The Zodiac Signs

By THEOnlynarwal

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*THIS STORY HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED AND ENDS ON A CLIFFHANGER* 12 People, 1 Mansion, 1 School. The 12 zodiac si... More

Chapter 1 - The Arrival
Chapter 2 - Get to know each other!
Chapter 3 - Breakfast
Chapter 4 - Get to know each other! Part 2
Chapter 5 - Mall
Chapter 6 - Morning of the flight
Chapter 7 - Flight
Chapter 8- We're here!
Chapter 9- Welcome to...!
Chapter 10- Final Days
Chapter 11- It'!
Chapter 12- High School
Chapter 13- Memories
Chapter 14- The Search
Chapter 15-Happy Birthday!
Chapter 17- Dorms
Please Read!
Chapter 18- Secrets
Chapter 19- Mystery Guy
Chapter 20- Revealed
Chapter 21- Who are you?
Chapter 22- Real or Fake?
Quick Announcement!
Comment Dares for the signs!
Chapter 23- I think I...

Chapter 16- Powers

102 3 0
By THEOnlynarwal

~Sagittarius's POV~

We all waited patiently in the auditorium, waiting for the assembly to start. It was the first day back from the horrific weekend we had. Virgo had convinced us all (except Capricorn) to come due to the fact that there was an "important" assembly today. We had all tried telling her we should just let today go, but that girl is persistent.

"If this assembly is useless I am going to kill Virgo," I whispered to Aquarius who giggled. "Come on, maybe it is something important. We did all get an e-mail from the school saying it was mandatory unless you had an emergency or something," Aquarius said, remembering the e-mail.

"Well, we almost died! It was traumatizing," I whisper-yelled as she laughed. "Both of you shut it," Scorpio said, gesturing to the podium. Our principal stood in front of a podium, tapping on the mic to get our attention.

"Hello, students! Welcome back! If you are not aware, I'm your principal, Mrs Blake! As you have all been informed, today is a very important assembly. For the first week of school, you went back to your homes. But know that you've got used to that, we have decided you will be staying in dorms!" she exclaimed ad everyone in the auditorium gasped.

"Now, I'm letting all of you know- this is not an option. Unless something is very urgent that you need to go home every day, then please come have a talk with me. But otherwise, you will be staying in dorms with 1 or 2 other people. You will receive your dorm room and key during the last period of the day. You may go home today to pack all the things you will need. You may also go home and weekends, holidays, and if you're sick or have an emergency," she explained.

"I've always wanted to stay in dorms!" Pisces exclaimed excitedly. "I'm not really sure how this is going to play out we are probably going to be separated," Virgo said, calculating something in her mind. "That concludes this assembly!" the principal announced as she walked off the stage. Just as we were all about to head out, she stopped us. "Hi! Can you twelve stay back," she said, pointing to the side of the stage. "There's something I need to discuss with you and some others," she said, as she left to get more people.

"Um...are we in trouble?" Cancer asked nervously as we walked backstage. "If you guys did something..." Aries said looking from Leo to me. "Wow- I didn't do anything! I can't believe you think I did," Leo said, offended. "Well, you guys are always causing drama," Libra said matter-of-factly. "Don't you guys think it's weird that all of us got called?" Gemini asked. "Oh- I hope Capricorn isn't going to miss anything important," Taurus said worriedly.

"Aww you worried 'bout your little boyfriend?" I nudged her as Leo laughed. "What? He's not my boyfriend!" she said, her face flushed. Before I could say anything else, the principal appeared, along with about 10 students behind her. She gestured for them to join us.

"Hello, zodiacs and constellations!" she exclaimed. What? How did she know? I had thought this was a regular school and people just thought we had zodiac names... But she knew who we were? And there we more constellations? Everyone looked equally confused.

"I'm not sure if you are aware, but all of you are special. You are all constellations that have been sent down to Earth, and you're at this school for a reason. You all have special powers," she said as we stared at her in shock.

"You will all be staying in the dorms on the second floor, which are a bit more...special. The zodiacs will live 3 to a dorm, based on your element and the rest of the constellations will be split up randomly," she explained.

Virgo raised her hand. "Yes Virgo?" she asked. Wait, how did she know her name? "What do you mean we have "powers"? she asked suspiciously. "Ahh ok. Each one of you has 1 power. The probability is, you don't know what it is. So this is why all you will be having is one class added to your schedule- and that is an astronomy class. You will learn about the stars and constellations and this class will also help you discover your power. For some people, you'll get your power quickly. For others, it might take you time," she explained. 

We all just stared at her in shock, completely confused by everything she had just hit us with. "Oh- also one more thing. She grabbed a bag from the stage and started handing us a key with our names. These keys unlock the constellation room. This is a room for all 19 of you to do various things. It is basically a break room," she said.

