CIS Empire!

By WAMred

55.4K 1.5K 674

In the distant past, Union and Jedi of old made a decision to kill a life of an 18 year old man, whose crime... More

Ch 1: Phantom Menace.
Ch 2: Attack of the Clones.
Ch 3: Clone War
Ch 4: Ambush
Ch 5: Malevolence
Ch 6: Rookies
Ch 7: Discussion!
Ch 8: Cloak of Darkness
Ch 9: Capture!
Ch 10: Experiments!
Ch 12: Battle of Ryloth!
Season 1 Finale!
S 2 Ch 1: Children of the Force.
S 2 Ch 2: Senate Spy
S 2 Ch 3: Battle of Geonosis
S 2 Ch 4: Mandalore!
S 2 Ch 5: Corrupt!
S 2 Ch 6: Zillo!
S 2 Ch 7: Heroes on both sides!
S 2 Ch 8: Night!
S 2 Ch 9: Mortis Overlord!
S 2 Ch 10: Nexus Route!
S 2 Ch 11: CIS Full Assault.
S 2 Ch 12: Systems Attack PT 1
S 2 Ch 13: Systems Attack PT 2
S 2: Ch 14: Systems Attack Final
Season 2 Final!
S 3 Ch 1: Water War
S 3 Ch 2: Umbara Shadow War
S 3 Ch 3: Slavers!
S 3 Ch 4: War of Earth.
S 3 Ch 5: Assault of Krogan Home
S 3 Ch 6: Omega!
S 3 Ch 7: Tatooine revival!
S 3 Ch 8: Malachor!
S 3 Ch 9: Battle of Nevarro
S 3 Ch 10: Supernatural Battle
S 3 Ch 11: Reclaim yet Loss
S 3 Ch 12: Rendili Battle!
S 3 Ch 13: Imperial Academy Defend
S 3 Ch 14: Geonosis reclaim
Season 3 Finale.
S 4 Ch 1: Onderon Rebellion
S 4 Ch 2: Dark and Light Times
S 4 Ch 3: Chandrila Assassinate
S 4 Ch 4: Freedom of Ryloth and Champala!
S 4 Ch 5: Battle of Raxus Secundus!
S 4 Ch 6: Battle of Teegarden
S 4 Ch 7: Journey of the Force.
S 4 Ch 8: Battle of Thessia!
S 4 Ch 9: Battle of The Reef
S 4 Ch 10: Battles of Romulus and Vulcan!
S 4 Ch 11: Battle of Oa and Xandar!
S 4 Ch 12: Shadow Alliance
S 4 Ch 13: Deep Cores!
S 4 Ch 14: Battle of Corulag.
Season 4 Finale
S 5 Ch 1: Horror of Ghost Prism!
S 5 Ch 2: Invasion of Naboo!
S 5 Ch 3: Rim Battles!
S 5 Ch 4: Great Holocron Chase
S 5 Ch 5: Battle of Palaven!
S 5 Ch 6: Desix defend!
S 5 Ch 7: Rise of the Pure Blood!
S 5 Ch 8: Horror of Aite
S 5 Ch 9: Takeover of Lazarus Station
S 5 Ch 10: Battle of Cerberus Headquarters!
S 5 Ch 11: Invasion of Subterrel
S 5 Ch 12: Invasion of Zolan
S 5 Ch 13: Duro Takeover!
S 5 Ch 14: Battle of Rothana.
S 5 Ch 15: Battle of Kamino
S 5 Ch 16: Battle of Kynar
S 5 Ch 17: Twilight Order.
S 5 Ch 18: Battle of Youth.
S 5 Ch 19: Final Gamble
Season Finale

Ch 11: Project Star!

1.4K 43 9
By WAMred


It been a month since the reveal of xenomorph and a lot change especially to Earth.

Steven Armstrong became president and announced that America will be apart of the CIS shocking the Republic and Union. Thus forcing the Avengers and Justice League to abandon America.

Arriving at the White House is Emperor Vader, Count Dooku, Lok Durd, and Dr Nuvo Vindi.

Lok: "Why do we have to be here" he said only to wince when Vader release small lightning.

Y/N: "Both you and Dr Nuvo Vindi cost the CIS a lot. You cost us a unexplored world to the republic and you nearly cost several lives of soldiers for the recreation of a virus!" He said.

