By linosmaniac

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"You're my safe place Hannie." "Aw Min- wait hol up did you just call me ..Hannie?" "Yeah, you like it?" "Nah... More



198 11 40
By linosmaniac

I'm having way too much fun writing for this book again.


The blue head Yang Jeongin was home, once more on babysitting duty, for a neighbor this time. He was taking care of a little 4 year old boy, named Jyun-min. Jeongin's mom was in her room, and his friends and boyfriend were at a bonfire. But he doesn't mind, not like he wanted to go either way. The smell of alcohol was so not pleasing to him.

The little boy he's babysitting was in the living room with the large TV on with youtube. Some toy unboxing video playing, and lots of toys scattered on the carpet. He held on a toy car while watching the TV.

"Jyun-min are you hungry? Want to eat?" Jeongin called out from the kitchen, putting up the last of the dishes.

"Yes please!" The little boy exclaimed.

"How do Dino nuggets sound?"

"Awesome like you innie! I wish you were my older brother!"

Jeongin chuckled and went to the fridge to take out the bag of Dino Nuggets and set it on the kitchen table. Then took out a small carton of apple juice, poking in the straw. He steps to the living room and hands it to the boy. "Juice?"

"Juice!" He grabs it and starts slurping the drink.

Jeongin returns back to the kitchen to grab a baking tray to heat the nuggets in the oven which he put to pre-heat. While on the counter was his phone leant back against a roll of paper towels to stand, on a video call with Hyunjin. "I'm back, sorry."

"No it's okay. Aww you're such a good care er." Hyunjin gushed, scrunching his nose.

"That doesn't sound right." Jeongin snickered, opening the bag and began placing the nuggets in rows on the tray.

"Ugh I wish you were here with me." Hyunjin whined, and showed his surrounding of the bonfire. "My arm feels so naked without you, need to hold you. Show everyone here I got a cute boyfriend."

Jeongin sighed, with a half grin. "Yeah but of course I couldn't turn down my neighbor. Plus I hate being around alcohol and drunk people."

"I understand baby." Hyunjin replied and with his free hand grazed his fingers through his dark locks. "Well atleast I'm getting to see your cute face."

Jeongin grabbed the phone and put it close to his face. "What? This thing?" He poked his own cheek, pouting a little.

"Aaggh I'm going to melt!" Hyunjin squeaked and did a grabby hand at the screen. "I wanna kiss you so badly."

Jeongin giggled, sitting on a chair of the kitchen table. "You're cute."

"Uh you more?!" Hyunjin glared playfully. "You're making me wanna leave this place to run to you. Even if there's a kid there. Those lips of yours are calling me. Keep him distracted with the TV while we go to your room."

"You're crazy." Jeongin laughed, shaking his head.

"Obviously for you, it's your fault!"

Jeongin laughed again and the oven beeped so he stood up to get the tray of nuggets in. Then there's a knock at the door and he perks up. "Oh it's probably his parents."

"Oh so the kid is leaving? Means I can go right?"

"Well sure but not too late it's a school night." Jeongin claimed. "Talk to you later okay."

"Kiss you later you mean." Hyunjin corrects and blows a kiss. "Bye baby."

When the call ends Hyunjin held the phone to his chest, swooning to himself. "Ugh I'm so in looove."

Jeongin set up a timer up on the oven. Then he makes his way to open the door. But he's finding it odd because he would've gotten a call or text from Jyun-min's parents that they'd be on their way or that they've arrived.

"Is it my mommy and daddy?" The kid asked, watching Jeongin walk over to the door.

"I'm not sure." Jeongin replied with a shrug. He pulled the door open, however didn't see anyone, he was looking ahead blinking at nothingness.Questions were being raised.

Jeongin decided to go with the idea that this was a ding-dong ditch thing pulled. He was just about to close the door when he notices something had been placed on the welcome mat.

He looks down and his eyes widen to see a small little cardboard box on fire.

