Perfect Flaws

By hcvwritess

5.4K 263 146

I lift my hand, holding my pistol to his chest, hovering over his heart. He stares at me, emotions spilling o... More

Perfect Flaws
Character descriptions
1. Traitor
2. Battles all alone
3. Time-lapse
4. Unfortunate Luck
5. Life is a Deathly Price
6. Just a Soul that Exists
7. Hostility is a Specialty
8. Sanity will Always Lose
9. Snippets of Delight
10. Fail your Sympathy
11. A Dead Baby's Breath
12. Drained Adolescence
13. Forbidden Memories
14. A Caged Freedom
15. Clashing Royalty
16. Dangerously Obsessed
17. A Tattered Mind
18. A Mind and Heart's Grave
19. Scorching Surprises
20. Eager Instincts
21. Drowning in Ecstasy
22. Distant for Doubts
24. A Fool in Royalty
25. Secrets Unveiled
26. Don't Ever Forget
27. Inflicting Torment
28. Reliving Time
29. Carnival Games
30. Gnawing Remorse
31. Such a Thin Line
32. To Trust or To Not Trust
33. Exposed Facade
34. Dear Diary
35. Perfectly Addicted
36. A Cruel Tease
37. A Ballerina's Melody
38. Little Escapades
39. A Violent Waltz
40. An Abyss of Death
41. Strangers In Blood
42. Divulging In Candor
43. A Heavy Mind or Heart?
44. Thrones of Lust
45. The Pits of Hell
46. A Death's Siren's Cry
47. Origins of Hearts

23. Trifling Mind Games

86 4 0
By hcvwritess


I haven't slept.

Not one hour. Not even for half an hour. It's been a day and I have no fucking clue where she is. I don't know if something has happened, but I'm trying my best to act like I don't care.

My own mind is trying to lie to me.

I feel like my mind is crawling out of my body, like a spider on a wall waiting to be squished.

How hilarious, moments in my life find themselves in a loop.

People in my life just leave.

A repeating occurrence, practically natural. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Dal left.

My back aches from sitting on my couch for so long. Even Nala is worried at this point, she keeps coming by me to check if I'm okay.

She sits her chin on my knee, while I continue to pet her head.

"Fuck this," I whisper, getting up from my couch.

I'm not going to sit here and think about her. She sure as hell didn't care enough for me, so why should I?

I hear a creaking from my front door, as Dal steps in. "Wow, you're up," he jokes.

Without a glance at him, I walk over to my room, opening up my closet. I grab my duffel bag and sneakers, making my way back into the living room.

"What are you doing?" he asks.


"Hell no, you were just shot like four days ago," he reprimands.

"And? I've got forty-seven slashes on my back. What the hell is a bullet?" Nala walks over to sit next to Dal.

Dal's jaw ticks, "Look I get you're in a teenage heartbreak, but you still need to heal. A breakup doesn't magically make you terminator."

"We weren't in a relationship."

"Could have fooled me. If I didn't interrupt, you were seconds away from swallowing her whole."

"I'm training. Either come with, or babysit Nala."

He sighs, pissed off for no apparent reason. "Sorry princess, your dad is a fucking lunatic," he complains, petting her back.

I begin to walk out of the door, stopping to say goodbye to my dog, and onto the sidewalk. "Slow down!"

I huff, "Hurry the fuck up!"


I may have underestimated how wounded I actually was. Every punch I throw at my punching bag completely fucking hurts.

My skin stretche- tears actually. I already had to change my patch once. If Dal saw how much blood was leaking he'd have my ass on a hospital bed.

However, I'm stubborn. Probably too stubborn. Training is keeping my mind off of the not named.

In the corner of my eyes I see five kids around the ages of nine to thirteen. They each drag a mat behind them, with a dagger in their other hand.

I don't discard the noticeability of their misery. Each and every one of them look exhausted, dull, and lifeless.

I know their routines in and out. Dal, Kins, and I all went through it. Of course Kins didn't level up to riskier missions, but if those kids live, they will.

