By linosmaniac

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"You're my safe place Hannie." "Aw Min- wait hol up did you just call me ..Hannie?" "Yeah, you like it?" "Nah... More



125 13 7
By linosmaniac

Here's an update!
Thank you guys so much for liking this story 💞

Lil collage I made for the intro. Third time changing the pics.


Yeah so turns out Minho was not telling the truth. But are we surprised.

It's been more than an hour and he has not come near Jisung's way like he said he would. He specifically made it clear he'd look for him during the party. But that turned out to be a whole lie. That handsome pretty handsome jerk face.

And the dark raven head with looks resembling a quokka didn't know what to think of it. His mind didn't feel like it was in the right state. Especially because it was a whirl pool of images from their intimate interaction in the classroom. That he still has yet to get any words about from Minho because HE kissed Jisung FIRST.

The party was taking place at a bonfire place in the middle of the woods. Lights hanging, coolers everywhere, music blasting. Area was up alive and roaring with party go-ers. Beer bottles in grips, conversations and laughs going around, couples making out, hook ups.

Jisung and Felix were by the fire. Hyunjin had disappeared with his phone up his ear, Jeongin on the other line. He was threatening to go to his place cause he missed his fennec fox boyfriend already.

Jisung was feeling bothered and tensed in his spot which the blonde was quick to notice."He'll show up." Felix assures, with a beer bottle in his hand, knowing who Jisung was worked up about.

"Doubt it." Jisung blares out, arms crossed tightly against his chest, a red cup in one hand and applying more weight on one leg.

"Quit being being a negative Nancy. Negative Nancy." Felix spat after rolling his eyes.

"Tell that to him. He regrets what happened between us and wants to forget about it." Jisung grumbled, pouting his lips looking away.

"Hey we don't know what's going on through Minho's head." Felix states, waving his beer bottle abit. "But he means well I know it. I mean this is the same guy who went to you to your house to apologize for having been shitty..remember."

Jisung thought back to that time and when they ran into each other outside the bonfire. The way Minho was staring at him with a fond smile and eager boba eyes. As if he had so much he wanted to spill to him at that moment. But was holding himself back.

Fuck of course he means well in Jisung's heart.

"And I also know he definitely likes you." Felix included getting Jisung to look at him again. "He's just shy which is so adorable. I want a guy specifically Chan to be like that towards me. Envying you forreal."

Jisung tsked with a grin not fully buying into that. He just doesn't know what to believe. In fucking fact he's feeling more confused now than ever from Felix's words.

"Here this should cheer you up." Felix takes some steps back and reaches down into a cooler pulling out a fresh cold beer into Jisung's view.

Jisung twitched his nose a little with a shake of his head. "No thanks, I'm sticking with my punch." He holds the red cup up. "I want to be completely sober especially if Minho comes around."

"Smart. You smart."

"Imma go get a refill."

Felix nods and Jisung turns around walking away to take on his refill quest. Felix takes a long swig from his beer and turned his head to take in the surrounding of the other high school students. When his eyes stop at a certain short ravenette. It was Seo Changbin.

He was laughing with a group of friends, his arm was around a guy who definitely goes to another high school since Felix has never seen him. But yeah this dude with red locks, pretty cute was standing too close to Changbin. Too close. Hm. Wait but that shouldn't bother Felix so why is he taking note of that.

Anyways Felix tightened his grip on his bottle, gnawing on his bottom lip. An idea came to him that he should go talk to him. He couldn't stand Changbin being upset with him any longer. Was he even? Felix isn't sure so he'd have to find out.

The blonde places the bottle down on the ground and allows his legs to carry him, approaching up to the group, his eyes set on Changbin. When suddenly someone else came into view in front of Felix, completely blocking the ravenette.

"Hey." Bambam said with a flirtatious tone.

"Um hey. Can I help you?" Felix questioned with an unwelcome look.

"Actually. I do know a lot of things you can help me with." Bambam answered with a wink. "I know a good spot where it can be just the two of us."

Felix plastered on a fake smile and raised the pitch of his voice a little. "Wow really?"

"Yeah cute stuff, how about I show you." Bambam continued. "Those clothes would look better off anyways."

"Yeah still not happening." Felix deadpanned, dropping his smile. "How much longer is this thirst of yours going to go on."

"As long as it takes I need that body on mine."

This is getting more weird Felix didn't even have anything else to say. Then Bambam sighed and scratched his nape. "Okay look, the thing is.. I made a bet."

Felix blinked his wide eyes and his lips parted in a silent gasp. "A bet?"

"Yeah with a couple of guys. That I can get you to agree to sleep with me." Bambam explained quickly. "Oh and get it on video."

The fuck.

Felix just stared with a baffled expression, taking in what he didn't even want to. He didn't like that at all it very much highly offended him. He's not no fucking toy.

Then Bambam went to reach for his arm. "So what do you say sweets? Help me win the bet yeah?"

Before Felix could reply another figure appeared by his side, and spoke with a more lower voice. "Hey Felix, is he bothering you?"