"Uh miss? One of the zodiacs isn't here," Aries said sheepishly. "I see, Capricorn doesn't seem to be present today. If you don't mind, please give him his key and I presume he'll be back tomorrow?" she asked. The doctor had told us that he was fine to go to school after about a day. "Yes, he should be back," Aries answered her.

"Alright then- your astronomy class will be your last class where you will receive your dorm room. I will give you all a few minutes and you can head back to your class," she said, smiling.

We all turned towards each other. "Nice to meet you guys- we're the Zodiacs. I'm Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Pisces. Capricorn isn't here today," he introduced us.

"It's nice to meet you guys. We're the Ursa Major or part of the Big Dipper," one of the boys said. I quickly counted them, there were seven of them. "I'm Mizar," the same boy said. "That is Mergez, Dubhe, and Merak," he said pointing to the other boys. "And that's Alioth, Alkaid, and Phecda," he said, pointing to the three girls. 

I think we all noticed that two of the girls- Alioth and Alkaid were giving us the stink eye. Phecda noticed and nudged them, but they didn't seem to care. "Alright, that's time! You can head to your second class!" the principal said as we walked out.

"Did you guys notice those two girls glaring at us?" Pisces asked as they were out of sight. "Probably just some spoiled bitches," Scorpio said. "Dang someone's pissed," Gemini said, raising an eyebrow. "At least we don't have to share dorms with them," Libra pointed out. "Ya- she said we're with our elements," Virgo remembered.

"Do you guys want to check out the constellation room during lunch?" I asked. "Oo ya! I really want to see it!" Cancer exclaimed excitedly. "See yall at lunch!" Taurus said as we walked our opposite ways. I had chemistry with Aquarius. "I'm really curious about this power thing," Aquarius said as we walked to our class.

As we entered, I realized that Phecda- one of the girls was in our class. She waved and we returned the gesture. "She wasn't one of the ones looking at us like she wanted to kill us right?" I asked as Aquarius laughed, nodding.

Just as the class ended and we were about to leave, Phecda stopped us. "Hey um...I'm sorry about Alioth and Alkaid. They can be a bit snobby and probably feel threatened because they like being "special" she said apologetically. "Hey- you don't have to apologize, it's not your fault" Aquarius assured her. She smiled. "Well, I'll see you guys in the constellation room!" she said before walking off.

"Well, she seems nice," I said to Aquarius as I waved goodbye. After another boring class, it was finally Lunch. Leo and I walked out of the classroom, heading to the second floor, where the principal had informed us the room was. "I really want to know what's in that room," Leo said enthusiastically, as we walked up the stairs. "Heck, maybe we can even pull a few pranks," I said as we laughed.

When we finally arrived, I used my key to open the door and stepped inside. We gasped. The room was huge! It had 2 TVs, couches, beanbag chairs, a few minifridges, a popcorn maker, video games, books, disco balls, food, and more. It was like the lap of luxury! Taurus was the only one in there so far, already stuffing her face with food. Leo and I just shook our heads. That was Taurus for you. A food addict.

After a minute, the rest of the Zodiacs arrived and they were all as equally shocked as we were. None of the other constellations had arrived yet. That was weird. "Hey, you guys? Where are the others?" Gemini asked, exploring the room. "Not sure- we didn't tell them we'd be coming here- they might not come," Aries said.

"They give me a weird vibe," Scorpio said. "Everyone gives you a weird vibe. You just can't trust people can you?" Virgo rolled her eyes. "At least I don't trust everyone like some gullible little duck," Scorpio snapped back. "Excuse me?" Virgo said with rage in her eyes. "You heard me. Are you deaf? Scorpio said. "At least I'm not some pessimistic depressed demon like you," Virgo retaliated. 

That really crossed Scorpio's line because he looked like he was about to kill her. "BOTH OF YOU. THAT'S ENOUGH," Libra yelled. I was shocked. We all were. We had never heard Libra yell before. "Now if you two are going to keep flirting with each other, then please leave," he said calmly as we all laughed. Scorpio and Virgo just glared at them, their faces red with embarrassment.

"Back to those constellations..." Cancer said, trying to avoid more drama. "Oh ya- one of them was in my second class- Phecda. She was really nice," I said. "Um- wasn't she one of the ones glaring at us?" Taurus asked. "Oh no that was the others- she apologized for their behavior- right Aqua?" I asked, turning to her. 

"Uh...ya she seemed nice...I guess?" she said hesitantly. "You shouldn't trust her so fast Sag- you don't really know her yet," Leo said as everyone nodded. "Well...she is nice! You guys are so judgemental! Just because you guys have a "weird vibe"? She apologized and I know she's nice so I don't care what any of you say!" I said angrily as I stormed out of the room.

I ran to the bathroom and took deep breaths as I splashed water on my face. I may have overreacted a bit. But they were so quick to judge them! Just because two of them seem like assholes it doesn't mean that Phecda is one.