"What the hell!?" Jeongin almost screamed, panicked and his first instinct was to stomp on it immediately. He does so several times and succeeds in turning off the fire.

But his jaw dropped when he saw what had been inside the box and now smothered on his shoe.

Dog feces.

"Gross!!! Fucking- oh my god!!" Jeongin shrieked and takes off the shoe. With a grunt throws it with all his force onto his front yard. Trembling a little.

"What happened innie?" The little boy rushed over with concern.

"I- nothing just some idiot pulling a stupid prank." Jeongin said, freaked out. "Go back to the living room."

Jyun-min listens and Jeongin hurried to grab latex gloves, pulling them on and a trash bag. Holding his breath he places the box inside the bag tying it and then dunks it in the garbage can outside along with the gloves and shoe. He did this in one shoe too. His favorite pair ruined.

The distressed blue haired went back inside the house and just stayed with his back against the shut door, breathing heavy alittle, distraught. Having in his mind just who would do such a sick twisted disgusting disrespectful thing? Who thought that was a good idea? What sicko-

Then it hit him...yeah this had Hongjoong's name written all over it.


You could say Felix was feeling hella devastated.

He was doing perfectly fine when he was talking and laughing with Chan getting along so well, getting his flirt on and Chan doing it back! Like Felix was living for every moment. Feeling so alive and thrilled.

But then Kim Seungmin arrived, practically inserting himself in between them and Felix's scene straight from a fanfic was stripped away the spirited feelings thrown down a drain.

It became Chan and Seungmin's fanfic.

Felix had walked away from them as he was playing the role of a third wheel that he so didn't want. He couldn't get over the fact that they have nicknames for eachother. Channie and Minnie. Like what the hell why can't Chan have one for Felix?! What's it gotta take. Okay Felix could see why they'd get along more. They're both in the football team, have a lot of classes together. Not to mention Chan works with Seungmin and Seungmin's dad in painting houses. So yeah they hang out more.

The blonde really thought today would be the day he hooks up with Chan or get somewhere with him. Like some sex would be nice right about now. But oh how unlikely that was. Yeah as if. The idea of that happening sounded ridiculous at this point. Zero chance. Looks like Seungmin will get to be the one who throws himself at Chan.

Chan just isn't interested and besides his mood got more brighter, optimistic when Seungmin appeared and had his full attention on only him. Which makes Felix believe even more that Chan likes Seungmin. Seungmin Seungmin Seungmin. Felix now sees him as a thief. A doggie thief. Stealing his man.

Some time went by and Felix was with a friend, Lia and he was listening to the drunk girl ranting on, letting out steam she had on her.

"Like I want to be a good friend and I am!" Lia slurred, with bright red lip stick. Felix just nodding along. "But come on he's so hot and I couldn't help it. I can't believe I did that to Yeji. She's my girl. And has had a crush on him for forever. But he kept making moves on me. And I gave in. Can't help it if I'm pretty." She said flipping her long ponytail then sighed. "Yeah no I'm actually a terrible friend. I'm so glad you're listening to me you're a good friend. I couldn't have possibly said all that to the other girls. Bet Yuna would snitch on me."

"Of course." Felix nodded then mumbles more to himself. "At least you got with the guy."

"How I'd kill to have it happen again- but no no! I gotta think about Yeji. It was just once." Lia hiccups. "So do you have any boy problems. Cause you're gay. Gay bestie."

"Sure I'd tell you all about it. If you weren't wasted."

"Hey I can take it!"

"Felix!" The blonde turned his head towards the voice and to his surprise it came from Chan who was rushing over to him.

"Chan hey." Felix replied, blinking his eyes to make sure was seeing right. He thought he wouldn't see Chan for the rest of the night.

"There you are." Chan grinned at him then looked over at Lia. "Mind if I steal him?"

"Go ahead." Lia said shooing her hand away. "I have to get another margarita bottle. The flavors are magnificent y'all should try the pink ones." The girl suggested and then walked away.

