Chance - Natasha Romanoff

By ouiouishadow

44K 1.8K 172

"We met by chance; it was the greatest chance I have ever received in my life." Irmina König, a German that... More

Part one
I : Strange Encounters
II : New Beginnings
III : Friend & Acquaintance
IV : Family
V : Familiarity
VI : Somewhat Trouble
VII : Morning Ruined
VIII : Gone Wrong
VIIII : Safety Net
X : Bullseye
XI : Together
XII : Mayday
XIII : Dirty
XIV : Lieutenant General König
XV : Comfort
XVI : Drinks
XVII : Not So Secret
XVIIII : Soon you'll get better
XX : Perfect
XXI : Eyes don't lie
XXI : Angels Like You
XXII : missin something
XXIII : Iron Man
XXIV : The Beach
XXV: Like Real People Do
XXVI : traitor
part two
XXVII : The Avengers [part one]
XXVIII : The Avengers [final part]
XXVIIII : constellations
XXX : Monster
XXXI : The Great Gig in the Sky
XXXII : Cynically Sweet
XXXIII : im yours
XXXIV : Home
XXXV : Snap Out Of It
part 3
XXXVI : Movement
XXXVII : Mess It Up
XXXIX : Worth It.
part four
XL : Sunlight
XLI : For James

XVIII : Her Princess

1K 34 3
By ouiouishadow

19th June 2010

"About time."

"Hey! I rushed here from Kolbenz for you. Not my fault the train was delayed." Irmina huffed, handing her a cup of coffee. Natasha denied it at first because she liked her coffee and certain but it seemed like Irmina knew how exactly she liked it. "Half espresso, half water, four pumps of creamer and extremely hot. Basically a fresh Americano and more milk. I—"

"I like the taste of this more than the other coffees."

"I know so take. It's hot." Natasha took it hesitantly and smelled the coffee, glancing at Irmina who took a sip of whatever drink she had with a smirk. Natasha took a sip, testing it. Irmina was perfect with her coffee. "I know, I'm perfect."

Natasha smacked her muscle-packed bicep and took another sip, looking away from the blonde and her dreamy blue eyes. She couldn't help but have the words of Aki and Meyer running through her head.

"Love her."

"She wants it."

She is still denying it.

"Hello?" Irmina said in a sing-song voice, placing her hand on Natasha's forearm with the coffee. "Morgen Romanov."

"Morgen König."

"There she is!"

"Sorry been distracted."

Irmina let out a hum, watching the people walk past them. It was still early in the morning, the people of Berlin were either exhausted or excited to get on with their day or end it.

Both of them love how mundane it was.

"Come on tour guide."

"Hey! Tour guide is an insult. I'm an escort. My lady."

Irmina bowed, laughing and put her hand out for Natasha. The Russian swatted it away and pushed her, walking in another direction. Irmina managed to hold on to her wrist and pull in the direction they were supposed to go.

"We should get some breakfast before doing whatever you want."

"How did you sleep?"

"Like a baby, on the train."

"Must be uncomfortable."

"I can sleep anywhere unlike you, princess."

Natasha looked up to her and Irmina ran, trying to avoid as much bodily harm as she could. The Redhead chased after the Blonde, getting the attention of the early birds. With her hair and the running. Natasha panted as she chased after Irmina.

That German can run as long as she wanted and Natasha would be out of stamina.

"Good exercise, no?"

Natasha panted and kicked her shin, waiting for Irmina to recover and lead the way to breakfast. Irmina has her head on Natasha's shoulder before turning to look at the Redhead.

"You know how mean you are sometimes?"

"Yes, I do. Don't make me wait too long."

"Or what? You leave? Darling, you're the one that asked me to join you. I was perfectly fine, spending my day offs alone."'

"Yeah right. But you will be busy sleeping with women."

"Actually no. If I do sleep around, I rather not do that where I live and work. Because now I do have a reputation to maintain."

"But you're wearing a tank top under the coat."

"I didn't have time to do the laundry, okay?"

"You need more clothes, especially when you actually have a life now."

"I didn't know Natasha Romanov care about me this much." Irmina chuckled, pulling a chair out for Natasha. She rolled her eyes at the older woman, and sat down while Irmina called for the waitress, she looks like she hated her job. Irmina couldn't care less if the service was bad, they are trying as long as she got her food. Irmina ordered for both of them, then let Natasha order what she wants to try. There won't be leftovers with Irmina.