Felix turned to see it was Chan with darker hair now. And he couldn't be more happy to see him. It's like there was a glowing aura surrounding him.

"What no of course not dude." Bambam protests at Chan with a scoff. "We're just talking."

"Really? Cause to me looks like you're making him uncomfortable." Chan countered with, eyes in a glare.


"Beat it." Chan demanded sternly, pointing towards another direction away with his chin.

Without another word Bambam did as told and walked away in fear. Chan is buff what with all that time in the weight room and public gyms.

Felix smiled widely up at Chan, beaming with. "Oh my gosh thank you."

"Of course, what are friends for gotta look after eachother." Chan said.  "As if I was going to sit back and let that guy weird you out."

How down bad Felix was for this man. Felt like his legs would turn into jelly. Fuck he needs him. So close to just throwing himself at him.

But gotta play it slow and steady first.

"You're a hero, how will I ever repay you." Felix replied batting his eyelashes.

Chan hummed a long one, putting on a pondering look. "I'd say by having a smile on your face."

Felix laughed and started to feel his face grow warm. Hearing this from his dream guy was making him weak and swoon so much.

"Ah see like that!" Chan exclaimed excitedly and Felix just laughed again.

"Okay well I'll make sure to be smiling the biggest for you." Felix says, puffing out his chest.

A chuckle left Chan, tucking his hands in his pockets of the jersey jacket he was sporting. Oh he's so attractive Felix was almost drooling.
"That would be super great and like a reward." Chan said.

"Yes exactly." Felix said nodding, and now his face started to ache from smiling this big. But he couldn't care less this was Christopher Bang Chan, captain of the football team in front of him tugging at his heartstrings.

"I see you dyed your hair." Felix points out.

"Yeah you like it?" Chan says, reaching a hand up to his locks.

Which Felix desired to run his hands through.

"I love." Felix replied. "Darker shades suit you more."

"You should try it too." Chan suggests and Felix nods giggling at the not so bad idea.

"Hey can I tell you something." Chan started and Felix just stared awaiting with beady eager eyes. "You honestly remind me of-" He cuts himself off as he spotted someone behind the blonde and his eyes lit up more. "Oh hey Seungmin! Over here!"

Felix turned around to eye the same direction Chan was looking at to see Seungmin making his way towards them with that puppy face of his.

Felix felt his smile falter and shoulders sag.

Like yes he loves Seungmin he's a good friend part of their friend group. But Felix really preferred for it to just be him and Chan.

Call Felix possessive.

"Sup. Hi hi."  Seungmin spoke standing by Chan's side.

"Glad you could make it." Chan grinned at him. "Took you long enough was losing my patience Y'know."

"You'd survive even if I didn't show up." Seungmin replied with a small deadpan.

"And how would you know that!?" Chan exclaimed, brows raising.

"You're so dramatic."  Seungmin said with a laugh.

"Funny cause so are you." Chan fired back.

"Don't make me pull up messages Channie."

What was that..channie.

Channie..even has an adorable nickname for him. Does Chan have one for him too?"

"Minnie don't! Do not!" Chan cried out.

He does.

And suddenly Felix felt completely invisible, as the two continued bickering on. Then he shifted his eyes to where he last saw changbin and to his surprise, the ravenette was gone..and so was the guy he was with. Seems they disappeared off somewhere together..great.

No yeah this night was perfectly fine.


Changbin had the red head guy pinned underneath him behind a bush where they were aggressively making out. The guy was gripping the back of Changbin's hair, pulling his body closer.

The red head was moaning as Changbin went for his neck. He felt the guy's hand tug at the hem of his pants and it made him smirk. "Hm right here huh."

"Hell yeah, take me." The red head husked. Let's call him red. 

Changbin chuckled and raised himself up to slide his shirt off, red matching his action and they smashed their lips back together. Changbin getting out of his pants and then helping red out of his. He grabbed his legs to wrap them around his waist, and grinded against him to increase the friction. Causing the red head to moan and whine.

"Fuck me." Red slurred, digging his nails in Changbin's back. "Fuck me already."

He remembered to bring a condom in case a situation like this would happen. So he extended his arm out to reach for his pants to grab the rubber.

But then he stilled completely and pulled away with a blank face. Red picked himself up, with his elbows
staring in confusion and asked. "What's wrong?"

"Sorry it's just that..I can't continue." Changbin muttered.

"W-Why not."

"Look you're cute. Like really cute. Fuckable looking..But if we keep going I'll imagine you're someone else...who I can't stop thinking about." Changbin whispers and he gets off the red head to sit on his heels.

"I see..well so much for thinking I'd get laid here." Red scoffed. He picked up his shirt, pants and shoes putting them back on. Then stood up and left without a 'bye' but whateva.

Yeah Changbin just couldn't fuck someone else who isn't Felix. That pretty freckled blonde was stuck and drilled in his mind. Damn it he misses those lips on his and that body he knows so well and how to pleasure.

Changbin just had to let his feelings get in the way of their fuckbuddy relationship. But he couldn't help it he wanted something more that wasn't just fucking. But Felix had made it clear he doesn't want anything serious which Changbin will just have to learn to accept.