The saddest part? That's if they live. If they can handle any more than what they're doing right now.

All of us live near each other. We're hidden, and none of us know each other's addresses, except Dal and I.

Fifteen and under are required to live here, in the building with a cluster of other kids. They have six different rooms with eighteen beds in each, but some kids sleep on the floor since there aren't enough beds.

Once you turn sixteen, you can live in one of the provided houses, as long as you're in an area where Miller can still watch you, if needed.

I had an agreement with Miller. I used to do extra missions on Kinsley's part so that when I turned sixteen, I could take her with me.

But then she died, and so did the plan.

Looking back at the kids, I see the dark circles under their eyes. Some of them look malnourished. Which isn't surprising, some days you're so busy, you don't have time to eat.

If it wasn't for Kinsley, I wouldn't have eaten most days.

The bruises on their knees and arms are blue and purple, which won't heal, not for long anyway.

"Why can't we take a break?" The youngest one asks. "You know why Matty, Mr. Miller said if we get everything done early today, we can get a bigger portion of dinner," the oldest sighs.

"But I'm tired!"

"We all are. You've got seven years, Matty, hang in there."

"But you'll leave me. You're leaving soon," the child croaks.

"I'll visit. I promise."

Another kid speaks up, "yeah, and we'll still be here, don't worry, by then you'll be bigger and stronger."

Matty hangs his head low, and for some reason it breaks my heart. I used to feel the same way. I used to listen to Kins say the same thing.

It's weird knowing each kid feels the same way I did.

I'm older. I've been through it.

A hand grasps my shoulder. "I know man. I know," Dal mutters. I sigh, "It's fucked up. The kid should be able to relax. He looks dead."

"We all do," he whispers.

I begin to walk over to the kids, but Dal stops me. "You know the rules, don't do something stupid."

"Fuck his rules," I scoff, shaking my arm away.

When I approach the kids, two of them cower. I frown.

I kneel down to their height as gently as I can. "It gets better. Soon enough you'll get delicious food, doable schedules, and finer beds, okay?" I lie.

Their faces brighten, and relief flushes through their dull eyes. I feel like shit, but I can't let them give up.

"You swear?" Matty asks.

I gulp, "on my heart," I lift my hand over my heart.

All five kids nod at me, "thank you sir."

"Elijah," I choke, "you guys can call me Elijah."

"Thank you, Elijah."

I smile at them, and walk off, continuing my training.

"You shouldn't have done that," Dal warns. "They have to keep fighting. They can't give up. If anything, I'm doing Miller a favor."

"Yeah, well, he doesn't see it that way."

"Because he's a fucking prick."

"That he is."



My game plan is probably incredibly stupid, but I know what they really want is me, not Elijah.

As long as I calculate what they'll do, I should be fine. Hopefully.

The real problem is Gabriel. For him, this is a little personal, and we all know how I handle personal things.

The file Dal gave me is thorough. I know Gabriel's entire life, from the time he was born to now.

His parents had him at twenty-seven and twenty-nine. He's an only child, spent most of his time at school and hanging out at home, mostly with his grandma. He didn't have many friends growing up, but he did start working at a young age, fourteen to be exact.

He went through various training programs for his current job, including spending ten months in a live-in course.

He lives in one of the gatehouses at the Campbell palace. He's close with Liam Campbell, but for professional reasons, he keeps a distance in public.

He's obeyed every order the Campbell's have given him. As well as a few aggressive occurrences for the orders he's been given. He doesn't seem close with Emery and Alexander Campbell, but he's certainly loyal.

He inherited his grandma's property, as well as the remainder of her finances.

I already know he isn't close with his parents, but he wasn't lying when he said he didn't spend time with them. His parents worked from 6 am to 10 pm, almost everyday.

His parents weren't exactly wealthy and worked their asses off to provide.

Now that he's older, he's been sending two hundred each month to his parents since he was seventeen.

I don't know how Dal got all this information and honestly, I don't want to know. But at least I've got a sense of who Gabriel is.