"Why did you want to visit Berlin?"

"Had time and you're the only friend I have other than Clint, Maria and Micheal."

"I'm honoured that you wanted to visit me—you need to relax."

"I can't—"

"I know, I did that. How about this time, I teach you how to take care of yourself?"

"You would?"

"I need to reverse the pain. I'm being selfish and depends on how long you want me to help."

"How selfish." Irmina shrugged, letting the waitress place her breakfast on the table. And Natasha asked for water. "Thank you."

"Of course, Romanov. I have told you time and time again, if you need anything I'll be there."

"We're friends, right? Can you just call me by my first name?"

"I like Natalia but you hate it and chose Natasha, so no."

"Fine, you can call me Natalia."

"I'll stick to Romanov." Irmina cackled, taking a sausage in her mouth then groan when she received a kick to the shin from Natasha. Again.

"I didn't realise you like sausages that much."

Irmina just glared at the Redhead, chewing her sausage as fast as she could so she could have a comeback. But Natasha shut her up by shoving a potato omelette into her mouth, the moment it opened.

"I don't like you anymore," Irmina said, muffled with her mouth full and reached for her drink. Natasha smirked as she ate and Irmina gave her some of hers to try. "This place is the pinnacle of home-cooked and traditional German cuisine. Been here since 1817?"

"1815." Irmina turned to look with a smile so bright like she was the sun. "Irmina."


Irmina jumped up and pull the woman into a hug. Irmin introduce Natasha to the woman and she joined them for breakfast.

"How did you—"

"Meet? World War 2, she was walking alone in that German uniform and she looked terrible." Irmina scoffed and took a sip of a smoothie. Martha lightly slap Irmina's arm and added salt and pepper to her food. Natasha was stunned because Martha look young, really young.

"Hey! We were at war!"

"I'm a mutant, our entire family is. We age extremely slowly." Martha answered, in a whisper, before punching her arm again.

"Mutants? They're not myths? And why would you tell me?"

"They just hide really well."

"Yeah, it's a hassle to hide especially when we're practically immortal and in the two Wars. Because this Generallautenant brought you here."

"So you never hear this very conversation."

"I'm a spy and yes, this conversation never existed."

"Different mutants have a different life expectancy. Just extra information. Our business wasn't doing so well and this one helped. And had all the family fortune, gave us a million USD to help."


"That's at least 22 million now."

"What? We lived like Kings for Generations. Then too much money was left to me after my father died."

"How's he?"

"Still a dick."

Martha laughed, while Natasha was surprised that Irmina, most probably, told her about her powers, and asked one of her waitresses to top up her drink and more food to serve to the table. Martha said it was her treat but Irmina insisted and the owner her wallet with her cards, giving it to Natasha who was halfway to taking out her wallet. Martha gave her a glare with demonic red eyes and she placed both wallets into her coat.

"That's terrifying, right?"

"No, not really."

"You found a good one."

Irmina choked on her drink and she turned away from the two, only to meet the tired waitress. She pushed her away, slightly, just in case she spilled the drinks from her mouth. Natasha froze with her food, millimetres away from her mouth before returning to her senses. Martha laughed at their reactions, enjoying her breakfast while Irmina tried to recover and Natasha continued with her food.

"I don't bring anyone here."

"That's why I said you found a good one."

"She's right there." Irmina sighed, placing out her hand to remind Martha that Natasha was sitting opposite of her.

"You are one great woman."


Irmina walked alongside Natasha and talked to her about everything about her day while Natasha just listened, with a smile. Irmina was so eager to tell everything, every time Natasha asked a question while Natasha was listening with all her attention. A teenage boy stopped Irmina and held out a pen and paper. The Lieutenant General looked at home and was confused at the shy teenager.

"C-can I have your signature?"

"You know me?" People gathered around Irmina and Natasha, following the teenager's lead.

"Yeah! You're Irmina König, Berlin's hero!"

Irmina faltered with her signature after hearing the teenager call her a hero. The one thing she hated being called. Natasha can tell because she never once, Irmina called herself a hero and every time the people she worked with called her a hero, she was disgusted about it.

Even when Fury asked her if she would join the Avengers, a group of heroes, she want nothing to do with it.

She hates herself because of what her father made her to be. 

