Ardence (Book #1)

By __blythe__

273 131 0

Book #1 in the Sinners and Saints Series. A girl meets a guy. He is the man of her dreams. They both fall in... More



10 4 0
By __blythe__

There’s a blissful moment of ignorance, where I can’t place exactly where or when I am.  

As sleep clouds my mind willing it back into its warm embrace. And then the moment passes and my memories flood my mind.

My bare feet only heightening the prickling sensation of cold. Taking out a carton of milk from the fridge I set everything on top of the counter.

My bare feet tapped rhythmically on the cold kitchen floor as I poured myself a glass of milk, lost in a blissful moment of ignorance.

The air in the room seemed to thicken and the moment shattered as Nicholas strode in, his presence commanding attention like a dark cloud looming overhead. I felt a chill run down my spine as his icy gaze landed on me, a silent challenge in his eyes.

Suppressing the urge to roll my eyes, I focused on keeping my expression neutral, refusing to let him see how much his mere presence irked me. But the tension between us was palpable, hanging in the air like a heavy fog.

The dim light from the microwave's LED display illuminated the tension between them. I held my breath, hoping he hadn't noticed me.

"Hey," he said, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife.

Startled, I dropped my glass, milk spilling onto the floor at his feet. I cursed under my breath as I scrambled to clean up the mess.

Ignoring my efforts, Nicholas leaned against the counter, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, well, aren't you well coordinated," he taunted.

Suppressing  irritation, I straightened up and met his gaze. "Can you call me Lizzie? We don't have to be at each other's throats all the time."

Nicholas chuckled, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, I don't know, Lizzie. It's rather entertaining watching you squirm."

My patience wearing thin, I clenched my fists. "What do you want, Nicholas?"

He took a step closer, backing me into a corner. "I just wanted to remind you not to get ahead of yourself," he sneered. "You're nothing but a charity case to my brother. So don't get ahead of yourself thinking you mean something to him."

My temper flared, as I pushed past him, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Thanks for the reminder, Nicholas. It's always a pleasure talking to you."

Storming out of the kitchen, I left him standing there, his words echoing in my ears. I couldn't wait to put some distance between myself and that insufferable man.

Not even a day had passed and I was already regretting inviting him into my house

As I stormed out of the kitchen, frustration boiled inside me, fueled by Nicholas's infuriating demeanor. His words echoed in my mind, each one a dagger stabbing at my composure. I needed to escape, to find a moment of peace away from his toxic presence.

Heading towards the living room, I could feel the heat of anger radiating from my skin. Sitting down on the couch, I tried to take deep breaths, to calm the storm raging inside me. But the memory of Nicholas's mocking laughter lingered, igniting the flames of fury anew.

Just as I was beginning to regain my composure, Alex appeared, his brow furrowed with concern. His presence was a welcome relief, a beacon of comfort in the midst of my turmoil.

"Lizzie, are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

I forced a smile, trying to downplay the encounter. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just had a lovely chat with your charming brother in the kitchen."

Alex sighed, his frustration evident. "I'm sorry about that. He can be a real pain sometimes."

I shrugged, trying to brush off the confrontation. "It's not your fault. I just need some time to cool off."

Sitting beside me, Alex wrapped an arm around my shoulders, offering silent support. His presence was a soothing balm, calming the tempest of emotions swirling inside me.

As we sat together in silence, I couldn't help but wonder what had caused Nicholas to lash out at me with such vitriol. There was something deeper at play, something lurking beneath the surface of his hostility.

But for now, all I could do was focus on finding solace in Alex's embrace, knowing that with him by my side, I could weather any storm that came my way.

The sizzling oil jumped as I flipped the pancake caused me to jump back and knocking the plates down.

Groaning in defeat I pick them up.

Today was so not my day.

Or night, as for that matter.

I wince at the reminder.

The rest of the night was spent tossing and turning without me getting much of sleep.

Just as I had set my plate down I hear footsteps making their way to the kitchen.

Alex walked into the room, smiling when he saw what I  had done.

God. He was perfect!

Ignoring my conscious, I pull a chair out and set his plate.

"Thank you."

A soft peck on my forehead tickles my skin before he takes his seat and starts digging in

Ignoring my growing guilt I sat beside him.

"This tastes so good, love. Gosh! How did I get so lucky." His eyes twinkled with adoration as he looked at me.

Swallowing the dread growing in the pit of my stomach I reluctantly take a seat across him and start eating.

As I second guess inviting Nicholas into my home.

I have to tell him.

My palm slips into his outstretched hand, fingers intertwining.

"I have to tell you something."

"Sure, what is it?"

Having his full attention my nerves were on edge.

But I had to start from somewhere...

Just as I gather the courage to speak another set of footsteps approach the room. A few seconds pass before he walks inside making me pause in my track.

His eyes lazily skim over the food laid out on the table before settling on our hands. I tighten my hold as I sense Alex about to pull his hand back. I could sense his confused stare. Not willing to let go I held on tight.

With a smug smile in our direction, he walked towards the mini fridge taking out some mixed fruit juice bottle and began pouring himself a generous amount.

"Good morning, Ms Emerson."

I nodded my head as I wish him back.

The room thick with palpable tension as he turned his back to us as he worked around fixing himself something to eat.

His knee bumped against mine as he leaned back in his seat casually.

An innocent move which you wouldn't think of anything. Unless of course you noticed the corner of his lips twitching up.


Every instinct in me screamed to lash out at him, to put him in his place once and for all. But I knew that would only serve to escalate the situation further.