I don't think I'll have much luck with convincing him to let me go. Emery and Alexander are thirsty, and I know what they did. If that went public, both of our kingdoms would go ballistic.

Honestly, there would probably be a war.

As much as I would love for those remorseless liars to experience hell, they can't. After the loss of my parents? My kingdom doesn't need a war. Not unless I really have to. Not unless I can't do it myself.

I've found a cheap motel, it isn't popular, but there are enough people staying here, that I wouldn't be the immediate face someone thought of.

A blank piece of paper sits in front of me, while I'm trying to figure out what to say. What are the best words to lead someone who wants to kill you, to you?

I'm sure by now that Gabriel would kill me if he had to. Which means, I need to be prepared to fight for my life, at any means necessary. I need to predict him, know his moves, know how he thinks. But I don't, and that might mess me up.

Not to mention, he has years of practice and training. I, on the other hand, have years of communication training, and public training. Of course, my father had me fight with Allen a couple times, but I was supposed to be guarded at all times.

The odds aren't really in my favor.

My best protector is dead, my mentors are dead, Elijah can't come and save my ass again, and I don't ever expect him to.

I start writing my note, making it short, and simple.

'You want me? Come get me. Tomorrow at 11 pm. E 89th Wagon St. - R.W.'

I fold the paper neatly, and stuff it into an envelope. I write Gabriel's name and gatehouse address.

I know he'll most likely show up with other soldiers, and I'm counting on it.

The main thing is keeping myself alive long enough to be brought back to the castle.


It's been a day. I already sent out my letter yesterday. I have fourteen hours before my fate is decided. Fourteen hours to gather myself, and I'm currently stuffing my face with a churro dipped in chocolate from a bakery nearby.

I've also decided to call Bellie. Which I should've done a really long time ago, when Allen died.

The tan phone rings in my ear, as I play with the cord.

"Hello?" An older woman answers. Bellie.

"Hi... it's me," I stiffen.

"Your M- Rhea?"

I smile, "How have you been?" I hear faint laughter, "Sweetheart, I've been worried."

"I'm sorry, I couldn't call any sooner. I should have."

"Don't ever worry about that. I knew what it meant when you left," she pauses, "is everything alright?"

I sigh, "Honest answer?"

"Always. The truth is always the best answer."

"It went wrong. Horribly wrong. Allen, he's not with me anymore. Not with us. He was murdered, and I'm trying my best to handle the situation, but honestly? I was in way over my head. I didn't think this through."

Silence coated my ears except for the faint static of the phone.

I hear a sniffle, and I know she's crying. She raised him as much as she raised me. We were her children.

"I assume you're not calling to tell me you're coming back?" She breathes.

I lean back in my chair, feeling awful, "No, I'm not coming back. Not yet. I'm calling because I might be gone for a while, and if something goes wrong, and I'm not here anymore, I need you to do something for me."

"Not here anymore? What are you doing?"

"In the conditions I'm in, I'm doing something rash, and slightly impulsive. If something goes wrong, and my plan doesn't succeed within four months, I need you to stay strong and exploit."

"Sweet child, I guess good mornings were never your thing anyway," she sighs, "What do you want me to do?"

"Release everything into the public. My parents death, the cause, Allen's death, My death, everything. Tell the world who's responsible, and don't stop until every nation has heard it."

"Do you know what that means?" She gasps.

I grin, "I know exactly what it means, and I hope if nothing succeeds here, that you see the success of my death wish."

"As you wish."

"Thank you Bellie."

"I love you child, and if you're at death's door, remember that, will you? Fight for that at least."

"I love you too, and I will."


"On my heart."


What a wonderful night. The moon is out, showing just half of its glory. The sky is pitch black, while white dots prickle into its abyss.

I'm almost to the location I gave Gabriel.

I'm a bit late, but waiting never hurt anybody, right? Although, I may be stalling.

When I arrive, I see a few figures around the general area, trying to blend in, but they're awful at it. It's kind of embarrassing, but I'll play their game.

"You're late," a familiar voice hisses.

I turn around and see Gabriel. His hair is smoothed back with gel, while he wears an entirely black combat outfit.