"Generallautenant König!" A familiar voice that brought Irmina to turn her head. Adelaide saluted her once she turned around. Irmina sighed and waved her hand, to relax, but still saluted the Colonel back. Every kid around Irmina, saluted at her which made her laugh and return the salute. Irmina gave her autograph to anyone that wanted it, even the adults because she had time. Natasha handed whatever they wanted Irmina to sign.

"Generallautenant! Is it true that you served in World War 2?" A woman asked because the Prime Minister told the public a few things that Irmina let them know. Of course, there are still secrets that the general public or anyone else doesn't need to know.

"Yes, I'm afraid so."

"You're in the Memorials! I saw that!"

"I am?" Irmina chuckled, surprised about that. Several people gave her the confirmation while Irmina continued to give her autographs. They wanted to take pictures and videos with Irmina but she denied it because she needed to. Adelaide made sure no one did any of that. She may be the Lieutenant General of Germany's Army but her information was classified.

Even in the Memorials and Museums, no one knew her face until documents and pictures of her resurfaced in the 90s. The Nazis wanted to erase everything about her existence but only her name existed.

Her name was desecrated.

But that changed, as soon as she joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I hope you didn't miss me so much." Irmina joked, sitting beside her on the bench and Adelaide stand in front of them. Natasha scoffed and rolled her eyes in response while Irmina smirked. "She did."

Adelaide chuckled, shaking her head as she looked down on the ground and the change of expressions didn't go unnoticed with Irmina. Irmina needed to talk to her anyways, not in this kind of setting but she's here already.

"Adelaide, you want to join us?" Natasha asked the brunette, who glanced at Irmina for a quick second.

"Sure, as long as you want me to.'"


"You own the place?" Natasha asked, looking around the apartment, impressed.

"I own a few buildings here and there. Rent depends but is affordable."

"What do you mean, depends?"

"If they are students, I give a cheaper rent. If they are an adult or whatsoever, I give a higher rent."

"Yeah, I live down the street. In her building, I had a student discount and military now."

"Previously, the other owners, my god, their pricing is unfair. I visited Nikolai a decade ago, he bought my buildings when it was quite cheap and changed whatever was needed, so now I can have it."

"We all know that students are usually in dept and the military doesn't pay us enough." Adelaide joked, hoping Irmina to raise her pay but she just shook her head with a chuckle. Adelaide pouted at the blonde, who brushed the puff cheeks.

"Maybe I should be stationed here."

"Why not? You get to see me on the weekends," Irmina smirked, handing her a glass of red wine while Adelaide took two beers from the fridge. "And I only have Merlot, I hope that's okay."

"It's okay."

"I don't drink wine that often. For some reason, I instinctively go for the Merlot. What are your preferences?"

"I like a Gin and tonic. Half and half. And Merlot, so this is amazing."

The Merlot must be exceptional because it was expensive.

Irmina smiled at the response and glanced at Adelaide.

"Like any other Germans, I like a beer or a few."

"Or more," Irmina commented, bringing the bottle to her mouth. Adelaide laughed, clinking the bottom part of the bottles together.

"Or Jägermeister."

"Do you know how hard it was to get alcohol on the battlefield? And the French had better food too!" Irmina complained she continued to complain about everything she experience. The food was barely edible, and missions or orders that were so stupid sometimes, she had to fight for her soldier, they shouldn't die miserably because of terrible strategy thinking because they feared losing. 

"In the War, how far did you go?"

"If we are talking action, we were losing so we did everything we could possibly do to have the region. Some went too far. Especially the SS soldiers. If it's distance, a settlement in Norway in the North, island of Gavdos in Greece in the South. Mozdok in the Soviet Union in the east and island of Ushant in France in the West."

"You were sent everywhere," Adelaide commented while Irmina nodded at her, drinking her beer and taking out some ingredients which Adelaide got for her, upon her request. She decided to make something for dinner but changed to supper since they decided to eat out because Irmina needed them to try her favourite place. 

"So what did you do to the SS soldiers?" Natasha asked, watching Irmina prep her ingredients in front of them. She carefully prepped her shrimp easily like a head chef in a fancy restaurant. Both women, watching the work of Irmina's hands, were impressed with how her knife skills never faltered when she looked at them. 