"What's up you need something?" Felix questioned up at Chan with a raised brow. Still confused with his presence.

Chan gasped, playfully with a hand to his chest. "Oh am I not allowed to hang out with you?"

"Hey I didn't say that." The blonde replied back urgently, holding up a palm.

"Kidding." Chan chuckled. "Yeah your company. Seungmin dipped on me. No idea where he ran off to. I swear he purposely hurts my feels."

"Oh wow how lame of him." Felix answered with, bland. It didn't click right to him that Chan came to him only cause Seungmin left. So if he hadn't, Felix wouldn't be talking to Chan like he is right now.

"Right." Chan scoffed, with a smile. "Hey actually I was wondering why you left us earlier."

"Oh just wanted to get another beer." Felix went, and Chan nodded. "And got lost in the crowd. Lots of people here." He paused for a bit till he decided to ask. "Um but why me?"

"Huh?" Chan puzzled out.

"Like why come to me of all people." Felix replied, his brows furrowed. "You're really popular, loved. Surely there's tons of others you-"

"Hey but I just so happened to choose you. Which makes you a lucky one." Chan states. "Don't you think."

Felix hummed, a grin tugging at his lips. "Yeah well when you put it like that." He blushed, getting flutters. Chan and his damn power.

Yet again another pause stretched between them and the freckled blonde says after he remembered something. "Oh wait um- what were you going to say."

"What do you mean."

"You had said I reminded you of something." Felix attempted to remind the latter. "And I'm wondering what it was."

"Oh!" Chan chimed, snapping his fingers. "I remember now. I was going to say you remind me of the sun."

"The..sun?" Felix blanked.

"Yeah you're like a sunshine." Chan began to describe. "You're just so bright and whenever you smile it's like you outshine it."

"Oh my gosh." Felix laughed, palm up to his mouth and blushed more.
"That's corny of you. But still thank you."

"Nah thank you for being you."

"That's also corny please." Felix laughed again.

"It's my specialty." Chan shrugged. "Ask me what I'm good at. Being corny."

"You're good at a lot of things." Felix replied. "Captain of the football team. Crazy how you took Jaehyun's spot."

"I know right. I keep forgetting actually."

Felix laughed and then remembered something else, it made an idea spark. A risky one. "Y'know how I said I'd repay you for saving me from Bambam."

"Yeah and like I said your smile is enough."

"Well I don't know I feel like..." Felix trailed, voice going lower and inching closer towards Chan. "You deserve something way better. A lot better. An actual reward for overall being an amazing friend. Not just today."

"Really?" Chan had on a smug look, and chuckled. "And just what could that be..sunshine."

A nickname? Oh my god.


Jisung was walking along the same trail Minho went on getting further away from the bonfire, the music was so faint by now he couldn't hear it. Jisung's brows were pinched tightly together and bottom lip bit down on. His steps were hesitant and more slow as he didn't want Minho to know he was right behind the whole time. Not yet atleast.

Jisung froze after taking a turn he sees Minho few feet away, faced with his back side. He was standing on a garden bridge with railings and a roof. Lights hanging on each side. It was beautiful actually. The ravenette stays behind a large bush and watches as Minho was on the phone who Jisung can assume is his mom...or not.. who knows. He can't really make out what Minho was saying.

"No I haven't talked to her." Minho said into the phone. "I did but no answer...more than once..okay at least I'm trying-oh I'm useless?" The brunette scoffed. "Okay then why did she leave without letting you know where'd she'd go or with who. Some kind of husband you are for her to keep secrets kept calling me and texting me awful messages like it's my fault...Wishing I hadn't fucking answered yeah mhm and you're welcome for nothing."

Minho pulled the phone back and hangs up. Afterwards he sighed heavily and grit his teeth a little, dropping his head to inhale a sharp breath. Unwanted steam building up.

Jisung watched him tapping on his screen, in a bit of urgency. Yeah this so didn't seem like the right time to talk with how stressed and angered Minho looked. So Jisung turned around to make his way to leave.

