Codesworld (Darkekulavia Adve...

By UCS754

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Title says it all More

Chapter 1 The Beginning
Chapter 2: Global Warming
Chapter 3: Vs Nickocado Avocado
MrBeast Chapter 1: (4) 24 hrs in Bermuda Triangle
Chapter 5: Farm Madness
Chapter 6: Battling a Band
Chapter 7: Grilled Cheese Deluxe
Mrbeast Gaming chapter 1 (8): Minecraft But Everything Is Random
Chapter 9: NO MORE AMONG US!
Chapter 10: Can Ganondrof come out to play?
Chapter 11: Bahama-dness
Chapter 12: Meme Review #1
Dimensional Arc Chapter 1 (13): New Perils Part 1
Dimensional Arc Chapter 2: (14) New Perils part 2
Randomness (That's not gonna be that funny)
Dimensional Arc Chapter 3 (15) Greater Toronto Area (Oh Shit wrong term)
Dimensional Arc Chapter 4 (16): Learn the Basics
Dimensional Arc Part 5 (17): The cake is always a lie
Dimensional arc Part 6 (18): Where it all started (For Darkekulavia)
Dimensional Arc Part 7 (19) Scottstale
Dimensional Arc Part 8 (20): Crimson and the Ink Machine
Dimensional Arc Part 9 (21) Kadien's and Laurie's Five Nights
Dimensional Arc FINALE (22) Team (Fortress) Work Makes The Dream Work
Codesworld Short: Kadien's Real Body
Chapter 23: Hammer and Fail
Chapter 24: Zanta Claws
Chapter 25: Cafe with Some Old Beans
MrBeast Chapter 2 (26) 50K game of Real Life Monopoly
Codesworld Short: Spelling Bee
Chapter 27: The Date (Valentine's Day Speical)
Chapter 28: A Rocky Mountain Climb
MrBeast Gaming Chapter 2 (29) World's Largest Explosion
Chapter 30: Speak of the Devil and She will appear
Trepidation Arc Chapter 1 (31): Lullaby's Treat
Trepidation Arc Chapter 2 (32) The search begins
Trepidation Arc Chapter 3 (33): The Fate of Unknown Suffering
Tripedation Arc Chapter 4 (34) Innocence Doesn't Get You Far
Tripedation Arc Chapter 5 (36): Forgiveness won't work against a Lord
Trepidation Arc Chapter 6: Triple Threat of Killers
Tripedation Arc Chapter 7 (38) Saving a Soulless Lover
Trepidation Arc FINALE (38) Revenge of a Nephalem and The Corruption King
Chapter 39: Surf And Turf Wars
Chapter 40: Project T.E.R.I.OS
MrBeast Chapter 3 (41) Press This Button To Win $100,000!
Chapter 42: Codesworld Christmas Blast
Chapter 43: Therapy Buddies
Chapter 44: Real Date

Chapter 35: Tier List 1 (CDW Edition)

46 2 145
By UCS754

Instead of the Codesworld crew. We see three people who are currently in a discord call.

Trump: Alright losers. Do you two remember when we scored a deal with Darkekulavia.

Obama: Yes Trump it was only a month ag-

Trump: Well you see it appears that we also scored a deal with UCS' Codesworld series.

Joe: Oh finally. I love Daikon.

Trump: No Sleepy Joe it's the other one.

Obama: Alright cut it out you two. Anyways UCS has ask us to cover this episode as he is currently working on his other projects and is currently burnt out from working CDW so much. And in honor of Sonic's 33th anniversary. We will be doing a tier list of all the Mainline Sonic game.

Joe: Wait I already thought we did Sonic.

Trump: That was Indie Games Sleepy Joe and that was on Darkekulavia. Enough stalling let's get this started with Sonic 1.

Joe: Why are you Sonic 1 like that?

Trump: Have you seen the levels designs?! What were thinking. Labyrinth, Marble, Scrap Brain.

Obama: Well you gotta remember Trump it's the first game in the franchise so it's bound to have problems. While it's not perfect I'd still say it's an A-Tier

Joe: I agree with Obama on this one.

