Bughead Oneshots part 3

By Katlin_0011

1.9K 17 1

I've decided to keep writing story's about Jughead and Betty. More

Till Death do us Part
Till Death do us Part 2
Till Death do us Part 3
Till Death do us Part 4
Little Family
The New Girl in the Southside
The new boy caused this
The New Boy Caused This Pt. 2
Hey it's been a day. Please come back. I'm begging you, please
You're not alone
Betty gets drunk
Betty gets drunk pt. 2
Cheer leading Injury
My Dad is the Blackhood
My dad is the blackhood pt. 2
Photograph part 1
Photograph part 2
Date Night part 1
Date Night part 2
Date Night part 3
Date Night part 4 (last part)
Arranged Marriage
Fear the walking dead
Fear of the walking dead part 2
Fear the walking dead part 3 (final part)
The Party
The past
I'll always love you

Panic Attack

104 1 0
By Katlin_0011

TW: panic attack 

Jughead's POV
I was working in my office getting ready for our meeting when I got a call from Betty. I immediately picked it up. 

On the phone:
"Hey Betts what's up?" I asked her and I heard heavy breathing on the other line. 

"Jug." She said in a whisper. 

"Betty, Betty are you okay?" I asked her. 

"No." Is all she responded with. 

"What can I do to make it better?" I asked her. 

"I-I don't k-know!" She said stuttering a little bit and began bawling. 

"Hey, hey, hey Betty what happened? Whats wrong?" I asked her starting to get worried myself.

"I'm sorry Jug I know you have to work I'll let you go." She said to me. 

End of phone call. 

I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs and yelled at the crowd of serpents. 

"Guys! Listen up! Betty needs me, and I need to go home to her. I will reschedule this meeting for Friday." I said and ran out of the door despite the murmurs and angry yells. Betty needs me, and that is much more important then the serpents right now. 

I ran into the apartment and saw Betty pacing the floor mumbling to herself. I ran over to her and made her sit down on the couch. As soon as I got her to sit down she stood back up again and paced. I got it, she needed to move. I walked with her and then she stopped pacing and went to the couch and looked up at me. 

"Hey Jug, how long have you been here?" She asked me. 

"About twenty minutes what's up baby?" I asked her. 

"I'm just so so stressed. I have to deal with my mom calling me at all hours telling me how I'm living in sin and I worry if you will be home and if you'll leave me and if people hate me because of Hal and it's really hard Juggie." She said to me. I placed her head on my shoulder and she cried. 

"Betts, I know it's hard but look I'm okay, you are okay, we will all be okay. I'm not going to leave you. Ever. I love you Betty, so much." I said to her. 

I love you too, so so much." She said to me. I gave her a soft kiss on the lips. We both headed off to bed. She cuddled into me and we both fell asleep, feeling safe and loved. 

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