signs, Taurus, and Aquarius sitting in the living room. 

"Hey guys!" Pisces waved us over. "Where's Libra and Gemini?" I asked. "They're still un-packing," Aquarius told me as I nodded and Virgo and I sat down.

~Scorpio's POV~

I was starting to get a headache. Why did these people have to be so loud? We were in the fires signs dorm, watching TV and passing notes. Taurus kept going all gaga over Capricorn every five minutes, making sure he was ok, Aries, Gemini, Pisces, and Libra were having a heated discussion over something random, and the girls were blasting some random romantic movie on the TV, swooning.

This with the only time I wish they would act like that annoying nerd; Virgo. She was just sitting in a corner reading calmy. Couldn't everyone just be more chill? Not that I don't hate her- I still do and I always will with a burning passion. I knew I had to get some fresh air before I snapped.

"I'm heading out I'll be back in a bit," I said. But none of them even seemed to hear me. I walked out and slammed the door behind me. I was walking back and forth through the corridor, in deep thought. when suddenly, I heard a poof. I saw a huge cloud of smoke in front of me and felt my eyes twitch. I started coughing right away.

I fanned the air and after a minute, the smoke cleared and I saw...a kid? She looked kind of like me with the same hair color and...wait what? One of her eyes was dark brown like mine and the other one was hazel. She had long black hair, thin glasses, and was wearing what appeared to be some sort of uniform. How had this kid just appeared?

She smiled at me nervously. "H-hi, it's nice to meet you, Father," she said meekly. Wait. FATHER? I did NOT have any kids. I'm 16 for heaven's sake! "Um sorry- you must be mistaken- I don't have kids or a wife or- I'm 16," I clarified. "Oh I know, I'm your future child," she explained.

"Um- what? How did you just appear? Who's your mom?" I asked, confused. "Well you thought of your future child so I appeared and I am restricted to tell you who your future wife is due to the fact that I can't interfere with destiny, hence I can also not tell you my name," she said. "But wait- I wasn't thinking about-" I was cut off by her saying "My time is up, I'm going to have to head back," she said and suddenly disappeared.

I just stood still rubbing my temples. Suddenly, I realized something. I ran back to the door and threw open the door and rushed in. Everyone stared at me, confused. "You like you've seen a ghost- what happened?" Leo asked.

"I think I know...I think I know what my power is," I said, out of breath. Everyone gasped. "What is it?" Virgo asked, putting her book down. Everyone looked at her. Usually, every time we talked, we would argue or fight. But she was the smartest out of all these people and she could probably help me figure this out so I decided to not lash out but I wasn't going to be nice.

"Well I was thinking about my future- future house, future car, future child and suddenly, a girl appeared in front of me, claiming to be my child," I said in a rush. "She could've been lying," Virgo guessed. "I thought of that, but how did she appear just when I thought about it? And she looked kind of like me" I explained.

"So I think...I think your power is that you can meet people from the future," Virgo calculated. "Wait wait- who's the mom?" Leo said, grinning. "I don't know she didn't tell me," I said. "You should probably tell Mercury tomorrow- or whoever is teaching that class," Virgo said going back to her book.

"Wow- you two are getting along?" Libra said making kissy faces. "Shut up Libra," Virgo and I said in unison. "Ooo- great minds think alike!" Sagittarius exclaimed, laughing. "I've had enough of all of you," I said, heading back to my dorm, and going to bed.

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