Trump: I personally disagree but I'll compromise by putting it in B-Tier. Next up is Sonic 2.

Trump: Now I think we can all agree that is an S-Tier. There is no bad zone in this masterpiece.

Obama: I agree with that Trump, although Metropolis and Oil Ocean do really suck. But that's only two zones and doesn't really damage that game that much.

Joe: Wait, there's Metro in this game?

Obama: No there is isn't Joe. S-Tier Sonic goes in. Along with Sonic 3.

Trump: Don't you mean Sonic and Knuckles?

Obama: For goodness sake Trump can we NOT have this argument?

Joe: I think Sonic and Knuckles deserves  a solid A-Tier.

Trump: I agree with Joe for once and it's definitely not because he's chose the correct name for it.

Obama: Whatever. I'll put Sonic and Knuckles in A-Tier and Sonic 3 and B-Tier if it means we don't have a full blown argument.

Trump: Finally out of the Classic era and into the start 3D with song c adve-

Obama: Wait Trump aren't you forgetting something?

Trump: Oh yeah Sonic CD, Always forget that is considered a mainline Sonic game.

Joe: I'd say we put it into C or D tier. The clues in the name.

Trump: You gonna be kidding me Joe, you're really judging it based on that?!

Obama: Well he has a point. Those are a good place for this game. There just about.

Joe: It's not because UCS is literally one of the little Demon Sonics in one of secret screen?

Trump; What the fuck are you two talking about? Joe did stay up late last night?

Joe: Oh ha ha very funny Trump, but no I didn't it's just something you wouldn't get.

Trump: Alright fine. Since I am the only sane one around here. I'll put this game in D-Tier so we can finally move on from this era.

Obama: That's fine with me.

Joe: Same here.

Trump: Ok NOW we are out of the classic era now we can move on to Sonic Adventure.

Joe: Well we all know tha-

Obama: Joe don't you dare make the Sonic had a rough transition to 3D joke.

Trump: I agree it Obama, Joe. That joke is so overuse that is not even funny.

Joe: Is it true though?

Obama: Yes but don't make that joke.

Trump: With that out the way where are we putting this game. I'd personally say its B-Tier at best.

Joe: I would've put at A-Tier but I'm fine with putting it in B-Tier.

Obama: I second that.

Trump; Alright. B-Tier it is. Next up we have Sonic Adventure 2 aka The one that introduced Shadow.

Joe: But aren't shadows everything.

Trump: Seriously Sleepy Joe? We are talking about that character.

Joe: Who's Shadow?

Obama: Joe! Have you never played a Sonic game passed SA1.

Joe: Of course!

Obama: Then how the hell do you not know who Shadow is?!

Joe: I never heard of him.

Trump: He the Black hedgehog with red stripes all over him.

Joe: Oh you mean Dark Sonic.

Obama: Are you fucking kidding me?

Trump: You know what, just for that is game goes in A-Tier, it was gonna be in S-Tier but Sleepy Joe ruined it. Next up we have Sonic Heroes.

Obama: I'd said it's C-Tier at best.

Trump: I agree with you Obama on this one. Sonic Heroes is a Meh game. But wait cuz Joe is gonna talk about Sleepy Joe is gonna talk about the power of friendship or something.

They wait for a bit but there was no response.

Trump; Ahem. I said Sleepy Joe is gonna talk about the power of friendship or something.

There was see still no response.

Obama: Uh......Joe you there?

Suddenly the two hear this on Joe's end.


Joe: What?!? I'm Awake! I'm Awake!

Obama: Seems like we are running of time let's just put Sonic Heroes in C-Tier and hurry the rest of the list up.

Trump: Way ahead of you Obama. Next up is the infamous Sonic 06.

Obama and Joe: F-TIER!

Trump: Finally, someone we can all agree on. Next up is Sonic Unleashed.

Joe: This is D-Tier, The Werehog and Dark Giga are scary.

Obama: I don't like this game either Joe I wouldn't go that far. I'd say it's a C-Tier game.

Trump: And just when we agreed Sonic 06 was F-Tier. Sonic Unleashed is an A-Tier.