"I killed them," Irmina admitted without an ounce of regret about what she did to those men. Adelaide nodded with an inward smirk, not even surprised however surprised that Irmina was willing to tell them so easily. "So many innocent lives were lost."

"There were rumours that they were double agents, helping the Jews escape. Was that you as well?" 

Irmina nodded while she placed her shrimp and tomatoes aside and got out some flour, making a baguette, today's menu is French, she needed to let the dough rest for at least four hours so why not. 

"Me and my unit. We tried our best to save as many as we could. But there were millions."

"But it wasn't your fault."

"It felt like my fault. I saved orphans, not families."

"Your unit, they just helped? You were the SS's weapons." Adelaide asked, really intrigued at this point.

"There are times where a soldier really stands with the propaganda and the camps or whatsoever. I killed them and just said it was the British. They believed in a heartbeat, and send me another one. Ossy was the last one."

"But he died a year before the War ended." Irmina paused right before she touched the flour and looked at the Redhead, her blue eyes flickering between green eyes of Natasha. A look of hope. 

"You saw the picture?"

Natasha nodded, a smile etched on her lips while she handed Irmina the picture. Irmina wrapped her arms around Natasha and hugged her tightly, surprising Natasha.

"You don't know how long I have been trying to find that picture. And you, Princess, have been holding on to it."

"Don't call me Princess," Natasha warned, wrapping her arms around Irmina's back, loving the comfort the German offered.

"I like calling you Princess."

"Fine." Muffled into Irmina's shoulder. Irmina glanced at Adelaide who only smirked at what was happening. Irmina rolled her eyes at the Colonel, loosening around Natasha but the Russian only held her closer. "I need a minute."

"Take your time, princess."

Adelaide walked over, standing behind Irmina and handed her a beer bottle. She sat on the high stool, letting Irmina lean back onto her. Natasha jerked back, after feeling Adelaide's stomach.

"Don't worry about it. Irmina's comforting, take your time." Adelaide's calming voice reached Natasha's ears as her hand lightly held onto Natasha's bicep, pulling her in.

"What am I? A cushion?"

"Shut up."

"Of course, princess."

Irmina long forgot about the flour on the island while sulking in the comfort of the two women she was squished between. She can pick it up later and she's gonna teach the two how to make bread because she loved to share her knowledge about cooking that she mastered over the years. 


Irmina smashed her lips with Adelaide's as she straddle at the end of their bed. Adelaide is one of the few lucky women to have felt Irmina's lips. Adelaide let out a whimper, that was a little too loud.

"Shh—Natasha's a light sleeper."

Irmina laid kisses on her jaw, her hands in her hair and on her neck, cradling and pulling her closer while Adelaide's hands slipped under her tank top. Irmina immediately straightened her back when Adelaide pressed her hand on the small of her back.

"How about I take the lead and you try to keep quiet?"

"How do you plan on doing that, Colonel?"

Adelaide smirked and turned her over with ease and pin her down. Irmina was taken by surprise before laughing, wrapping her legs around her waist.

"What's next?"

"I do this—" Adelaide removed her shirt and tossed it aside, leaning down. "—then, this."

Their lips connected and they were eager. Despite being on top, Adelaide is losing to Irmina. She faltered and Irmina flipped them over.

"You are very bad at this," Irmina commented, sounding disappointed but she is, of course, playing games with Adelaide. She removed her shirt and the eyes of the woman under her immediately look at her boobs. "My eyes are up here."


Irmina got off Adelaide and stood at the end of the bed, pulled Adelaide down the bed and allowed herself to stand in between her legs.

"Let's talk work or feelings for a bit."

"With you half naked?"

"I'm training you to be more focused. You have been off lately Colonel."

"What do you mean?"

"Complaints about your leadership, I'm serious this time."

"What? It has been the same—has it not?" Adelaide hesitantly said, running her hand through her hair, thinking about anything she might have done wrong.

"I've been focused on the other regiments but I haven't really focused on the KSK, that's on my part. What's happening?"

"I haven't changed much with my way—wait, are the complaints made by the fresh bloods?"

"Yes. They have been you—what?—six months?" Adelaide nodded as her hands rested on Irmina's hips before sliding onto her ass. "They said you have been lost? You're not falling in love with me now, are you?"

"I am not in the mood of dating right now. But I think why they said was because they were right. My father died three days after we came back. So I'm pretty overwhelmed with that and you almost dying."