I see, he's not even trying to hide his intentions. But neither did I, I'm practically in the same outfit.

"Ever heard of fashionably late?" I smirk.

"It doesn't surprise me, you couldn't even show up to a date on time," he leans in.

"Ouch, was that supposed to hurt? You've got to have a lot more anger than that sweetheart," I chuckle.

"Do you think this is funny?" He snaps.

"Kind of."

"I can't believe I actually kissed a bitch like you."

"Wow," I drag out, "not a feminist, are you?"

He scoffs, looking down at me, "You made a mistake contacting me." I laugh, "Oh really?"

He leans in close, inches from my ear, "I'm not the only one watching you."

I smile, "Adorable, really. You think I didn't see your incredibly obvious friends?" I gesture all around me towards the other soldiers. "Honestly Gabriel, you've got to get a better team."

"How's your boyfriend?" his jaw clenches.

"Don't tell me you're jealous." He chuckles coldly, "Jealous? Of two psychotic orphans who keep each other warm at night because mommy and daddy couldn't?"

I hold my mouth shut.

Calm. Stay calm. You cannot fuck this up.

"Oh, you do have a mouth on you. But babe, you're really going to have to do better," I grin, stepping closer to him.

"You know, he's pretty popular within the M.A., I'm sure they'd love to meet him one on one," he smirks.

He knows the M.A. exists, and they're not doing anything about it? What the hell?

"I'm sure they would. Why don't you give them a call?" His face drops for a slight second, "poor guy, his lover doesn't even care about him."

"Spare me the sappy bullshit. Trying to find a weakness? Go ahead. Give it your best shot."

He shakes his head in disgust, "Why did you contact me?"

"Wanna guess?"

"More mind games? I thought you had enough playing with me."

"You definitely aren't making yourself look like a heartbroken fool, no not at all," I smile, "Please go ahead and list every way I've broken your trust and once giddy heart."

"You're an entitled bitch who never worked a day in her life. Mommy and Daddy didn't perfect you enough, did they? Why else were they on that ship? What was wrong with you, that they left to fix your mistakes? I think someone is lying to themselves, and it sure as hell isn't me," he whispers incredibly close to my face.

I bite my tongue, "Mary didn't raise you right, if she did, you wouldn't act like an arrogant prick who talks like he has a higher value over me. I guess it's the mommy and daddy issues. They didn't cherish you enough? I guess getting work chosen over you, would do that to you. I may be an orphan now, but damn, you've been an orphan your whole life, and your parents aren't even dead."

"Fuck you," he jeers.

"You tried that, it didn't work out, did it?"

He scoffs, "this is pointless, grab her," he commands his men.

They begin to surround me, as two men grab my arms, pulling me closer to them.

Bingo! I laid out the trap, and he walked right into it.

"You think being a Queen will get you anywhere?" he laughs, "You have no idea what a place like here could do to you. Don't blame me when you're miserable, you made your own bed."

"Go ahead and kill me, but please, do not bore me," I pout.

He presses his lips together and signals his guard.

I watch him, like he's my prey.

I notice a earpiece in his ear. "Oh," I giggle, "You can't kill me. Going against orders would get you in timeout," I raise my chin, looking him in his eyes, "I may be an entitled bitch, but at least I'm not a puppet doing dirty work for someone who could give two shits about my life."

"Shut the fuck up!" His fist clenches, as I watch a muscle tick along his jaw.

"Oh I'm sorry," I slightly raise my hands against the guard's grip, "I thought honesty was the best policy around here."

Gabriel snaps his fingers and nods at the guard holding me to my right.

I feel a cold sting in my neck as a needle slithers into my skin, injecting a sizzling liquid. I begin to feel drowsy, no matter how hard I fight against it.

But my fight is amateurish and my vision decides to vanish.



How are we feeling?

Thoughts on this chapter?

I'm excited to show Rhea as her mind and actions begin to shift with more confidence and pettiness.

Thank you everyone for your support, I really appreciate it!

Love you all! <3


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