When suddenly his phone started ringing.

Jisung stopped in his tracks, eyes wide like a deer in headlights. Damn it he had an urge to make a run for it.

"Jisung?" He heard Minho from behind.

The dark haired turned around to lock his stare with Minho's, matching his wide eyes.

"Hey." Jisung said slow and walked over making his way to the bridge.

Minho canceled the call to stop Jisung's phone from ringing more. "I was - what are you doing here." He asked, puzzledly pocketing his phone.

Jisung was starting to forget how to use words. "I um.."

"Did you follow me?"

"Y-Yeah. I wanted- no I want us to talk." Jisung spat, attempting to calm down the rapid beating pace of his heart. He felt like the latter could hear it.

" too which is why I was calling you." Minho replied, and stared down at his shoes.

"Oh..well that's nice then." Jisung answered, wanting to brighten up the somewhat tight, gloomy mood. "Minho-"

"I want things to go back to the way they were."

It felt like time suddenly froze from that sudden outburst. Immediately heart broken Jisung drops out firmly with a parched throat. "W-What."

"Before I started going over, and told you about me and my dad." Minho continued, avoiding to look Jisung in the eyes. "I'll just find somewhere else to go to. But can we please forget what's happened between us. I'm tired of having complicated shit going on..I have enough already."

Jisung couldn't believe what he just heard, staring at the latter with stunned wide eyes. It's as if his heart was pulled out of his chest and stamped on by Minho.

Jisung stayed in his spot as Minho stepped past him, leaving. He couldn't allopw this to pass. He felt wronged and played at. Because of this he could no longer keep to himself. He clenched a fist, breath growing heavy.

Minho needed to hear what he had stored inside. Aching to come out.


"No." Jisung spat out loud. He spun around to see the effect that caused as Minho stopped to turn back around and look at him with big confused eyes.


"I said no, I can't just forget." Jisung states, asserting himself confidently, his eye twitched alittle from anger. "How could you just tell me to when all I've done is invite you in my house, give you the comfort and company you wanted. Be there for you. And you want to throw it away!? Just like that!?"

Minho parted his lips to speak, inching back over to the fuming other. "Jisung-"

"Let me finish." Jisung demanded and Minho stayed shut, his turn to be staring stunned. "Also are you saying that I'm complicated? That hurts. A lot. And I'd really appreciate it if we don't act like that kiss never happened. More so you. We can't just push it under a rug and move on I'd prefer not to. Why did you kiss me in the first place then Minho? It's like you just want to play with my feelings and why? What did I do wrong." Jisung paused as his voice was starting to break and tears were threatening to spill.

"Every moment we've shared together I've held onto because they mean so much. You might not want me to be there for you anymore, but that's too bad because I still will be there. I'm not going anywhere. And I say all that because I care about you. I'll be annoying about it a-and I can't stand to see you suffering. God damn it because the truth is.." Jisung dropped his head to look at his shoes bracing himself for his next set of words. "I love you Lee Minho! I love -"

Minho had rushed over to Jisung cutting him off as he connected their lips. Minho cupping Jisung's face with both hands, his brows furrowed, a single tear down his cheek as he kissed Jisung.

Jisung's whole body tensed, heart beating too fast, his brain felt like it stopped working. Jisung closed his eyes and kissed back. His hands grasping onto Minho's shoulders, digging in. He gasped a little when Minho pushed his tongue deeper in his mouth making the kiss more passionate and stronger.

Jisung moaned, tightening his grip on Minho's denim jacket. Minho had the small of Jisung's back against the railing of the bridge, holding him close by the waist now.

He slid his hand through Jisung's nape to hold him there and pulled their lips apart. They were breathless, siren eyes locked, noses touching.

"You going off like that.." Minho spoke, firm, pulling his head back to get a better look at Jisung's face. "Was really..really attractive."