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have let you go with your brother."

"You would?"

"I don't want to be the insensitive boss. I can do all the work myself. Just ask."

"You're not directly my boss."

"Okay, that's fair. How's the funeral?"

"Ruined my week off." Adelaide joked and Irmina chuckled with her hands running through her hair and caressing the side of her neck. Adelaide shuts her eyes, enjoying the feeling before continuing. "It was very army. He retired a while back. Served in the Cold War."

"Oh, that was messy period."


"May or may not be sent on a killing spree. It was whoever paid more situation with Hydra back then. Money was a problem for equipment."

"You in and out?"

"Anyways, are you feeling okay to move on?" Irmina asked politely, not wanting to talk about her days as King any more as she pointed back and forth between the two of them. Adelaide laughed and nodded while Irmina smiled. "Words."

"Yes, I'm okay with this." She looked up to Irmina after glancing at her boobs, of course.

"Hm, good." Irmina pulled onto her hair, tilted her head even further and kiss her lips slowly at first before she got rough. "On the boss thing, be my eyes. Report to me."

"Ja Generallautenant." Adelaide gasped, watching Irmina get on her knees and unbuttoned her trousers, zipping them down. Adelaide lifted up her ass as Irmina removed the trousers and kissed her hips, fingers gliding along her underwear. "Please Generallautenant."

"Be patient or do I need to order you?" Irmina said, looking up at Adelaide as she placed a kiss on her stomach. Adelaide stayed quiet and ran her hands through Irmina's eyes. "See? You can be a good girl. Remember—to be quiet."

"Ja, Ma'am."

Irmina hummed in response, placing rougher kisses on her thighs and her hand pressed against Adelaide's back, making her sit up properly. Irmina was on a mission to find every single spot that gave her the most reaction and mark her skin.

Irmina can be one possessive woman.

Adelaide jerked, pushing herself into Irmina's face when she felt her tongue flattened on her clothed clit. Irmina pulled the panties aside, and lick the whole cunt up and Adelaide let out a muffled moan. The Brunnette rolled her hips against dexterous tongue, making it harder for her to hold back her noises.

Irmina's eyes fluttered shut, letting Adelaide use her for pleasure. Adelaide was getting louder and louder which brought Irmina out of lust, bringing her fingers into play. A groan was heard when Irmina slipped a finger, then the second one, seeing how wet she was. The brunette lost in lust, ignored that Irmina pulled her mouth away.

"Did I not tell you to be quiet, Kaiser?" Irmina said, gripping her thigh harshly and slowing her fingers. Adelaide let out a whine, looking down at Irmina who was now standing up. Adelaide rolled her hips but Irmina pushed her down and her fingers slipped into Adelaide's mouth, tasting herself. "Now, you get me off then maybe I'll let you come. How's that sound?"

"Sounds good," Adelaide whimpered while Irmina smirked and made her way to see on her way.

"Look at that, the greatest soldier in our Army is a whimpering mess." Irmina teased, slowly lowering herself down on the Operator's face. Adelaide couldn't wait to taste Irmina and decided to get a headstart which surprised the woman on top. Irmina almost let out a very loud moan that would honestly make Natasha come rushing into her room.

The older woman rolled her hips, a moan muffled by the biting of her bottom lip. When she wanted to raise herself for Adelaide to breathe, she was held down by her thighs and continued to be eaten out.

"Fuck—that's it."


A ringtone of Adelaide's phone forced the two very comfortable women but one is extremely sore. Irmina groaned and reached out for the phone while Adelaide snuggled into her neck. She handed the phone to the Colonel after realising it was a phone call at 4 in the morning.

Adelaide angrily answered the call, her voice muffled. Irmina was slowly becoming more awake while Adelaide talked to Gunter, callsign—Goldie, he was one of the eight that rushed to Irmina's aid after the criminal underworld was after her. Still are but way less number and less daring.

"Seems like you need to go."

Adelaide sighed, laying on her back and looked up to the ceiling. Irmina chuckled, sitting up and stretching while Adelaide admire her spinal tattoo. The older woman shivered at the cold wind, reminded that she actually left the window open.

"I did leave the window open?"

"Yes you did," Aki voiced, appearing beside Irmina and making Adelaide jump, reacting to fight while naked. "The sex was that good huh?"

