CIS Empire!

By WAMred

55.4K 1.5K 674

In the distant past, Union and Jedi of old made a decision to kill a life of an 18 year old man, whose crime... More

Ch 1: Phantom Menace.
Ch 2: Attack of the Clones.
Ch 3: Clone War
Ch 5: Malevolence
Ch 6: Rookies
Ch 7: Discussion!
Ch 8: Cloak of Darkness
Ch 9: Capture!
Ch 10: Experiments!
Ch 11: Project Star!
Ch 12: Battle of Ryloth!
Season 1 Finale!
S 2 Ch 1: Children of the Force.
S 2 Ch 2: Senate Spy
S 2 Ch 3: Battle of Geonosis
S 2 Ch 4: Mandalore!
S 2 Ch 5: Corrupt!
S 2 Ch 6: Zillo!
S 2 Ch 7: Heroes on both sides!
S 2 Ch 8: Night!
S 2 Ch 9: Mortis Overlord!
S 2 Ch 10: Nexus Route!
S 2 Ch 11: CIS Full Assault.
S 2 Ch 12: Systems Attack PT 1
S 2 Ch 13: Systems Attack PT 2
S 2: Ch 14: Systems Attack Final
Season 2 Final!
S 3 Ch 1: Water War
S 3 Ch 2: Umbara Shadow War
S 3 Ch 3: Slavers!
S 3 Ch 4: War of Earth.
S 3 Ch 5: Assault of Krogan Home
S 3 Ch 6: Omega!
S 3 Ch 7: Tatooine revival!
S 3 Ch 8: Malachor!
S 3 Ch 9: Battle of Nevarro
S 3 Ch 10: Supernatural Battle
S 3 Ch 11: Reclaim yet Loss
S 3 Ch 12: Rendili Battle!
S 3 Ch 13: Imperial Academy Defend
S 3 Ch 14: Geonosis reclaim
Season 3 Finale.
S 4 Ch 1: Onderon Rebellion
S 4 Ch 2: Dark and Light Times
S 4 Ch 3: Chandrila Assassinate
S 4 Ch 4: Freedom of Ryloth and Champala!
S 4 Ch 5: Battle of Raxus Secundus!
S 4 Ch 6: Battle of Teegarden
S 4 Ch 7: Journey of the Force.
S 4 Ch 8: Battle of Thessia!
S 4 Ch 9: Battle of The Reef
S 4 Ch 10: Battles of Romulus and Vulcan!
S 4 Ch 11: Battle of Oa and Xandar!
S 4 Ch 12: Shadow Alliance
S 4 Ch 13: Deep Cores!
S 4 Ch 14: Battle of Corulag.
Season 4 Finale
S 5 Ch 1: Horror of Ghost Prism!
S 5 Ch 2: Invasion of Naboo!
S 5 Ch 3: Rim Battles!
S 5 Ch 4: Great Holocron Chase
S 5 Ch 5: Battle of Palaven!
S 5 Ch 6: Desix defend!
S 5 Ch 7: Rise of the Pure Blood!
S 5 Ch 8: Horror of Aite
S 5 Ch 9: Takeover of Lazarus Station
S 5 Ch 10: Battle of Cerberus Headquarters!
S 5 Ch 11: Invasion of Subterrel
S 5 Ch 12: Invasion of Zolan
S 5 Ch 13: Duro Takeover!
S 5 Ch 14: Battle of Rothana.
S 5 Ch 15: Battle of Kamino
S 5 Ch 16: Battle of Kynar
S 5 Ch 17: Twilight Order.
S 5 Ch 18: Battle of Youth.
S 5 Ch 19: Final Gamble
Season Finale

Ch 4: Ambush

1.9K 48 8
By WAMred

Rugosa Moon.

It been a day since the republic is able to use the trading routes but it not enough thus Yoda and a few clones went to the Toydarian System.

Upon arriving they were attack which lead Yoda and a small team to use a escape pod.

Once landed Yoda contact king Katuunko only to discover that Ventress is there.

Ventress: "Why don't we have a contest between the CIS forces against Yoda and his team" she suggested which Yoda accepted.

It took a few hours but Yoda arrived only to widen his eyes when it reveal that Ventress ain't the only sith.

Yoda: "Emperor Vader" he said looking at the sith leading the CIS.

Y/N: "Ah so we finally meet Master Yoda. But I can see why Dooku deem you powerful despite being old" he said.

Yoda: "Wisdom is spoken yet you are full of hate" he said which Y/N just laugh.

Y/N: "Oh my hatred run deep against the jedi but deep in my hatred is rage against Union who is just the same as the republic" he said.

Yoda: "Why your hatred and rage I have no clue but clearly there more than you let on" he said which Y/N just smirk behind his mask.

Y/N: "Most definitely but I can't reveal everything especially since you jedi can't see the future" he said shocking Yoda.

Yoda: "The darkness that cloud the future you are aware" he said which Y/N chuckle.

Y/N: "Let say that I embrace the darkness that it cloud your vision of the corruption hidden in plain sight. Anyway I do hope you consider my offer your highness" he said looking at the king then both himself and Ventress leave.

A few hours later.

It wasn't long until Yoda returns abd what he spoke shock the jedi council.

Windu: "Why would King Katuunko be supporting both sides?" He said completely godsmack.

Yoda: "Fear he felt when in the presence of Vader and a offer he couldn't refuse" he said.

Qui-gon: "This is indeed troublesome as he won't help neither side without favoritism" he said.

An: yes Qui-gon is alive and he was Anakin master instead of Obi-wan.

Shaaka: "Agree but thankfully he gave both sides a place to set up a base" she said.

Windu: "Which means Toydarian system is neutral space" he said.

Raxus Secundus.

Ventress: "Why didn't you let me kill that king?" She ask.

Y/N: "Simple. I want that system neutral and besides Union will f_ck up since they would do anything to gain the upper hand" he said smiling.

Ventress: "Which would make the republic see Union ain't trustworthy" she said.

Y/N: "Exactly beside your world is neutral but won't hesitate on joining my side when the time comes for that alliance" he said smiling while Ventress shrug.

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