Jisung tried containing his smile from growing, but shit it broke bigger anyways into a heart shape. "Oh heh..really?"

"Yeah. I deserved it." Minho said and added while running his hand up and down Jisung's small waist. "Reason I didn't go to you earlier is cause I was waiting for you to come to me. I get shy...pathetic right."

"Not at all." Jisung giggled a little, sliding his hands down Minho's arms, rubbing them. "It's adorable actually."

"Don't lie." Minho replied with a scoff mixed with a laugh. "I'm sorry I don't know what got over me. I just ..feel like I don't deserve you or to be happy. It's the stress from my dad talking." He shakes his head. "Fuck I'm the complicated one.. and stupid... and in love."

"I've never felt this way for anyone I don't know how to behave. Or act out." Minho grumbled.

"Well..I'd say you're doing just fine." Jisung says, softly.

Shit Minho just admitted to loving him back.

"I don't want to pretend all those moments never happened either. Fuck what I was saying." Minho scoffed at himself. "I liked them way too much actually. And this too." He gives Jisung a small squeeze on the waist, gesturing at their current moment.

"That makes me incredibly happy to hear." Jisung said with a fond grin. "Don't you dare try to push me away again Minho."

"Never again. Cause clearly I need you. Jisung." Minho whispered with a smile, rabbit teeth out. He cupped one side of Jisung's face staring, just admiring him with a lovestruck look.

Jisung giggled, with a warm face so close to attaching his lips back to Minho's.

"We should go somewhere else more..comfortable." Minho suggests, returning the feeling, staring at Jisung's lips.

Jisung was all in for it, biting his lip. "Yes.. we should. Where do you have in mind?"


So things took a whole big unexpected twist when Felix was pressed up against Chan's car that was parked away from the bonfire.

They were in a heated make-out session. As things got more heated they went into the back seat. Clothes were scattered, lewd sounds mixed together, glazed bodies rubbing against eachtoher.

Loud needy moans were leaving Felix's gaping mouth. He was seated on Chan's lap, legs straddling his sides, nails clawing at Chan's shoulders, as he was pushing himself up and down riding him fast and sloppy in pure bliss. So fucking liberated this was really happening. Having sex with Chan. His dream guy. At long last his prayers were answered.

Chan was grunting, hands holding on Felix's waist staring at his well fit body with siren eyes.Then he started bucking his hips up, while biting his lip, causing the blonde to moan louder and high pitch, his hair bouncing more aggressively.

"Fuck- yes Chan theree!" Felix whimpered, rolling his hips fast, while heavily breathing, with his grunts slipping right into Chan's ear. Eyes scrunched tightly shut.

"Shit." Chan groaned and decided to roll them to place Felix down on his back. He was hovered ontop and continued thrusting, hitting the prostate repeatedly, staring down at where they're connected.

Felix was a full on moaning mess, head tossed back scratching down Chan's bulk back, keeping his legs up and spread out. "Ah yeah please don't stop Chan." Felix whined, with a grin. "Fuck that's- mhh aah so deep."

Chan connects their lips and they kiss roughly. Felix gripping hard into Chan's hair wrapping his own leg around Chan's waist in action. He hoisted his lower half up to really take those thrusts.

Chan had a hand on Felix's hip to keep him down and still, slamming harder into him. The blonde gasped and his moans raised a higher pitch, reaching his hands down to grip Chan's waist as he came.

Chan continued fucking into him to finish. He moved down to Felix's neck and sucked in a hickey. Felix pushed his head down as a silent demand to keep marking him. He needed those lips on his thighs too.

Chan went to his collarbone giving him one more hickey there. He ghosted his parted lips over the spot and husked with his eyes closed.

"Fuck you feel so good around me Seungmin."



When Felix heard a name that wasn't his own, it made his eyes fly wide open, like he was looking at a ghost move things. Struck with immense shock. Did Chan really just say...Seungmin's name...while fucking him..