Obama: How could you say that when the main point Sonic is to go fast but it takes 45 minutes just to beat one level!

Joe: That's a skill issue Obama. Even I can't complain on that one.

Trump: That's usually my line Joe but that's true. The Daytime stage are amazing and the nighttime stages aren't half bad either so it's going in A-Tier I don't care what you say.

Obama: Fine but you owe us Trump. Next we have Sonic Colors.

Trump: C-Tier! This is a mid-ass game!

Joe: I don't know. Those Alien are kinda cute.

Obama: Ya sorry Joe I have to agree with Trump on this one. Sonic Colors is not a good game.

Joe: That's fine I guess. Next we have Sonic Generations.


Obama: Trump, you do realize that is just compilation in disguise right?

Trump: Compilation my ass Obama! All the levels are remixed in such a way that there no way it's the original!

Joe: Obama right. They don't even try  hide the original Sonic 1 in this game.

Trump: But what about the actual game. The control for both Sonic are amazing, it's fun and addicted and the boss are amazing! Also the levels are perfect to represent the games they come from.

Obama: Whatever Trump, you still owe us from that for that Unleashed stunt! Put Generations in B-Tier

Trump: Fine but we all know this game a masterpiece!

(I agree with Trump XD)

Obama: Alright next is Sonic Lost World!

Joe: I love Super Mario Galaxy and this is it but bad.

Trump: For once I agree with Sleepy Joe. It's even on the Wii U, they weren't it from us.

Obama: Looks like I don't even have to say anything cuz I agree with you both. D-Tier it goes.

Trump: We have Sonic Mania next.

Trump: Now Obama, are you gonna go one the same rant you went on in Generations.

Obama: No because all my issue still apply but it at least gave us NEW zones so it gave an A-Tier.

Trump: Of course! People always preferring the classics over the new stuff.

Joe: Wait I we were out of the classic era.

Obama: It's fine Joe. This is the only game.

Trump: Ok. A-Tier for Sonic Mania and we have it's partner in crime. Sonic Forces.

Joe/Obama: D-TIER!

Trump: Perfect another we can agree on. Finally we have Sonic Frontiers.

Joe: Wait, when did we start talking about Breath of the Wild?

Trump: You got to be kidding with me Joe. You didn't compare one of the greatest Sonic Games ever to Breath of the Wild.

Obama: I mean.......he's kinda right Trump, the similarities are uncanny.

Trump: What just because they're both open world games.

Obama: No. The upgrades you get in both games to the thousand hours of story.....yeah seems like this is just Sonic's version of Breath of the wild. And since it's basic that game. It deserves S-tier

Trump: I agree but I still hate that both compare this game to Breath of the wild.

Joe: What do you have against Breath of the Wild.

Trump: Open world and going don't mix. That's the last I will say on the subject.

Obama: Hold boys we still one last game to talk about. It's the newest that soon to come out.

Trump: Why would you even bother. You already peaked with Sonic Frontiers.

Joe: Well apparently they didn't think so because they are making another Classic Sonic game with Sonic Superstars.

Trump: Don't care. Sonic Frontiers will never be topped. I'm done, cya loser Donald "Rizz" Trump out!

Trump then leaves the discord call. Leaving Joe and Obama to rate the game.

Obama: Thanks for nothing jackass.

Joe: Anyways, from what we seen the graphics look amazing. They bringing back Fang the Sniper.

Obama: And the game will use the Sonic Mania physic which is a big plus. I'd say we put this in S-tier as it's clearly the best Classic Sonic up to this point what do you think Joe.


Obama: Oh god damn it. Well I guess Sonic Superstars will go in S-Tier for now. Well that concludes this Tier List. We would like to thanks UCS for giving us this opportunity and we hope you all support this series. If you want us to do more of these then be sure to comment and vote and UCS will probably ask to do another one of these. Until then. Peace out!

A/N: 2 things before I sign off. Firstly

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONIC! Here's to another year Blue Blur. And second...

Speical thanks to Villalba376 for the new cover. MASSIVE improvement over the one.

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