Loving Leonardo

By MillyMurphy00

2K 280 17

When Ella Quinn started her new job at Russo Enterprises, the company of the wealthy Leonardo Russo, she had... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Seven

65 14 0
By MillyMurphy00

It was almost the end of Ella's second week at Russo Enterprises, and she was glad it was nearly the weekend. Things had been going well since that day with Leonardo. He mainly had been out of the office on other floors, meaning she didn't have to deal with how uncomfortable he made her. Or feel guilty about the many dreams she'd had about him. Today he was interviewing for his new assistant on the second floor until six o'clock, so she decided to organize his desk, the only dirty thing on the whole floor. 

After sorting everything, she had nothing left to do and sighed as the door opened. Leonardo walked in a deep line between his brows.

"I thought you had interviews until 6 pm?" She said, surprised to see him. They hadn't spoken much since the incident in the bathroom, and she was sure he was avoiding her as much as she was avoiding him.

"According to the recruitment team, over 500 people applied for the position of my assistant, and you think there would be one person out of that many who was the right candidate.

Unfortunately, it seems there wasn't. I need a professional person here to work, not flirt with me or steal from my company."

"I am sure there must be someone," Ella commented, sensing he had more to say.

"It dawned on me during my last interview that I already have the ideal assistant. You."

Ella raised her brows and was about to ask him to repeat himself. He put his briefcase in front of her and began explaining. "You have the abilities. You're far too young and intelligent to be cleaning up after me, Ella. You have done this job before. You have the experience. If you say yes, you will get a new contract and be paid handsomely for it." 

Ella wasn't sure how she felt about the offer. She needed to know more about the position before saying yes. "I'm sorry, Mr. Russo, but can I have time to think about this, please? It's just a lot to take in."

It seemed too good to be true. Ella had only been employed by the company for two weeks and was already getting a big promotion.

"What's the catch? I don't want to seem ungrateful, but I'm just a cleaner. My last job as a PA was only at a small business, and I've only been employed here for two weeks."

"There is no catch. I believe you are a trustworthy person who dedicates herself to her job, and that's the kind of person I need. I have the contract printed. You can read it tonight and give it to me tomorrow."

He pulled something from his briefcase and carried on talking.

"Would you like to go home? My driver is outside and ready to leave," he asked, holding the paper to her and raising his brows. 

Ella took the contact from him, and he nodded in approval, a small smile forming on his lips. Folding the contract, she followed him to the elevator and down to the lobby and remembered she needed to sign out. She had managed to avoid the mean girls at reception most days, but it seemed they were all there today.

They were bound to start talking about her. She thought it was best to ignore them instead of making eye contact. She could hear the three of them talking between themselves.

"Look at her coat. I wonder if she stole it, she'd never be able to afford real Burberry," the red-haired receptionist said as they all laughed in unison. "I'm going to tell Mr. Russo that we have a thief working here."

Ella looked at them as they all shot evil glares back in her direction. She had no idea why they disliked her so much because she had been nothing but polite since day one. 

"Oh, here he is! MR. RUSSO! Can I have a private word, please?" The brunette batted her false eyelashes at him and stretched with a sexy smirk over the counter. She saw the receptionist whisper to Leonardo as she looked over at Ella like she was something that belonged in the toilet. He looked furious at what she said, looking back at the woman in disgust. 

"If you must know, Ella is my assistant. If I were you, I would be questioning how you will afford to pay your rent because you won't be working here any longer. I do not tolerate bullying," he asserted. 

Ella disliked the woman but didn't want her to lose her job. However, the woman was willing to accuse Ella of stealing, putting her and Sean in a terrible position. 

"Ella, are you ready to leave?" He asked, taking her arm without waiting for an answer and leading the way to his driver, who had parked outside the front of the building.

"Thanks for that, Mr. Russo. I usually ignore them. They haven't been keen on me since my first day," Ella commented to him as she sat in the back of the SUV. His expression was somber as he looked towards her.

"Ah, Ella, you are too kind sometimes. You should have come to me about this."

He was about to reach out then pulled his hand back when his phone pinged, focusing on whatever message he'd received.

They didn't speak the entire journey home, and Ella tried not to look at him even though she could feel his eyes looking at her every so often. She asked the driver to stop around the corner from her street again when they were close.

"I am not keen on this place. It doesn't feel safe for a young woman to walk the streets alone," Leonardo mumbled as the car pulled up. Ella had a feeling he wanted to say something worse.

He probably wasn't used to coming to this side of town.

"It might not be the business district, but I've never had an issue here," she said, feeling a little annoyed that he would insult where she lived. It wasn't a wealthy place, but it was still home.

Leonardo looked out the window at a group of middle-aged men who loitered outside of a shop, regarding them with a look of distaste. "My driver will be here at 7:30 am tomorrow to collect you."

She said goodbye as soon as the driver unlocked the car and left with a quick goodbye, knowing that he wouldn't go until she was indoors.

Lola was in the kitchen cooking dinner when Ella got back. She was so grateful for Lola's help. Ella knew Lola had a life of her own, yet she was here with Sean every day, waiting for Ella to return. It made Ella wonder how Lola's relationship with Travis was going. Still, every time she asked Lola, the only reply she got was a firm 'fine.' 

"I got offered a promotion today. Leonardo asked me to be his assistant."

Lola listened as Ella explained what had happened, her eyes growing bigger with each detail.
"Wow! He's right. You are smart, Ella, and it's about time you got offered what you deserve. Do you still have a crush on him?" Her eyes carefully watched for Ella's reaction to the question.

"He is attractive, but I keep telling you I don't fancy him. I would never get with my boss," Ella answered. She was only half lying. Yes, he was possibly the best-looking male she had ever seen, but she wouldn't jeopardize her only income. She could tell by Lola's expression that she didn't believe her. 

After tidying the apartment, she decided to look over the contract in bed. She was happy with everything besides the part stating -

• Must be available to leave the country with less than 24 hours' notice.

As Sean's only guardian, Ella couldn't even stay out for a night without a babysitter, let alone leave the country. Maybe when he was sixteen, but thirteen was still too young, in her opinion. The wage increase was far more than she had anticipated. As a cleaner, Ella thought that she was earning too much. The pay she would get for being his PA was more than double that. Either way, she was going to accept the job. If not for her sake, then for Sean's. It would mean she could easily save up for his college fund and treat him to an entirely new wardrobe. His clothes were looking too small for him, thanks to his teenage growth spurt. 

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