"W-What." Felix dropped out, attempting to catch his breath. Then he pushed Chan up by his chest to link their eyes.

Chan paused his thrusting and he had on a panicked look realizing he fucked up. "Oh- shit wait I didn't mean-"

Felix was too heartbroken to hear him out, didn't even look at the latter as he spoke. "Just pull out let's stop. I came already anyways."

Chan obeyed slipping out his dick wrapped with a condom. Felix sat up and hurried grabbing his clothes getting dressed. Chan just put on his boxers and muttered out. "W-Wait I'm still hard."

"Good luck with that." Felix replied with and after slipping on his shoes, opened the door on his side and stepped out the vehicle slamming it shut.

Felix made his way back to the bonfire, feeling crushed, tormented, and highly offended. He actually felt like crying his eyes out, his bottom lip started quivering. He couldn't believe Chan really said Seungmin's name while fucking him.

And just like that it's like Felix's world was crushed down on him.

Meanwhile Minho and Jisung ended up in the large open trunk of Minho's truck with lots of spacious room.

At first they were sitting side by side with their lips interlocked then it transitioned to Jisung on his back, while Minho was settled ontop, with his jacket off. It was a dimly nice lit romantic setting thanks to the streetlights. The music from the bonfire playing faintly, a Chase Atlantic song.

Muffled moans would leave Jisung from how deep Minho was kissing him, his head was tilted to one side for better angle. Tongues rubbing along just right. Kiss more eager and messy.

The kiss breaks, Jisung keeps his fingers buried in Minho's locks behind his head. As much as he loved this like so much, a thought couldn't help but strike him and whispers.

"We're...moving too fast...aren't we."

"Yeah." Minho whispered back, tracing a finger along Jisung's swollen bottom lip. "We are."

But that was something to talk about later like Lee Minho is on top right now with a gaze so strong Jisung was in a trance. Oh and that cologne of his was intoxicating. Jisung reconnects their lips so they continue kissing.

Minho broke the kiss sighing heavy after then lowered his head to kiss at Jisung's jaw and neck, shifting more down at his collarbone. Jisung gasped lightly like a sharp inhale when he felt a hand slide underneath his shirt.

"Is this okay?" Minho asks, keeping his palm on Jisung's tummy.

"Yes..better than okay." Jisung answered almost breathlessly and held his own hand ontop of Minho's.

Minho smirked and grazed his hand up then down feeling up Jisung's body. As he did that, he kissed all over Jisung's neck. He stayed at one spot, sucking and licking.

Jisung couldn't stop moaning, so sweetly even letting his head fall back to allow more space for Minho to mark. How he'd love for Minho's hand to be replaced with his lips.

He might have read Jisung's mind cause he lowered himself down more to Jisung's stomach and presses his lips there. And a couple more times, peppering wet kisses all around the area. Jisung held his shirt out the way and watched as Minho started trailing his kisses up his figure, close to reaching his nipples.

When all a sudden they hear a loud thud against the truck and it causes them to stop, both freaked out and startled. Minho gets off Jisung so he can sit up. After he does he pulls his shirt down. Then they hear a voice in agony recognized to be -

"Ughh why meee!!!"

"Felix." Jisung mumbled exchanging a look with Minho. Then he stands up to get off the trunk by sitting on the edge then letting himself fall to land on his feet. While Minho just held to the edge and hops off. They go around the vehicle to spot Felix in front of the hood on the floor looking drained, and broken with dry tears down his face.

"Oh my god lix.. what happened?" Jisung questioned full on concerned.

"I'm heartbroken Ji." Felix croaked, not looking at him in the eyes as he spoke. "That's what."

Jisung analyzed the blonde more and noticed there were two hickeys on his neck. Woah. But he decided not to comment on them, it wasnt the time.
He sighs before saying. "Let's get you home...let's get us home."


About time minsung confessed right? Which means more fluff and steamy scenes to come ♡

What are your top fav tracks from 5 star? Mine are s-class, item, superbowl and youtiful

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