Guess I should've expected this when I invited the devil himself

Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself that I was better than this, better than stooping to his level.

What I wasn't expecting was his politeness

"Can you pass me the bottle, please."

From the way my boyfriend was looking at him, I guess it wasn't just me his behavior had caught off-guard.

I looked at the bottle of homemade salad dressing he asked for, which was, mind you, right in arms reach if he could move his lazy ass up.

Picking up the bottle I kept it beside his plate and crossed my legs one over the other, trying my best to avoid physical contact with him.

"Since when are you polite around her?"

Feeling both of their gazes on me I focused on my plate. Fluffy pancakes drizzled with sugary syrup and topped with fresh cut fruits somehow should've increased my appetite.

But I couldn't bring myself to enjoy the flavor as I took bite by bite.

How could I explain this to him?

I guess it was a good thing we got interrupted before the conversation even began.

Besides what would I even say?

Oh hey Alex, remember how I invited you both to live with me yesterday hoping I could somehow peacefully coexist with your ogre of a brother?

Yeah, turns out I can't get along with him after all. You don't mind me kicking just him out would you?

Like hell that'd work!

He'd probably end up moving out with Nicholas out of remorse.

Annoyed with myself I stabbed a piece of sugary fluffiness.

Absentmindedly my gaze drifted to the man who was hell bent on ruining my peace ever since I met him.

"Now now, Alex why on earth would I want to offend our generous little host"

I choked on my bite caught off-guard with his polite behaviour.

"When it is quite apparent that she could kick us both out just as easily as she invited us in, hmm?"


There it was.

He'd take Alex with him if I made him move out.

With a tight-lipped smile, I turned my attention back to Alex, silently willing him to diffuse the tension with his usual charm. But deep down, I knew that as long as Nicholas was in the room, peace would be nothing more than a distant dream.

"No, you're right. I'm just glad to see you not trying to murder each other every few seconds. "

"That can still be arranged..."


I shook my head at Alex.

"Anyway thanks for the breakfast, baby. Dinner is on me. Hopefully without any life altering stunts this time." His gaze shifted from me to his brother as he emaphasized his words.

Putting his clean plate back in the cupboard he walked off to shower.

Moving his eyes off his brother they caught mine as I glared murderously at him.

I shot him a glare, my fists clenched at my sides. "What do you want, Nicholas?" I bit out, struggling to keep my voice steady.

Smirking at me he took, rather stole a bite from my plate a lazy drop of syrup rolling down his bottom lip. His pink tongue licked it off.

He leaned back in his chair, his smirk never wavering. "Oh, just admiring the view," he replied casually, his eyes flicking over me dismissively.

I fought to keep my temper in check, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me lose my cool. "Well, admire from afar," I retorted, my voice dripping with venom.

He chuckled, the sound grating on my nerves. "Oh, I intend to," he replied, his tone laced with malice.

"Also that thing just tastes like plain flour and sugar, didn't you learn how to cook? I thought academics was the only thing, guess you're good at failing just about anything once you set your mind on it."

My fists clenched at my sides as Nicholas's words cut through the air like a knife. The smirk on his face only fueled my anger further.

"Oh, look who's talking," I shot back, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "At least I can improve my grades with hard work. Can't say the same for your sorry excuse of a personality."

His smirk faltered for a moment before returning with even more intensity. "Touché," he replied, his tone dripping with condescension. "But let's not forget who invited me into this little arrangement in the first place."

I gritted my teeth, struggling to keep my temper in check. "Yeah, well, that was before I realized what a mistake it was," I retorted, my voice laced with bitterness.

He chuckled, the sound grating on my nerves. "Well, you can't blame a guy for trying," he replied, his tone mocking.

I fought the urge to lunge at him, reminding myself that I was better than stooping to his level. With a deep breath, I turned on my heel and stormed away, determined to put as much distance between us as possible.

“Well, I’m sorry to have disappointed you. I’ll try harder next time,” I reply with a fake grin,  “Enjoy your breakfast. I know I’ll try to do the same the minute I get enough distance from you.”

He leans in, releasing my elbow and grabbing the nape of my neck possessively, and hiss in my ear,

“Enjoy yourself while it lasts because once you step foot outside the house, it's a big world out there. Hold on to him as tight as you can. Maybe next time you’ll think twice before acting.” Having made his intentions clear, he releases his hold on me.

As he releases his grip on me, his words linger in the air like a toxic cloud. I turn to face him, my eyes burning with loathing, refusing to back down.

"You're not a fucking saint either," I shoot back, the words leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

He shrugs, his demeanor unapologetic. "Maybe," he concedes, his voice dripping with arrogance. "But it doesn’t make what I said any less true."

I bite back a retort, refusing to give him the satisfaction of getting under my skin any further. Instead, I let his words sink in, realizing the truth behind his actions.

He wasn't just trying to provoke me because he hated me. He thrived on stirring up trouble, relishing in the chaos and discord he created wherever he went.

But I refused to be his pawn in his twisted game. I would not let him manipulate me into succumbing to his toxicity.

With a defiant glare, I gather my composure and grab the plate of half-eaten pancakes, refusing to let him ruin my peace any further.

"I hate you," I spit out, the words laden with venom.

A smug grin spreads across his face, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Not yet, you don’t, but you will. I’ll make sure of it."

I swallow the lump in my throat, refusing to let his words affect me. Turning on my heel, I stride away, determined to put as much distance between us as possible. He may revel in his ability to sow discord, but I refuse to be his victim.

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