Maybe next time he gets with someone again he won't cock block himself.


Minho sighed out heavily and starts to pull Jisung with him, guiding him to the nearest desk where he pressed his lower back against the edge. He had to part their lips again for a split second to lift Jisung up by the back of his thighs and sit him on the surface. Then once he was seated, they reconnected their lips.

Jisung's fingers tangled in the back of Minho's hair, and his small mullet. Minho kept a grip on Jisung's hips, settled in-between his dangling legs. They just weren't able to get enough of eachother at the moment, lips moving together eagerly.


That scene was playing in Jisung's head like making a mockery of him.   He was sitting at one of the bench tables under a large wooden tarp with poles by the fire. He was starting to regret having come here. Like forget it Minho wasn't going to talk to him and plus bunch of dudes drunk and sober had made TV-MA comments towards him, he was hating it more here.

Jisung was staring down at his phone, other hand fumbling with the string of his hoodie. He wanted to text Minho but why couldn't he? His fingers were hesitating to move across the keyboard. But he had enough, they have to talk. There's alot Jisung needs to get off his chest that's buried in there killing him slowly.

"Hey cute stuff!" Jisung heard and he jolted his head up to the voice. It was from a guy he's never seen before sitting a few feet away with other dudes.

"Got a better seat right here just for you." The guy said, smirking while patting at his lap.

Jisung made a face and looked back to his phone. Praying the dude wasn't going to come near him.

Finally courage came through and he typed 'we need to meet somewhere to talk' and just as he was about to press send somebody plopped across from him. And before he let them say anything he shouts.

"I'm perfectly fine here!" He looked up and saw it turned out to be a wide staring Bobby.

"Well hey to you too." Bobby said grinning but with hints of confusion on his face.

"Sorry thought you were someone else. Um hey Bobby." Jisung greets with a half grin then decided to erase the message.

"Hey you good?" Bobby asked, tilting his head a little.

"I'm fine."


"Well good. I wanted to warn you that Jaehyun is going around asking for you." Bobby let out with a hiss.

"Oh..great." Jisung said with a roll of his eyes. As if he needs that dude in the picture again.

"But another thing." Bobby began and Jisung had placed his phone face down paying more attention. "I got something really important
to tell you. I can't keep it to myself any longer. Although I did tell Minho so if I go missing you'll know why. But you should know too."

"O-Okay what is it already?" Jisung was getting immensely nervous. Should he be..

"Probably not something you'd wanna hear but..I and..Minho in the classroom..Y'know tongue touching. Wait no wrong word- battling. Yeah tongue battling."

"You..what." Jisung gasped, his jaw dropped.

"I saw-"

"No I heard you!" Jisung squeaked, getting flustered now and was full on panic mode. He wasn't showing it but inside was raging. Shit Bobby knows about him and Minho.

"Yeah..but don't worry I'm not going to go spread that around." Bobby rushed. "But wow I'm still shocked.  You and Minho? Same guy that would say he was getting with girls."

"Mhm." Jisung just hummed, lips tightly pressed together and scratching at the side of his neck.

"You should've seen his reaction when I told him I saw you guys though."

*hours ago in the school*

Minho with Bobby by his side who decided to tag along made their way to the lost and found walking side to side in the empty hallway. It was quiet but not for long.

"Hey so reason I decided to join you." Bobby started.

"What." Minho replied bluntly for the latter to continue on, keeping his eyes up ahead and holding the book.

"You won't get upset?"

"Can't make promises. Now spill."

"Well I'm sure you'll find it funny. But I wanted to let you know. What I know. Well saw." Bobby included. "Was you and Jisung making out through the window on the door. Bruh I did not take you as someone who kisses their homie-"

Minho pushed Bobby harshly making him hit the lockers and spoke with a cold voice venom could be dripping. "You tell anyone you saw us I'll make sure you regret having opened that big mouth of yours. Remember Wooyoung? Imagine that but worse. Way worse. I'll be your worst fucking nightmare."

After that Minho backed away to pick up the book he dropped and continued walking. Bobby was left there stunned and stiff in his spot. Oh was he scared.


"Dude Minho is fucking terrifying." Bobby admits making a face at the memory. "Remind me to never piss him off. I thought he'd find it funny and we'd laugh it off but oh no did he not take it well at all."

"O-Oh." Jisung gulped. Most likely  Minho threatened Bobby to keep to himself. He could tell with the look of fear on his face.

"Had no idea your boyfriend would react in such a negative way."

"He's not- we're not dating." Jisung points out and then he noticed someone so familiar with brown hair few feet away.

It was Minho going down a trail leading to a more deeper part in the woods away from the bonfire, phone in his ear.

"Oh, well friends with benefits?"

"Um no." Jisung muttered then he sprung up, determined to follow after Minho. "Gotta go. Remember-"

"Ah I know you got it won't say a word." Bobby shooed his hand and watched Jisung leave. "Woah gay drama." Bobby said to himself.

Jisung scurried off sprinting to the same direction Minho went off too. He made it his ultimate goal to confront him.

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