Irmina chuckled and nodded while Adelaide smirked, proud of herself and sat up. She was groaning as soft as she could but her body is so so sore. Irmina laughed and let Adelaide rest her chin on her shoulder while Aki sat at the end of the bed. Adelaide traced her finger on Irmina's significantly improved tattoo, making Irmina relax a little further.

She got a new tattoo two days after Maria left Norway since her body wouldn't heal the tattoo. Since the tattoo gun would only poke the skin, it will heal within an hour or two. She could get new tattoos by waiting until she's heavily injured or get the tattoo and then burn her skin.

Either way is painful but the heavily injured one is way better.

"You know...your wife could have watched."

"You like an audience?"

"I mean she needs to see her wife come, no?" Aki teased, squeezing Irmina's thigh. Adelaide smirked before she placed kisses along her shoulder and then her neck while holding the blanket onto her chest. "God I really want to fuck you."

"Wait, you—"

"Of course not!" Aki chuckled while Irmina scratched the back of her neck. "I don't feel pain or pleasure. I feel the touches which I guess you were meant to move on."

"It's hard, okay?"

"That's why we're staying with you until you actually die."

"You slept with my grandniece?!" Kaiser spawned in and realised the scene. He was confused why he was blocked out since dinner. Irmina scratched her head while Adelaide try not to laugh at how her granduncle was reacting. Irmina is using her for pleasure, which she knows, but she is accepting the pleasure she receives and enjoying the bond she has with her friend. 

"When you say it like? It sounds wrong."

"It is wrong! She's significantly younger than you."

"I'm 33."

"You're 86—" Meyer shuts his mouth while Irmina exhaled and rolled her eyes, mocking the Captain while she went to the bathroom but turned to Adelaide and gestured for her to follow. Meyer turned the two around and Adelaide rushed to join but was a little too sore, so Irmina picked her up. Aki laughed and joined when Adelaide glanced at her and quirked her eyebrow.

"I keep forgetting that you served in World War 2." Adelaide sighed, leaning back onto Irmina, who was stretching while Aki sat on the edge of the bathtub. "Also jealous that your apartment has a bathtub."

"Girl, you just tell and I will make renovations. I owe the buildings. I can do whatever I want."

"Do I have to pay more?"

"Nope. I have too much money anyways."

"Billionaire, remember?" Aki reminded, splashing water at Adelaide who did the same but the water just passes through. Irmina laughed while the younger woman grumble to herself and Aki looked at her with a smug.

"No seriously, just ask if you need anything, you literally have my personal number. I did try to increase the pay, but I was denied—"

"Hold on, how much did you get paid?"

"That's classified."

"I call bullshit—"

"Talk to the General, Colonel. If you dare there."


Natasha pushed Irmina away from her, holding her duffel bag close, since she was irritating her after Irmina told her she had to go back to Kolbenz in a couple of hours. Irmina was trying to make her feel better but it made Natasha feel worse.

"Okay! How about you come to Kolbenz? You have another week?"

"Yes but are you sure?"

"Of course, princess." Natasha looked away from Irmina, hiding her smile but Irmina knows because her shadows told her. They're invisible to anyone but Irmina's eyes or to who she allowed to see her friends walking around aimlessly. "But I'll be gone for most of the mornings. I will try to finish everything and spend the night with you, okay?"

"Yes, okay."

"I'll get a ticket for you too then."

"Should I get a place?"

"Stay at my place, I have an extra room."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! Why waste your precious money?"

"You just called me poor."

"No, I didn't—"

"Yes, you did!"

Irmina laughed and defended herself while Natasha complained and explained how she did it. Irmina only laughed louder and then apologised.

"We should get an early lunch then we go Kolbenz."

Natasha agreed while Irmina took the duffle, and literally yanked it from Natasha because she would actually fight for it.

"I hold, you be princess."

"What? No! Give me back my bag!" Natasha scrambled to back her bag but Irmina started to run and Natasha stood still and rolled her eyes. She looked at Irmina and received a shrug from the older woman. Irmina smirked as she waited and checked her work phone, then her personal phone. Just in case there is someone in need of her.

"Come on! We need to hurry and then I can cook a proper dinner!"



i would like to apologise for disappearing


but school is fking me up

so please understand :)))


hope you enjoyed!

have a great day/night!


see yall in a few days, i swear 

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