I stared at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath. Just then a girl walked in. It was Phecda. "Hey, Sagi...oh are you okay?" she said, looking at my distressed face. "I'm friends can just be a bit annoying sometimes," I said. "The zodiacs? Ya, they don't seem to like me," Phecda said.

"I know! Just because those two girls were glaring at us, they think you're the same! I told them you're not like them but they won't listen!" I ranted. Phecda just sighed. "Well, do you want to come have lunch with us?" she asked. "Hmm...sure why not? I'm not going back with them," I said angrily.

We linked arms as we walked to the lunch room, laughing and talking. When we arrived, I saw the other 6, sitting at a table. "Hey, guys! Look who I brought" Phecda gestured to me. All the boys smiled and waved while Alioth and Alkaid rolled their eyes. I sighed.

I sat down at the table next to Phecda. "Hey! Sagittarius right? Where are your other friends?" a boy asked. I was pretty sure he was Mizar.  "Yep! And I kind of had a blow-up with my friends," I said. "I wonder how someone like you would even hang out with them," Alioth said. "What?" I asked, confused. "Well, you obviously much more stylish and mature than them," Alkaid sneered.

"You guys don't have to be so rude. You don't even know the others yet," Dubhe said as Mergez and Merak nodded. "I can already tell- I don't need to interact with them," Alioth said as Alkaid nodded. "Sorry about them," Phecda and the boys said in unison. "Look, they're my friends and they are really nice. Do you think you could give them a shot? Like your giving me one?" I pleaded.

They looked at each other hesitantly "Fine," they said. I smiled and Phecda put an arm around my shoulder. "Told you they were nice once you get to know them," she said. We spent the rest of lunch talking and I really grew to like them. Even Alioth and Alkaid. They loved fashion as much as I did. I knew the zodiacs shouldn't have judged them so quickly! After a bit, lunch was over. I got Phecda's number and she added me to their group chat. 

"Well, I'll see you in the astrology class!" I said. As I was about to leave, Phecda caught up with me. "What class do you have next?" she asked me. "Gym," I groaned. "Oh me too!" she said. That was a relief. I had gym with all the other zodiacs and I knew they were going to be mad.

As I walked in, our coach instructed all of us to sit down in the line. I saw the zodiacs further down, but when they saw me, they just looked the other way. I was going to have to do some damage control. The coach told us we had a free day and I knew it was the perfect chance.

"Hey, Phecda? Can you give me a minute?" I asked. "Sure- go ahead," she said, as she walked to the other end of the gym. I walked over to the zodiacs. " guys?" I said nervously. They turned towards me. Pisces and Cancer gave me a weak smile while everyone else just stared at me.

"You guys, I'm sorry. I overreacted and I realize I was probably a bit harsh. But I just...I don't know I just felt like you guys judges them really fast. And I had lunch with them! They're really nice. Even Alioth and Alkaid! They just thought you guys were judging them so they just did the same! But I told them that you guys are great people and they agreed that they would give you a chance! Please, I'm really sorry you guys are my best friends and I didn't mean to offend you guys," I said, looking down.

Suddenly, Cancer hugged me. "Sag! That was so sweet," she said, her voice shaking. I just laughed. "It's ok Sagi- we forgive you. And we'll give them a chance too," Leo said as everyone nodded. That felt so good to hear. I looked at the other side of the gym and saw Phecda with some other girls and decided to just hang out with the zodiacs- I didn't want them to get mad again.

After gym, we sat through another boring class after another and finally, it was time for the astrology class. We all walked in together and my plan was to introduce them and get both groups talking but we saw that there were two groups of desks; one was on one side of the room and had 12 desks while the other was on the other side of the room with 7 desks. So much for that plan.

"I'll just introduce you guys and you guys can talk in the constellation room tomorrow," I said as they nodded. Suddenly, a teacher walked in. We were all wondering if the teacher was going to be normal or a special teacher. He looked pretty young and he also kind of looked like Gemini.

"Hello, students! I'm Mercury and welcome to your astrology class!" he said. "Mercury?" Virgo yelped. "Are you- are you one of the planets?" Gemini asked. He laughed. "Yep- we planets run this class. We switch teachers almost every day," he explained. " are you mine and Gemini's..." Virgo trailed off. "Brother? Yep! It's nice to see you guys in person," he smiled.

"Since today is your first class and the first day of the whole "dorm" thing, this class is going to be short. So, all you will be doing today is trying to figure out your power with your group. Most likely, you won't be able to figure out this quickly, but you may try," Mercury explained.

We ended up just chatting for 15 minutes as we had no clue how to find out our powers. Then, the bell rang. "Well, that's the end of this class and I'll see you tomorrow," Mercury said, walking out. "Well, let's head back to the mansion and pack," Aries said as we left.

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