Dooku: "my lord we have a meeting with the president" he said which Emperor Vader stop his lightning and continue to walk.

It wasn't long until they enter the meeting room where they see President Armstrong with a briefcase.

Y/N: "President Armstrong. We're here for this project you mentioned in the hologram" he said.

Armstrong: "Thank you for coming Emperor Vader. And Project Star will help the CIS in the war" he said then show the men the briefcase which he open.

Immediately Y/N eyes widen then he smirk behind his mask.

Y/N: "This will be useful" he said.

Raxus Secundus.

Y/N Pov:

It been a week since the meeting with Armstrong and within the pass week the CIS been building the project at the system where Lethe is located.

Suddenly a hologram appear in front of me which I look and see one of my sith hiding among the republic Senate.

Rosara: "my lord the Jedi are heading towards earth to reason with Armstrong" she said which I frown.

Me: "Guess it time that the jedi learn their place" I said then head towards Earth.


Upon arriving at Earth I see five Republic spaceships surrounding the world but thankfully my ship easily pass them.

Once landed I see ten jedi blocking my path to the summit so without hesitation I unleash some of my darkness causing the ten jedi to pass out.

Me: "Pathetic" I said walking into the building where the world submit is taking place.

As I walk I can sense a disturbance in the meeting room thus I run and force myself into the room where I see Armstrong being held hostage by Superman while the Jedi is trying to talk some sense into him.

Superman: "I won't listen until he stand down as president" he said only to scream when I unleash force lightning onto him thus freeing Armstrong who punch superman.

Everyone look at me with surprised that I'm here but many of the jedi tense when I'm releasing darkness.

Me: "Tsk you jedi call yourself guardians of peace when in truth you're monks that only seek light" I said walking up to Armstrong and stand beside him.

Batman: "What are you doing here" he said glaring at me.

Me: "You didn't expect me to leave my ally alone did you? I have spies everywhere. But I think it best if you Justice league leave since clearly you try to star a world war 3" I said which the Justice League look and see many people glaring at them.

Superman: "You won't win!" He said trying to get up but discovered that he can't.

Me: "Oh please winning isn't everything. Beside you abandoned America after they sided with CIS" I said which many agree with my logic.

Thus the justice league leave.

Obi-wan: "what about us?" He said which I tsk.

Me: "you only here to reason so you can stay but your attempts will fail" I said.

Armstrong: "Now then could we continue with the summit?" He said which everyone sit down but both myself and the jedi remain standing.

Russia leader: "So why exactly did you called us here" he said looking at Armstrong who look at me which I nod.

Armstrong: "As you're all aware America stand with CIS but what you don't know is that the America been helping the CIS build a old relic from the old republic era" he said gaining everyone attention.

China emperor: "Explain" he said curious about this relic.

I bring out a hologram disc then activate it causing a hologram to appear which show a massive space station that shock the jedi.

Obi-wan: "The Star Forge! You rebuilding the Star Forge!" He said completely godsmack while everyone,except myself and Armstrong, are confused.

Me: "That right and it almost ready" I said horrifying the jedi.

France leader: "What exactly is this Star Forge?" He said.

Windu: "The Star Forge is basically a massive space forge that can create anything with the power of a star" he said shocking everyone.

Ozpin: "How exactly is the America helping rebuilding this relic?" He said.

Armstrong: "Simple. A long time ago there was a old republic spaceship containing the plans for Star Forge that crash onto America soil. But because no one know what it was they kept it lock up. Until now" he said shocking everyone.

Me: "And now the CIS will create a lot from this old but new relic" I said.

Anakin: "You won't be able to use it if we stop you" he said dashing at me and try to kill me but I smirk and slice his hand off without moving shocking everyone.

Windu: "Impossible! No sith could move that fast!" He said.

Me: "Unlike the sith you jedi face I'm more powerful than them. Beside he try to kill me so I defend myself" he said which the Jedi realized he's right thus they leave while bringing Anakin to the medical station.

Ozpin: "You do realize that this will make you more a threat to the whole galaxy" he said only for me to laugh.

Me: "I'm not afraid and neither is my sith. However I suggest you be prepared as the CIS won't hesitate of destroying you or the republic" I said then leave with Armstrong following behind.

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